This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Education journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | SJR |
1 | Review of Educational Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00346543, 19351046 | 5.804 |
2 | Strategic Organization | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1741315X, 14761270 | 4.284 |
3 | Research Synthesis Methods | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 17592879, 17592887 | 3.991 |
4 | Computers and Education | Elsevier Ltd. | 3601315 | 3.682 |
5 | Educational Psychology Review | Springer New York | 1040726X, 1573336X | 3.566 |
6 | Internet and Higher Education | Elsevier BV | 10967516 | 3.327 |
7 | Educational Researcher | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0013189X | 3.304 |
8 | Educational Research Review | Elsevier Ltd. | 1747938X | 3.269 |
9 | Contemporary Educational Psychology | Academic Press Inc. | 0361476X, 10902384 | 3.187 |
10 | Review of Research in Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0091732X, 19351038 | 2.985 |
11 | Journal of Vocational Behavior | Academic Press Inc. | 10959084, 00018791 | 2.926 |
12 | Developmental Review | Mosby Inc. | 02732297, 10902406 | 2.649 |
13 | Journal of Educational Psychology | American Psychological Association | 19392176, 00220663 | 2.511 |
14 | Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 15732827, 10964037 | 2.466 |
15 | Postdigital Science and Education | Springer International Publishing AG | 2524485X, 25244868 | 2.453 |
16 | Scientific data | Nature Publishing Group | 20524463 | 2.41 |
17 | Survey Research Methods | European Survey Research Association | 18643361 | 2.41 |
18 | Learning and Instruction | Elsevier BV | 9594752 | 2.398 |
19 | Journal of Teacher Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00224871, 15527816 | 2.337 |
20 | Sociology of Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00380407, 19398573 | 2.335 |
21 | Journal of Second Language Writing | Elsevier Ltd. | 10603743 | 2.314 |
22 | Journal of the Learning Sciences | Routledge | 10508406, 15327809 | 2.267 |
23 | American Educational Research Journal | SAGE Publications Ltd | 00028312, 19351011 | 2.234 |
24 | Language Learning | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14679922, 00238333 | 2.195 |
25 | Journal of School Psychology | Elsevier BV | 00224405, 18733506 | 2.16 |
26 | International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning | Springer Publishing Company | 15561607, 15561615 | 2.158 |
27 | Child Development | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14678624, 00093920 | 2.135 |
28 | British Journal of Educational Technology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 00071013, 14678535 | 2.116 |
29 | Science Education | Wiley-Liss Inc. | 00368326, 1098237X | 2.115 |
30 | Higher Education for the Future | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd | 23485779, 23476311 | 2.107 |
31 | Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 02602938, 1469297X | 2.079 |
32 | Studies in Second Language Acquisition | Cambridge University Press | 2722631 | 2.077 |
33 | Reading Research Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 340553 | 2.058 |
34 | International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | Springer Netherlands | 23659440 | 2.051 |
35 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Springer New York | 15736601, 00472891 | 2.03 |
36 | System | Elsevier Ltd. | 0346251X | 1.972 |
37 | Higher Education | Springer Netherlands | 00181560, 1573174X | 1.952 |
38 | Educational and Psychological Measurement | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00131644, 15523888 | 1.949 |
39 | Academy of Management Learning and Education | George Washington University | 1537260X | 1.94 |
40 | European Journal of Teacher Education | Routledge | 14695928, 02619768 | 1.892 |
41 | Educational Administration Quarterly | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0013161X, 15523519 | 1.886 |
42 | Journal of Research in Science Teaching | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 10982736, 00224308 | 1.882 |
43 | Learning, Media and Technology | Routledge | 17439892, 17439884 | 1.879 |
44 | Distance Education | Routledge | 14750198, 01587919 | 1.878 |
45 | International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13670050 | 1.873 |
46 | Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis | SAGE Publications Inc. | 01623737, 19351062 | 1.829 |
47 | Journal of Mixed Methods Research | SAGE Publications Ltd | 15586898, 15586901 | 1.736 |
48 | Cognition and Instruction | Routledge | 1532690X, 07370008 | 1.731 |
49 | Studies in Higher Education | Routledge | 03075079, 1470174X | 1.716 |
50 | Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier BV | 2666920X | 1.7 |
51 | Active Learning in Higher Education | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14697874, 17412625 | 1.686 |
52 | Journal of Educational Computing Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15414140, 07356331 | 1.673 |
53 | International Journal of STEM Education | SpringerOpen | 21967822 | 1.668 |
54 | International Journal of Qualitative Methods, The | SAGE Publications Inc. | 16094069 | 1.664 |
55 | TESOL Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 398322 | 1.655 |
56 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | Springer Netherlands | 15730816, 00131954 | 1.636 |
57 | Early Childhood Research Quarterly | Elsevier Ltd. | 8852006 | 1.63 |
58 | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 13652729, 02664909 | 1.629 |
59 | Medical Education | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 13652923, 03080110 | 1.629 |
60 | Scientific Studies of Reading | Routledge | 1532799X, 10888438 | 1.619 |
61 | Journal of Professional Capital and Community | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 20569548, 20569556 | 1.618 |
62 | Teaching and Teacher Education | Elsevier Ltd. | 0742051X | 1.616 |
63 | Journal of Intellectual Capital | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 14691930 | 1.582 |
64 | Academic Medicine | Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. | 10402446, 1938808X | 1.579 |
65 | CBE Life Sciences Education | American Society for Cell Biology | 19317913 | 1.57 |
66 | Urban Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00420859, 15528340 | 1.57 |
67 | Studies in Science Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 19408412, 03057267 | 1.568 |
68 | Theory and Research in Social Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 00933104, 21631654 | 1.561 |
69 | Journal of Higher Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 15384640, 00221546 | 1.55 |
70 | Educational Technology Research and Development | Springer Boston | 10421629, 15566501 | 1.516 |
71 | Critical Studies in Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 17508495, 17508487 | 1.513 |
72 | Technology in Society | Elsevier Ltd. | 0160791X | 1.491 |
73 | Journal of Learning Disabilities | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15384780, 00222194 | 1.476 |
74 | npj Science of Learning | Nature Publishing Group | 20567936 | 1.468 |
75 | Higher Education Research and Development | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14698366, 07294360 | 1.462 |
76 | Journal of Computers in Education | Springer Berlin | 21979995, 21979987 | 1.442 |
77 | Language Teaching Research | SAGE Publications Ltd | 13621688, 14770954 | 1.44 |
78 | Equity and Excellence in Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10665684 | 1.43 |
79 | Online Learning Journal | The Online Learning Consortium | 24725730 | 1.417 |
80 | Comunicar | Grupo Communicar Ediciones | 11343478 | 1.412 |
81 | Journal of Education Policy | Routledge | 02680939, 14645106 | 1.41 |
82 | ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education | Springer Verlag | 18639704, 18639690 | 1.403 |
83 | British Journal of Educational Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell | 00070998, 20448279 | 1.399 |
84 | Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals | SAGE Publications Inc. | 21651442, 21651434 | 1.395 |
85 | Race Ethnicity and Education | Routledge | 1470109X, 13613324 | 1.388 |
86 | International Journal of Educational Research Open | Elsevier Ltd. | 26663740 | 1.387 |
87 | School Leadership and Management | Brill Academic Publishers | 13632434, 13642626 | 1.379 |
88 | Educational Policy | SAGE Publications Inc. | 08959048, 15523896 | 1.375 |
89 | Journal of Learning Analytics | UTS ePress | 19297750 | 1.369 |
90 | Learning and Individual Differences | Elsevier BV | 18733425, 10416080 | 1.367 |
91 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 10963480, 15577554 | 1.357 |
92 | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 19450818, 15391523 | 1.352 |
93 | Journal of Computing in Higher Education | Springer US | 10421726, 18671233 | 1.339 |
94 | Journal of Human Evolution | Academic Press Inc. | 00472484, 10958606 | 1.338 |
95 | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | 218251 | 1.337 |
96 | International Journal of Stress Management | American Psychological Association | 10725245, 15733424 | 1.336 |
97 | AERA Open | SAGE Publications Inc. | 23328584 | 1.327 |
98 | Journal of English for Academic Purposes | Elsevier BV | 14751585 | 1.323 |
99 | Journal of Education for Teaching | Routledge | 13600540, 02607476 | 1.315 |
100 | Gender and Education | Routledge | 13600516, 09540253 | 1.312 |
101 | Science and Education | Springer Netherlands | 9267220 | 1.311 |
102 | Language, Culture and Curriculum | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 7908318 | 1.31 |
103 | Journal of Literacy Research | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1086296X, 15548430 | 1.308 |
104 | Exceptional Children | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00144029, 21635560 | 1.306 |
105 | Prospects | Springer Netherlands | 331538 | 1.306 |
106 | Second Language Research | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14770326, 02676583 | 1.29 |
107 | Journal of Science Education and Technology | Springer Netherlands | 10590145, 15731839 | 1.28 |
108 | International Journal of Learner Corpus Research | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 22151486, 22151478 | 1.27 |
109 | International Journal of Behavioral Development | SAGE Publications Ltd | 01650254, 14640651 | 1.268 |
110 | International Journal of Human Computer Studies | Academic Press Inc. | 10959300, 10715819 | 1.268 |
111 | Economics of Education Review | Elsevier Ltd. | 2727757 | 1.266 |
112 | European Journal of Psychology of Education | Springer Netherlands | 18785174, 02562928 | 1.264 |
113 | Technology, Pedagogy and Education | Routledge | 17475139, 1475939X | 1.261 |
114 | Perspectives on Medical Education | Bohn Stafleu van Loghum | 22122761, 2212277X | 1.259 |
115 | Comparative Education | Routledge | 13600486, 03050068 | 1.254 |
116 | Theory into Practice | Routledge | 00405841, 15430421 | 1.254 |
117 | Education and Information Technologies | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 13602357 | 1.249 |
118 | Research in Higher Education | Springer Netherlands | 1573188X, 03610365 | 1.246 |
119 | Journal of Research in Reading | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14679817, 01410423 | 1.24 |
120 | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | Springer Netherlands | 15731391, 09241868 | 1.231 |
121 | Educational Psychology | Routledge | 14695820, 01443410 | 1.227 |
122 | Journal of Diversity in Higher Education | American Psychological Association | 19388926 | 1.222 |
123 | Education Finance and Policy | MIT Press Journals | 15573079, 15573060 | 1.219 |
124 | Medical Teacher | Informa Healthcare | 0142159X, 1466187X | 1.217 |
125 | Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability | Springer Netherlands | 18748597, 18748600 | 1.211 |
126 | Bilingualism | Cambridge University Press | 14691841, 13667289 | 1.208 |
127 | Advances in Health Sciences Education | Springer Netherlands | 15731677, 13824996 | 1.2 |
128 | Review of Higher Education | Johns Hopkins University Press | 01625748, 10907009 | 1.191 |
129 | Reading and Writing | Springer Netherlands | 09224777, 15730905 | 1.19 |
130 | Learning Environments Research | Springer Netherlands | 15731855, 13871579 | 1.187 |
131 | English for Specific Purposes | Elsevier BV | 8894906 | 1.185 |
132 | Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics | SAGE Publications Inc. | 10769986, 19351054 | 1.185 |
133 | Interactive Technology and Smart Education | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 17415659, 17588510 | 1.184 |
134 | ELT Journal | Oxford University Press | 14774526, 09510893 | 1.174 |
135 | ReCALL | Cambridge University Press | 9583440 | 1.173 |
136 | Journal of Research in Music Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00224294, 19450095 | 1.171 |
137 | Interactive Learning Environments | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10494820 | 1.17 |
138 | Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13540602, 14701278 | 1.167 |
139 | Research in Science Education | Springer Netherlands | 15731898, 0157244X | 1.16 |
140 | Social Science Research | Academic Press Inc. | 10960317, 0049089X | 1.156 |
141 | Thinking Skills and Creativity | Elsevier BV | 18711871 | 1.152 |
142 | Policy Reviews in Higher Education | UBM Exhibition Singapore PTE LTD | 23322950, 23322969 | 1.151 |
143 | Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 17408989, 17425786 | 1.15 |
144 | Journal of Engineering Education | Wiley-Blackwell | 10694730, 21689830 | 1.149 |
145 | Teacher Education and Special Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 08884064, 19444931 | 1.147 |
146 | Teaching and Learning in Medicine | Routledge | 10401334, 15328015 | 1.145 |
147 | Journal of Studies in International Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 10283153 | 1.141 |
148 | American Journal of Distance Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 08923647, 15389286 | 1.14 |
149 | IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 19391382 | 1.14 |
150 | Sport, Education and Society | Routledge | 14701243, 13573322 | 1.129 |
151 | Language Learning and Technology | University of Hawaii Press | 10943501 | 1.125 |
152 | Environmental Education Research | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | 14695871, 13504622 | 1.122 |
153 | Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education | Springer Netherlands | 13864416 | 1.119 |
154 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education | Springer US | 15604292, 15604306 | 1.11 |
155 | Technology, Knowledge and Learning | Springer Science + Business Media | 22111662, 22111670 | 1.108 |
156 | Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation | Elsevier | 2632241 | 1.106 |
157 | Australasian Journal of Educational Technology | Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education | 14495554 | 1.104 |
158 | European Physical Education Review | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1356336X, 17412749 | 1.103 |
159 | Research Papers in Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 02671522, 14701146 | 1.103 |
160 | Language Awareness | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 9658416 | 1.102 |
161 | Educational Review | Routledge | 14653397, 00131911 | 1.099 |
162 | Remedial and Special Education | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15384756, 07419325 | 1.095 |
163 | Assessing Writing | Elsevier Ltd. | 10752935 | 1.094 |
164 | American Behavioral Scientist | SAGE Publications Inc. | 15523381, 00027642 | 1.088 |
165 | Journal of Mathematical Behavior | Elsevier Inc. | 7323123 | 1.081 |
166 | Educational Management Administration and Leadership | SAGE Publications Ltd | 17411440, 17411432 | 1.079 |
167 | Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management | Routledge | 14699508, 1360080X | 1.072 |
168 | International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction | Elsevier BV | 22128689 | 1.071 |
169 | Evolution: Education and Outreach | BioMed Central Ltd. | 19366426, 19366434 | 1.07 |
170 | Medical Education Online | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10872981 | 1.07 |
171 | Metacognition and Learning | Springer New York | 15561631, 15561623 | 1.07 |
172 | Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching | Adam Mickiewicz University Press | 20835205, 20841965 | 1.07 |
173 | Australian Educational Researcher | Springer Netherlands | 3116999 | 1.06 |
174 | Journal of Writing Research | University of Antwerp | 22943307, 20301006 | 1.059 |
175 | Current Issues in Language Planning | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14664208 | 1.058 |
176 | International Journal of Management Education | Elsevier BV | 14728117 | 1.056 |
177 | International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education | Springer Netherlands | 15710068 | 1.055 |
178 | Journal of Curriculum Studies | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13665839, 00220272 | 1.05 |
179 | Educational Technology and Society | International Forum of Educational Technology, National Taiwan Normal University and Society | 11763647, 14364522 | 1.049 |
180 | Journal of Experimental Education | Routledge | 19400683, 00220973 | 1.047 |
181 | International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. | 21989753 | 1.044 |
182 | Early Education and Development | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 15566935, 10409289 | 1.043 |
183 | Social Psychology of Education | Springer Netherlands | 15731928, 13812890 | 1.042 |
184 | European Journal of Cultural Studies | SAGE Publications Ltd | 13675494 | 1.04 |
185 | Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research | University of Alicante | 22547339 | 1.034 |
186 | Behavioral Disorders | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1987429 | 1.033 |
187 | International Journal of Educational Research | Elsevier BV | 8830355 | 1.017 |
188 | School Effectiveness and School Improvement | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 09243453, 17445124 | 1.017 |
189 | Physical Review Physics Education Research | American Physical Society | 24699896 | 1.015 |
190 | School Mental Health | Springer New York | 18662625, 18662633 | 1.006 |
191 | International Journal of Science Education | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 09500693, 14645289 | 1.003 |
192 | Research Evaluation | Oxford University Press | 09582029, 14715449 | 1.003 |
193 | Journal of School Violence | Routledge | 15388239, 15388220 | 1.001 |
194 | Journal of Homosexuality | Routledge | 15403602, 00918369 | 0.997 |
195 | Large-Scale Assessments in Education | SpringerOpen | 21960739 | 0.996 |
196 | Asia-Pacific Education Researcher | Springer Singapore | 22437908, 01195646 | 0.99 |
197 | Journal of Creative Behavior | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 21626057, 00220175 | 0.989 |
198 | RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia | Ibero-American Association for Distance Higher Education (AIESAD) | 13903306, 11382783 | 0.986 |
199 | Professional Development in Education | Routledge | 19415257, 19415265 | 0.985 |
200 | Trends in Neuroscience and Education | Elsevier GmbH | 22119493 | 0.985 |