This web page aims to provide a latest list of top History journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | SJR |
1 | Psychological Bulletin | American Psychological Association | 00332909, 19391455 | 7.635 |
2 | Journal of Econometrics | Elsevier BV | 3044076 | 5.744 |
3 | Psychological Methods | American Psychological Association | 1082989X, 19391463 | 4.247 |
4 | Explorations in Economic History | Academic Press Inc. | 144983 | 3.017 |
5 | Psychological Review | American Psychological Association | 19391471, 0033295X | 2.801 |
6 | Journal of Economic History | Cambridge University Press | 14716372, 00220507 | 2.331 |
7 | Social Forces | Oxford University Press | 15347605, 00377732 | 2.132 |
8 | Public Opinion Quarterly | Oxford University Press | 0033362X, 15375331 | 2.129 |
9 | Science Education | Wiley-Liss Inc. | 00368326, 1098237X | 2.115 |
10 | Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 10959203, 00368075 | 13.328 |
11 | Social Science and Medicine | Elsevier Ltd. | 18735347, 02779536 | 1.978 |
12 | Economy and Society | Routledge | 03085147, 14695766 | 1.69 |
13 | Theory and Society | Springer Netherlands | 15737853, 03042421 | 1.673 |
14 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 17496632, 00778923 | 1.626 |
15 | Philosophy and Phenomenological Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 00318205, 19331592 | 1.534 |
16 | Qualitative Research | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14687941 | 1.511 |
17 | Economic History Review | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 00130117, 14680289 | 1.496 |
18 | British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | University of Chicago Press | 14643537, 00070882 | 1.477 |
19 | Men and Masculinities | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1097184X | 1.397 |
20 | Cliometrica | Springer Verlag | 18632513, 18632505 | 1.383 |
21 | Political Geography | Elsevier BV | 9626298 | 1.354 |
22 | European Review of Economic History | Oxford University Press | 13614916, 14740044 | 1.331 |
23 | Philosophy and Technology | Springer Netherlands | 22105433, 22105441 | 1.299 |
24 | American Antiquity | Cambridge University Press | 00027316, 23255064 | 1.278 |
25 | Journal of Sex Research | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 00224499, 15598519 | 1.25 |
26 | Journal of Archaeological Science | Academic Press Inc. | 03054403, 10959238 | 1.218 |
27 | Historical Methods | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 19401906, 01615440 | 1.036 |
28 | Past and Present | Oxford University Press | 00312746, 1477464X | 1.016 |
29 | New Ideas in Psychology | Elsevier BV | 0732118X | 0.979 |
30 | Dementia | SAGE Publications Ltd | 17412684, 14713012 | 0.942 |
31 | Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine | Cambridge University Press | 7909667 | 0.942 |
32 | Social Studies of Science | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14603659, 03063127 | 0.939 |
33 | Philosophy and Public Affairs | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 10884963, 00483915 | 0.917 |
34 | Journal of Anthropological Archaeology | Academic Press Inc. | 02784165, 10902686 | 0.902 |
35 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B - Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics | Elsevier Ltd. | 13552198, 18792502 | 0.894 |
36 | Oeconomia Copernicana | Instytut Badan Gospodarczych/Institute of Economic Research (Poland) | 23531827, 20831277 | 0.876 |
37 | Philosophy of Science | Cambridge University Press | 1539767X, 00318248 | 0.867 |
38 | Population Studies | United Nations Publications | 00324728, 14774747 | 0.858 |
39 | Journal of Sociolinguistics | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 13606441, 14679841 | 0.855 |
40 | Capital and Class | SAGE Publications Inc. | 3098168 | 0.851 |
41 | Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology | Routledge | 15561828, 15564894 | 0.847 |
42 | Journal of Heritage Tourism | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1743873X, 17476631 | 0.835 |
43 | Political Theory | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00905917, 15527476 | 0.832 |
44 | Educational Philosophy and Theory | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14695812, 00131857 | 0.804 |
45 | Episteme | Cambridge University Press | 17423600 | 0.801 |
46 | Journal of Management Development | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 2621711 | 0.778 |
47 | Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports | Elsevier BV | 2352409X | 0.739 |
48 | Tel Aviv | Maney Publishing | 03344355, 20404786 | 0.739 |
49 | Science and Technology Studies | The Finnish Society for Science and Technology Studies | 22434690 | 0.727 |
50 | Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies | STAIN Kudus | 24769304, 23551895 | 0.706 |
51 | Journal of Cultural Heritage | Elsevier Masson s.r.l. | 12962074 | 0.699 |
52 | Scandinavian Economic History Review | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 03585522, 17502837 | 0.697 |
53 | International Journal of Heritage Studies | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14703610, 13527258 | 0.69 |
54 | Biology and Philosophy | Springer Netherlands | 15728404, 01693867 | 0.684 |
55 | Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine | BioMed Central Ltd. | 17475341 | 0.683 |
56 | Journal of Eastern African Studies | Routledge | 17531055, 17531063 | 0.666 |
57 | Archaeometry | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 0003813X, 14754754 | 0.65 |
58 | AlterNative | SAGE Publications Inc. | 11741740, 11771801 | 0.641 |
59 | Science as Culture | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 9505431 | 0.641 |
60 | Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea | Routledge | 14683857 | 0.624 |
61 | Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History | Cambridge University Press | 20413335, 02126109 | 0.613 |
62 | Journal of Roman Studies | Cambridge University Press | 754358 | 0.607 |
63 | Daedalus | MIT Press Journals | 00115266, 15486192 | 0.601 |
64 | Economic History of Developing Regions | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 20780389, 20780397 | 0.6 |
65 | Presidential Studies Quarterly | Center for the Study of the Presidency | 3604918 | 0.594 |
66 | Bulletin of ASOR | University of Chicago Press | 27693600, 27693589 | 0.581 |
67 | Latin American Research Review | Cambridge University Press | 00238791, 15424278 | 0.548 |
68 | American Historical Review | Oxford University Press | 00028762, 19375239 | 0.547 |
69 | Archival Science | Springer Netherlands | 13890166 | 0.547 |
70 | Europe-Asia Studies | Routledge | 09668136, 14653427 | 0.545 |
71 | Music and Science | SAGE Publications Ltd | 20592043 | 0.544 |
72 | American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research | University Press of Colorado | 15337731, 08935394 | 0.543 |
73 | New Perspectives on Turkey | Cambridge University Press | 08966346, 13053299 | 0.543 |
74 | Studia Logica | Springer Netherlands | 15728730, 00393215 | 0.532 |
75 | Middle East Critique | Routledge | 19436149, 19436157 | 0.531 |
76 | International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences | Hipatia Press | 20143680 | 0.53 |
77 | Contemporary Social Science | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 2158205X, 21582041 | 0.529 |
78 | Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics | Springer Netherlands | 11877863 | 0.522 |
79 | Journal of African Archaeology | Africa Magna Verlag | 16121651 | 0.514 |
80 | Accounting History | SAGE Publications Ltd | 10323732, 17493374 | 0.513 |
81 | Anatolian Studies | Cambridge University Press | 661546 | 0.513 |
82 | European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | Routledge | 14695936, 09672567 | 0.507 |
83 | Phronesis | Brill Academic Publishers | 00318868, 15685284 | 0.507 |
84 | Levant | Maney Publishing | 00758914, 17563801 | 0.502 |
85 | Journal of Global History | Cambridge University Press | 17400228, 17400236 | 0.49 |
86 | Centaurus | Tech Science Press | 16000498, 00088994 | 0.489 |
87 | Global Constitutionalism | Cambridge University Press | 20453825, 20453817 | 0.484 |
88 | Journal of Indonesian Islam | State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya | 23556994, 19786301 | 0.478 |
89 | Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry | University of the Aegean | 11089628 | 0.478 |
90 | Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional | Instituto Brasileiro de Relacoes Internacionais | 19833121, 00347329 | 0.475 |
91 | European Journal for Philosophy of Science | Springer Netherlands | 18794920, 18794912 | 0.474 |
92 | Diaspora Studies | Brill Academic Publishers | 09763457, 09739572 | 0.471 |
93 | Journal of Language and Politics | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 15699862, 15692159 | 0.468 |
94 | Apeiron | de Gruyter | 21567093, 00036390 | 0.463 |
95 | Journal of Philosophy of Education | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14679752, 03098249 | 0.463 |
96 | Indo-European Linguistics | Brill Academic Publishers | 22125892, 22125884 | 0.459 |
97 | Management and Organizational History | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 17449359, 17449367 | 0.459 |
98 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal | Johns Hopkins University Press | 10863249, 10546863 | 0.458 |
99 | Oceania | Wiley-Blackwell | 298077 | 0.455 |
100 | Latin American Antiquity | Cambridge University Press | 10456635, 23255080 | 0.453 |
101 | Asian Studies Review | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10357823, 14678403 | 0.45 |
102 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A | Elsevier Ltd. | 00393681, 18792510 | 0.447 |
103 | Hesperia | American School of Classical Studies at Athens | 0018098X, 15535622 | 0.445 |
104 | Modern Asian Studies | Cambridge University Press | 0026749X, 14698099 | 0.444 |
105 | Internet Histories | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 24701483, 24701475 | 0.443 |
106 | TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia | Cambridge University Press | 2051364X, 20513658 | 0.44 |
107 | Palestine Exploration Quarterly | Maney Publishing | 17431301, 00310328 | 0.438 |
108 | SPAL | Seville University Press | 22553924, 11334525 | 0.437 |
109 | Colombia Internacional | Universidad de los Andes | 1215612 | 0.436 |
110 | Business History Review | Cambridge University Press | 00076805, 2044768X | 0.434 |
111 | Journal of Asian Studies | Cambridge University Press | 219118 | 0.432 |
112 | Civil Wars | Routledge | 13698249, 1743968X | 0.43 |
113 | British Politics | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 1746918X, 17469198 | 0.429 |
114 | History of the Family | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1081602X | 0.425 |
115 | American Museum Novitates | American Museum of Natural History | 30082 | 0.424 |
116 | Business History | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 17437938, 00076791 | 0.423 |
117 | Journal of Futures Studies | Tamkang University | 10276084 | 0.423 |
118 | Journal of the History of the Neurosciences | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 17445213, 0964704X | 0.422 |
119 | Biological Theory | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. | 15555550, 15555542 | 0.417 |
120 | School Science and Mathematics | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 00366803, 19498594 | 0.414 |
121 | Turkish Studies | Routledge | 14683849 | 0.414 |
122 | Theory and Psychology | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14617447, 09593543 | 0.407 |
123 | Scientific Culture | Henan University | 24080071, 24079529 | 0.404 |
124 | Lucentum | Universidad de Alicante | 19899904, 02132338 | 0.4 |
125 | Patterns of Prejudice | Routledge | 14617331, 0031322X | 0.399 |
126 | Studies in the History of Christian Traditions | Brill Academic Publishers | 15735664 | 0.399 |
127 | Archaeological Prospection | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 10990763, 10752196 | 0.398 |
128 | International Journal of Historical Archaeology | Springer New York | 10927697, 15737748 | 0.397 |
129 | Nationalities Papers | Cambridge University Press | 14653923, 00905992 | 0.396 |
130 | Journal of Management History | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 17587751, 17511348 | 0.395 |
131 | Complutum | Universidad Complutense Madrid | 11316993, 19882327 | 0.394 |
132 | Historic Environment: Policy and Practice | Maney Publishing | 17567505, 17567513 | 0.393 |
133 | Studia Linguistica | Wiley-Blackwell | 393193 | 0.393 |
134 | Enterprise and Society | Cambridge University Press | 14672227, 14672235 | 0.392 |
135 | Archivo Espanol de Arqueologia | CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas | 00666742, 19883110 | 0.388 |
136 | Journal of Historical Geography | Academic Press Inc. | 10958614, 03057488 | 0.388 |
137 | Modern Intellectual History | Cambridge University Press | 14792451, 14792443 | 0.387 |
138 | Religion | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10961151, 0048721X | 0.386 |
139 | Zephyrus | University of Salamanca | 5147336 | 0.384 |
140 | International Journal of Nautical Archaeology | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 10959270, 10572414 | 0.381 |
141 | Financial History Review | Cambridge University Press | 09685650, 14740052 | 0.38 |
142 | Klio | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | 21927669, 00756334 | 0.378 |
143 | Historical Archaeology | Society for Historical Archaeology | 4409213 | 0.377 |
144 | Labor History | Routledge | 0023656X, 14699702 | 0.374 |
145 | Social Science History | Cambridge University Press | 01455532, 15278034 | 0.374 |
146 | Near Eastern Archaeology | University of Chicago Press | 10942076, 23255404 | 0.373 |
147 | History of Political Economy | Duke University Press | 15271919, 00182702 | 0.37 |
148 | Agricultural History | Agricultural History Society | 21482 | 0.369 |
149 | Anthropologie | Elsevier Masson s.r.l. | 35521 | 0.369 |
150 | Historia y Comunicacion Social | Universidad Complutense Madrid | 19883056, 11370734 | 0.369 |
151 | Rural Landscapes | Stockholm University Press | 20020104 | 0.369 |
152 | Japan Forum | Routledge | 9555803 | 0.367 |
153 | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine | Johns Hopkins University Press | 15298795, 00315982 | 0.367 |
154 | Secularism and Nonreligion | Ubiquity Press | 20536712 | 0.366 |
155 | Comparative Studies in Society and History | Cambridge University Press | 00104175, 14752999 | 0.365 |
156 | Philosophy of Management | Springer International Publishing AG | 20529597, 17403812 | 0.365 |
157 | Narrative Inquiry | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 13876740 | 0.363 |
158 | Journal of Intercultural Studies | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 07256868, 14699540 | 0.362 |
159 | Rethinking History | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 13642529 | 0.362 |
160 | Speculum | University of Chicago Press | 20408072, 00387134 | 0.362 |
161 | Journal of the History of Economic Thought | Cambridge University Press | 14699656, 10538372 | 0.361 |
162 | Russian Journal of Economics | Non-profit partnership 'Voprosy Ekonomiki' | 26187213, 24054739 | 0.361 |
163 | European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation/Centro de Estudios y Documentacion Latinoameric | 18794750, 09240608 | 0.36 |
164 | Asian Perspectives | University of Hawaii Press | 15358283, 00668435 | 0.359 |
165 | Accounting History Review | Routledge | 21552851, 2155286X | 0.355 |
166 | Ancient Society | Peeters Publishers | 00661619, 17831334 | 0.355 |
167 | American Quarterly | Johns Hopkins University Press | 00030678, 10806490 | 0.353 |
168 | Metascience | Springer Nature | 14679981, 08150796 | 0.352 |
169 | Vetus Testamentum | Brill Academic Publishers | 15685330, 00424935 | 0.352 |
170 | International Journal of Middle East Studies | Cambridge University Press | 14716380, 00207438 | 0.351 |
171 | Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 00225061, 15206696 | 0.349 |
172 | Estudios Fronterizos | Universidad Autonoma de Baja California | 23959134 | 0.347 |
173 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C :Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences | Elsevier Ltd. | 13698486 | 0.345 |
174 | Journal of Transport History | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00225266, 17593999 | 0.344 |
175 | String Research Journal | SAGE Publications Ltd | 21640661, 19484992 | 0.341 |
176 | Contemporary Southeast Asia | ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute | 0129797X | 0.338 |
177 | Agypten und Levante | Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 18135145, 10155104 | 0.337 |
178 | Continuity and Change | Cambridge University Press | 1469218X, 02684160 | 0.334 |
179 | HOPOS | University of Chicago Press | 21525188, 21566240 | 0.334 |
180 | Baltic Region | Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University | 23100524, 20798555 | 0.333 |
181 | Quanta | Quanta | 13147374 | 0.333 |
182 | Technology and Culture | Johns Hopkins University Press | 10973729, 0040165X | 0.333 |
183 | Twentieth Century British History | Oxford University Press | 09552359, 14774674 | 0.331 |
184 | Critical Military Studies | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 23337486, 23337494 | 0.33 |
185 | Comparative Legal History | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 20496788, 2049677X | 0.329 |
186 | Investigaciones de Historia Economica | Spanish Association of Economic History | 23403373, 16986989 | 0.329 |
187 | Labour | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 11217081, 14679914 | 0.329 |
188 | Journal of Eurasian Studies | Hanyang University | 18793665 | 0.328 |
189 | Settler Colonial Studies | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 18380743, 2201473X | 0.328 |
190 | Voprosy Ekonomiki | Voprosy Ekonomiki | 428736 | 0.326 |
191 | History of Education Quarterly | Cambridge University Press | 182680 | 0.324 |
192 | International Journal of Latin American Religions | Springer Nature | 25099965 | 0.324 |
193 | Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus | 15574660 | 0.322 | |
194 | Historia Contemporanea | UPV/EHU Press | 11302402 | 0.322 |
195 | Revista de Estudios Sociales | Universidad de los Andes | 19005180, 0123885X | 0.322 |
196 | Annual of the British School at Athens | Cambridge University Press | 682454 | 0.321 |
197 | History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences | Springer International Publishing AG | 03919714, 17426316 | 0.321 |
198 | Journal for the Study of Judaism | Brill Academic Publishers | 15700631, 00472212 | 0.32 |
199 | Russian Politics | Brill Academic Publishers | 24518913, 24518921 | 0.32 |
200 | Contemporary Jewry | Association for the Sociological Study of Jewry | 1471694 | 0.319 |