List of top Anatomy journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Anatomy journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top 110 Anatomy journals

Top Anatomy Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1American Journal of Surgical PathologyLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.15320979, 014751852.064
2Human Brain MappingWiley-Liss Inc.10659471, 109701931.688
3Anatomical Sciences EducationJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.19359772, 193597801.456
4Advances in Anatomic PathologyLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.10724109, 153340311.45
5Brain Structure and FunctionSpringer Verlag18632653, 186326611.168
6Brain TopographyKluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc.15736792, 089602671.149
7Frontiers in NeuroanatomyFrontiers Media S.A.166251291.143
8Journal of Histochemistry and CytochemistryHistochemical Society Inc.00221554, 155150440.973
9Journal of AnatomyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14697580, 002187820.788
10American Journal of Human BiologyWiley-Liss Inc.10420533, 152063000.744
11Annals of AnatomyElsevier GmbH94096020.714
12Clinical AnatomyWiley-Liss Inc.10982353, 089738060.686
13American Journal of Physical AnthropologyWiley-Liss Inc.10968644, 000294830.651
14Journal of Functional Morphology and KinesiologyMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)241151420.581
15Anatomical RecordJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.19328486, 193284940.554
16Microscopy Research and TechniqueWiley-Liss Inc.10970029, 1059910X0.552
17Cells Tissues OrgansS. Karger AG14226421, 142264050.492
18Surgical and Radiologic AnatomySpringer Paris09301038, 127985170.408
19Physical Activity and HealthUbiquity Press251522700.383
20Anatomy and Cell BiologyKorean Association of Anatomists20933673, 209336650.373
21Anatomical Science InternationalSpringer Nature1447073X, 144769590.353
22International Journal of Surgical PathologySAGE Publications Inc.10668969, 194024650.351
23Translational Research in AnatomyElsevier GmbH2214854X0.322
24Folia MorphologicaVia Medica00155659, 164432840.304
25MorphologieElsevier Masson s.r.l.128601150.3
27Clinical DysmorphologyLippincott Williams and Wilkins14735717, 096288270.263
28SomatechnicsEdinburgh University Press20440146, 204401380.259
29Journal of HistotechnologyManey Publishing01478885, 204602360.258
30Comparative Clinical PathologySpringer London1618565X, 161856410.213
31Sudebno-Meditsinskaya EkspertisaMedia Sphera Publishing House00394521, 230953260.197
32Chinese Journal of MicrosurgeryChinese Medical Journals Publishing House Co.Ltd100120360.186
33Artery ResearchBioMed Central Ltd.187293120.184
34International Journal of MorphologyUniversidad de la Frontera07179502, 071793670.184
35Journal of Plastination23117761, 2311777X0.173
36Russian Journal of Forensic MedicineAssociation of Forensic Medical Experts24118729, 240941610.153
37European Journal of AnatomySociedad Anatomica Espanola113648900.146
38Italian Journal of Anatomy and EmbryologyFirenze University Press112267140.145
39Journal of the Anatomical Society of IndiaAnatomical Society of India327780.133
40Ceskoslovenska PatologieCzech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne18054498, 121078750.125
41National Journal of Clinical AnatomyWolters Kluwer Medknow Publications23212780, 227740250.124
42Journal of Morphological SciencesBrazilian Society of Anatomy217702980.123
43Chinese Journal of Anatomy and ClinicsChinese Medical Journals Publishing House Co.Ltd209570410.116
44EndodontologyWolters Kluwer Medknow Publications25430831, 097072120.112
45International Journal of Anatomy and ResearchIMED Research Publications23214287, 232189670.103
46Acta Anatomica SinicaChinese Medical Association52913560.101

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