A Fast publishing journal is a scientific journal that review, process and publish an article in a few months. This web document aims to provide you with a fast Energy research journals list.
We list journals with publication time of less than or equal to 12 weeks.
Researchers are advised to click on the journal title to know more information like journal ranking, journal indexing, etc;
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | E-ISSN | Review Process | Publication Time (In Week) |
1 | Advances in Applied Energy | Elsevier | Double anonymous peer review | 8 | |
2 | Energy Conversion and Economics | Wiley | Triple blind peer review | 8 | |
3 | Pizhūhishnāmah-i Iqtiṣād-i Inirzhī-i Īrān | Allameh Tabataba'i University Press | 2423-5954 | Double anonymous peer review | 8 |
4 | Next Energy | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 5 | |
5 | IET Energy Systems Integration | Wiley | Anonymous peer review | 11 | |
6 | Energy and Policy Research | Taylor & Francis Group | Anonymous peer review | 11 | |
7 | Energija, Ekonomija, Ekologija | Savez energetičara | 0354-8651 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
8 | Oxford Open Energy | Oxford University Press | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
9 | Sustainable Energy Research | SpringerOpen | Double anonymous peer review | 5 | |
10 | Revue des Énergies Renouvelables | Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER) | 1112-2242 | Double anonymous peer review | 6 |
11 | International Journal of Energetica | SCMA | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
12 | Energy Informatics | SpringerOpen | Anonymous peer review | 5 | |
13 | Geothermal Energy | SpringerOpen | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
14 | Energy Science & Engineering | Wiley | Anonymous peer review | 11 | |
15 | Energy Reviews | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 7 | |
16 | Science and Technology for Energy Transition | EDP Sciences | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
17 | Smart Energy | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
18 | Renewable Energy Research and Applications | Shahrood University of Technology | 2717-252X | Anonymous peer review | 3 |
19 | 全球能源互联网 | Editorial Office of Journal of Global Energy Interconnection | 2096-5125 | Double anonymous peer review | 11 |
20 | Journal of Energy Management and Technology | Iran Energy Association (IEA) | Double anonymous peer review | 7 | |
21 | Clean Energy | Oxford University Press | Double anonymous peer review | 10 | |
22 | Energy Exploration & Exploitation | SAGE Publishing | 0144-5987 | Anonymous peer review | 7 |
23 | Journal of Daylighting | SolarLits | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
24 | Battery Energy | Wiley | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
25 | Известия высших учебных заведений: Проблемы энергетики | Kazan State Power Engineering University | 1998-9903 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
26 | Advanced Sensor and Energy Materials | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
27 | iEnergy | Tsinghua University Press | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
28 | Energy Storage and Saving | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | Double anonymous peer review | 6 | |
29 | Техніко-технологічні аспекти розвитку та випробування нової техніки і технологій для сільського господарства України | Державна наукова установа «Український науково-дослідний інститут прогнозування та випробування техніки і технологій для сільськогосподарського виробництва імені Леоніда Погорілого» (УкрНДІПВТ ім. Л. Погорілого) | 2305-5987 | Open peer review, Double anonymous peer review | 4 |
30 | Праці Інституту електродинаміки Національної академії наук України | Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | 1727-9895 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
31 | Carbon Neutralization | Wiley | 2769-3333 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
32 | Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar | SpringerOpen | Double anonymous peer review | 5 | |
33 | Carbon Neutrality | Springer | 2788-8614 | Anonymous peer review | 10 |
34 | Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов | Tomsk Polytechnic University | 2500-1019 | Double anonymous peer review | 5 |
35 | Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials | L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University | 2522-9869 | Double anonymous peer review | 5 |
36 | Energy Equipment and Systems | University of Tehran | 2383-1111 | Peer review | 10 |
37 | Corrosion and Materials Degradation | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 11 | |
38 | EcoMat | Wiley | Anonymous peer review | 4 | |
39 | Carbon Energy | Wiley | Anonymous peer review | 4 | |
40 | Технічна електродинаміка | NAS of Ukraine, Institute of elecrodynamics | 1607-7970 | Anonymous peer review | 4 |
41 | Unconventional Resources | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
42 | Nano Research Energy | Tsinghua University Press | 2791-0091 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
43 | Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability | EDP Sciences | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
44 | Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment | Babol Noshirvani University of Technology | 2079-2115 | Double anonymous peer review | 10 |
45 | Acque Sotterranee | PAGEPress Publications | 1828-454X | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
46 | Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology | Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE) | Double anonymous peer review | 8 | |
47 | Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung | Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Universitas Lampung | 2302-559X | Anonymous peer review | 4 |
48 | Chemical Physics Impact | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 11 | |
49 | Warasan Wichai Mo Kho | Khon Kaen University | 0859-3957 | Double anonymous peer review | 8 |
50 | Proceedings of Science | Sissa Medialab | Editorial review | 6 | |
51 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology | Khon Kaen University | Double anonymous peer review | 8 | |
52 | The School of Public Policy Publications | University of Calgary | 2560-8312 | Double anonymous peer review | 10 |
53 | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications | European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) | Double anonymous peer review | 10 | |
54 | Improved Oil and Gas Recovery | Smart Science & Technology LLC | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
55 | Cleaner Chemical Engineering | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 7 | |
56 | Energy Advances | The Royal Society of Chemistry | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
57 | Rotor: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin | Universitas Jember | 1979-018X | Double anonymous peer review | 6 |
58 | Electrochemistry | The Electrochemical Society of Japan | Anonymous peer review | 5 | |
59 | Meteorology | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
60 | Journal of Thermal Engineering | Yildiz Technical University | Anonymous peer review | 4 | |
61 | Vestnik Naučnogo Centra po Bezopasnosti Rabot v Ugolʹnoj Promyšlennosti | "VostECO" Ltd | 2072-6554 | Anonymous peer review | 9 |
62 | JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering) | University of Muhammadiyah Malang | 2541-6332 | Double anonymous peer review | 8 |
63 | Computational and Experimental Research in Materials and Renewable Energy | Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Jember | Peer review | 10 | |
64 | Equilibrium | Universitas Sebelas Maret | 1412-9124 | Double anonymous peer review | 8 |
65 | معماری اقلیم گرم و خشک | Yazd University | 2645-3711 | Double anonymous peer review | 6 |
66 | BTTN Journal | Balochistan Think Tank Network (BTTN) | 2958-1214 | Double anonymous peer review | 8 |
67 | Andalas Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology | Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Andalas | Double anonymous peer review | 8 | |
68 | Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation | Elsevier | Double anonymous peer review | 9 | |
69 | Nuclear Energy and Technology | National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) | Anonymous peer review | 11 | |
70 | Materials Research Letters | Taylor & Francis Group | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
71 | EES Catalysis | The Royal Society of Chemistry | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
72 | Energy Nexus | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
73 | Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas Science and Technology | Petroleum University of Technology | 2345-2412 | Peer review | 10 |
74 | Vestnik Ûžno-Uralʹskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta: Seriâ Ènergetika | Publishing center of the South Ural State University | 1990-8512 | Double anonymous peer review | 10 |
75 | Konversi | Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta | 2252-7311 | Peer review | 4 |
76 | Revista Centro Azúcar | Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas | Double anonymous peer review | 8 | |
77 | IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy | IEEE | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
78 | Vehicles | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
79 | Materials Reports: Energy | KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
80 | EPJ Photovoltaics | EDP Sciences | Peer review | 8 | |
81 | Energies | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
82 | Journal of Composites Science | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
83 | Inżynieria Ekologiczna | Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE) | 2081-139X | Double anonymous peer review | 8 |
84 | Environmental Energy and Economic Research | Iranian Association for Energy Economics | 2538-4988 | Anonymous peer review | 6 |
85 | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web | European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) | Double anonymous peer review | 10 | |
86 | Revista Brasileira de Engenharia de Biossistemas | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) | 1981-7061 | Double anonymous peer review | 7 |
87 | Izvestiâ Vysših Učebnyh Zavedenij i Ènergetičeskih ob Edinennij SNG. Ènergetika | Belarusian National Technical University | 1029-7448 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
88 | Radiation Physics and Engineering | K.N. Toosi University of Technology | 2645-6397 | Anonymous peer review | 10 |
89 | Problems of the Regional Energetics | Academy of Sciences of Moldova | 1857-0070 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
90 | Journal of Earth Energy Engineering | Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Press | 2301-8097 | Double anonymous peer review | 8 |
91 | Materials Science for Energy Technologies | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | Peer review | 8 | |
92 | Carbon Resources Conversion | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | Peer review | 10 | |
93 | Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems | SpringerOpen | 2367-2617 | Double anonymous peer review | 4 |
94 | Materials Today Advances | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
95 | Geosciences | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
96 | npj Quantum Materials | Nature Portfolio | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
97 | Atoms | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
98 | Polysaccharides | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 7 | |
99 | IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics | IEEE | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
100 | Eng | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 11 | |
101 | Electricity | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 7 | |
102 | International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
103 | International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering | Universitas Riau | Double anonymous peer review | 4 | |
104 | Computational Sciences and Engineering | University of Guilan | Anonymous peer review | 4 | |
105 | E3S Web of Conferences | EDP Sciences | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
106 | Industrial Chemistry & Materials | The Royal Society of Chemistry | 2755-2608 | Anonymous peer review | 11 |
107 | Jurnal Mekanik Terapan | Politeknik Negeri Jakarta | Double anonymous peer review | 8 | |
108 | East European Journal of Physics | V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Publishing | 2312-4334 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
109 | Глобальная ядерная безопасность | Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет МИФИ | 2305-414X | Double anonymous peer review | 7 |
110 | SusMat | Wiley | 2766-8479 | Anonymous peer review | 7 |
111 | Beverages | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
112 | Applied Sciences | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
113 | ChemEngineering | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
114 | Geotechnics | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | 6 | |
115 | HighTech and Innovation Journal | Ital Publication | Double anonymous peer review | 7 | |
116 | Reaktor | Diponegoro University | 0852-0798 | Anonymous peer review | 2 |
117 | Optics Express | Optica Publishing Group | Anonymous peer review | 9 | |
118 | Port Said Engineering Research Journal | Port Said University | 1110-6603 | Double anonymous peer review | 6 |
119 | 대한환경공학회지 | Korean Society of Environmental Engineers | 1225-5025 | Peer review | 8 |
120 | International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials | Taylor & Francis Group | 1947-5411 | Double anonymous peer review | 11 |
121 | ChemistryEurope | Wiley-VCH | Anonymous peer review | 8 | |
122 | Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer | LP3M Universitas Nurul Jadid | 2715-0410 | Double anonymous peer review | 9 |
123 | Jurnal Serambi Engineering | University of Serambi Mekkah | 2528-3561 | Anonymous peer review | 4 |
124 | Frontiers in Electronic Materials | Frontiers Media S.A. | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
125 | International Journal of Renewable Energy Development | Diponegoro University | 2252-4940 | Anonymous peer review | 8 |
126 | Paragraphs Environmental Design | Paragraphs Media Publishing | Editorial review, Peer review | 11 | |
127 | Journal of Advances in Vehicle Engineering | Knowledge Expanding Co. of Urmia | Double anonymous peer review | 6 | |
128 | Sustainable Buildings | EDP Sciences | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
129 | Solar Compass | Elsevier | Anonymous peer review | 10 | |
130 | ACS Engineering Au | American Chemical Society | Anonymous peer review | 11 |
Thanks for visting our website. We hope that the List of fast publishing Journals list in Energy will help you to find a reputed journal.