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PubMed Journals

PubMed covers the areas of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, preclinical sciences, and related areas. PubMed is developed and maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI),

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List of PubMed Journals

List of PubMed Journals
S.No.Journal TitlePublishereISSN
1A&A practiceLippincott Williams and Wilkins25753126
2AAC: Augmentative and Alternative CommunicationTaylor and Francis Ltd.14773848
3AACN Advanced Critical CareAmerican Association of Critical-Care Nurses15597776
4AANA JournalAANA Publishing Inc.21625239
5AAPS JournalSpringer New York
6AAPS PharmSciTechSpringer International Publishing AG15309932
7Abdominal RadiologySpringer New York23660058
8Academic Emergency MedicineWiley-Blackwell15532712
9Academic MedicineLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.1938808X
10Academic PediatricsElsevier Inc.18762867
11Academic PsychiatrySpringer International Publishing AG15457230
12Academic RadiologyElsevier Inc.18784046
13Accident Analysis and PreventionElsevier Ltd18792057
14Accountability in ResearchTaylor and Francis Ltd.15455815
15Accounts of Chemical ResearchAmerican Chemical Society15204898
16ACS Applied Bio MaterialsAmerican Chemical Society25766422
17ACS applied materials & interfacesAmerican Chemical Society19448252
18ACS Biomaterials Science and EngineeringAmerican Chemical Society23739878
19ACS Chemical BiologyAmerican Chemical Society15548937
20ACS Chemical NeuroscienceAmerican Chemical Society19487193
21ACS Infectious DiseasesAmerican Chemical Society23738227
22ACS Macro LettersAmerican Chemical Society21611653
23ACS NanoAmerican Chemical Society1936086X
24ACS SensorsAmerican Chemical Society23793694
25ACS Synthetic BiologyAmerican Chemical Society21615063
26Acta Academiae Medicinae SinicaeChinese Academy of Medical Sciences
27Acta Anaesthesiologica BelgicaARSMB-KVBMG
28Acta Anaesthesiologica ScandinavicaBlackwell Munksgaard13996576
29Acta Biochimica et Biophysica SinicaScience China Press17457270
30Acta Biochimica PolonicaFrontiers Media SA1734154X
31Acta BiomaterialiaActa Materialia Inc18787568
32Acta BiotheoreticaSpringer Netherlands15728358
33Acta CardiologicaActa Cardiologica1784973X
34Acta Chimica SlovenicaSlovensko Kemijsko Drustvo15803155
35Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae CechoslovacaGalen s.r.o.
36Acta Chirurgiae PlasticaeGalen Prague18054404
37Acta Chirurgica BelgicaTaylor and Francis Ltd.
38Acta Cirurgica BrasileiraSociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento de Pesquisa em Cirurgia
39Acta Clinica BelgicaTaylor and Francis Ltd.22953337
40Acta Clinica CroaticaKlinicka Bolnica Sestre Milosrdnice13339451
41Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and AdvancesJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.20532733
42Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and MaterialsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.20525206
43Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural BiologyJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.20597983
44Acta Crystallographica Section F:Structural Biology CommunicationsJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd2053230X
45Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistryJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.20532296
46Acta CytologicaS. Karger AG19382650
47Acta Dermato-VenereologicaMedical Journals Sweden AB16512057
48Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica et AdriaticaSlovenian Medical Society15812979
49Acta Dermatovenerologica CroaticaCroatian Dermatovenerological Society
50Acta DiabetologicaSpringer-Verlag Italia s.r.l.14325233
51Acta HaematologicaS. Karger AG14219662
52Acta MedicaCharles University Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove18059694
53Acta Medica AcademicaAcademy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina18402879
54Acta Medica IndonesianaIndonesian Society of Internal Medicine23382732
55Acta Medica OkayamaOkayama University
56Acta Medica PortuguesaCELOM16460758
57Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica HungaricaAkademiai Kiado15882640
58Acta MyologicaPacini Editore Srl25321900
59Acta Neurobiologiae ExperimentalisNencki Institute of Experimental Biology16890035
60Acta NeurochirurgicaSpringer-Verlag Wien09420940
61Acta Neurochirurgica, SupplementSpringer-Verlag Wien21978395
62Acta Neurologica BelgicaSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH22402993
63Acta Neurologica ScandinavicaWiley-Hindawi16000404
64Acta Neurologica TaiwanicaNeurological Society R.O.C (Taiwan)
65Acta NeuropathologicaSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH14320533
66Acta neuropathologica communicationsBioMed Central Ltd20515960
67Acta NeuropsychiatricaCambridge University Press16015215
68Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica ScandinavicaWiley-Blackwell16000412
69Acta odontologica latinoamericanaActa Odontologica Latinoamericana18524834
70Acta Odontologica ScandinavicaMedical Journals Sweden AB15023850
71Acta of Bioengineering and BiomechanicsInstitute of Machine Design and Operation
72Acta Orthopaedica BelgicaARSMB-KVBMG
73Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica TurcicaAVES
74Acta Oto-LaryngologicaInforma Healthcare16512251
75Acta Otorhinolaryngologica ItalicaPacini Editore Srl1827675X
76Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of PaediatricsWiley-Blackwell16512227
77Acta ParasitologicaWalter de Gruyter GmbH18961851
78Acta PharmaceuticaCroatian Pharmaceutical Society18469558
79Acta Pharmacologica SinicaNature Publishing Group17457254
80Acta PhysiologicaJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd17481716
81Acta Psychiatrica ScandinavicaWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd16000447
82Acta PsychologicaElsevier B.V.18736297
83Acta RadiologicaSAGE Publications Ltd16000455
84Acta TropicaElsevier B.V.18736254
85Acta Urologica JaponicaEditorial Board of Acta Urologica Japonica
86Acta Veterinaria HungaricaAkademiai Kiado15882705
87Acta Veterinaria ScandinavicaBioMed Central Ltd17510147
88Acta VirologicaFrontiers Media SA13362305
89Actas Espanolas de PsiquiatriaSTM Editores S.A15782735
90Acupuncture in MedicineBMJ Publishing Group17599873
91Acute MedicineRila Publications Ltd17474892
92Adapted Physical Activity QuarterlyHuman Kinetics Publishers Inc.15432777
93AddictionWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd13600443
94Addiction BiologyWiley-Blackwell13691600
95Addiction science & clinical practiceBioMed Central Ltd19400640
96Addictive BehaviorsElsevier Ltd18736327
97AdiccionesEdita Socidrogalcohol
98AdipocyteTaylor and Francis Ltd.2162397X
99Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services ResearchSpringer New York15733289
100Advanced BiologyJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.27010198