This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Accounting journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | SJR |
1 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | Elsevier | 1654101 | 6.1 |
2 | Review of Finance | Oxford University Press | 1573692X, 15723097 | 5.68 |
3 | Journal of Accounting Research | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1475679X, 00218456 | 5.165 |
4 | Journal of International Business Studies | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 00472506, 14786990 | 5.093 |
5 | Accounting Review | American Accounting Association | 14826 | 4.446 |
6 | Review of Accounting Studies | Springer New York | 15737136, 13806653 | 4.212 |
7 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | Brookings Institution Press | 00072303, 15334465 | 4.021 |
8 | IMF Economic Review | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 2041417X, 20414161 | 3.734 |
9 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Cambridge University Press | 00221090, 17566916 | 3.7 |
10 | European Business Review | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 0955534X | 3.667 |
11 | Journal of Business Logistics | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 21581592, 07353766 | 3.135 |
12 | International Journal of Production Economics | Elsevier | 9255273 | 3.028 |
13 | Contemporary Accounting Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 8239150 | 3.012 |
14 | Business and Society | SAGE Publications Ltd | 00076503, 15524205 | 2.965 |
15 | Supply Chain Management | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 13598546 | 2.896 |
16 | Journal of Service Management | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 17575818 | 2.875 |
17 | Small Business Economics | Springer Netherlands | 15730913, 0921898X | 2.732 |
18 | Journal of Business Ethics | Springer Netherlands | 15730697, 01674544 | 2.59 |
19 | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | Springer Netherlands | 15730476, 08955646 | 2.545 |
20 | Journal of Business and Psychology | Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc. | 1573353X, 08893268 | 2.517 |
21 | Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | 214027 | 2.494 |
22 | Accounting, Organizations and Society | Elsevier Ltd. | 3613682 | 2.411 |
23 | Journal of Conflict Resolution | SAGE Publications Inc. | 220027 | 2.164 |
24 | British Journal of Management | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 10453172, 14678551 | 2.153 |
25 | Decision Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 00117315, 15405915 | 2.122 |
26 | Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | Wiley-Liss Inc. | 02768739, 15206688 | 2.111 |
27 | Fiscal Studies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01435671, 14755890 | 2.103 |
28 | Family Business Review | SAGE Publications Inc. | 17416248, 08944865 | 2.058 |
29 | Journal of Management Inquiry | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15526542, 10564926 | 2.043 |
30 | Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice | Elsevier Ltd. | 9658564 | 2.029 |
31 | Journal of Finance | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 00221082, 15406261 | 15.515 |
32 | Review of Financial Studies | Oxford University Press | 14657368, 08939454 | 12.239 |
33 | Academy of Management Journal | Academy of Management | 14273 | 10.91 |
34 | Academy of Management Review | Academy of Management | 3637425 | 10.687 |
35 | Journal of Financial Economics | Elsevier | 0304405X | 10.601 |
36 | Work, Employment and Society | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14698722, 09500170 | 1.988 |
37 | Organization | SAGE Publications Ltd | 13505084, 14617323 | 1.96 |
38 | Business Ethics Quarterly | Cambridge University Press | 1052150X | 1.947 |
39 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 10468188, 15582868 | 1.864 |
40 | Mathematical Finance | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 09601627, 14679965 | 1.837 |
41 | Financial Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 463892 | 1.735 |
42 | Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 9513574 | 1.727 |
43 | Journal of Technology Transfer | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 8929912 | 1.704 |
44 | Auditing | American Accounting Association | 15587991, 02780380 | 1.655 |
45 | Real Estate Economics | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 15406229, 10808620 | 1.634 |
46 | Journal of Intellectual Capital | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 14691930 | 1.582 |
47 | Journal of Small Business Management | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 00472778, 1540627X | 1.556 |
48 | Feminist Economics | Routledge | 14664372, 13545701 | 1.534 |
49 | Business Research | Springer International Publishing AG | 21983402, 21982627 | 1.51 |
50 | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | Wiley-Blackwell | 15384616, 00222879 | 1.501 |
51 | R and D Management | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14679310, 00336807 | 1.497 |
52 | Critical Perspectives on Accounting | Academic Press Inc. | 10452354, 10959955 | 1.483 |
53 | British Journal of Industrial Relations | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14678543, 00071080 | 1.433 |
54 | World Bank Economic Review | Oxford University Press | 1564698X, 02586770 | 1.405 |
55 | Journal of Accounting Literature | Elsevier BV | 7374607 | 1.402 |
56 | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 15309134, 10586407 | 1.4 |
57 | Corporate Governance (Bingley) | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 14720701 | 1.349 |
58 | Management Decision | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 251747 | 1.345 |
59 | Competition and Change | SAGE Publications Inc. | 10245294, 14772221 | 1.343 |
60 | International Journal of Stress Management | American Psychological Association | 10725245, 15733424 | 1.336 |
61 | Management Review Quarterly | Springer Verlag | 21981639, 21981620 | 1.327 |
62 | Industry and Innovation | Routledge | 13662716, 14698390 | 1.323 |
63 | Review of Managerial Science | Springer Verlag | 18636683, 18636691 | 1.312 |
64 | International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 13552554 | 1.287 |
65 | Journal of Management Analytics | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 23270039, 23270012 | 1.281 |
66 | British Accounting Review | Academic Press Inc. | 10958347, 08908389 | 1.275 |
67 | Research in International Business and Finance | Elsevier BV | 2755319 | 1.273 |
68 | Journal of Accounting and Public Policy | Elsevier Inc. | 2784254 | 1.26 |
69 | Financial Analysts Journal | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0015198X | 1.259 |
70 | Journal of Industrial Economics | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14676451, 00221821 | 1.259 |
71 | ASTIN Bulletin | Cambridge University Press | 05150361, 17831350 | 1.237 |
72 | Corporate Governance: An International Review | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 09648410, 14678683 | 1.219 |
73 | International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | - | 1.214 |
74 | Journal of Business Finance and Accounting | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 0306686X, 14685957 | 1.17 |
75 | Management Accounting Research | Academic Press Inc. | 10445005, 10961224 | 1.167 |
76 | International Journal of Accounting Information Systems | Elsevier Inc. | 14670895 | 1.159 |
77 | European Journal of Industrial Relations | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14617129, 09596801 | 1.146 |
78 | International Journal of Health Geographics | BioMed Central Ltd. | 1476072X | 1.142 |
79 | Foundations and Trends in Accounting | Now Publishers Inc | 15540642, 15540650 | 1.134 |
80 | Australian Journal of Management | SAGE Publications Ltd | 13272020, 03128962 | 1.132 |
81 | Journal of the American Taxation Association | American Accounting Association | 15588017, 01989073 | 1.108 |
82 | National Tax Journal | University of Chicago Press | 19447477, 00280283 | 1.1 |
83 | Journal of Common Market Studies | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14685965, 00219886 | 1.095 |
84 | Journal of Information Systems | American Accounting Association | 08887985, 15587959 | 1.092 |
85 | European Accounting Review | Routledge | 09638180, 14684497 | 1.072 |
86 | Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management | Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management | 9722696 | 1.072 |
87 | Multinational Business Review | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 1525383X | 1.06 |
88 | Journal of Industrial and Business Economics | Springer International Publishing AG | 03912078, 19724977 | 1.029 |
89 | Leadership and Organization Development Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 1437739 | 1.009 |
90 | Accounting Horizons | American Accounting Association | 08887993, 15587975 | 0.997 |
91 | OR Spectrum | Springer Verlag | 01716468, 14366304 | 0.992 |
92 | European Financial Management | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 13547798, 1468036X | 0.988 |
93 | EuroMed Journal of Business | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 14502194, 1758888X | 0.963 |
94 | International Economics | Elsevier BV | 21107017 | 0.945 |
95 | Journal of Business and Technical Communication | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15524574, 10506519 | 0.945 |
96 | Journal of International Entrepreneurship | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 15707385 | 0.943 |
97 | Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal | Emarald Group Publishing Ltd | 20408021, 2040803X | 0.943 |
98 | Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 1365232X, 09699988 | 0.927 |
99 | Business Process Management Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 14637154 | 0.918 |
100 | Journal of Management Accounting Research | American Accounting Association | 15588033, 10492127 | 0.917 |
101 | Total Quality Management and Business Excellence | Routledge | 14783363, 14783371 | 0.912 |
102 | Gender in Management | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 17542413 | 0.907 |
103 | Economic and Industrial Democracy | SAGE Publications Ltd | 0143831X, 14617099 | 0.903 |
104 | Education and Training | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 400912 | 0.896 |
105 | BRQ Business Research Quarterly | Elsevier BV | 23409444, 23409436 | 0.894 |
106 | China Journal of Accounting Research | Elsevier BV | 17553091 | 0.88 |
107 | Eurasian Business Review | Springer International Publishing AG | 13094297, 21474281 | 0.879 |
108 | Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | Springer Verlag | 1618954X | 0.862 |
109 | International Journal of Business Communication | SAGE Publications Inc. | 23294884, 23294892 | 0.851 |
110 | Journal of Global Optimization | Springer Netherlands | 09255001, 15732916 | 0.847 |