List of top Linguistics and Language journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Linguistics and Language journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top 110 Linguistics and Language journals

Top Linguistics and Language Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1Annual Review of Public HealthAnnual Reviews Inc.01637525, 154520939.963
2Astronomy and Astrophysics ReviewSpringer Verlag09354956, 143207549.937
3Advanced MaterialsWiley-Blackwell09359648, 152140959.538
4Nature Reviews Methods PrimersSpringer Nature266284499.476
5Nature Reviews PhysicsSpringer Nature Switzerland AG252258209.34
6Genome BiologyBioMed Central Ltd.147475969.249
7Nature MicrobiologyNature Publishing Group205852769.187
8Advanced Energy MaterialsWiley-VCH Verlag16146832, 161468409.044
9Electrochemical Energy ReviewsSpringer Science and Business Media B.V.252081368.905
10Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of DiseaseAnnual Reviews Inc.15534006, 155340148.628
11Journal of Economic PerspectivesAmerican Economic Association89533098.59
12Strategic Management JournalJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10970266, 014320958.497
13Review of Economics and StatisticsMIT Press Journals00346535, 153091428.371
14Annual Review of Political ScienceAnnual Reviews Inc.10942939, 154515778.346
15Journal of the American College of CardiologyElsevier USA15583597, 073510978.343
16Advances in Optics and PhotonicsOptica Publishing Group194382068.332
17Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology,TheElsevier Ltd.22138595, 221385878.217
18American Economic Journal: Economic PolicyAmerican Economic Association19457731, 1945774X8.175
19Lancet Psychiatry,TheElsevier Ltd.22150374, 221503668.167
20Nature Reviews EndocrinologyNature Publishing Group17595037, 175950298.124
21Nature PhysicsNature Publishing Group174524737.955
22ACS Energy LettersAmerican Chemical Society238081957.855
23CirculationLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.00097322, 152445397.8
24American Political Science ReviewCambridge University Press15375943, 000305547.734
25IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.73387167.656
26Psychological BulletinAmerican Psychological Association00332909, 193914557.635
27Marketing ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences07322399, 1526548X7.593
28Clinical Microbiology ReviewsAmerican Society for Microbiology08938512, 109866187.584
29Journal of Marketing ResearchAmerican Marketing Association00222437, 154771937.415
30American Sociological ReviewAmerican Sociological Association00031224, 193982717.412
31JAMA CardiologyAmerican Medical Association23806583, 238065917.371
32Living Reviews in Solar PhysicsSpringer International Publishing AG16144961, 236736487.235
33Journal of ManagementSAGE Publications Inc.01492063, 155712117.213
34Endocrine ReviewsThe Endocrine Society19457189, 0163769X7.205
35Manufacturing and Service Operations ManagementINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences15265498, 152346147.126
36Cell SystemsCell Press240547127.112
37Nature MetabolismSpringer Berlin252258127.045
38Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational BehaviorAnnual Reviews Inc.232706087.036
39Nature Reviews CardiologyNature Publishing Group17595010, 175950026.932
40Annals of MathematicsDepartment of Mathematics at Princeton University0003486X6.76
41Annual Review of Clinical PsychologyAnnual Reviews Inc.15485951, 154859436.744
42Nature ProtocolsNature Publishing Group175421896.732
43JAMA PsychiatryAmerican Medical Association21686238, 2168622X6.578
44Nature SustainabilityNature Publishing Group239896296.568
45IEEE Wireless CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.153612846.556
46Organization ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences15265455, 104770396.541
47Nature Reviews NeurologyNature Publishing Group17594766, 175947586.536
48Annals of the Rheumatic DiseasesBMJ Publishing Group00034967, 146820606.489
49Science RoboticsAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science247094766.479
50Physical Review XAmerican Physical Society216033086.267
51Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceSpringer New York00920703, 155278246.248
52American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineAmerican Thoracic Society1073449X, 153549706.237
53Journal of Experimental MedicineRockefeller University Press00221007, 154095386.237
54Intensive Care MedicineSpringer Verlag14321238, 034246426.229
55Molecular Systems BiologyWiley-Blackwell174442926.22
56Nature Machine IntelligenceSpringer Nature Switzerland AG252258396.21
57Nature Reviews Earth and EnvironmentSpringer Nature Switzerland AG2662138X6.193
58InfoMatJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd256731656.153
59Journal of Business and Economic StatisticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.07350015, 153727076.15
60Nature GeoscienceNature Publishing Group17520908, 175208946.11
61Journal of Accounting and EconomicsElsevier16541016.1
62Journal of the European Economic AssociationWiley-Blackwell15424774, 154247666.087
63Annual Review of Earth and Planetary SciencesAnnual Reviews Inc.8465976.083
64Journal of Consumer ResearchOxford University Press00935301, 153752776.024
65Diabetes CareAmerican Diabetes Association Inc.19355548, 014959926.008
66Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle ScienceAnnual Reviews Inc.16389985.985
67Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionIEEE Computer Society106369195.952
68Journal of the American Chemical SocietyAmerican Chemical Society15205126, 000278635.945
69Journal of Monetary EconomicsElsevier30439325.944
70Journal of Thoracic OncologyInternational Association for the Study of Lung Cancer15561380, 155608645.866
71Cell Reports MedicineCell Press266637915.841
72Fungal DiversitySpringer Netherlands15602745, 187891295.784
73IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.1089778X5.767
74Journal of EconometricsElsevier BV30440765.744
75Physics ReportsElsevier37015735.691
76Review of FinanceOxford University Press1573692X, 157230975.68
77Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceElsevier BV36012855.679
78Progress in Polymer ScienceElsevier Ltd.7967005.676
79IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.153612765.662
80Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer VisionInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.155054995.662
81Annual Review of EntomologyAnnual Reviews Inc.00664170, 154544875.655
82Nature Human BehaviourNature Publishing Group239733745.639
83Trends in Cognitive SciencesElsevier Ltd.1879307X, 136466135.615
84European Journal of Heart FailureWiley-Blackwell13889842, 187908445.601
85Advanced Functional MaterialsWiley-VCH Verlag1616301X5.565
86Proceedings of the IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.15582256, 001892195.564
87EMBO JournalWiley-Blackwell02614189, 146020755.484
88Review of Corporate Finance StudiesOxford University Press20469136, 204691285.448
89Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and SystematicsAnnual Reviews Inc.1543592X5.409
90Light: Science and ApplicationsNature Publishing Group204775385.406
91Developmental CellCell Press15345807, 187815515.385
92Journal of Financial IntermediationAcademic Press Inc.10960473, 104295735.384
93Nature Ecology and EvolutionNature Publishing Group2397334X5.374
94IEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity21682275, 216822675.365
95JACC: Heart FailureElsevier BV22131787, 221317795.352
96Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and VisionNow Publishers Inc157227405.329
97Management ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences00251909, 152655015.322
98Cement and Concrete ResearchElsevier Ltd.888465.294
99IEEE Communications MagazineInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.16368045.285
100Nano-Micro Letters23116706, 215055515.276
101Annals of StatisticsInstitute of Mathematical Statistics9053645.219
102Studies in MycologyWesterdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute16606165.202
103Energy Storage MaterialsElsevier BV240582975.179
104Journal of Accounting ResearchWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd1475679X, 002184565.165
105Molecular NeurodegenerationBioMed Central Ltd.175013265.158
106American Economic Journal: MicroeconomicsAmerican Economic Association19457669, 194576855.156
107Trends in Ecology and EvolutionElsevier Ltd.01695347, 187283835.127
108Nature CommunicationsNature Publishing Group204117235.116
109JAMA PediatricsAmerican Medical Association21686211, 216862035.109
110Journal of Public EconomicsElsevier4727275.1

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