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Fast publishing Physiology Journals - Scopus, SCI

A Fast publishing journal is a scientific journal that review, process and publish an article in a few months. This web document aims to provide you with a fast Physiology research journals list.

We list journals with publication time of less than or equal to 12 weeks.

Researchers are advised to click on the journal title to know more information like journal ranking, journal indexing, etc;

Fast Publication Physiology Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherE-ISSNReview ProcessPublication Time (In Week)
1PhysiologiaMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
2Current Research in PhysiologyElsevierAnonymous peer review11
3Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do ExercícioInstituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Ensino em Fisiologia do ExercícioPeer review10
4Biology OpenThe Company of BiologistsAnonymous peer review8
5Journal of Dairy ScienceElsevier0022-0302Anonymous peer review10
6Siberian Journal of Life Sciences and AgricultureScience and Innovation Center Publishing House2658-6649Double anonymous peer review8
7Medicinski PodmladakUniversity of Belgrade, Medical Faculty0369-1527Double anonymous peer review4
8Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В.Н. Каразіна: Серія БіологіяV. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University2075-5457Peer review8
9Journal of Smooth Muscle ResearchJapan Society of Smooth Muscle Research0916-8737Peer review10
10Jurnal Riset Biologi dan AplikasinyaDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri SurabayaDouble anonymous peer review6
11Journal of Bangladesh Society of PhysiologistsBangladesh Society of Physiologist (BSP)1995-1213Double anonymous peer review8
12AgrobiologiaUniversité Saad Dahlab2170-1652Peer review6
13Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Естественные наукиPenza State University Publishing House2307-9150Double anonymous peer review10
14Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Медицинские наукиPenza State University Publishing House2072-3032Double anonymous peer review10
15Revista Brasileira de Nutrição EsportivaInstituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Ensino em Fisiologia do ExercícioPeer review10
16Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze Medico-BiologicheAccademia Peloritana dei PericolantiPeer review6
17Вестник медицинского института «Реавиз»: Реабилитация, врач и здоровьеPrivate institution educational organization of higher education "Medical University "ReaViz"2226-762XDouble anonymous peer review8
18CropsMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
19Cheyuk gwahag yeon-guKorea Institute of Sport Science1598-2920Double anonymous peer review7
20Aquaculture JournalMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
21BacteriaMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
22AntropomotorykaUniversity of Physical Education in Krakow1731-0652Double anonymous peer review6
23Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise SciencesAkademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w KrakowieDouble anonymous peer review6
24دراسات وبحوث التربية الرياضيةUniversity of Basrah1818-1503Double anonymous peer review4
25Spor Hekimligi DergisiTurkish Sports Medicine Association1300-0551Double anonymous peer review5
26Plant Signaling & BehaviorTaylor & Francis Group1559-2316Anonymous peer review9
27BiologyMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
28CellsMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
29International Journal of Strength and ConditioningInternational Universities Strength and Conditioning AssociationCommunity review8
30Annales HorticulturaeUniversity of Life Sciences in Lublin - Publishing House2544-4484Double anonymous peer review6
31Journal of Exercise & Organ Cross TalkJEOCT publisherDouble anonymous peer review8
32Jurnal Mangifera EduUniversitas Wiralodra2527-9939Double anonymous peer review10
33운동과학The Korean Society of Exercise Physiology1226-1726Peer review8
34Advances in Human BiologyWolters Kluwer Medknow Publications2321-8568Double anonymous peer review11
35Molecular MedicineBMC1076-1551Anonymous peer review8
36Animal BiotelemetryBMCAnonymous peer review10
37التربية الرياضيةCollege of Physical Education and Sport Sciences2073-6452Double anonymous peer review8
38MicroorganismsMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
39Reproduction and BreedingKeAi Communications Co. Ltd.Anonymous peer review11
40AnimalsMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
41EndocrinesMDPI AGAnonymous peer review11
42Clocks & SleepMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
43Current Issues in Molecular BiologyMDPI AG1467-3037Anonymous peer review6
44FishesMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
45FermentationMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
46Jurnal Fitopatologi IndonesiaPerhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia0215-7950Anonymous peer review10
47Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory ScienceThe Korean Society for Clinical Laboratory Science1738-3544Double anonymous peer review8
48microLifeOxford University PressPeer review, Anonymous peer review10
49FunctionOxford University PressAnonymous peer review3
50Bangladesh Agronomy JournalBangladesh Society of Agronomy1013-1922Double anonymous peer review10
51Iranian Journal of Applied Animal ScienceIslamic Azad University, Rasht Branch2251-628XDouble anonymous peer review8
52Italus HortusSocietà di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana1127-3496Anonymous peer review10
53Pet Behaviour ScienceUniversity of CordobaDouble anonymous peer review4
54В мире научных открытийScience and Innovation Center Publishing House2072-0831Double anonymous peer review8
55Нотатки сучасної біологіїLesya Ukrainka Volyn National University2786-524XPeer review4
56Medical SciencesMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
57Journal of Cardiovascular Development and DiseaseMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
58Molecular BrainBMCAnonymous peer review7
59International Journal of BioelectromagnetismInternational Society for Bioelectromagnetism1456-7857Peer review10
60Blood ScienceWolters Kluwer HealthAnonymous peer review10
61BIO Web of ConferencesEDP SciencesPeer review6
62Physiological ReportsWileyPeer review9
63BirdsMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
64ObesitiesMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
65RUDN Journal of MedicinePeoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)2313-0245Double anonymous peer review8
66Овощи РоссииFederal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Vegetable Center"2072-9146Double anonymous peer review4
67Regulatory Mechanisms in BiosystemsOles Honchar Dnipro National University2519-8521Double anonymous peer review10
68Journal of Family and Reproductive HealthTehran University of Medical Sciences1735-8949Double anonymous peer review5
69مجلة مركز بحوث التقنيات الاحيائيةAl-Nahrain University/ Biotechnology Research Center1815-1140Anonymous peer review10
70Біологічні студіїЛьвівський національний університет імені Івана Франка1996-4536Anonymous peer review5
71DermatoMDPI AGAnonymous peer review6
72Jurnal PatriotUniversitas Negeri Padang2655-4984Double anonymous peer review10
73Байкальский медицинский журналMinistry of Health of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk State Medical UniversityDouble anonymous peer review8
74Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. C, Physiology and Molecular BiologyEgyptian Society of Biological Sciences2090-0767Double anonymous peer review5
75Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, H. BotanyEgyptian Society of Biological Sciences2090-3812Double anonymous peer review5
76Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. G, MicrobiologyEgyptian Society of Biological Sciences2090-0872Double anonymous peer review5
77Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. B, ZoologyEgyptian Society of Biological Sciences2090-0759Double anonymous peer review5
78Basrah Journal of Veterinary ResearchCollege of Veterinary Medicine, University of Basrah, Iraq1813-8497Double anonymous peer review8

Thanks for visting our website. We hope that the List of fast publishing Journals list in Physiology will help you to find a reputed journal.