Subject Categories

Scopus Indexed Journals

Scopus currently covers nearly 46,704 research journals & conference proceedings in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences.

These journals are published by more than 10,000 publishers including Springer, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Emerald Group Publishing, Various renowned universities and many others.

Recently, Scopus updated its journal listings. Some journals have been discontinued, while others have been newly accepted for inclusion in the list.

List of Newly Accepted Scopus journals

List of Scopus discontinued Journals

List of Scopus Indexed Journals

Scopus Indexed Journals List
S.No.Journal TitlePublisherSJRQuartile
1Ca-A Cancer Journal for CliniciansWiley-Blackwell86.091Q1
2Quarterly Journal of EconomicsOxford University Press36.73Q1
3Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyNature Publishing Group34.201Q1
4CellCell Press26.494Q1
5New England Journal of MedicineMassachussetts Medical Society26.015Q1
6Nature MedicineNature Publishing Group24.687Q1
7MMWR Recommendations and ReportsCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)23.962Q1
8Nature BiotechnologyNature Publishing Group22.781Q1
9Nature Reviews MaterialsNature Publishing Group21.927Q1
10American Economic ReviewAmerican Economic Association21.833Q1
11Nature Reviews CancerNature Publishing Group20.977Q1
12NatureNature Publishing Group20.957Q1
13Journal of Political EconomyUniversity of Chicago20.643Q1
14Reviews of Modern PhysicsAmerican Physical Society20.343Q1
15Nature EnergySpringer Nature19.588Q1
16Nature Reviews GeneticsNature Publishing Group19.454Q1
17Nature Reviews Drug DiscoveryNature Publishing Group19.423Q1
18Chemical ReviewsAmerican Chemical Society18.911Q1
19Nature Reviews ImmunologyNature Publishing Group18.141Q1
20Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportDepartment of Health and Human Services16.786Q1
21Nature GeneticsNature Publishing Group16.732Q1
22Administrative Science QuarterlyJohnson School at Cornell University16.555Q1
23National Vital Statistics ReportsPublic Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human Services16.495Q1
24Academy of Management AnnalsAcademy of Management15.633Q1
25Journal of FinanceWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd15.515Q1
26Annual Review of ImmunologyAnnual Reviews Inc.15.262Q1
27MMWR Surveillance SummariesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)15.178Q1
28Chemical Society ReviewsRoyal Society of Chemistry15.109Q1
29Nature Reviews Clinical OncologyNature Publishing Group14.809Q1
30ImmunityCell Press14.795Q1
31Lancet, TheElsevier Ltd.14.607Q1
32Annual Review of Astronomy and AstrophysicsAnnual Reviews Inc.14.486Q1
33Review of Economic StudiesOxford University Press14.432Q1
34Nature MethodsNature Publishing Group14.358Q1
35World PsychiatryWiley-Blackwell14.306Q1
36IEEE Communications Surveys and TutorialsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.14.248Q1
37Nature MaterialsNature Publishing Group13.874Q1
38Foundations and Trends in Machine LearningNow Publishers Inc13.775Q1
39Physiological ReviewsAmerican Physiological Society13.693Q1
40MMWR supplementsEpidemiology Program Office13.467Q1
41ScienceAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science13.328Q1
42Nature CatalysisNature Publishing Group13.187Q1
43Nature NanotechnologyNature Publishing Group13.141Q1
44EconometricaWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd12.979Q1
45Journal of Economic LiteratureAmerican Economic Association12.966Q1
46American Economic Journal: Applied EconomicsAmerican Economic Association12.694Q1
47Cancer CellCell Press12.578Q1
48Energy and Environmental ScienceRoyal Society of Chemistry12.306Q1
49JouleCell Press12.282Q1
50Lancet Oncology, TheElsevier Ltd.12.27Q1
51Review of Financial StudiesOxford University Press12.239Q1
52Nature NeuroscienceNature Publishing Group12.124Q1
53Advances in PhysicsTaylor and Francis Ltd.12.034Q1
54Annals of OncologyElsevier Ltd.11.945Q1
55Nature PhotonicsNature Publishing Group11.774Q1
56Living Reviews in RelativitySpringer International Publishing AG11.561Q1
57Nature Reviews Disease PrimersNature Publishing Group11.388Q1
58Lancet Respiratory Medicine,TheElsevier Ltd.11.204Q1
59Science immunologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science11.191Q1
60Annual Review of BiochemistryAnnual Reviews Inc.11.154Q1
61Nature Reviews ChemistryNature Publishing Group10.967Q1
62Nature ElectronicsNature Publishing Group10.927Q1
63Nature ImmunologyNature Publishing Group10.921Q1
64Academy of Management JournalAcademy of Management10.91Q1
65American Economic Journal: MacroeconomicsAmerican Economic Association10.871Q1
66Journal of MarketingAmerican Marketing Association10.802Q1
67Academy of Management ReviewAcademy of Management10.687Q1
68Annual Review of Condensed Matter PhysicsAnnual Reviews Inc.10.644Q1
69Journal of Financial EconomicsElsevier10.601Q1
70Lancet Public Health, TheElsevier Ltd.10.591Q1
71Current Protocols in BioinformaticsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.10.408Q1
72Nature Reviews MicrobiologyNature Publishing Group10.396Q1
73Annual Review of EconomicsAnnual Reviews Inc.10.247Q1
74Cell Host and MicrobeCell Press10.227Q1
75Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and HepatologyNature Publishing Group10.178Q1
76Journal of Clinical OncologyLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.10.163Q1
77Cell MetabolismCell Press10.037Q1
78Annual Review of Public HealthAnnual Reviews Inc.9.963Q1
79Astronomy and Astrophysics ReviewSpringer Verlag9.937Q1
80Lancet Neurology, TheElsevier Ltd.9.819Q1
81Nature Cancer9.817Q1
82Nature Cell BiologyNature Publishing Group9.568Q1
83Molecular CellCell Press9.541Q1
84Advanced MaterialsWiley-Blackwell9.538Q1
85Nature Reviews Methods PrimersSpringer Nature9.476Q1
86Lancet Microbe, TheElsevier Ltd.9.419Q1
87Nature Reviews PhysicsSpringer Nature Switzerland AG9.34Q1
88Advances in ComputersAcademic Press Inc.9.308Q1
89Genome BiologyBioMed Central Ltd.9.249Q1
90Annual Review of PsychologyAnnual Reviews Inc.9.226Q1
91Nature MicrobiologyNature Publishing Group9.187Q1
92Cell Stem CellCell Press9.156Q1
93Reviews of GeophysicsWiley-Blackwell9.061Q1
94Advanced Energy MaterialsWiley-VCH Verlag9.044Q1
95Electrochemical Energy ReviewsSpringer Science and Business Media B.V.8.905Q1
96Molecular CancerBioMed Central Ltd.8.703Q1
97Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of DiseaseAnnual Reviews Inc.8.628Q1
98Journal of Economic PerspectivesAmerican Economic Association8.59Q1
99GutBMJ Publishing Group8.588Q1
100Progress in Materials ScienceElsevier Ltd.8.515Q1
101Strategic Management JournalJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd8.497Q1
102Annual Review of NeuroscienceAnnual Reviews Inc.8.389Q1
103Review of Economics and StatisticsMIT Press Journals8.371Q1
104Annual Review of Political ScienceAnnual Reviews Inc.8.346Q1
105Journal of the American College of CardiologyElsevier USA8.343Q1
106Advances in Optics and PhotonicsOptica Publishing Group8.332Q1
107Nucleic Acids ResearchOxford University Press8.234Q1
108Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology,TheElsevier Ltd.8.217Q1
109American Economic Journal: Economic PolicyAmerican Economic Association8.175Q1
110Lancet Psychiatry,TheElsevier Ltd.8.167Q1
111Lancet Infectious Diseases, TheLancet Publishing Group8.14Q1
112Nature ChemistryNature Publishing Group8.14Q1
113Annual Review of Plant BiologyAnnual Reviews Inc.8.131Q1
114Nature Reviews EndocrinologyNature Publishing Group8.124Q1
115JAMA OncologyAmerican Medical Association8.103Q1
116Cell ResearchNature Publishing Group8.06Q1
117Nature PhysicsNature Publishing Group7.955Q1
118ACS Energy LettersAmerican Chemical Society7.855Q1
119CirculationLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.7.8Q1
120NeuronCell Press7.736Q1
121American Political Science ReviewCambridge University Press7.734Q1
122IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.7.656Q1
123GastroenterologyW.B. Saunders Ltd7.645Q1
124Psychological BulletinAmerican Psychological Association7.635Q1
125Marketing ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences7.593Q1
126Clinical Microbiology ReviewsAmerican Society for Microbiology7.584Q1
127Nature Structural and Molecular BiologyNature Publishing Group7.549Q1
128Journal of Marketing ResearchAmerican Marketing Association7.415Q1
129American Sociological ReviewAmerican Sociological Association7.412Q1
130Journal of HepatologyElsevier7.398Q1
131JAMA CardiologyAmerican Medical Association7.371Q1
132Lancet Global Health,TheElsevier BV7.37Q1
133Annual Review of GeneticsAnnual Reviews Inc.7.34Q1
134Cancer DiscoveryAmerican Association for Cancer Research Inc.7.268Q1
135Living Reviews in Solar PhysicsSpringer International Publishing AG7.235Q1
136Journal of ManagementSAGE Publications Inc.7.213Q1
137Endocrine ReviewsThe Endocrine Society7.205Q1
138Lancet Regional Health - Europe, TheElsevier Ltd.7.133Q1
139Manufacturing and Service Operations ManagementINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences7.126Q1
140Cell SystemsCell Press7.112Q1
141Nature MetabolismSpringer Berlin7.045Q1
142Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational BehaviorAnnual Reviews Inc.7.036Q1
143Nature Reviews NeuroscienceNature Publishing Group6.97Q1
144European UrologyElsevier6.963Q1
145Nature Reviews CardiologyNature Publishing Group6.932Q1
146Annual Review of BiophysicsAnnual Reviews Inc.6.926Q1
147Nature Climate ChangeNature Publishing Group6.849Q1
148Materials Science and Engineering: R: ReportsElsevier BV6.842Q1
149ChemElsevier Inc.6.8Q1
150Annals of MathematicsDepartment of Mathematics at Princeton University6.76Q1
151Annual Review of Clinical PsychologyAnnual Reviews Inc.6.744Q1
152Nature ProtocolsNature Publishing Group6.732Q1
153JAMA NeurologyAmerican Medical Association6.697Q1
154JAMA - Journal of the American Medical AssociationAmerican Medical Association6.695Q1
155Foundations and Trends in Signal ProcessingNow Publishers Inc6.676Q1
156Signal Transduction and Targeted TherapySpringer Nature6.63Q1
157Annual Review of Cell and Developmental BiologyAnnual Reviews Inc.6.627Q1
158Nature Biomedical EngineeringNature Publishing Group6.625Q1
159Publications Mathematiques de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes ScientifiquesSpringer Verlag6.582Q1
160JAMA PsychiatryAmerican Medical Association6.578Q1
161Nature SustainabilityNature Publishing Group6.568Q1
162IEEE Wireless CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.6.556Q1
163Organization ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences6.541Q1
164Nature Reviews NeurologyNature Publishing Group6.536Q1
165Nature Reviews NephrologyNature Publishing Group6.494Q1
166Annals of the Rheumatic DiseasesBMJ Publishing Group6.489Q1
167Science RoboticsAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science6.479Q1
168Lancet Digital Health, TheElsevier Ltd.6.433Q1
169Annual Review of PhysiologyAnnual Reviews Inc.6.429Q1
170Accounts of Chemical ResearchAmerican Chemical Society6.382Q1
171Science Translational MedicineAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science6.361Q1
172Acta NumericaCambridge University Press6.341Q1
173Psychological Science in the Public InterestSAGE Publications Inc.6.295Q1
174Physical Review XAmerican Physical Society6.267Q1
175EnergyChemElsevier BV6.26Q1
176Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceSpringer New York6.248Q1
177American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineAmerican Thoracic Society6.237Q1
178Annual Review of Fluid MechanicsAnnual Reviews Inc.6.237Q1
179Journal of Experimental MedicineRockefeller University Press6.237Q1
180Intensive Care MedicineSpringer Verlag6.229Q1
181Molecular Systems BiologyWiley-Blackwell6.22Q1
182Nature Machine IntelligenceSpringer Nature Switzerland AG6.21Q1
183Materials TodayElsevier6.194Q1
184Nature Reviews Earth and EnvironmentSpringer Nature Switzerland AG6.193Q1
185Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, TheElsevier Ltd.6.174Q1
186InfoMatJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd6.153Q1
187Journal of Business and Economic StatisticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.6.15Q1
188Journal of Applied PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association6.13Q1
189Nature GeoscienceNature Publishing Group6.11Q1
190Journal of Accounting and EconomicsElsevier6.1Q1
191Journal of the European Economic AssociationWiley-Blackwell6.087Q1
192NCHS data briefU.S. National Center for Health Statistics6.085Q1
193Annual Review of Earth and Planetary SciencesAnnual Reviews Inc.6.083Q1
194Journal of Hematology and OncologyBioMed Central Ltd.6.046Q1
195Journal of Consumer ResearchOxford University Press6.024Q1
196Diabetes CareAmerican Diabetes Association Inc.6.008Q1
197Trends in Cell BiologyElsevier Ltd.5.987Q1
198Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle ScienceAnnual Reviews Inc.5.985Q1
199Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionIEEE Computer Society5.952-
200Journal of the American Chemical SocietyAmerican Chemical Society5.945Q1
201Journal of Monetary EconomicsElsevier5.944Q1
202Journal of Thoracic OncologyInternational Association for the Study of Lung Cancer5.866Q1
203Journal of the American Mathematical SocietyAmerican Mathematical Society5.848Q1
204Cell Reports MedicineCell Press5.841Q1
205Review of Educational ResearchSAGE Publications Inc.5.804Q1
206Fungal DiversitySpringer Netherlands5.784Q1
207Genes and DevelopmentCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press5.769Q1
208IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.5.767Q1
209Journal of EconometricsElsevier BV5.744Q1
210Personality and Social Psychology ReviewSAGE Publications Inc.5.709Q1
211Physics ReportsElsevier5.691Q1
212Review of FinanceOxford University Press5.68Q1
213Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceElsevier BV5.679Q1
214Progress in Polymer ScienceElsevier Ltd.5.676Q1
215IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.5.662Q1
216Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer VisionInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.5.662-
217Annual Review of EntomologyAnnual Reviews Inc.5.655Q1
218Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological ScienceSAGE Publications Inc.5.649Q1
219Nature Human BehaviourNature Publishing Group5.639Q1
220Trends in Cognitive SciencesElsevier Ltd.5.615Q1
221European Journal of Heart FailureWiley-Blackwell5.601Q1
222Angewandte Chemie - International EditionJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd5.573Q1
223Advanced Functional MaterialsWiley-VCH Verlag5.565Q1
224Proceedings of the IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.5.564Q1
225Perspectives on Psychological ScienceSAGE Publications Ltd5.529Q1
226Nature Chemical BiologyNature Publishing Group5.509Q1
227EMBO JournalWiley-Blackwell5.484Q1
228Advances in Applied EnergyElsevier Ltd.5.458Q1
229Review of Corporate Finance StudiesOxford University Press5.448Q1
230Annual Review of MicrobiologyAnnual Reviews Inc.5.436Q1
231Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and SystematicsAnnual Reviews Inc.5.409Q1
232Journal of the National Cancer InstituteOxford University Press5.409Q1
233Light: Science and ApplicationsNature Publishing Group5.406Q1
234Developmental CellCell Press5.385Q1
235Journal of Financial IntermediationAcademic Press Inc.5.384Q1
236Nature Ecology and EvolutionNature Publishing Group5.374Q1
237IEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity5.365Q1
238JACC: Heart FailureElsevier BV5.352Q1
239Pharmacological ReviewsAmerican Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics5.338Q1
240Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and VisionNow Publishers Inc5.329Q1
241Management ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences5.322Q1
242Cement and Concrete ResearchElsevier Ltd.5.294Q1
243IEEE Communications MagazineInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.5.285Q1
244Nano-Micro Letters5.276Q1
245Annals of StatisticsInstitute of Mathematical Statistics5.219Q1
246Molecular PlantCell Press5.209Q1
247Nature PlantsPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.5.205Q1
248Studies in MycologyWesterdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute5.202Q1
249Annual Review of Genomics and Human GeneticsAnnual Reviews Inc.5.196Q1
250Energy Storage MaterialsElsevier BV5.179Q1
251Analytic Methods in Accident ResearchElsevier BV5.17Q1
252Journal of Accounting ResearchWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd5.165Q1
253Molecular NeurodegenerationBioMed Central Ltd.5.158Q1
254American Economic Journal: MicroeconomicsAmerican Economic Association5.156Q1
255Trends in Ecology and EvolutionElsevier Ltd.5.127Q1
256IEEE Transactions on Smart GridInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.5.118Q1
257Journal of Clinical InvestigationThe American Society for Clinical Investigation5.117Q1
258Nature CommunicationsNature Publishing Group5.116Q1
259JAMA PediatricsAmerican Medical Association5.109Q1
260Journal of Public EconomicsElsevier5.1Q1
261Annual Review of Marine ScienceAnnual Reviews Inc.5.097Q1
262Journal of International Business StudiesPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.5.093Q1
263The InnovationCell Press5.057Q1
264Handbook of EconometricsElsevier5.036Q1
265Nano EnergyElsevier BV5.03Q1
266Journal of Business VenturingElsevier Inc.5.029Q1
267Journal of Service ResearchSAGE Publications Inc.4.981Q1
268Evidence-Based Mental HealthBMJ Publishing Group4.969Q1
269American Journal of Political ScienceWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd4.963Q1
270American Journal of Human GeneticsCell Press4.943Q1
271Progress in Retinal and Eye ResearchElsevier Ltd.4.939Q1
272BloodElsevier BV4.927Q1
273JAMA Internal MedicineAmerican Medical Association4.922Q1
274Genome ResearchCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press4.906Q1
275International Journal of Information ManagementElsevier Ltd.4.906Q1
276Innovation Policy and the EconomyUniversity of Chicago Press4.903Q1
277Acta NeuropathologicaSpringer Verlag4.897Q1
278MatterCell Press4.896Q1
279Applied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalElsevier4.887Q1
280Cell GenomicsCell Press4.863Q1
281Progress in Particle and Nuclear PhysicsElsevier4.855Q1
282Synthesis Lectures on Communication NetworksMorgan and Claypool Publishers4.854Q1
283Genome MedicineBioMed Central Ltd.4.851Q1
284Academy of Management PerspectivesAcademy of Management4.84Q1
285Neuro-OncologyOxford University Press4.833Q1
286Foundations and Trends in Systems and ControlNow Publishers Inc4.816Q1
287Political AnalysisCambridge University Press4.815Q1
288Inventiones MathematicaeSpringer New York4.811Q1
289International OrganizationCambridge University Press4.798Q1
290Lancet Haematology,TheLancet Publishing Group4.793Q1
291Accounts of Materials ResearchAmerican Chemical Society4.788Q1
292Advanced PhotonicsSPIE4.787Q1
293Annual Review of Environment and ResourcesAnnual Reviews Inc.4.784Q1
294Trends in NeurosciencesElsevier Ltd.4.784Q1
295British Journal of Sports MedicineBMJ Publishing Group4.764Q1
296Information FusionElsevier4.756Q1
297Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsS. Karger AG4.738Q1
298ACS NanoAmerican Chemical Society4.728Q1
299Journal of Labor EconomicsUniversity of Chicago4.727Q1
300AI OpenKeAi Communications Co.4.726Q1