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List of top Mathematics journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Mathematics journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top 110 Mathematics journals

Top Mathematics Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1Annals of MathematicsDepartment of Mathematics at Princeton University0003486X6.76
2Publications Mathematiques de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes ScientifiquesSpringer Verlag16181913, 007383016.582
3Acta NumericaCambridge University Press14740508, 096249296.341
4Molecular Systems BiologyWiley-Blackwell174442926.22
5Journal of the American Mathematical SocietyAmerican Mathematical Society10886834, 089403475.848
6IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.1089778X5.767
7Journal of EconometricsElsevier BV30440765.744
8IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.153612765.662
9Inventiones MathematicaeSpringer New York00209910, 143212974.811
10IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceIEEE Computer Society16288284.447
11Annals of PDESpringer Science + Business Media21992576, 252453174.425
12PRX QuantumAmerican Physical Society269133994.415
13Communications on Pure and Applied MathematicsWiley-Liss Inc.00103640, 109703124.044
14Acta MathematicaSpringer Netherlands159624.01
15IEEE Signal Processing MagazineInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.105358883.939
16BiometrikaOxford University Press14643510, 000634443.566
17IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.106367063.533
18Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information TheoryNow Publishers Inc15672190, 156723283.415
19AVS Quantum ScienceAmerican Institute of Physics263902133.413
20Journal of the European Mathematical SocietyEuropean Mathematical Society Publishing House14359855, 143598633.358
21npj Quantum InformationNature Partner Journals205663873.305
22EMS Surveys in Mathematical SciencesEuropean Mathematical Society Publishing House2308216X, 230821513.245
23Duke Mathematical JournalDuke University Press15477398, 001270943.217
24Stata JournalDPC Nederland1536867X3.115
25Archive for Rational Mechanics and AnalysisSpringer New York00039527, 143206733.041
26SIAM ReviewSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications10957200, 003614453.002
27Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure EngineeringWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14678667, 109396872.962
28BioinformaticsOxford University Press13674803, 146020592.94
29Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale SuperieureSociete Mathematique de France1295932.932
30Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular ScienceJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.17590876, 175908842.889
31Robotics and Computer-Integrated ManufacturingElsevier Ltd.73658452.881
32Genomics, Proteomics and BioinformaticsBeijing Genomics Institute167202292.869
33Memoirs of the American Mathematical SocietyAmerican Mathematical Society6592662.863
34Analysis and PDEMathematical Sciences Publishers1948206X, 215750452.818
35IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.00189545, 193993592.802
36Journal des Mathematiques Pures et AppliqueesElsevier Masson s.r.l.2178242.801
37International Journal of Robotics ResearchSAGE Publications Inc.02783649, 174131762.729
38Swarm and Evolutionary ComputationElsevier BV221065022.646
39Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete AlgorithmsAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)-2.626
40Journal of Global Economic AnalysisPurdue University, Department of Agricultural Economics237729992.615
41Communications in Partial Differential EquationsTaylor and Francis Ltd.03605302, 153241332.536
42Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non LineaireEuropean Mathematical Society Publishing House18731430, 029414492.473
43SIAM Journal on ComputingSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications00975397, 109571112.471
44Forum of Mathematics, PiCambridge University Press205050862.436
45Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential EquationsSpringer New York14320835, 094426692.382
46American StatisticianTaylor and Francis Ltd.00031305, 153727312.373
47IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringIEEE Computer Society104143472.358
48Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte MathematikWalter de Gruyter GmbH00754102, 143553452.31
49NAR Genomics and BioinformaticsOxford University Press263192682.304
50SIAM Journal on OptimizationSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications10526234, 109571892.282
51Mathematical ProgrammingSpringer-Verlag GmbH and Co. KG14364646, 002556102.281
52Mathematische AnnalenSpringer New York00255831, 143218072.107
53American Journal of MathematicsJohns Hopkins University Press10806377, 000293272.105
54ACM Transactions on AlgorithmsAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)15496325, 154963332.065
55Advances in MathematicsAcademic Press Inc.10902082, 000187081.995
56SIAM Journal on Mathematical AnalysisSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications00361410, 109571541.994
57Bayesian AnalysisCarnegie Mellon University19316690, 193609751.99
58Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied SciencesWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd21820251.988
59Journal of Differential EquationsAcademic Press Inc.00220396, 109027321.983
60Statistical ScienceInstitute of Mathematical Statistics88342371.978
61Educational and Psychological MeasurementSAGE Publications Inc.00131644, 155238881.949
62Handbook of Numerical AnalysisElsevier157086591.933
63High-Confidence ComputingElsevier BV266729521.926
64Proceedings of the London Mathematical SocietyJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd00246115, 1460244X1.912
65SIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications00361429, 109571701.899
66IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed SystemsIEEE Computer Society104592191.89
67PLoS Computational BiologyPublic Library of Science15537358, 1553734X1.872
68Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series BAcademic Press Inc.10960902, 009589561.869
69Network NeuroscienceMIT Press Journals247217511.853
70Mathematical FinanceWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd09601627, 146799651.837
71Japanese Journal of MathematicsSpringer Japan28923161.791
72Selecta Mathematica, New SeriesBirkhauser Verlag Basel102218241.784
73IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational IntelligenceInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.2471285X1.764
74Reliability Engineering and System SafetyElsevier Ltd.18790836, 095183201.76
75Journal of Computational PhysicsAcademic Press Inc.10902716, 002199911.753
76Journal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.10618600, 153727151.72
77Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique - MathematiquesEcole Polytechnique2270518X, 242971001.688
78Advanced Nonlinear StudiesWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG21690375, 153613651.676
79Foundations of Computational MathematicsSpringer New York16153383, 161533751.652
80Educational Studies in MathematicsSpringer Netherlands15730816, 001319541.636
81Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and ComputationsSpringer New York2194041X, 219404011.635
82Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of JussieuCambridge University Press14747480, 147530301.623
83SIAM Journal of Scientific ComputingSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications10957197, 106482751.606
84Transactions of the American Mathematical SocietyAmerican Mathematical Society00029947, 108868501.59
85ISA TransactionsISA - Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society1905781.588
86Archives of Computational Methods in EngineeringSpringer Netherlands18861784, 113430601.581
87Advanced Quantum TechnologiesJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.251190441.577
88Journal of Numerical MathematicsWalter de Gruyter GmbH15702820, 156939531.56
89International Journal of Mechanical SciencesElsevier Ltd.2074031.532
90Advances in CombinatoricsAlliance of Diamond Open Access Journals251755991.498
91Advances in Calculus of VariationsWalter de Gruyter GmbH18648266, 186482581.492
92NonlinearityIOP Publishing Ltd.09517715, 136165441.491
93Numerische MathematikSpringer New York09453245, 0029599X1.484
94CombinatoricaJanos Bolyai Mathematical Society02099683, 143969121.442
95Mathematics of Operations ResearchINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences15265471, 0364765X1.435
96International Mathematics Research NoticesOxford University Press10737928, 168702471.429
97Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa - Classe di scienzeScuola Normale Superiore0391173X1.425
98Journal of Fluid MechanicsCambridge University Press14697645, 002211201.409
99Theory of ComputingUniversity of Chicago, Department of Computer Science155728621.406
100Revista Matematica IberoamericanaUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid21322301.405
101ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics EducationSpringer Verlag18639704, 186396901.403
102Forum of Mathematics, SigmaCambridge University Press205050941.402
103Chaos, Solitons and FractalsElsevier Ltd.96007791.393
104Current Opinion in Systems BiologyElsevier Ltd.245231001.391
105Communications in Contemporary MathematicsWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd17936683, 021919971.39
106npj Systems Biology and ApplicationsNature Publishing Group205671891.388
107Control Engineering PracticeElsevier Ltd.96706611.386
108Engineered Science2576988X, 257698981.386
109IMA Journal of Numerical AnalysisOxford University Press14643642, 027249791.383
110Infectious Disease ModellingKeAi Communications Co.24682152, 246804271.383

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