This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Economics journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | SJR |
1 | Journal of Economic Perspectives | American Economic Association | 8953309 | 8.59 |
2 | Review of Economics and Statistics | MIT Press Journals | 00346535, 15309142 | 8.371 |
3 | American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | American Economic Association | 19457731, 1945774X | 8.175 |
4 | Marketing Science | INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | 07322399, 1526548X | 7.593 |
5 | Journal of Marketing Research | American Marketing Association | 00222437, 15477193 | 7.415 |
6 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Springer New York | 00920703, 15527824 | 6.248 |
7 | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 07350015, 15372707 | 6.15 |
8 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | Elsevier | 1654101 | 6.1 |
9 | Journal of the European Economic Association | Wiley-Blackwell | 15424774, 15424766 | 6.087 |
10 | Journal of Consumer Research | Oxford University Press | 00935301, 15375277 | 6.024 |
11 | Journal of Monetary Economics | Elsevier | 3043932 | 5.944 |
12 | Journal of Econometrics | Elsevier BV | 3044076 | 5.744 |
13 | Review of Finance | Oxford University Press | 1573692X, 15723097 | 5.68 |
14 | Review of Corporate Finance Studies | Oxford University Press | 20469136, 20469128 | 5.448 |
15 | Journal of Financial Intermediation | Academic Press Inc. | 10960473, 10429573 | 5.384 |
16 | Journal of Accounting Research | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1475679X, 00218456 | 5.165 |
17 | American Economic Journal: Microeconomics | American Economic Association | 19457669, 19457685 | 5.156 |
18 | Journal of Public Economics | Elsevier | 472727 | 5.1 |
19 | Journal of International Business Studies | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 00472506, 14786990 | 5.093 |
20 | Handbook of Econometrics | Elsevier | 15734412 | 5.036 |
21 | Innovation Policy and the Economy | University of Chicago Press | 15313468, 15372618 | 4.903 |
22 | Journal of Labor Economics | University of Chicago | 0734306X, 15375307 | 4.727 |
23 | Review of Asset Pricing Studies | Oxford University Press | 20459920, 20459939 | 4.537 |
24 | Accounting Review | American Accounting Association | 14826 | 4.446 |
25 | Economic Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 14680297, 00130133 | 4.334 |
26 | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | Wiley-Blackwell | 10422587, 15406520 | 4.323 |
27 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | Brookings Institution Press | 00072303, 15334465 | 4.021 |
28 | Journal of Supply Chain Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 15232409, 1745493X | 4.009 |
29 | Quarterly Journal of Economics | Oxford University Press | 00335533, 15314650 | 36.73 |
30 | IMF Economic Review | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 2041417X, 20414161 | 3.734 |
31 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Cambridge University Press | 00221090, 17566916 | 3.7 |
32 | Journal of International Economics | Elsevier | 221996 | 3.391 |
33 | Journal of Human Resources | University of Wisconsin Press | 15488004, 0022166X | 3.335 |
34 | Quantitative Economics | Wiley-Blackwell | 17597323, 17597331 | 3.313 |
35 | Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | American Marketing Association | 07439156, 15477207 | 3.263 |
36 | Journal of Economic Growth | Springer New York | 15737020, 13814338 | 3.234 |
37 | RAND Journal of Economics | Wiley-Blackwell | 17562171, 07416261 | 3.202 |
38 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 19324391, 1932443X | 3.175 |
39 | Journal of Development Economics | Elsevier | 3043878 | 3.139 |
40 | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | University of Chicago Press | 17506824, 17506816 | 3.117 |
41 | Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists | University of Chicago Press | 23335963, 23335955 | 3.078 |
42 | Journal of Urban Economics | Academic Press Inc. | 10959068, 00941190 | 3.076 |
43 | Energy Economics | Elsevier | 01409883, 18736181 | 3.039 |
44 | International Journal of Production Economics | Elsevier | 9255273 | 3.028 |
45 | Explorations in Economic History | Academic Press Inc. | 144983 | 3.017 |
46 | Structural Equation Modeling | Psychology Press Ltd | 15328007, 10705511 | 3.014 |
47 | Contemporary Accounting Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 8239150 | 3.012 |
48 | American Economic Review | American Economic Association | 28282 | 21.833 |
49 | Journal of Political Economy | University of Chicago | 00223808, 1537534X | 20.643 |
50 | Journal of Population Economics | Springer New York | 14321475, 09331433 | 2.986 |
51 | Journal of Economic Theory | Academic Press Inc. | 10957235, 00220531 | 2.873 |
52 | Foundations and Trends in Finance | Now Publishers Inc | 15672409, 15672395 | 2.823 |
53 | Small Business Economics | Springer Netherlands | 15730913, 0921898X | 2.732 |
54 | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | Elsevier | 18790658, 09213449 | 2.682 |
55 | Journal of Innovation and Knowledge | Elsevier BV | 2444569X, 25307614 | 2.649 |
56 | Journal of Global Economic Analysis | Purdue University, Department of Agricultural Economics | 23772999 | 2.615 |
57 | Annual Review of Resource Economics | Annual Reviews Inc. | 19411359, 19411340 | 2.602 |
58 | Journal of Business Ethics | Springer Netherlands | 15730697, 01674544 | 2.59 |
59 | Review of Economic Dynamics | Academic Press Inc. | 10966099, 10942025 | 2.588 |
60 | World Bank Research Observer | Oxford University Press | 15646971, 02573032 | 2.553 |
61 | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | Springer Netherlands | 15730476, 08955646 | 2.545 |
62 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Academic Press Inc. | 10960449, 00950696 | 2.522 |
63 | World Development | Elsevier BV | 0305750X, 18735991 | 2.504 |
64 | Journal of Applied Econometrics | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 10991255, 08837252 | 2.495 |
65 | Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | 214027 | 2.494 |
66 | MIS Quarterly Executive | Indiana University Press | 15401979, 15401960 | 2.436 |
67 | Theoretical Economics | Wiley-Blackwell | 15557561 | 2.428 |
68 | Socio-Economic Review | Oxford University Press | 14751461 | 2.346 |
69 | Journal of Economic History | Cambridge University Press | 14716372, 00220507 | 2.331 |
70 | Review of International Political Economy | Routledge | 09692290, 14664526 | 2.331 |
71 | Experimental Economics | Springer New York | 15736938, 13864157 | 2.293 |
72 | Journal of Corporate Finance | Elsevier | 9291199 | 2.268 |
73 | Oxford Review of Economic Policy | Oxford University Press | 14602121, 0266903X | 2.241 |
74 | Journal of Economic Surveys | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14676419, 09500804 | 2.199 |
75 | Resources, Conservation and Recycling Advances | Elsevier Inc. | 26673789 | 2.168 |
76 | International Economic Review | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14682354, 00206598 | 2.115 |
77 | Fiscal Studies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01435671, 14755890 | 2.103 |
78 | Journal of International Marketing | American Marketing Association | 15477215, 1069031X | 2.088 |
79 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 14678276, 00029092 | 2.075 |
80 | Annual Review of Financial Economics | Annual Reviews Inc. | 19411367, 19411375 | 2.053 |
81 | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 20405804, 20405790 | 2.051 |
82 | Review of International Organizations | Springer New York | 1559744X, 15597431 | 2.017 |
83 | Journal of Finance | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 00221082, 15406261 | 15.515 |
84 | Review of Economic Studies | Oxford University Press | 00346527, 1467937X | 14.432 |
85 | Econometrica | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 00129682, 14680262 | 12.979 |
86 | Journal of Economic Literature | American Economic Association | 220515 | 12.966 |
87 | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | American Economic Association | 19457790, 19457782 | 12.694 |
88 | Review of Financial Studies | Oxford University Press | 14657368, 08939454 | 12.239 |
89 | American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | American Economic Association | 19457707, 19457715 | 10.871 |
90 | Journal of Marketing | American Marketing Association | 15477185, 00222429 | 10.802 |
91 | Journal of Financial Economics | Elsevier | 0304405X | 10.601 |
92 | Annual Review of Economics | Annual Reviews Inc. | 19411383, 19411391 | 10.247 |
93 | Journal of Family Business Strategy | Elsevier Ltd. | 18778585 | 1.992 |
94 | Work, Employment and Society | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14698722, 09500170 | 1.988 |
95 | European Economic Review | Elsevier | 142921 | 1.963 |
96 | Journal of Economic Geography | Oxford University Press | 14682702, 14682710 | 1.953 |
97 | Business Ethics Quarterly | Cambridge University Press | 1052150X | 1.947 |
98 | Ecological Economics | Elsevier | 9218009 | 1.899 |
99 | Food Policy | Elsevier BV | 3069192 | 1.896 |
100 | Economic Policy | Oxford University Press | 02664658, 14680327 | 1.886 |
101 | International Review of Financial Analysis | Elsevier Inc. | 10575219 | 1.881 |
102 | Resources Policy | Elsevier Ltd. | 3014207 | 1.869 |
103 | Journal of Industrial Ecology | Wiley-Blackwell | 10881980, 15309290 | 1.843 |
104 | Mathematical Finance | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 09601627, 14679965 | 1.837 |
105 | Economic Geography | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 130095 | 1.833 |
106 | Australasian Marketing Journal | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14413582, 18393349 | 1.811 |
107 | Economic Theory | Springer New York | 14320479, 09382259 | 1.785 |
108 | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | Routledge | 14645114, 08985626 | 1.774 |
109 | Review of Economics of the Household | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 15737152, 15695239 | 1.762 |
110 | International Journal of Consumer Studies | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 14706423, 14706431 | 1.753 |