Fast publishing Archeology Journals - Scopus, SCI

A Fast publishing journal is a scientific journal that review, process and publish an article in a few months. This web document aims to provide you with a fast Archeology research journals list.

We list journals with publication time of less than or equal to 12 weeks.

Researchers are advised to click on the journal title to know more information like journal ranking, journal indexing, etc;

Fast Publication Archeology Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherE-ISSNReview ProcessPublication Time (In Week)
1ZephyrusEdiciones Universidad de Salamanca0514-7336Double anonymous peer review4
2Archaeoastronomy and Ancient TechnologiesArchaeoastronomy and Ancient TechnologiesAnonymous peer review10
3KóotUniversidad Tecnológica de El Salvador2078-0664Double anonymous peer review10
4Поволжская археологияAcademy of Sciences of Tatarstan, A.Kh. Khalikov Archaeology Institute2306-4099Double anonymous peer review8
5Revista Numismática HécateRevista Numismática HécateDouble anonymous peer review4
6Intrecci d'arteUniversity of BolognaAnonymous peer review10
7Arkhaia AnatolikaZeliha Gider BüyüközerDouble anonymous peer review10
8Academia: Архитектура и строительствоRussian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS)2077-9038Double anonymous peer review10
9Cuadernos de Arte PrehistóricoEditorial Cuadernos de SofíaDouble anonymous peer review4
10Київські історичні студіїBorys Grinchenko Kyiv University2524-0749Double anonymous peer review8
11Простір в історичних дослідженняхNational Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav»2709-8370Double anonymous peer review3
12Ciencia y SociedadInstituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo0378-7680Double anonymous peer review8
13TextilesMDPI AGAnonymous peer review7
14Історія науки і технікиState University of Infrastructure and Technologies2415-7422Double anonymous peer review8
15Open ArchaeologyDe GruyterAnonymous peer review10
16مجلة جامعة دمشق للدراسات التاريخيةDamascus universityDouble anonymous peer review6
17Cultural Heritage and Modern TechnologiesCultural Heritage and Modern TechnologiesEditorial review6
18Revista de la Escuela de AntropologíaUniversidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Escuela de Antropología.1852-1576Double anonymous peer review8
19NavigatorDiretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Documentação da Marinha0100-1248Editorial review10

Thanks for visting our website. We hope that the List of fast publishing Journals list in Archeology will help you to find a reputed journal.