List of top Religious Studies journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Religious Studies journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top 110 Religious Studies journals

Top Religious Studies Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1Journal of Urban EconomicsAcademic Press Inc.10959068, 009411903.076
2Journal of Vocational BehaviorAcademic Press Inc.10959084, 000187912.926
3Child Development PerspectivesWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17508606, 175085922.844
4Journal of the American Planning AssociationTaylor and Francis Ltd.19443632.572
5Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social SciencesGerontological Society of America10795014, 175853682.311
6Journal of Peasant StudiesRoutledge03066150, 174393612.277
7Gender, Work and OrganizationWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14680432, 096866732.237
8International Journal of Urban and Regional ResearchWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd03091317, 146824272.149
9Journal of Public TransportationElsevier BV1077291X2.118
10Urban StudiesSAGE Publications Ltd00420980, 1360063X2.1
11Journal of Urban HealthSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH10993460, 146828692.076
12Landscape and Urban PlanningElsevier16920462.065
13National Vital Statistics ReportsPublic Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human Services15518922, 1551893016.495
14Biology of Sex DifferencesBioMed Central Ltd.204264101.961
15Social Media and SocietySAGE Publications Ltd205630511.95
16Gender and SocietySAGE Publications Inc.08912432, 155239771.866
17Applied Developmental SciencePsychology Press Ltd1532480X, 108886911.818
18Crime ScienceSpringerOpen219376801.755
19Developmental PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association19390599, 001216491.731
20Journal of Aging and Social PolicyRoutledge15450821, 089594201.721
21CitiesElsevier Ltd.26427511.718
22Television and New MediaSAGE Publications Inc.152747641.708
23Work, Aging and RetirementOxford University Press205446501.699
24Urban GeographyTaylor and Francis Ltd.02723638, 193828471.688
25Sociology of ReligionAssociation for the Sociology of Religion106944041.651
26Group Processes and Intergroup RelationsSAGE Publications Ltd14617188, 136843021.631
27Transportation Research Interdisciplinary PerspectivesElsevier Ltd.259019821.629
28Quantitative Science StudiesMIT Press Journals264133371.612
29Environment and UrbanizationSAGE Publications Ltd09562478, 174603011.57
30Urban EducationSAGE Publications Inc.00420859, 155283401.57
31Computers, Environment and Urban SystemsElsevier Ltd.19897151.567
32Feminist EconomicsRoutledge14664372, 135457011.534
33Journal of Research on AdolescenceWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd10508392, 153277951.518
34Journal of Urban TechnologyRoutledge10630732, 146618531.457
35Health and PlaceElsevier Ltd.135382921.448
36Psychology of Women QuarterlySAGE Publications Ltd14716402, 036168431.417
37ComunicarGrupo Communicar Ediciones113434781.412
38Habitat InternationalElsevier Ltd.19739751.403
39Men and MasculinitiesSAGE Publications Inc.1097184X1.397
40Race Ethnicity and EducationRoutledge1470109X, 136133241.388
41Politics and GenderCambridge University Press1743923X, 174392481.359
42Advances in Life Course ResearchElsevier104026081.356
43European Urban and Regional StudiesSAGE Publications Ltd09697764, 146171451.356
44Review of Black Political EconomySpringer New York00346446, 193648141.345
45Sex RolesSpringer New York03600025, 157327621.314
46Gender and EducationRoutledge13600516, 095402531.312
47Annual Review of AnthropologyAnnual Reviews Inc.15454290, 008465701.284
48International Journal of Behavioral DevelopmentSAGE Publications Ltd01650254, 146406511.268
49Journal of Sex ResearchTaylor and Francis Ltd.00224499, 155985191.25
50Housing, Theory and SocietyTaylor and Francis Ltd.16512278, 140360961.249
51Regional Science and Urban EconomicsElsevier18792308, 016604621.247
52Social Movement StudiesRoutledge147428371.195
53Innovation in AgingOxford University Press239953001.191
54Urban ClimateElsevier BV221209551.185
56International Journal of Transgender HealthRoutledge26895269, 268952771.13
57Transgender HealthMary Ann Liebert Inc.2380193X1.13
58SignsUniversity of Chicago15456943, 009797401.128
59Urban Affairs ReviewSAGE Publications Inc.107808741.128
60Journal of Aging and HealthSAGE Publications Inc.15526887, 089826431.119
61Chinese Sociological ReviewM.E. Sharpe Inc.21620555, 216205631.117
62American Behavioral ScientistSAGE Publications Inc.15523381, 000276421.088
63Journal of Planning Education and ResearchSAGE Publications Inc.0739456X, 155265771.088
64Ethnic and Racial StudiesRoutledge01419870, 146643561.076
65Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and PracticeRoutledge0907676X, 174766231.066
66Tourism Recreation ResearchTaylor and Francis Ltd.02508281, 232003081.066
67Games and CultureSAGE Publications Inc.15554139, 155541201.065
68Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender DiversityAmerican Psychological Association23290382, 232903901.061
69Ethnicity and HealthRoutledge14653419, 135578581.045
70Housing StudiesRoutledge14661810, 026730371.043
71European Journal of Cultural StudiesSAGE Publications Ltd136754941.04
72Journal of Urban ManagementElsevier BV25890360, 222658561.032
73Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City ScienceSAGE Publications Ltd23998083, 239980911.026
74Past and PresentOxford University Press00312746, 1477464X1.016
75Smart CitiesMDPI AG262465111.015
76City and CommunitySAGE Publications Ltd153568411.005
77Journal of HomosexualityRoutledge15403602, 009183690.997
78Research in GlobalizationElsevier BV2590051X0.995
79Journal of Urban AffairsTaylor and Francis Ltd.07352166, 146799060.98
80Agrarian SouthSAGE Publications Inc.23210281, 227797600.979
81Social and Cultural GeographyRoutledge14701197, 146493650.979
82Psychology of Men and MasculinityAmerican Psychological Association1939151X, 152492200.968
83Feminism and PsychologySAGE Publications Ltd14617161, 095935350.966
84Housing Policy DebateTaylor and Francis Ltd.10511482, 2152050X0.963
85Journal of Cross-Cultural PsychologySAGE Publications Inc.00220221, 155254220.95
86Evolutionary Human SciencesCambridge University Press2513843X0.939
87Surveillance & SocietySurveillance Studies Network147774870.93
88Information SocietyTaylor and Francis Ltd.01972243, 108765370.926
89Area Development and PolicyRoutledge237929570.919
90Journal of Child and Family StudiesSpringer New York15732843, 106210240.918
91International Journal of Cultural StudiesSAGE Publications Ltd136787790.91
92Gender in ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.175424130.907
93Education and TrainingEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.4009120.896
94LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary JournalRoutledge27703371, 2770338X0.884
95Journal of Contemporary AsiaTaylor and Francis Ltd.00472336, 175275540.88
96Journal for the Scientific Study of ReligionWiley-Blackwell2182940.874
97CityTaylor and Francis Ltd.13604813, 147036290.873
98Profesional de la InformacionEl Profesional de la Informacion16992407, 138667100.872
99Journal of Positive Psychology and WellbeingGokmen Arslan258701300.868
100Journal of Transport and Land UseUniversity of Minnesota193878490.865
101Social TextDuke University Press01642472, 152719510.865
102Journal of Children and MediaRoutledge17482801, 174827980.864
103Psychology of Religion and SpiritualityAmerican Psychological Association194110220.864
104Cultural StudiesTaylor and Francis Ltd.14664348, 095023860.859
105Journal of Global Fashion MarketingTaylor and Francis Ltd.20932685, 232544830.858
106Cultural Studies of Science EducationSpringer Netherlands187115020.855
107IATSS ResearchInternational Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences38611120.854
108Feminist CriminologySAGE Publications Ltd15570851, 1557086X0.844
109Discourse, Context and MediaElsevier BV221169580.842
110Journal of Early AdolescenceSAGE Publications Inc.15525449, 027243160.84

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