This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Communication Studies journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | SJR |
1 | Communication Methods and Measures | Routledge | 19312466, 19312458 | 3.757 |
2 | Journal of Urban Economics | Academic Press Inc. | 10959068, 00941190 | 3.076 |
3 | Political Communication | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10584609, 10917675 | 3.061 |
4 | Journal of Vocational Behavior | Academic Press Inc. | 10959084, 00018791 | 2.926 |
5 | Child Development Perspectives | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 17508606, 17508592 | 2.844 |
6 | Communication Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00936502, 15523810 | 2.779 |
7 | Digital Journalism | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 2167082X, 21670811 | 2.634 |
8 | Journal of Advertising | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | 15577805, 00913367 | 2.606 |
9 | Journal of Communication | Wiley-Blackwell | 00219916, 14602466 | 2.605 |
10 | Journal of the American Planning Association | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1944363 | 2.572 |
11 | Journal of Interactive Advertising | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 15252019 | 2.505 |
12 | Annals of the International Communication Association | Routledge | 23808977, 23808985 | 2.499 |
13 | International Journal of Press/Politics | SAGE Publications Inc. | 19401612, 19401620 | 2.412 |
14 | Big Data and Society | SAGE Publications Ltd | 20539517 | 2.389 |
15 | Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences | Gerontological Society of America | 10795014, 17585368 | 2.311 |
16 | Journal of Peasant Studies | Routledge | 03066150, 17439361 | 2.277 |
17 | Gender, Work and Organization | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14680432, 09686673 | 2.237 |
18 | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 03091317, 14682427 | 2.149 |
19 | Public Opinion Quarterly | Oxford University Press | 0033362X, 15375331 | 2.129 |
20 | Journal of Public Transportation | Elsevier BV | 1077291X | 2.118 |
21 | Urban Studies | SAGE Publications Ltd | 00420980, 1360063X | 2.1 |
22 | New Media and Society | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14614448, 14617315 | 2.084 |
23 | International Journal of Advertising | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 17593948, 02650487 | 2.081 |
24 | Journal of Urban Health | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | 10993460, 14682869 | 2.076 |
25 | Landscape and Urban Planning | Elsevier | 1692046 | 2.065 |
26 | Research on Language and Social Interaction | Routledge | 08351813, 15327973 | 2.013 |
27 | National Vital Statistics Reports | Public Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human Services | 15518922, 15518930 | 16.495 |
28 | Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics | MIT Press Journals | 2307387X | 1.985 |
29 | Biology of Sex Differences | BioMed Central Ltd. | 20426410 | 1.961 |
30 | Social Media and Society | SAGE Publications Ltd | 20563051 | 1.95 |
31 | Human Communication Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 03603989, 14682958 | 1.88 |
32 | Telematics and Informatics | Elsevier Ltd. | 7365853 | 1.878 |
33 | Gender and Society | SAGE Publications Inc. | 08912432, 15523977 | 1.866 |
34 | Vehicular Communications | Elsevier Inc. | 22142096 | 1.846 |
35 | Applied Developmental Science | Psychology Press Ltd | 1532480X, 10888691 | 1.818 |
36 | Information Communication and Society | Routledge | 1369118X | 1.807 |
37 | Digital Communications and Networks | Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications | 23528648, 24685925 | 1.796 |
38 | Crime Science | SpringerOpen | 21937680 | 1.755 |
39 | Developmental Psychology | American Psychological Association | 19390599, 00121649 | 1.731 |
40 | Journal of Aging and Social Policy | Routledge | 15450821, 08959420 | 1.721 |
41 | Cities | Elsevier Ltd. | 2642751 | 1.718 |
42 | Applied Linguistics | Oxford University Press | 01426001, 1477450X | 1.71 |
43 | Television and New Media | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15274764 | 1.708 |
44 | Work, Aging and Retirement | Oxford University Press | 20544650 | 1.699 |
45 | Urban Geography | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 02723638, 19382847 | 1.688 |
46 | Sociology of Religion | Association for the Sociology of Religion | 10694404 | 1.651 |
47 | Internet Research | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 10662243 | 1.65 |
48 | Media, Culture and Society | SAGE Publications Ltd | 01634437, 14603675 | 1.641 |
49 | Group Processes and Intergroup Relations | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14617188, 13684302 | 1.631 |
50 | Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives | Elsevier Ltd. | 25901982 | 1.629 |
51 | Journal of Professional Capital and Community | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 20569548, 20569556 | 1.618 |
52 | Quantitative Science Studies | MIT Press Journals | 26413337 | 1.612 |
53 | Journalism Studies | Routledge | 1461670X, 14699699 | 1.592 |
54 | Environment and Urbanization | SAGE Publications Ltd | 09562478, 17460301 | 1.57 |
55 | Urban Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00420859, 15528340 | 1.57 |
56 | Computers, Environment and Urban Systems | Elsevier Ltd. | 1989715 | 1.567 |
57 | Media Psychology | Routledge | 1532785X, 15213269 | 1.545 |
58 | Feminist Economics | Routledge | 14664372, 13545701 | 1.534 |
59 | Journal of Research on Adolescence | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 10508392, 15327795 | 1.518 |
60 | Journalism | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14648849, 17413001 | 1.511 |
61 | Communication Theory | Wiley-Blackwell | 14682885, 10503293 | 1.505 |
62 | Internet Policy Review | Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society | 21976775 | 1.473 |
63 | Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | Mary Ann Liebert Inc. | 21522715, 21522723 | 1.466 |
64 | Journal of Urban Technology | Routledge | 10630732, 14661853 | 1.457 |
65 | Health and Place | Elsevier Ltd. | 13538292 | 1.448 |
66 | Public Relations Review | Elsevier BV | 3638111 | 1.432 |
67 | Psychology of Women Quarterly | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14716402, 03616843 | 1.417 |
68 | Comunicar | Grupo Communicar Ediciones | 11343478 | 1.412 |
69 | Public Understanding of Science | SAGE Publications Ltd | 09636625, 13616609 | 1.408 |
70 | Habitat International | Elsevier Ltd. | 1973975 | 1.403 |
71 | Men and Masculinities | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1097184X | 1.397 |
72 | Race Ethnicity and Education | Routledge | 1470109X, 13613324 | 1.388 |
73 | Politics and Gender | Cambridge University Press | 1743923X, 17439248 | 1.359 |
74 | Advances in Life Course Research | Elsevier | 10402608 | 1.356 |
75 | European Urban and Regional Studies | SAGE Publications Ltd | 09697764, 14617145 | 1.356 |
76 | Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2161430X, 10776990 | 1.348 |
77 | Review of Black Political Economy | Springer New York | 00346446, 19364814 | 1.345 |
78 | Mass Communication and Society | Routledge | 15205436 | 1.333 |
79 | Sex Roles | Springer New York | 03600025, 15732762 | 1.314 |
80 | Gender and Education | Routledge | 13600516, 09540253 | 1.312 |
81 | Chinese Journal of Communication | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 17544769, 17544750 | 1.305 |
82 | Mobile Media and Communication | SAGE Publications Inc. | 20501579, 20501587 | 1.303 |
83 | Annual Review of Anthropology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 15454290, 00846570 | 1.284 |
84 | International Journal of Behavioral Development | SAGE Publications Ltd | 01650254, 14640651 | 1.268 |
85 | Technology, Pedagogy and Education | Routledge | 17475139, 1475939X | 1.261 |
86 | Journal of Sex Research | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 00224499, 15598519 | 1.25 |
87 | Housing, Theory and Society | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 16512278, 14036096 | 1.249 |
88 | Regional Science and Urban Economics | Elsevier | 18792308, 01660462 | 1.247 |
89 | Health Communication | Routledge | 10410236, 15327027 | 1.243 |
90 | Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 08838151, 15506878 | 1.229 |
91 | Communication and Sport | SAGE Publications Ltd | 21674809, 21674795 | 1.204 |
92 | Social Movement Studies | Routledge | 14742837 | 1.195 |
93 | Innovation in Aging | Oxford University Press | 23995300 | 1.191 |
94 | European Journal of Communication | SAGE Publications Ltd | 02673231, 14603705 | 1.19 |
95 | Learning Environments Research | Springer Netherlands | 15731855, 13871579 | 1.187 |
96 | Urban Climate | Elsevier BV | 22120955 | 1.185 |
97 | Poetics | Elsevier | 0304422X | 1.173 |
98 | Target | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 9241884 | 1.138 |
99 | International Journal of Transgender Health | Routledge | 26895269, 26895277 | 1.13 |
100 | Transgender Health | Mary Ann Liebert Inc. | 2380193X | 1.13 |
101 | Signs | University of Chicago | 15456943, 00979740 | 1.128 |
102 | Urban Affairs Review | SAGE Publications Inc. | 10780874 | 1.128 |
103 | Journal of Aging and Health | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15526887, 08982643 | 1.119 |
104 | Chinese Sociological Review | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | 21620555, 21620563 | 1.117 |
105 | Translation, Cognition and Behavior | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 25425285, 25425277 | 1.109 |
106 | Journal of Social and Personal Relationships | SAGE Publications Ltd | 2654075 | 1.091 |
107 | American Behavioral Scientist | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15523381, 00027642 | 1.088 |
108 | Journal of Planning Education and Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0739456X, 15526577 | 1.088 |
109 | Ethnic and Racial Studies | Routledge | 01419870, 14664356 | 1.076 |
110 | Journalism & communication monographs | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication | 15226379 | 1.076 |