This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Arts journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | SJR |
1 | Journal of Consumer Research | Oxford University Press | 00935301, 15375277 | 6.024 |
2 | Radiocarbon | Cambridge University Press | 338222 | 4.271 |
3 | Human Relations | SAGE Publications Ltd | 00187267, 1741282X | 3.508 |
4 | Behavior Research Methods | Springer Nature | 15543528, 1554351X | 2.753 |
5 | Journal of Business Ethics | Springer Netherlands | 15730697, 01674544 | 2.59 |
6 | Computers in Human Behavior | Elsevier Ltd. | 7475632 | 2.464 |
7 | Postdigital Science and Education | Springer International Publishing AG | 2524485X, 25244868 | 2.453 |
8 | Journal of Marriage and Family | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 17413737, 00222445 | 2.386 |
9 | Applied Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 0269994X, 14640597 | 2.279 |
10 | Journal of Peasant Studies | Routledge | 03066150, 17439361 | 2.277 |
11 | Emotion Review | SAGE Publications Ltd | 17540747, 17540739 | 2.113 |
12 | Decision Support Systems | Elsevier | 1679236 | 2.076 |
13 | Administrative Science Quarterly | Johnson School at Cornell University | 00018392, 19303815 | 16.555 |
14 | Journal of Archaeological Research | Springer New York | 15737756, 10590161 | 1.907 |
15 | Gender and Society | SAGE Publications Inc. | 08912432, 15523977 | 1.866 |
16 | Evolution and Human Behavior | Elsevier Inc. | 10905138 | 1.795 |
17 | Group and Organization Management | SAGE Publications Inc. | 10596011 | 1.784 |
18 | Psychonomic Bulletin and Review | Springer New York | 10699384, 15315320 | 1.783 |
19 | Television and New Media | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15274764 | 1.708 |
20 | Quaternary Science Reviews | Elsevier Ltd. | 2773791 | 1.701 |
21 | Health Education and Behavior | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15526127, 10901981 | 1.65 |
22 | Group Processes and Intergroup Relations | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14617188, 13684302 | 1.631 |
23 | International Migration Review | Wiley-Blackwell | 1979183 | 1.626 |
24 | Multivariate Behavioral Research | Psychology Press Ltd | 00273171, 15327906 | 1.606 |
25 | Neural Computation | MIT Press Journals | 08997667, 1530888X | 1.544 |
26 | Feminist Economics | Routledge | 14664372, 13545701 | 1.534 |
27 | Journalism | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14648849, 17413001 | 1.511 |
28 | British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell | 00071102, 20448317 | 1.49 |
29 | Clinical Neuropsychologist | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13854046, 17444144 | 1.477 |
30 | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | Routledge | 14699451, 1369183X | 1.435 |
31 | Psychology of Women Quarterly | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14716402, 03616843 | 1.417 |
32 | Public Understanding of Science | SAGE Publications Ltd | 09636625, 13616609 | 1.408 |
33 | Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts | American Psychological Association | 1931390X, 19313896 | 1.397 |
34 | School Leadership and Management | Brill Academic Publishers | 13632434, 13642626 | 1.379 |
35 | Anxiety, Stress and Coping | Brunner - Routledge (US) | 10615806, 14772205 | 1.336 |
36 | Human Resource Development Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 15321096, 10448004 | 1.293 |
37 | Annual Review of Anthropology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 15454290, 00846570 | 1.284 |
38 | Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice | Wiley-Blackwell | 20448341, 14760835 | 1.283 |
39 | American Antiquity | Cambridge University Press | 00027316, 23255064 | 1.278 |
40 | Journal of Personality Assessment | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 15327752, 00223891 | 1.271 |
41 | European Psychologist | Hogrefe Publishing | 1878531X, 10169040 | 1.259 |
42 | Design Studies | Elsevier Ltd. | 0142694X | 1.231 |
43 | Journal of World Prehistory | Springer New York | 15737802, 08927537 | 1.225 |
44 | Journal of Archaeological Science | Academic Press Inc. | 03054403, 10959238 | 1.218 |
45 | Anthropological Theory | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14634996 | 1.208 |
46 | Eye | Nature Publishing Group | 0950222X, 14765454 | 1.176 |
47 | Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13540602, 14701278 | 1.167 |
48 | Signs | University of Chicago | 15456943, 00979740 | 1.128 |
49 | Journal of Medical Ethics | BMJ Publishing Group | 14734257, 03066800 | 1.111 |
50 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance | American Psychological Association | 00961523, 19391277 | 1.108 |
51 | American Journal of Orthopsychiatry | American Orthopsychiatric Association Inc. | 19390025, 00029432 | 1.107 |
52 | Aggressive Behavior | Wiley-Liss Inc. | 10982337, 0096140X | 1.103 |
53 | Palgrave Communications | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 20551045 | 1.086 |
54 | Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory | Springer New York | 10725369 | 1.084 |
55 | Journal of Agrarian Change | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14710366, 14710358 | 1.077 |
56 | Journal of Semantics | Oxford University Press | 01675133, 14774593 | 1.069 |
57 | Games and Culture | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15554139, 15554120 | 1.065 |
58 | Intelligence | Elsevier Ltd. | 1602896 | 1.059 |
59 | Convergence | SAGE Publications Inc. | 17487382, 13548565 | 1.056 |
60 | Ethnicity and Health | Routledge | 14653419, 13557858 | 1.045 |
61 | European Journal of Cultural Studies | SAGE Publications Ltd | 13675494 | 1.04 |
62 | Archives of Sexual Behavior | Springer New York | 15732800, 00040002 | 1.038 |
63 | Holocene | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14770911, 09596836 | 1.025 |
64 | Memory and Cognition | Springer New York | 0090502X, 15325946 | 1.025 |
65 | Vegetation History and Archaeobotany | Springer New York | 16176278, 09396314 | 1.015 |
66 | Journal of Clinical Psychology | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 00219762, 10974679 | 1.014 |
67 | Boreas | Wiley-Blackwell | 03009483, 15023885 | 1.013 |
68 | Journal of Creative Behavior | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 21626057, 00220175 | 0.989 |
69 | Journal of Quaternary Science | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 02678179, 10991417 | 0.987 |
70 | Social Indicators Research | Springer Netherlands | 03038300, 15730921 | 0.984 |
71 | Death Studies | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10917683, 07481187 | 0.973 |
72 | Feminism and Psychology | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14617161, 09593535 | 0.966 |
73 | Cultural Anthropology | American Anthropological Association | 08867356, 15481360 | 0.954 |
74 | Antiquity | Cambridge University Press | 17451744, 0003598X | 0.953 |
75 | Behaviour and Information Technology | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13623001, 0144929X | 0.941 |
76 | Cognition and Emotion | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 02699931, 14640600 | 0.941 |
77 | Law and Human Behavior | Springer New York | 01477307, 1573661X | 0.94 |
78 | Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences | Springer Verlag | 18669565, 18669557 | 0.936 |
79 | Journal of Intellectual Disability Research | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 09642633, 13652788 | 0.935 |
80 | Consciousness and Cognition | Academic Press Inc. | 10538100, 10902376 | 0.933 |
81 | British Journal of Criminology | Oxford University Press | 00070955, 14643529 | 0.923 |
82 | International Journal of Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell | 1464066X, 00207594 | 0.922 |
83 | Psychoanalytic Quarterly | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 00332828, 21674086 | 0.916 |
84 | Ageing and Society | Cambridge University Press | 0144686X, 14691779 | 0.905 |
85 | Visual Cognition | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13506285, 14640716 | 0.904 |
86 | Journal of Anthropological Archaeology | Academic Press Inc. | 02784165, 10902686 | 0.902 |
87 | Behavior Modification | SAGE Publications Inc. | 01454455, 15524167 | 0.9 |
88 | Cognitive Neuropsychology | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14640627, 02643294 | 0.9 |
89 | Journal of Consumer Culture | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14695405, 17412900 | 0.886 |
90 | Public Culture | Duke University Press | 15278018, 08992363 | 0.884 |
91 | Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry | Springer New York | 1573076X, 0165005X | 0.875 |
92 | Social Psychology | Hogrefe Publishing GmbH & Co. KG | 18649335, 21512590 | 0.866 |
93 | Quaternary Research | Cambridge University Press | 335894 | 0.86 |
94 | Cultural Studies | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14664348, 09502386 | 0.859 |
95 | Psychological Research | Springer Verlag | 14302772, 03400727 | 0.854 |
96 | Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology | Routledge | 15561828, 15564894 | 0.847 |
97 | Medical Anthropology Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 15481387, 07455194 | 0.846 |
98 | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | Wiley-Blackwell | 13590987 | 0.845 |
99 | Archaeological Research in Asia | Elsevier BV | 23522267 | 0.842 |
100 | Journal of Field Archaeology | Maney Publishing | 00934690, 20424582 | 0.832 |
101 | International Journal of Inclusive Education | Routledge | 14645173, 13603116 | 0.825 |
102 | Zeitschrift fur Psychologie / Journal of Psychology | Hogrefe Publishing | 21512604, 21908370 | 0.823 |
103 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 08943257, 10990771 | 0.822 |
104 | Feminist Media Studies | Routledge | 14680777 | 0.82 |
105 | Neuropsychological Rehabilitation | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14640694, 09602011 | 0.818 |
106 | Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association | SAGE Publications Inc. | 19412460, 00030651 | 0.816 |
107 | Nations and Nationalism | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14698129, 13545078 | 0.812 |
108 | Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry | Elsevier Ltd. | 18737943, 00057916 | 0.809 |
109 | Cultural Trends | Routledge | 14693690, 09548963 | 0.806 |
110 | Journal of Urban Design | Routledge | 14699664, 13574809 | 0.806 |
111 | Trabajos de Prehistoria | CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas | 19883218, 00825638 | 0.803 |
112 | Current Anthropology | University of Chicago | 00113204, 15375382 | 0.8 |
113 | American Anthropologist | Wiley-Blackwell | 00027294, 15481433 | 0.798 |
114 | Brain and Cognition | Academic Press Inc. | 10902147, 02782626 | 0.787 |
115 | Kyklos | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14676435, 00235962 | 0.786 |
116 | Race and Class | SAGE Publications Ltd | 3063968 | 0.786 |
117 | Design and Culture | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 17547083, 17547075 | 0.782 |
118 | Geoarchaeology - An International Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 08836353, 15206548 | 0.777 |
119 | Human Nature | Springer New York | 19364776, 10456767 | 0.765 |
120 | Applied Cognitive Psychology | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 10990720, 08884080 | 0.764 |
121 | CoDesign | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 15710882, 17453755 | 0.764 |
122 | Gender, Place, and Culture | Routledge | 0966369X, 13600524 | 0.761 |
123 | Archaeological Dialogues | Cambridge University Press | 13802038, 14782294 | 0.752 |
124 | Identities | Routledge | 15473384, 1070289X | 0.751 |
125 | Quartar | Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH | 3757471 | 0.751 |
126 | Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports | Elsevier BV | 2352409X | 0.739 |
127 | Tel Aviv | Maney Publishing | 03344355, 20404786 | 0.739 |
128 | Ethnicities | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14687968, 17412706 | 0.737 |
129 | She Ji | Tongji University Press | 24058718, 24058726 | 0.728 |
130 | Memory | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14640686, 09658211 | 0.726 |
131 | Design Science | Cambridge University Press | 20534701 | 0.713 |
132 | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | Acoustical Society of America | 15208524, 00014966 | 0.712 |
133 | Journal of Gender Studies | Routledge | 14653869, 09589236 | 0.706 |
134 | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications | Springer Nature | 26629992 | 0.705 |
135 | Ethnos | Routledge | 00141844, 1469588X | 0.704 |
136 | Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | 25244442, 2096496X | 0.7 |
137 | Journal of Cultural Heritage | Elsevier Masson s.r.l. | 12962074 | 0.699 |
138 | Scandinavian Economic History Review | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 03585522, 17502837 | 0.697 |
139 | Australian Psychologist | Routledge | 00050067, 17429544 | 0.692 |
140 | Canadian Review of Sociology | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 17556171, 1755618X | 0.692 |
141 | Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage | Elsevier BV | 22120548 | 0.692 |
142 | Environmental Archaeology | Maney Publishing | 14614103 | 0.685 |
143 | Scandinavian Journal of Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14679450, 00365564 | 0.685 |
144 | Lithic Technology | Maney Publishing | 01977261, 20516185 | 0.683 |
145 | Journal of General Psychology | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 00221309, 19400888 | 0.677 |
146 | Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences | Springer Verlag | 16740750, 21982600 | 0.668 |
147 | Cambridge Archaeological Journal | Cambridge University Press | 09597743, 14740540 | 0.657 |
148 | Journal of Neurolinguistics | Elsevier BV | 18738052, 09116044 | 0.645 |
149 | Science and Technology of Archaeological Research | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 20548923 | 0.643 |
150 | World Archaeology | Routledge | 14701375, 00438243 | 0.643 |
151 | Acta Psychologica | Elsevier | 18736297, 00016918 | 0.64 |
152 | Cross-Cultural Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15523578, 10693971 | 0.64 |
153 | China Information | SAGE Publications Ltd | 0920203X, 1741590X | 0.638 |
154 | State Politics and Policy Quarterly | Cambridge University Press | 15324400 | 0.637 |
155 | Laterality | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14640678, 1357650X | 0.634 |
156 | European Journal of Archaeology | Cambridge University Press | 14619571, 17412722 | 0.632 |
157 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Springer Netherlands | 09262644, 15729907 | 0.631 |
158 | Human Ecology | Springer Science + Business Media | 15729915, 03007839 | 0.63 |
159 | Museum Management and Curatorship | Routledge | 18729185, 09647775 | 0.626 |
160 | African Archaeological Review | Springer International Publishing AG | 15729842, 02630338 | 0.617 |
161 | Creativity Research Journal | Routledge | 15326934, 10400419 | 0.607 |
162 | Journal of Roman Studies | Cambridge University Press | 754358 | 0.607 |
163 | Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology | Ubiquity Press | 25148362 | 0.606 |
164 | Behavioral Interventions | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 10720847, 1099078X | 0.604 |
165 | Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability | Informa Healthcare | 13668250, 14699532 | 0.604 |
166 | Daedalus | MIT Press Journals | 00115266, 15486192 | 0.601 |
167 | International Journal of Design | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | 1994036X, 19913761 | 0.597 |
168 | International Journal of Architectural Heritage | Routledge | 15583066, 15583058 | 0.59 |
169 | American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | 19447515, 19447558 | 0.586 |
170 | Bulletin of ASOR | University of Chicago Press | 27693600, 27693589 | 0.581 |
171 | Journal of Academic Ethics | Springer Netherlands | 15701727 | 0.579 |
172 | Empirical Studies of the Arts | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2762374 | 0.575 |
173 | L'Encephale | Elsevier Masson s.r.l. | 137006 | 0.572 |
174 | Al-Jami'ah | Al-Jami'ah Research Centre-Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University | 2338557X, 0126012X | 0.57 |
175 | International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0306624X, 15526933 | 0.57 |
176 | Experimental Psychology | Hogrefe Publishing | 21905142, 16183169 | 0.563 |
177 | Crime, Media, Culture | SAGE Publications Ltd | 17416590, 17416604 | 0.562 |
178 | Journal of Logic and Computation | Oxford University Press | 0955792X, 1465363X | 0.561 |
179 | Arts Education Policy Review | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 19404395, 10632913 | 0.557 |
180 | Latin American Research Review | Cambridge University Press | 00238791, 15424278 | 0.548 |
181 | Heritage Science | Springer Science + Business Media | 20507445 | 0.547 |
182 | International Feminist Journal of Politics | Routledge | 14616742 | 0.54 |
183 | Dialectical Anthropology | Springer Netherlands | 03044092, 15730786 | 0.531 |
184 | Azania | Routledge | 0067270X, 19455534 | 0.529 |
185 | Africa | Cambridge University Press | 00019720, 17500184 | 0.527 |
186 | International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 21650357, 21650349 | 0.526 |
187 | International Journal of Paleopathology | Elsevier BV | 18799817 | 0.526 |
188 | Nordic Journal of Music Therapy | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 19448260, 08098131 | 0.521 |
189 | International Journal of Leadership in Education | Routledge | 13603124, 14645092 | 0.519 |
190 | Media, War and Conflict | SAGE Publications Ltd | 17506352, 17506360 | 0.517 |
191 | Documenta Praehistorica | University of Ljubljana Press | 18542492, 1408967X | 0.515 |
192 | International Journal of Cross Cultural Management | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14705958, 17412838 | 0.514 |
193 | Journal of African Archaeology | Africa Magna Verlag | 16121651 | 0.514 |
194 | Anatolian Studies | Cambridge University Press | 661546 | 0.513 |
195 | Labor Studies Journal | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0160449X | 0.512 |
196 | Annee Psychologique | Editions NecPlus | 35033 | 0.511 |
197 | Journal of Material Culture | SAGE Publications Ltd | 13591835, 14603586 | 0.51 |
198 | South Asia Research | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd | 17413141, 02627280 | 0.509 |
199 | European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | Routledge | 14695936, 09672567 | 0.507 |
200 | Levant | Maney Publishing | 00758914, 17563801 | 0.502 |