Fast publishing Horticulture Journals - Scopus, SCI

A Fast publishing journal is a scientific journal that review, process and publish an article in a few months. This web document aims to provide you with a fast Horticulture research journals list.

We list journals with publication time of less than or equal to 12 weeks.

Researchers are advised to click on the journal title to know more information like journal ranking, journal indexing, etc;

Fast Publication Horticulture Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherE-ISSNReview ProcessPublication Time (In Week)
1HorticulturaeMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
2Stiinta AgricolaMoldova State Agrarian University1857-0003Peer review3
3Hortus BotanicusPetrozavodsk State UniversityPeer review8
4Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research CouncilNepal Agricultural Research Council2392-4535Peer review8
5Laimburg JournalLaimburg Research CentreEditorial review4
6Current Trends in Natural SciencesEditura Universitatii din PitestiPeer review3
7International Journal of Fruit ScienceTaylor & Francis Group1553-8362Double anonymous peer review10
8Romanian Journal of HorticultureAcademy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences2734-7656Double anonymous peer review6
9Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-NapocaAcademicPres0255-965XDouble anonymous peer review10
10Scientific Papers: Series B. HorticultureUniversity of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest2285-5653Anonymous peer review11
11Annales HorticulturaeUniversity of Life Sciences in Lublin - Publishing House2544-4484Double anonymous peer review6
12Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: HorticultureAcademicPres1843-5254Double anonymous peer review8
13Open AgricultureDe GruyterAnonymous peer review9
14Italus HortusSocietà di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana1127-3496Anonymous peer review10
15Revista PesquisAgroInstituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado do Mato Grosso, Campus ConfresaDouble anonymous peer review4
16Agricultural ScienceFaculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya2598-5167Double anonymous peer review8
17مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم الزراعيةDamascus university1999-7310Double anonymous peer review6
18Vědecké Práce OvocnářskéVÝZKUMNÝ A ŠLECHTITELSKÝ ÚSTAV OVOCNÁŘSKÝ HOLOVOUSY s.r.o.Double anonymous peer review8
19Notulae Scientia BiologicaeSociety of Land Measurements and Cadastre from Transylvania (SMTCT)2067-3205Double anonymous peer review8
20Radovi Šumarskog Fakulteta Univerziteta u SarajevuFaculty of Forestry Unversity of Sarajevo1512-5769Double anonymous peer review6
21G-Journal of Environmental Science and TechnologyEnvironment, Agriculture and Education Society2322-021XDouble anonymous peer review10
22Journal of Horticultural SciencesSociety for Promotion of Horticulture - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research0973-354XAnonymous peer review6
23Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant ScienceTaylor & Francis Group0906-4710Double anonymous peer review10

Thanks for visting our website. We hope that the List of fast publishing Journals list in Horticulture will help you to find a reputed journal.