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List of top Nephrology journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Nephrology journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top Nephrology journals

Top Nephrology Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1Nature Reviews NephrologyNature Publishing Group1759507X, 175950616.494
2Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASNAmerican Society of Nephrology15333450, 104666734.45
3Kidney InternationalElsevier Inc.00852538, 152317553.868
4American Journal of Kidney DiseasesW.B. Saunders Ltd15236838, 027263862.969
5Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASNAmerican Society of Nephrology1555905X, 155590412.293
6Nephrology Dialysis TransplantationOxford University Press14602385, 093105091.46
7Kidney International SupplementsElsevier Inc.21571716, 215717241.333
8Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - HealthElsevier Inc.266635461.264
9Kidney International ReportsElsevier Inc.246802491.173
10American Journal of NephrologyS. Karger AG14219670, 025080951.133
11CKJ: Clinical Kidney JournalOxford University Press20488505, 204885131.079
12Minerva Urology and NephrologyEdizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A.27246442, 272460510.997
13Advances in Chronic Kidney DiseaseW.B. Saunders Ltd15485595, 154856090.967
14Kidney MedicineElsevier Inc.259005950.941
15Seminars in NephrologyW.B. Saunders Ltd15584488, 027092950.921
16Current Opinion in Nephrology and HypertensionLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.14736543, 106248210.901
17Journal of NephrologyWichtig Publishing Srl17246059, 112184280.853
18Blood PurificationS. Karger AG02535068, 142197350.83
19Kidney Research and Clinical PracticeThe Korean Society of Nephrology22119132, 221191400.82
20Peritoneal Dialysis InternationalMultimed Inc.17184304, 089686080.81
21NephronS. Karger AG22353186, 166081510.783
22Pediatric NephrologySpringer Verlag1432198X, 0931041X0.768
23BMC NephrologyBioMed Central Ltd.147123690.746
24Research Quarterly for Exercise and SportTaylor and Francis Ltd.02701367, 036498570.716
25Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and DiseaseSAGE Publications Ltd205435810.701
26Current Transplantation ReportsSpringer International Publishing AG219630290.683
27Journal of Renal NutritionW.B. Saunders Ltd15328503, 105122760.679
28Kidney and Blood Pressure ResearchS. Karger AG14230143, 142040960.658
29NephrologyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14401797, 132053580.658
30Clinical and Experimental NephrologySpringer Japan14377799, 134217510.656
31Renal FailureInforma Healthcare0886022X, 152560490.654
32Seminars in DialysisWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd1525139X, 089409590.555
33International Urology and NephrologySpringer Netherlands03011623, 157325840.554
34Scandinavian Journal of UrologyInforma Healthcare21681813, 216818050.544
35Therapeutic Apheresis and DialysisWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd174499790.505
36International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular DiseaseDove Medical Press Limited117870580.504
37International Journal of NephrologyHindawi Publishing Corporation20902158, 2090214X0.456
38Journal of Renal CareWiley-Blackwell17556678, 175566860.442
39NefrologiaElsevier Espana S.L.U201325140.438
40Renal Replacement TherapyBioMed Central Ltd.205913810.438
41Journal of Vascular AccessWichtig Publishing Srl11297298, 172460320.423
42Kidney CancerIOS Press BV24684562, 246845700.406
43Hemodialysis InternationalWiley-Blackwell149275350.383
44Clinical NephrologyDustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle30104300.37
45Journal of Lasers in Medical SciencesLaser Application in Medical Sciences Research Center22286721, 200897830.338
46Iranian Journal of Kidney DiseasesIranian Society of Nephrology17358582, 173586040.31
47International Journal of Urological NursingWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17497701, 1749771X0.294
48Contributions to NephrologyS. Karger AG03025144, 166227820.287
49Ukrainian Journal of Nephrology and DialysisState Institution Institute of Nephrology of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine""26167352, 230402380.26
50Case Reports in Nephrology and DialysisS. Karger AG229697050.251
51Journal of Microscopy and UltrastructureWolters Kluwer Medknow Publications2213879X, 221388030.245
52Case Reports in NephrologyHindawi Limited2090665X, 209066410.234
53Indian Journal of NephrologyWolters Kluwer Medknow Publications09714065, 199836620.23
54Journal of Renal Injury PreventionNickan Research Institute234527810.23
55Journal of NephropharmacologySociety of Diabetic Nephropathy Prevention234542020.218
56Nephrologie et TherapeutiqueElsevier Masson s.r.l.176972550.205
57Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi Arabia.Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications131924420.195
58Nephrology Nursing JournalJannetti Publications, Inc.1526744X0.178
59Journal of NephropathologySociety of Diabetic Nephropathy Prevention22518819, 225183630.17
60Enfermeria NefrologicaSociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Nefrologica22542884, 225535170.158
61NefrologiaElsevier Espana19892284, 021169950.15
62Giornale italiano di nefrologia : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di nefrologiaWichtig Publishing Srl03935590, 172459900.148
63Open Urology and Nephrology JournalBentham Science Publishers B.V.1874303X0.141
64OnkourologiyaABV-press Publishing house19961812, 172697760.127
65Revista de Nefrologia, Dialisis y TrasplanteAsociacion Regional de Dialisi y Transplantes Renales de Capital Federal y Provincia de Buenos Aires23468548, 032634280.12
66Nephrology and DialysisJSC Vidal Rus16804422, 261898010.116
67Turkish Journal of NephrologyTurkish society of Nephrology266744400.116
68Chinese Journal of UrologyChinese Medical Journals Publishing House Co.Ltd100067020.112
69NephrologeSpringer Verlag1862040X0.111
70Nephrology (Saint-Petersburg)Eskulap25419439, 156162740.109
71Revista Colombiana de NefrologiaAsociacion Colombiana de Nefrologia e Hipertension Arterial25005006, 238977080.105
72Nephrology, Dialysis and TransplantationMedical Information Center131252570.101

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