Fast publishing Psychology Journals - Scopus, SCI

A Fast publishing journal is a scientific journal that review, process and publish an article in a few months. This web document aims to provide you with a fast Psychology research journals list.

We list journals with publication time of less than or equal to 12 weeks.

Researchers are advised to click on the journal title to know more information like journal ranking, journal indexing, etc;

Fast Publication Psychology Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherE-ISSNReview ProcessPublication Time (In Week)
1INSPIRAInstitut Agama Islam Negeri Langsa2722-7634Double anonymous peer review6
2Psihološka IstraživanjaUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Psychology0352-7379Double anonymous peer review4
3Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Психологические наукиMoscow Region State University2072-8514Double anonymous peer review9
4Психологічний ЧасописH. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine2414-0023Double anonymous peer review4
5PsychMDPI AGDouble anonymous peer review7
6Psychologica BelgicaUbiquity Press0033-2879Double anonymous peer review4
7دست‌آوردهای روان‌شناختیShahid Chamran University of Ahvaz2228-6144Double anonymous peer review4
8Journal An-Nafs: Kajian Penelitian PsikologiUniversitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo Kediri2528-0600Double anonymous peer review8
9Journal of Clinical & Developmental PsychologyCeRIPDouble anonymous peer review6
10Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological JournalUniversitas Ahmad Dahlan1693-7236Double anonymous peer review10
11مجله علوم روانشناختیDr. Mahmoud Mansour publication1735-7462Peer review, Double anonymous peer review8
12Revista Interamericana de Psicología OcupacionalCentro de Investigación en Comportamiento Organizacional Cincel2539-5238Double anonymous peer review10
13Хабаршы. Психология және социология сериясыAl-Farabi Kazakh National University2617-7544Double anonymous peer review10
14PsihologieAssociation of Psychologists Practitioners, Moldova1857-2502Peer review10
15Наукові студії із соціальної та політичної психологіїNational Academy of Educational Sciences, Institute for Social and Political Psychology2309-8287Anonymous peer review10
16Национальный психологический журналLomonosov Moscow State University2079-6617Double anonymous peer review6
17Rivista di Psicologia dell'Emergenza e dell'Assistenza UmanitariaPsicologi per i Popoli : FederazioneEditorial review4
18Journal für PsychologiePsychosozial-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG0942-2285Peer review10
19INFADAsociación Nacional de Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia Adolescencia Mayores y Discapacidad0214-9877Double anonymous peer review10
20Nesne Psikoloji DergisiSada Institute of Art and Language StudiesDouble anonymous peer review10
21International Journal of Islamic Educational PsychologyUniversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta2745-5289Double anonymous peer review6
22Romanian Journal of Applied PsychologyWest University of Timisoara2392-8441Peer review10
23Discover PsychologySpringerAnonymous peer review8
24CastaliaUniversidad Academia de Humanismo CristianoEditorial review, Double anonymous peer review10
25Psychology, Society & EducationUCOPressDouble anonymous peer review8
26مطالعات روانشناختی نوجوان و جوانIran-Mehr: The Institute for Social Study and ResearchPeer review, Double anonymous peer review8
27LiberabitUniversidad de San Martín de Porres1729-4827Double anonymous peer review9
28Al-Dirāsāt Al-Nafsiyaẗ Al-MuʿāṣiraẗBeni-Suef University, Faculty of Arts2357-0733Double anonymous peer review10
29Теоретическая и экспериментальная психологияThe Publishing House of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution2073-0861Double anonymous peer review10
30Revista de PsicologíaPontificia Universidad Católica del Perú0254-9247Double anonymous peer review8
31Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика. Психологія, педагогікаBorys Grinchenko Kyiv University2311-2409Double anonymous peer review8
32Social InfluenceTaylor & Francis Group1553-4510Anonymous peer review9
33Primenjena PsihologijaFaculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad1821-0147Double anonymous peer review8
34PsocialUniversidad de Buenos AiresDouble anonymous peer review8
35Проблеми екстремальної та кризової психологіїNational University of Civil Defence of Ukraine2786-5541Double anonymous peer review7
36ConCiencia EPGEdson Jorge, Huaire Inacio2517-9896Double anonymous peer review8
37Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for PsychologyUniversité d'OttawaPeer review10
38International Journal of Psychoanalysis and EducationAssociazione di Psicoanalisi della Relazione EducativaDouble anonymous peer review10
39Internet InterventionsElsevierAnonymous peer review6
40DEPARCH Journal of Design Planning and Aesthetics ResearchSelçuk UniversityDouble anonymous peer review8
41Istraživanja u PedagogijiPreschool Teacher Training College "Mihailo Palov"2217-7337Double anonymous peer review8
42Psihijatrija DanasInstitute of Mental Health, Belgrade0350-2538Double anonymous peer review4
43The Global PsychotherapistWAPPDouble anonymous peer review8
44Klinik Psikiyatri DergisiANP Publishing1302-0099Double anonymous peer review8
45Journal of Health and Social SciencesEdizioni FS2499-2240Double anonymous peer review5
46روانشناسی و روانپزشکی شناختKurdistan University of Medical Scienses2588-6657Double anonymous peer review10
47PAIN ReportsWolters KluwerAnonymous peer review8
48Studia HumanitatisInstitute of Modern Humanitarian ResearchesDouble anonymous peer review10
49Indonesian Journal of Educational CounselingUniversitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten2541-2779Double anonymous peer review8
50Psi UniscUniversidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)Double anonymous peer review4
51Vìsnik Unìversitetu ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ: Serìâ Pedagogìka ì PsihologiâAlfred Nobel University Publisher2522-4115Anonymous peer review4
52Journal of Research & HealthGonabad University of Medical SciencesDouble anonymous peer review10
53Mediterranean Journal of Clinical PsychologyUniversity of MessinaDouble anonymous peer review4
54International Journal of Educational PsychologyHipatia PressDouble anonymous peer review8
55Personality NeuroscienceCambridge University PressDouble anonymous peer review6
56Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e SocialInstituto Superior Miguel TorgaDouble anonymous peer review8
57Al-Athfal: Jurnal Pendidikan AnakUniversitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta2477-4189Double anonymous peer review8
58Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriâ 11. Estestvennye NaukiVolgograd State University2306-4153Double anonymous peer review7
59Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan KonselingState University of Makassar2443-2202Double anonymous peer review10
60The Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and HealthUniversitas Airlangga2301-8046Double anonymous peer review5
61AD-ministerUniversidad EAFIT1692-0279Double anonymous peer review5
62Journal of Medical SciencePoznan University of Medical Sciences2353-9798Double anonymous peer review10
63Impulse: The Premier Undergraduate Neuroscience JournalAppalachian State University Honors CollegePeer review4
64PsicoArtUniversity of BolognaDouble anonymous peer review10
65International Journal of WellbeingInternational Journal of WellbeingAnonymous peer review10
66Вестник Мининского университетаMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical UniversityAnonymous peer review4
67SintezeVisoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače, Kruševac2217-902XDouble anonymous peer review4
68Research in PsychotherapyPAGEPress Publications2499-7552Anonymous peer review10
69Journal of Educational Research in MathematicsKorea Society of Educational Studies in Mathematics2288-7733Double anonymous peer review8
70Спортивная медицина: наука и практикаNational Electronic Information Consortium (NEICON)2223-2524Double anonymous peer review10
71Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and SportsH.S. Skovoroda Kharkov National Pedagogical UniversityDouble anonymous peer review6
72Pedagogy and Psychology of SportNicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland - University Sports CenterDouble anonymous peer review4
73Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Psikologi dan KesehatanMata Pena Madani2721-5393Double anonymous peer review4
74Journal of Dynamic Decision MakingUniversity Library HeidelbergAnonymous peer review6
75Cheyuk gwahag yeon-guKorea Institute of Sport Science1598-2920Double anonymous peer review7
76Revue des Sciences HumainesConstantine 1 University, AlgeriaDouble anonymous peer review6
77دراسات وبحوث التربية الرياضيةUniversity of Basrah1818-1503Double anonymous peer review4
78Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and PsychologyOctagon Education ServicesDouble anonymous peer review6
79Sportif Bakış Spor ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisiümit doğan üstünDouble anonymous peer review10
80Current Issues in Personality PsychologyTermedia Publishing House2353-4192Double anonymous peer review8

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