This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Artificial Intelligence journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | SJR |
1 | Science Robotics | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 24709476 | 6.479 |
2 | Nature Machine Intelligence | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | 25225839 | 6.21 |
3 | International Journal of Information Management | Elsevier Ltd. | 2684012 | 4.906 |
4 | AI Open | KeAi Communications Co. | 26666510 | 4.726 |
5 | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | IEEE Computer Society | 1628828 | 4.447 |
6 | Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems | Annual Reviews Inc. | 25735144 | 3.891 |
7 | Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Morgan and Claypool Publishers | 19394616, 19394608 | 3.886 |
8 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 10636706 | 3.533 |
9 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | IEEE Computational Intelligence Society | 2162237X, 21622388 | 3.447 |
10 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 23327731 | 3.419 |
11 | International Journal of Computer Vision | Springer Netherlands | 09205691, 15731405 | 3.369 |
12 | IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica | IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity | 23299266, 23299274 | 3.218 |
13 | Journal of the ACM | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 00045411, 1557735X | 2.953 |
14 | Soft Robotics | Mary Ann Liebert Inc. | 21695172 | 2.859 |
15 | International Journal of Robotics Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 02783649, 17413176 | 2.729 |
16 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 21576912, 21576904 | 2.603 |
17 | Big Data Mining and Analytics | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 20960654 | 2.533 |
18 | Artificial Intelligence Review | Springer Netherlands | 02692821, 15737462 | 2.49 |
19 | International Journal of Information Management Data Insights | Elsevier BV | 26670968 | 2.479 |
20 | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 1556603X | 2.437 |
21 | Radiology: Artificial Intelligence | Radiological Society of North America Inc. | 26386100 | 2.432 |
22 | Information Sciences | Elsevier Inc. | 200255 | 2.285 |
23 | Journal of Machine Learning Research | Microtome Publishing | 15337928, 15324435 | 2.281 |
24 | Neural Networks | Elsevier Ltd. | 08936080, 18792782 | 2.221 |
25 | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | Springer Netherlands | 15728145, 09565515 | 2.16 |
26 | Journal of Memory and Language | Academic Press Inc. | 10960821, 0749596X | 2.104 |
27 | Pattern Recognition | Elsevier Ltd. | 313203 | 2.085 |
28 | Knowledge-Based Systems | Elsevier | 9507051 | 2.065 |
29 | Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning | Now Publishers Inc | 19358245, 19358237 | 13.775 |
30 | Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics | MIT Press Journals | 2307387X | 1.985 |
31 | Energy and AI | Elsevier BV | 26665468 | 1.891 |
32 | Expert Systems with Applications | Elsevier Ltd. | 9574174 | 1.873 |
33 | IEEE Intelligent Systems | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 15411672 | 1.872 |
34 | Network Neuroscience | MIT Press Journals | 24721751 | 1.853 |
35 | Physics of Life Reviews | Elsevier | 18731457, 15710645 | 1.848 |
36 | Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier | 43702 | 1.819 |
37 | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 2471285X | 1.764 |
38 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier Ltd. | 9521976 | 1.729 |
39 | IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | 25692925 | 1.72 | |
40 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | Elsevier Ltd. | 14740346 | 1.709 |
41 | Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier BV | 2666920X | 1.7 |
42 | IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 23773766 | 1.693 |
43 | Machine Learning | Springer Netherlands | 15730565, 08856125 | 1.679 |
44 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 23798858 | 1.583 |
45 | Cognitive Psychology | Academic Press Inc. | 10955623, 00100285 | 1.56 |
46 | Artificial Intelligence and Law | Springer Netherlands | 09248463, 15728382 | 1.544 |
47 | Computational Visual Media | Tsinghua University Press | 20960662, 20960433 | 1.488 |
48 | Neurocomputing | Elsevier | 9252312 | 1.481 |
49 | Internet of Things (Netherlands) | Elsevier BV | 25426605 | 1.474 |
50 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | Elsevier | 09333657, 18732860 | 1.443 |
51 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 1098111X, 08848173 | 1.438 |
52 | Engineered Science | 2576988X, 25769898 | 1.386 | |
53 | IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 26914581 | 1.381 |
54 | Machine Learning: Science and Technology | Institute of Physics Publishing | 26322153 | 1.351 |
55 | Pattern Recognition Letters | Elsevier | 1678655 | 1.302 |
56 | Cybersecurity | SpringerOpen | 20964862, 25233246 | 1.266 |
57 | IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 26376407 | 1.255 |
58 | Topics in Cognitive Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 17568765, 17568757 | 1.242 |
59 | Computational Linguistics | MIT Press Journals | 08912017, 15309312 | 1.238 |
60 | Minds and Machines | Springer Netherlands | 09246495, 15728641 | 1.232 |
61 | Design Studies | Elsevier Ltd. | 0142694X | 1.231 |
62 | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | Elsevier | 1650114 | 1.212 |
63 | ICT Express | Korean Institute of Communications Information Sciences | 24059595 | 1.204 |
64 | Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture | KeAi Communications Co. | 25897217 | 1.202 |
65 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 10504729 | 1.186 |
66 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 23798920, 23798939 | 1.173 |
67 | Intelligence-Based Medicine | Elsevier BV | 26665212 | 1.171 |
68 | Neural Computing and Applications | Springer London | 09410643, 14333058 | 1.169 |
69 | Autonomous Robots | Springer Netherlands | 15737527, 09295593 | 1.165 |
70 | Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | 2509498X | 1.163 |
71 | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | Academic Press Inc. | 07437315, 10960848 | 1.158 |
72 | Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | Springer New York | 15732908, 15684539 | 1.152 |
73 | Applied Intelligence | Springer Netherlands | 0924669X, 15737497 | 1.145 |
74 | Complex and Intelligent Systems | Springer International Publishing AG | 21994536, 21986053 | 1.138 |
75 | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | Cambridge University Press | 14753081, 14710684 | 1.138 |
76 | Intelligent Systems with Applications | Elsevier BV | 26673053 | 1.126 |
77 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. | 10769757 | 1.124 |
78 | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 24686557, 24682322 | 1.115 |
79 | Swarm Intelligence | Springer New York | 19353820, 19353812 | 1.098 |
80 | Journal of Pragmatics | Elsevier | 3782166 | 1.085 |
81 | Journal of Semantics | Oxford University Press | 01675133, 14774593 | 1.069 |
82 | Cognitive Systems Research | Elsevier | 13890417 | 1.068 |
83 | Granular Computing | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | 23644974, 23644966 | 1.059 |
84 | Cognitive Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 03640213, 15516709 | 1.057 |
85 | Knowledge Engineering Review | Cambridge University Press | 14698005, 02698889 | 1.053 |
86 | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society | 21682291 | 1.051 |
87 | Quantum Machine Intelligence | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | 25244914, 25244906 | 1.051 |
88 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research | De Gruyter Open Ltd. | 24496499, 20832567 | 1.047 |
89 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | CESER Publications | 9740635 | 1.023 |
90 | Smart Cities | MDPI AG | 26246511 | 1.015 |
91 | Computability | IOS Press BV | 22113576, 22113568 | 1.008 |
92 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | Springer Science + Business Media | 1868808X, 18688071 | 1.002 |
93 | Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments | Springer International Publishing AG | 21994668, 21994676 | 1 |
94 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | Elsevier Inc. | 0888613X, 18734731 | 0.978 |
95 | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 23789638, 2378962X | 0.948 |
96 | Computers in Human Behavior Reports | Elsevier BV | 24519588 | 0.946 |
97 | Journal of Computational Social Science | Springer Nature | 24322717, 24322725 | 0.944 |
98 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | Springer Netherlands | 15737454, 13872532 | 0.927 |
99 | Data Intelligence | China National Publications Import and Export (Group) Corporation | 2641435X, 20967004 | 0.908 |
100 | AI Magazine | John Wiley and Sons Inc. | 7384602 | 0.875 |
101 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 25763202 | 0.864 |
102 | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | Springer Netherlands | 15730409, 09210296 | 0.861 |
103 | Progress in Artificial Intelligence | Springer Nature | 21926360, 21926352 | 0.86 |
104 | Connection Science | Taylor and Francis AS | 13600494, 09540091 | 0.853 |
105 | IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 25168398 | 0.851 |
106 | Drones | MDPI AG | 2504446X | 0.845 |
107 | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Springer International Publishing AG | 15622479, 21993211 | 0.839 |
108 | Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering | IOS Press BV | 10692509, 18758835 | 0.817 |
109 | Robotics | MDPI AG | 22186581 | 0.812 |
110 | Networks and Spatial Economics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1566113X | 0.806 |
111 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | Springer Netherlands | 15737675, 09259902 | 0.804 |
112 | Journal of Scheduling | Springer New York | 10946136 | 0.797 |
113 | Journal of Heuristics | Springer Netherlands | 13811231, 15729397 | 0.789 |
114 | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal | Elsevier Inc. | 10954333, 10512004 | 0.776 |
115 | Knowledge and Information Systems | Springer London | 02191377, 02193116 | 0.774 |
116 | Journal of Automated Reasoning | Springer Netherlands | 15730670, 01687433 | 0.77 |
117 | International Journal of Intelligent Networks | KeAi Communications Co. | 26666030 | 0.76 |
118 | Frontiers in Neurorobotics | Frontiers Media S.A. | 16625218 | 0.757 |
119 | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | Frontiers Media S.A. | 26248212 | 0.737 |
120 | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 23983396 | 0.728 |
121 | Frontiers in Robotics and AI | Frontiers Media S.A. | 22969144 | 0.726 |
122 | Journal of Physics: Complexity | IOP Publishing Ltd. | 2632072X | 0.724 |
123 | ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 21606463, 21606455 | 0.71 |
124 | Robotica | Cambridge University Press | 02635747, 14698668 | 0.704 |
125 | KI - Kunstliche Intelligenz | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | 16101987, 09331875 | 0.703 |
126 | ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 25739522 | 0.694 |
127 | AI and Society | Springer London | 09515666, 14355655 | 0.688 |
128 | Systems Science and Control Engineering | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 21642583 | 0.686 |
129 | Big Data and Cognitive Computing | MDPI AG | 25042289 | 0.681 |
130 | Journal of Financial Data Science | With intelligence | 26403951, 26403943 | 0.681 |
131 | Pattern Analysis and Applications | Springer London | 1433755X, 14337541 | 0.67 |
132 | Intelligent Service Robotics | Springer Verlag | 18612784, 18612776 | 0.669 |
133 | Frontiers in Big Data | Frontiers Media S.A. | 2624909X | 0.659 |
134 | Argument and Computation | IOS Press | 19462166, 19462174 | 0.658 |
135 | IET Smart Cities | Institution of Engineering and Technology | 26317680 | 0.649 |
136 | Applied System Innovation | MDPI AG | 25715577 | 0.626 |
137 | Neural Processing Letters | Springer Netherlands | 13704621, 1573773X | 0.615 |
138 | Annals of Data Science | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | 21985812, 21985804 | 0.609 |
139 | Expert Systems | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14680394, 02664720 | 0.607 |
140 | Data Science and Management | KeAi Communications Co. | 26667649 | 0.603 |
141 | Computational Intelligence | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 08247935, 14678640 | 0.6 |
142 | SN Computer Science | Springer | 2662995X, 26618907 | 0.6 |
143 | IEEE Transactions on Games | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 24751510, 24751502 | 0.598 |
144 | International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence | Universidad Internacional de la Rioja | 19891660 | 0.58 |
145 | Natural Language Engineering | Cambridge University Press | 14698110, 13513249 | 0.578 |
146 | CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction | Springer Verlag | 25245228, 2524521X | 0.575 |
147 | Evolutionary Intelligence | Springer Verlag | 18645917, 18645909 | 0.572 |
148 | Journal of Educational Data Mining | International Educational Data Mining Society | 21572100 | 0.559 |
149 | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | SAGE Publications Inc. | 17298806 | 0.55 |
150 | Perception | SAGE Publications Inc. | 14684233, 03010066 | 0.546 |
151 | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13623079, 0952813X | 0.523 |
152 | Journal of Consciousness Studies | Imprint Academic | 20512201, 13558250 | 0.521 |
153 | Frontiers in ICT | Frontiers Media S.A. | 2297198X | 0.517 |
154 | Journal of Intelligent Systems | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | 03341860, 2191026X | 0.516 |
155 | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | Springer Netherlands | 15730824, 09236082 | 0.516 |
156 | i-Perception | SAGE Publications Ltd | 20416695 | 0.506 |
157 | Applied Artificial Intelligence | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10876545, 08839514 | 0.492 |
158 | Microprocessors and Microsystems | Elsevier | 1419331 | 0.488 |
159 | IFAC Journal of Systems and Control | Elsevier BV | 24686018 | 0.486 |
160 | IET Cyber-systems and Robotics | John Wiley and Sons Inc. | 26316315 | 0.478 |
161 | Cognitive Processing | Springer Verlag | 16124782, 16124790 | 0.476 |
162 | Paladyn | De Gruyter Open Ltd. | 20814836 | 0.471 |
163 | Adaptive Behavior | SAGE Publications Ltd | 17412633, 10597123 | 0.464 |
164 | International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications | Springer Singapore | 23665971, 2366598X | 0.454 |
165 | Spatial Information Research | Springer Science + Business Media | 23663294 | 0.448 |
166 | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Springer Science + Business Media | 25112104, 25112112 | 0.442 |
167 | Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing | Hindawi Limited | 16879724, 16879732 | 0.441 |
168 | International Journal of Humanoid Robotics | World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd | 2198436 | 0.441 |
169 | Kybernetes | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 0368492X | 0.44 |
170 | Constraints | Springer Netherlands | 15729354, 13837133 | 0.429 |
171 | Cybernetics and Systems | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10876553, 01969722 | 0.428 |
172 | Intelligenza Artificiale | IOS Press BV | 17248035, 22110097 | 0.427 |
173 | Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | - | 0.422 |
174 | ROBOMECH Journal | Springer International Publishing AG | 21974225 | 0.411 |
175 | Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM | Cambridge University Press | 08900604, 14691760 | 0.408 |
176 | IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) | 20894872, 22528938 | 0.402 |
177 | Artificial Life | MIT Press Journals | 10645462, 15309185 | 0.397 |
178 | Journal of Control and Decision | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 23307714, 23307706 | 0.396 |
179 | Parallel Computing | Elsevier | 1678191 | 0.392 |
180 | IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 10987584 | 0.386 |
181 | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | University of Sistan and Baluchestan | 17350654 | 0.385 |
182 | Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | Springer Netherlands | 15737470, 10122443 | 0.383 |
183 | Journal on Data Semantics | Springer International Publishing AG | 18612040, 18612032 | 0.38 |
184 | Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) | Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta | 27155056, 27155072 | 0.376 |
185 | Intelligent Data Analysis | IOS Press BV | 1088467X, 15714128 | 0.375 |
186 | International Journal of Data and Network Science | Growing Science | 25618148, 25618156 | 0.372 |
187 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | IOS Press BV | 18758967, 10641246 | 0.372 |
188 | Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering | Pouyan Press | 25882872 | 0.367 |
189 | Results in Control and Optimization | Elsevier BV | 26667207 | 0.366 |
190 | Journal of Advances in Information Technology | Engineering and Technology Publishing | 17982340 | 0.365 |
191 | Mendel | Brno University of Technology | 18033814 | 0.363 |
192 | International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems | World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd | 2184885 | 0.359 |
193 | Machine Translation | Springer Netherlands | 09226567, 15730573 | 0.345 |
194 | AI Communications | IOS Press BV | 9217126 | 0.343 |
195 | Cognitive Computation and Systems | Institution of Engineering and Technology | 25177567 | 0.343 |
196 | Cybernetics and Physics | Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences | 22237038, 22264116 | 0.34 |
197 | Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence | AME Publishing Company | 26172496 | 0.34 |
198 | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd | 2180014 | 0.334 |
199 | Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing | International Academic Press | 23105070, 2311004X | 0.332 |
200 | International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd | 2182130 | 0.316 |