This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Computer Science journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | SJR |
1 | Astronomy and Astrophysics Review | Springer Verlag | 09354956, 14320754 | 9.937 |
2 | Advanced Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 09359648, 15214095 | 9.538 |
3 | Advances in Computers | Academic Press Inc. | 652458 | 9.308 |
4 | Advanced Energy Materials | Wiley-VCH Verlag | 16146832, 16146840 | 9.044 |
5 | Electrochemical Energy Reviews | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. | 25208136 | 8.905 |
6 | Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease | Annual Reviews Inc. | 15534006, 15534014 | 8.628 |
7 | Progress in Materials Science | Elsevier Ltd. | 18732208, 00796425 | 8.515 |
8 | Annual Review of Political Science | Annual Reviews Inc. | 10942939, 15451577 | 8.346 |
9 | Advances in Optics and Photonics | Optica Publishing Group | 19438206 | 8.332 |
10 | Annual Review of Plant Biology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 15452123, 15435008 | 8.131 |
11 | American Political Science Review | Cambridge University Press | 15375943, 00030554 | 7.734 |
12 | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 7338716 | 7.656 |
13 | Psychological Bulletin | American Psychological Association | 00332909, 19391455 | 7.635 |
14 | American Sociological Review | American Sociological Association | 00031224, 19398271 | 7.412 |
15 | Living Reviews in Solar Physics | Springer International Publishing AG | 16144961, 23673648 | 7.235 |
16 | Manufacturing and Service Operations Management | INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | 15265498, 15234614 | 7.126 |
17 | Nature Climate Change | Nature Publishing Group | 17586798, 1758678X | 6.849 |
18 | Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports | Elsevier BV | 0927796X | 6.842 |
19 | Nature Biomedical Engineering | Nature Publishing Group | 2157846X | 6.625 |
20 | Nature Sustainability | Nature Publishing Group | 23989629 | 6.568 |
21 | IEEE Wireless Communications | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 15361284 | 6.556 |
22 | Science Robotics | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 24709476 | 6.479 |
23 | Nature Machine Intelligence | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | 25225839 | 6.21 |
24 | Materials Today | Elsevier | 13697021 | 6.194 |
25 | Nature Reviews Earth and Environment | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | 2662138X | 6.193 |
26 | InfoMat | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 25673165 | 6.153 |
27 | Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences | Annual Reviews Inc. | 846597 | 6.083 |
28 | Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | IEEE Computer Society | 10636919 | 5.952 |
29 | Fungal Diversity | Springer Netherlands | 15602745, 18789129 | 5.784 |
30 | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 1089778X | 5.767 |
31 | Journal of Econometrics | Elsevier BV | 3044076 | 5.744 |
32 | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 15361276 | 5.662 |
33 | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 15505499 | 5.662 |
34 | Annual Review of Entomology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 00664170, 15454487 | 5.655 |
35 | Advanced Functional Materials | Wiley-VCH Verlag | 1616301X | 5.565 |
36 | Proceedings of the IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 15582256, 00189219 | 5.564 |
37 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity | 21682275, 21682267 | 5.365 |
38 | Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision | Now Publishers Inc | 15722740 | 5.329 |
39 | Management Science | INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | 00251909, 15265501 | 5.322 |
40 | Cement and Concrete Research | Elsevier Ltd. | 88846 | 5.294 |
41 | IEEE Communications Magazine | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 1636804 | 5.285 |
42 | Molecular Plant | Cell Press | 16742052, 17529867 | 5.209 |
43 | Nature Plants | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 2055026X | 5.205 |
44 | Studies in Mycology | Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute | 1660616 | 5.202 |
45 | Energy Storage Materials | Elsevier BV | 24058297 | 5.179 |
46 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 19493053 | 5.118 |
47 | Nano Energy | Elsevier BV | 22112855 | 5.03 |
48 | Journal of Service Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 10946705, 15527379 | 4.981 |
49 | American Journal of Political Science | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 00925853, 15405907 | 4.963 |
50 | International Journal of Information Management | Elsevier Ltd. | 2684012 | 4.906 |
51 | Matter | Cell Press | 25902393, 25902385 | 4.896 |
52 | Applied Catalysis B: Environmental | Elsevier | 18733883, 09263373 | 4.887 |
53 | Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks | Morgan and Claypool Publishers | 19354185 | 4.854 |
54 | Political Analysis | Cambridge University Press | 10471987, 14764989 | 4.815 |
55 | International Organization | Cambridge University Press | 15315088, 00208183 | 4.798 |
56 | Accounts of Materials Research | American Chemical Society | 26436728 | 4.788 |
57 | Annual Review of Environment and Resources | Annual Reviews Inc. | 15452050, 15435938 | 4.784 |
58 | British Journal of Sports Medicine | BMJ Publishing Group | 03063674, 14730480 | 4.764 |
59 | ACS Nano | American Chemical Society | 1936086X, 19360851 | 4.728 |
60 | AI Open | KeAi Communications Co. | 26666510 | 4.726 |
61 | Carbon Energy | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 26379368 | 4.571 |
62 | ACM Computing Surveys | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 03600300, 15577341 | 4.457 |
63 | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | IEEE Computer Society | 1628828 | 4.447 |
64 | PRX Quantum | American Physical Society | 26913399 | 4.415 |
65 | Mathematical Programming Computation | Springer Verlag | 18672949, 18672957 | 4.377 |
66 | Energy and Environmental Materials | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 25750348, 25750356 | 4.338 |
67 | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 00189286, 15582523 | 4.334 |
68 | Leadership Quarterly | Elsevier Inc. | 10489843 | 4.331 |
69 | IEEE Network | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 08908044, 1558156X | 4.266 |
70 | Psychological Methods | American Psychological Association | 1082989X, 19391463 | 4.247 |
71 | Strategy Science | INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | 23332077, 23332050 | 4.232 |
72 | Annual Review of Sociology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 03600572, 15452115 | 4.196 |
73 | Advanced Science | Wiley-VCH Verlag | 21983844 | 4.086 |
74 | Global Change Biology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 13652486, 13541013 | 4.069 |
75 | Remote Sensing of Environment | Elsevier Inc. | 344257 | 4.057 |
76 | Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 21596778, 2159676X | 4.045 |
77 | Current Climate Change Reports | Springer International Publishing AG | 21986061 | 4.042 |
78 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | IEEE Computer Society | 15513203 | 4.002 |
79 | Mycosphere | Zhongkai University | 20777019, 20777000 | 3.918 |
80 | British Journal of Political Science | Cambridge University Press | 00071234, 14692112 | 3.893 |
81 | Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems | Annual Reviews Inc. | 25735144 | 3.891 |
82 | Materials Horizons | Royal Society of Chemistry | 20516347, 20516355 | 3.88 |
83 | Nano Today | Elsevier | 17480132 | 3.868 |
84 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 10991379, 08943796 | 3.804 |
85 | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | American Psychological Association | 223514 | 3.799 |
86 | MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems | Management Information Systems Research Center | 02767783, 21629730 | 3.793 |
87 | Comparative Political Studies | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15523829, 00104140 | 3.766 |
88 | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 23274662 | 3.747 |
89 | ACM Transactions on Graphics | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 15577368, 07300301 | 3.697 |
90 | GigaScience | Oxford University Press | 2047217X | 3.697 |
91 | Annual Review of Animal Biosciences | Annual Reviews Inc. | 21658110, 21658102 | 3.696 |
92 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity | 21682216, 21682232 | 3.688 |
93 | Computers and Education | Elsevier Ltd. | 3601315 | 3.682 |
94 | Journal of Operations Management | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 2726963 | 3.679 |
95 | Plant Cell | Oxford University Press | 1532298X, 10404651 | 3.646 |
96 | Research Policy | Elsevier | 487333 | 3.634 |
97 | Small Methods | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 23669608 | 3.629 |
98 | Lancet Healthy Longevity, The | Elsevier Ltd. | 26667568 | 3.619 |
99 | European Journal of Political Research | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 03044130, 14756765 | 3.59 |
100 | Lancet Planetary Health, The | Elsevier BV | 25425196 | 3.586 |
101 | Operations Research | INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | 0030364X, 15265463 | 3.579 |
102 | EcoMat | John Wiley and Sons Inc. | 25673173 | 3.557 |
103 | npj Digital Medicine | Nature Publishing Group | 23986352 | 3.552 |
104 | Nano Letters | American Chemical Society | 15306992, 15306984 | 3.54 |
105 | Nature Food | Springer Nature | 26621355 | 3.525 |
106 | Political Behavior | Springer New York | 01909320, 15736687 | 3.456 |
107 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | IEEE Computational Intelligence Society | 2162237X, 21622388 | 3.447 |
108 | Annual Review of Materials Research | Annual Reviews Inc. | 15317331, 15454118 | 3.443 |
109 | ACS Materials Letters | American Chemical Society | 26394979 | 3.421 |
110 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 23327731 | 3.419 |
111 | Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory | Now Publishers Inc | 15672190, 15672328 | 3.415 |
112 | AVS Quantum Science | American Institute of Physics | 26390213 | 3.413 |
113 | Small | Wiley-VCH Verlag | 16136829, 16136810 | 3.395 |
114 | Annual Review of Phytopathology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 00664286, 15452107 | 3.379 |
115 | International Journal of Computer Vision | Springer Netherlands | 09205691, 15731405 | 3.369 |
116 | Cement and Concrete Composites | Elsevier Ltd. | 9589465 | 3.339 |
117 | Water Research | Elsevier Ltd. | 00431354, 18792448 | 3.338 |
118 | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory | Oxford University Press | 14779803, 10531858 | 3.337 |
119 | Internet and Higher Education | Elsevier BV | 10967516 | 3.327 |
120 | Public Administration Review | Wiley-Blackwell | 00333352, 15406210 | 3.311 |
121 | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | Elsevier | 9242716 | 3.308 |
122 | npj Quantum Information | Nature Partner Journals | 20566387 | 3.305 |
123 | Sports Medicine | Springer International Publishing AG | 01121642, 11792035 | 3.292 |
124 | Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science | Now Publishers Inc | 15513068, 1551305X | 3.286 |
125 | Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi | National Herbarium Nederland | 315850 | 3.273 |
126 | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 1477870X, 00359009 | 3.26 |
127 | Information Systems Research | INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | 15265536, 10477047 | 3.257 |
128 | Trends in Plant Science | Elsevier Ltd. | 13601385, 18784372 | 3.213 |
129 | Current Opinion in Plant Biology | Elsevier Ltd. | 18790356, 13695266 | 3.206 |
130 | Transportation Research Part B: Methodological | Elsevier Ltd. | 1912615 | 3.205 |
131 | npj Flexible Electronics | Nature Publishing Group | 23974621 | 3.197 |
132 | Medical Image Analysis | Elsevier | 13618415, 13618423 | 3.195 |
133 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | 2780046 | 3.194 | |
134 | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | Royal Society of Chemistry | 20507496, 20507488 | 3.156 |
135 | Journal of Business Logistics | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 21581592, 07353766 | 3.135 |
136 | Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval | Now Publishers Inc | 15540669, 15540677 | 3.128 |
137 | Production and Operations Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 10591478, 19375956 | 3.12 |
138 | Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series | American Astronomical Society | 15384365, 00670049 | 3.086 |
139 | Environment international | Elsevier Ltd. | 18736750, 01604120 | 3.075 |
140 | IUCrJ | International Union of Crystallography | 20522525 | 3.072 |
141 | Journal of Management Information Systems | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | 1557928X, 07421222 | 3.064 |
142 | Political Communication | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10584609, 10917675 | 3.061 |
143 | Journal of Politics | University of Chicago Press | 14682508, 00223816 | 3.048 |
144 | New Phytologist | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14698137, 0028646X | 3.047 |
145 | International Journal of Production Economics | Elsevier | 9255273 | 3.028 |
146 | Structural Equation Modeling | Psychology Press Ltd | 15328007, 10705511 | 3.014 |
147 | Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | Elsevier Ltd. | 13665545 | 3.005 |
148 | SIAM Review | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications | 10957200, 00361445 | 3.002 |
149 | MMWR Recommendations and Reports | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | 10575987, 15458601 | 23.962 |
150 | Plant Communications | Cell Press | 25903462 | 2.985 |
151 | Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews | Elsevier | 0169409X, 18728294 | 2.982 |
152 | npj Computational Materials | Nature Publishing Group | 20573960 | 2.977 |
153 | International Journal of Production Research | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 00207543, 1366588X | 2.976 |
154 | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 17577799, 17577780 | 2.972 |
155 | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14678667, 10939687 | 2.962 |
156 | IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 2644125X | 2.95 |
157 | Bioinformatics | Oxford University Press | 13674803, 14602059 | 2.94 |
158 | Soil Biology and Biochemistry | Elsevier Ltd. | 380717 | 2.934 |
159 | Environmental Science and Technology Letters | American Chemical Society | 23288930 | 2.909 |
160 | Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 15476537, 10643389 | 2.899 |
161 | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 17590876, 17590884 | 2.889 |
162 | American Journal of Sociology | University of Chicago | 00029602, 15375390 | 2.884 |
163 | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | Elsevier Ltd. | 0968090X | 2.882 |
164 | Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | Elsevier Ltd. | 7365845 | 2.881 |
165 | Array | Elsevier BV | 25900056 | 2.88 |
166 | Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 0743166X | 2.877 |
167 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 02780062, 1558254X | 2.872 |
168 | npj Climate and Atmospheric Science | Springer Nature | 23973722 | 2.87 |
169 | Limnology And Oceanography Letters | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 23782242 | 2.848 |
170 | International Journal of Plasticity | Elsevier Ltd. | 7496419 | 2.84 |
171 | New Astronomy Reviews | Elsevier | 13876473 | 2.825 |
172 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 00189545, 19399359 | 2.802 |
173 | Psychological Review | American Psychological Association | 19391471, 0033295X | 2.801 |
174 | Plant Biotechnology Journal | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14677644, 14677652 | 2.776 |
175 | Space Science Reviews | Springer Netherlands | 15729672, 00386308 | 2.768 |
176 | Materials Today Physics | Elsevier Ltd. | 25425293 | 2.767 |
177 | Information Systems Journal | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 13501917, 13652575 | 2.748 |
178 | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 16729072, 17447909 | 2.729 |
179 | Astrophysical Journal Letters | American Astronomical Society | 20418213, 20418205 | 2.726 |
180 | IEEE Transactions on Robotics | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 15523098 | 2.716 |
181 | Journal of Big Data | SpringerOpen | 21961115 | 2.714 |
182 | Research and Politics | SAGE Publications Ltd | 20531680 | 2.704 |
183 | International Security | MIT Press Journals | 15314804, 01622889 | 2.694 |
184 | Computer Science Review | Elsevier Ireland Ltd | 15740137 | 2.685 |
185 | Omega | Elsevier BV | 3050483 | 2.679 |
186 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 15580016, 15249050 | 2.674 |
187 | World Politics | Cambridge University Press | 00438871, 10863338 | 2.67 |
188 | npj 2D Materials and Applications | Nature Publishing Group | 23977132 | 2.665 |
189 | Advanced Fiber Materials | Springer Nature | 25247921, 2524793X | 2.653 |
190 | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 15566013 | 2.652 |
191 | Sociological Theory | SAGE Publications Ltd | 07352751, 14679558 | 2.651 |
192 | Computers in Industry | Elsevier | 1663615 | 2.646 |
193 | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | Elsevier BV | 22106502 | 2.646 |
194 | Additive Manufacturing | Elsevier BV | 22148604 | 2.633 |
195 | One Earth | Cell Press | 25903330, 25903322 | 2.617 |
196 | Political Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 0162895X, 14679221 | 2.61 |
197 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 21576912, 21576904 | 2.603 |
198 | Cell Reports Physical Science | Cell Press | 26663864 | 2.598 |
199 | Political Science Research and Methods | Cambridge University Press | 20498470, 20498489 | 2.589 |
200 | Food Hydrocolloids | Elsevier | 0268005X | 2.578 |