List of top Computational Mechanics journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Computational Mechanics journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top 110 Computational Mechanics journals

Top Computational Mechanics Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1Advanced MaterialsWiley-Blackwell09359648, 152140959.538
2Materials Science and Engineering: R: ReportsElsevier BV0927796X6.842
3Molecular Systems BiologyWiley-Blackwell174442926.22
4Materials TodayElsevier136970216.194
5IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.1089778X5.767
6IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceIEEE Computer Society16288284.447
7Materials HorizonsRoyal Society of Chemistry20516347, 205163553.88
8IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.106367063.533
9AVS Quantum ScienceAmerican Institute of Physics263902133.413
10npj Quantum InformationNature Partner Journals205663873.305
11International Materials ReviewsManey Publishing09506608, 174328043.206
12SIAM ReviewSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications10957200, 003614453.002
13npj Computational MaterialsNature Publishing Group205739602.977
14Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure EngineeringWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14678667, 109396872.962
15BioinformaticsOxford University Press13674803, 146020592.94
16Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular ScienceJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.17590876, 175908842.889
17Progress in Aerospace SciencesElsevier Ltd.37604212.881
18Genomics, Proteomics and BioinformaticsBeijing Genomics Institute167202292.869
19International Journal of PlasticityElsevier Ltd.74964192.84
20BiomaterialsElsevier BV01429612, 187859052.716
21npj 2D Materials and ApplicationsNature Publishing Group239771322.665
22Journal of Magnesium and AlloysNational Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloys of China, Chongqing University221395672.441
23IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringIEEE Computer Society104143472.358
24Composites Part B: EngineeringElsevier Ltd.135983682.3
25Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and EngineeringElsevier4578252.218
26Journal of Materials Science and TechnologyElsevier BV100503022.13
27International Journal of Engineering ScienceElsevier Ltd.2072252.082
28Nature MaterialsNature Publishing Group14764660, 1476112213.874
29SIAM Journal on Mathematical AnalysisSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications00361410, 109571541.994
30Handbook of Numerical AnalysisElsevier157086591.933
31High-Confidence ComputingElsevier BV266729521.926
32Advanced Materials TechnologiesWiley-Blackwell2365709X1.924
33Nano Materials ScienceKeAi Communications Co.20966482, 258996511.917
34Communications MaterialsSpringer Nature266244431.911
35SIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications00361429, 109571701.899
36IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed SystemsIEEE Computer Society104592191.89
37PLoS Computational BiologyPublic Library of Science15537358, 1553734X1.872
38Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series BAcademic Press Inc.10960902, 009589561.869
39IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational IntelligenceInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.2471285X1.764
40Scripta MaterialiaElsevier Ltd.135964621.756
41Structural Control and Health MonitoringJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd15452263, 154522551.755
42Journal of Computational PhysicsAcademic Press Inc.10902716, 002199911.753
43Materials and DesignElsevier BV02641275, 187341971.741
44Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsElsevier Ltd.2250961.691
45Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and ProcessingElsevier BV92150931.667
46Composites - Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingElsevier Ltd.1359835X1.661
47Foundations of Computational MathematicsSpringer New York16153383, 161533751.652
482D MaterialsIOP Publishing Ltd.205315831.631
49SIAM Journal of Scientific ComputingSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications10957197, 106482751.606
50Advances in Geo-Energy Research22079963, 2208598X1.599
51Advanced Quantum TechnologiesJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.251190441.577
52Journal of Numerical MathematicsWalter de Gruyter GmbH15702820, 156939531.56
53International Journal of Mechanical SciencesElsevier Ltd.2074031.532
54Mechanism and Machine TheoryElsevier Ltd.03741052, 0094114X1.517
55International Journal of FatigueElsevier Ltd.14211231.504
56International Journal of Impact EngineeringElsevier Ltd.0734743X1.502
57Numerische MathematikSpringer New York09453245, 0029599X1.484
58Data Science and EngineeringSpringer23641541, 236411851.458
59Journal of Composites for ConstructionAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)10900268, 194356141.45
60CombinatoricaJanos Bolyai Mathematical Society02099683, 143969121.442
61International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in GeomechanicsJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd03639061, 109698531.429
62Journal of Fluid MechanicsCambridge University Press14697645, 002211201.409
63Theory of ComputingUniversity of Chicago, Department of Computer Science155728621.406
64Forum of Mathematics, SigmaCambridge University Press205050941.402
65Composites CommunicationsElsevier Ltd.245221391.387
66IMA Journal of Numerical AnalysisOxford University Press14643642, 027249791.383
67Journal of Sound and VibrationAcademic Press Inc.10958568, 0022460X1.376
68Journal of Structural EngineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)73394451.36
69IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language ProcessingIEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity23299304, 232992901.348
70Tribology InternationalElsevier Ltd.0301679X1.348
71IEEE Transactions on Sustainable ComputingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.237737821.346
72Computational MechanicsSpringer Verlag14320924, 017876751.321
73Journal of Constructional Steel ResearchElsevier BV0143974X1.319
74Advanced Materials InterfacesJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd219673501.315
75Mathematics of ComputationAmerican Mathematical Society00255718, 108868421.302
76SMAI Journal of Computational MathematicsCentre Mersenne242683991.286
77Dental MaterialsElsevier Science01095641, 187900971.283
78Engineering Fracture MechanicsElsevier BV1379441.281
79Nonlinear Analysis: Real World ApplicationsElsevier BV146812181.256
80Extreme Mechanics LettersElsevier Ltd.235243161.235
81Journal of Building EngineeringElsevier BV235271021.232
82Marine StructuresElsevier BV95183391.228
83European Journal of CombinatoricsAcademic Press Inc.10959971, 019566981.209
84Railway Engineering ScienceSpringer Nature Switzerland AG26624753, 266247451.209
85Computational Optimization and ApplicationsSpringer Netherlands15732894, 092660031.208
86Information and InferenceOxford University Press204987721.193
87Distributed ComputingSpringer Verlag01782770, 143204521.192
88Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series AAcademic Press Inc.00973165, 109608991.192
89Applied and Computational MathematicsAzerbaijan National Academy of Sciences168335111.191
90Journal of Scientific ComputingSpringer New York08857474, 157376911.171
91IEEE Transactions on ComputersIEEE Computer Society1893401.152
92Journal of Applied and Computational TopologySpringer International Publishing AG23671726, 236717341.149
93Evolutionary ComputationMIT Press Journals15309304, 106365601.146
94IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology2519173X1.144
95Complex and Intelligent SystemsSpringer International Publishing AG21994536, 219860531.138
96Theory and Practice of Logic ProgrammingCambridge University Press14753081, 147106841.138
97Bioinformatics and Biology InsightsLibertas Academica Ltd.117793221.128
98Journal of Membrane ComputingSpringer Verlag252389061.126
99International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in EducationSpringer US15604292, 156043061.11
100Materials CharacterizationElsevier Inc.104458031.109
101Technology, Knowledge and LearningSpringer Science + Business Media22111662, 221116701.108
102IEEE Transactions on Computational ImagingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.233394031.105
103ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical AnalysisEDP Sciences28047214, 282278401.096
104Materials Science and Engineering CElsevier BV09284931, 187301911.086
105Internet MathematicsTaylor and Francis Ltd.15427951, 194494881.085
106Physics of FluidsAmerican Institute of Physics10706631, 108976661.083
107European Journal of Mechanics, A/SolidsElsevier BV99775381.082
108Journal of Alloys and CompoundsElsevier BV92583881.079
109EPJ Data ScienceSpringer Science + Business Media219311271.066
110Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesTaylor and Francis Ltd.10426914, 153224751.059

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