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List of top Energy journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Energy journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top Energy journals

Top Energy Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1Advanced Energy MaterialsWiley-VCH Verlag16146832, 161468409.044
2Electrochemical Energy ReviewsSpringer Science and Business Media B.V.252081368.905
3ACS Energy LettersAmerican Chemical Society238081957.855
4Nature SustainabilityNature Publishing Group239896296.568
5EnergyChemElsevier BV258977806.26
6Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle ScienceAnnual Reviews Inc.16389985.985
7Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceElsevier BV36012855.679
8Advances in Applied EnergyElsevier Ltd.266679245.458
9Energy Storage MaterialsElsevier BV240582975.179
10Nano EnergyElsevier BV221128555.03
11Progress in Particle and Nuclear PhysicsElsevier14664104.855
12Carbon EnergyJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.263793684.571
13Energy and Environmental MaterialsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.25750348, 257503564.338
14IEEE Transactions on Sustainable EnergyInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.194930293.746
15IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.88589503.726
16Biofuel Research JournalGreen Wave Publishing of Canada229287823.313
17Renewable and Sustainable Energy ReviewsElsevier Ltd.136403213.232
18Journal of Materials Chemistry ARoyal Society of Chemistry20507496, 205074883.156
19Energy EconomicsElsevier01409883, 187361813.039
20Nature Reviews MaterialsNature Publishing Group2058843721.927
21Applied EnergyElsevier BV30626192.907
22Materials Today PhysicsElsevier Ltd.254252932.767
23Journal of Energy ChemistryElsevier BV209549562.754
24IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power ElectronicsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.21686785, 216867772.641
25Protection and Control of Modern Power SystemsSpringerOpen23670983, 236726172.618
26Cell Reports Physical ScienceCell Press266638642.598
27Shiyou Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and DevelopmentScience Press100007472.565
28eTransportationElsevier BV259011682.563
29China Petroleum ExplorationPetroleum Industry Press167277032.523
30Energy Conversion and ManagementElsevier Ltd.19689042.514
31Polymer ReviewsTaylor and Francis Ltd.15583724, 155837162.493
32IEEE Transactions on Transportation ElectrificationInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.233277822.487
33Bioresource TechnologyElsevier Ltd.09608524, 187329762.473
34Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyElsevier00796565, 187333012.423
35Environmental Innovation and Societal TransitionsElsevier BV221042242.418
36Sustainable Cities and SocietyElsevier BV221067072.305
37Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringAnnual Reviews Inc.19475438, 194754462.294
38Energy PolicyElsevier BV30142152.292
39Solar RRLWiley-VCH Verlag2367198X2.24
40Energy Research and Social ScienceElsevier Ltd.221462962.171
41Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and ApplicationsJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10627995, 1099159X2.132
42Environmental Research LettersIOP Publishing Ltd.174893262.119
43Energy Strategy ReviewsElsevier2211467X2.068
44ChemSusChemWiley-VCH Verlag1864564X, 186456312.064
45Materials Today EnergyElsevier Ltd.246860692.046
46IEEE Transactions on Energy ConversionInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.08858969, 155800592.038
47Sustainable DevelopmentJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10991719, 096808022.035
48Sustainable Production and ConsumptionElsevier BV235255092.029
49Nature EnergySpringer Nature2058754619.588
50Energy and Environmental ScienceRoyal Society of Chemistry17545692, 1754570612.306
51JouleCell Press2542435112.282
52International Journal of Mining Science and TechnologyElsevier209526861.991
53EnergyElsevier Ltd.18736785, 036054421.989
54Journal of Cleaner ProductionElsevier Ltd.09596526, 187917861.981
55Global TransitionsKeAi Communications Co.258979181.953
56IEEE Transactions on Power DeliveryInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.19374208, 088589771.92
57Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean EnergyState Grid Electric Power Research Institute Nanjing Branch21965420, 219656251.912
58Green Energy and EnvironmentKeAi Communications Co.24680257, 209627971.909
59Energy and AIElsevier BV266654681.891
60Journal of Power SourcesElsevier37877531.854
61Renewable EnergyElsevier BV96014811.815
62JPhys EnergyIOP Publishing Ltd.251576551.806
63Energy and Built EnvironmentKeAi Communications Co.266612331.782
64EngineeringElsevier Ltd.209580991.75
65ACS Sustainable Chemistry and EngineeringAmerican Chemical Society216804851.744
66Smart EnergyElsevier Ltd.266695521.741
67Chinese Journal of Electrical EngineeringInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.209615291.713
68Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy PhysicsElsevier37026931.704
69Global Environmental PoliticsMIT Press Journals152638001.68
70IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and NetworkingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.247324001.679
71Physical Review DAmerican Physical Society24700010, 247000291.639
72GeophysicsSociety of Exploration Geophysicists00168033, 194221561.638
73AAPG BulletinAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists14914231.623
74Sustainable Materials and TechnologiesElsevier BV221499371.605
75Advances in Geo-Energy Research22079963, 2208598X1.599
76ACS Applied Energy MaterialsAmerican Chemical Society257409621.588
77Wind Energy ScienceCopernicus GmbH23667451, 236674431.587
78Computing and Software for Big ScienceSpringer Nature251020441.578
79Advanced Quantum TechnologiesJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.251190441.577
80Applied Thermal EngineeringElsevier Ltd.135943111.559
81IEEE Power and Energy MagazineInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.154079771.558
82International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy SystemsElsevier Ltd.14206151.533
83Shiyou Xuebao/Acta Petrolei SinicaScience Press25326971.527
84Solar Energy Materials and Solar CellsElsevier BV92702481.503
85Batteries and SupercapsWiley-VCH Verlag256662231.502
86SciPost Physics CoreInstitute of Economic Research, Nicolaus Copernicus University266693661.494
87Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and EnvironmentJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd20418396, 2041840X1.491
88Tianranqi Gongye/Natural Gas IndustryNatural Gas Industry Journal Agency100009761.465
89Materials Science for Energy TechnologiesKeAi Communications Co.258929911.463
90Journal of Energy StorageElsevier BV2352152X1.456
91Nuclear FusionIOP Publishing Ltd.17414326, 002955151.447
92Petroleum Exploration and DevelopmentElsevier187638041.435
93IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and EnergyInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.268779101.434
94Nuclear Data SheetsAcademic Press Inc.00903752, 109599041.432
95Advanced Sustainable SystemsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.236674861.393
96Fuel Processing TechnologyElsevier37838201.393
97Engineered Science2576988X, 257698981.386
98FuelElsevier BV00162361, 187371531.38
99Sustainable Energy Technologies and AssessmentsElsevier Ltd.221313881.375
100Solar EnergyElsevier Ltd.0038092X1.373
101Energy Conversion and Management: XElsevier Ltd.259017451.365
102Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle PhysicsIOP Publishing Ltd.13616471, 095438991.357
103IEEE Transactions on Sustainable ComputingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.237737821.346
104International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyElsevier Ltd.36031991.318
105Energy JournalInternational Association for Energy Economics19565741.309
106Physical Review CAmerican Physical Society24699985, 246999931.305
107Matter and Radiation at ExtremesAmerican Institute of Physics24682047, 2468080X1.273
108Sustainable Energy and FuelsRoyal Society of Chemistry239849021.257
109IEEE Electrification MagazineInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.23255889, 232558971.233
110Chinese Physics CIOP Publishing Ltd.167411371.231
111Sustainable Energy, Grids and NetworksElsevier Ltd.235246771.225
112Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial AerodynamicsElsevier16761051.207
113Energy for Sustainable DevelopmentElsevier97308261.199
114Horticultural Plant JournalElsevier BV20959885, 246801411.199
115International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesElsevier01418130, 187900031.187
116Nuclear Materials and EnergyElsevier Ltd.235217911.184
117International Journal of Coal Science and TechnologySpringer International Publishing AG21987823, 209582931.175
118Building SimulationTsing Hua University19968744, 199635991.171
119International Journal of Sustainable TransportationTaylor and Francis Ltd.15568334, 155683181.146
120SPE JournalSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)1086055X1.144
121Journal of the Energy InstituteElsevier BV17460220, 174396711.138
122GCB BioenergyWiley-VCH Verlag17571693, 175717071.121
123CSEE Journal of Power and Energy SystemsChina Electric Power Research Institute209600421.118
124Journal of Natural Gas Science and EngineeringElsevier187551001.116
125Current Opinion in Chemical EngineeringElsevier BV221133981.108
126Electric Power Systems ResearchElsevier BV37877961.099
127Materials Today SustainabilityElsevier Ltd.258923471.079
128Wind EnergyJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10991824, 109542441.076
129Journal of High Energy AstrophysicsElsevier BV221440481.06
130Renewable Energy FocusElsevier Ltd.18780229, 175500841.06
131High VoltageJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.239772641.058
132Food and Energy SecurityWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd204836941.049
133Biomass and BioenergyElsevier Ltd.96195341.045
134Journal of Physical Chemistry CAmerican Chemical Society19327447, 193274551.028
135Biotechnology for BiofuelsBioMed Central Ltd.175468341.022
136Fuel Cells BulletinElsevier BV146428591.014
137High Power Laser Science and EngineeringCambridge University Press20954719, 205232891.014
138Annales Henri PoincareBirkhauser Verlag Basel14240637, 142406611.007
139Petroleum ScienceChina University of Petroleum Beijing16725107, 199582261.005
140Physical Review Accelerators and BeamsAmerican Physical Society246998881.003
141Journal of Nuclear MaterialsElsevier2231151.002
142Journal of Reliable Intelligent EnvironmentsSpringer International Publishing AG21994668, 219946761
143International Journal of Greenhouse Gas ControlElsevier175058360.989
144Plasma Physics and Controlled FusionIOP Publishing Ltd.13616587, 074133350.988
145Journal of Synchrotron RadiationInternational Union of Crystallography16005775, 090904950.982
146Energy, Sustainability and SocietySpringer Science + Business Media219205670.981
147IET Generation, Transmission and DistributionJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.17518687, 175186950.981
148Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power SystemsAutomation of Electric Power Systems Press100010260.975
149Energy ReportsElsevier Ltd.235248470.973
150Geothermal EnergySpringer Science + Business Media219597060.971
151Cleaner Environmental SystemsElsevier Ltd.266678940.97
152European Physical Journal ASpringer New York1434601X, 143460010.969
153Molecular Systems Design and EngineeringRoyal Society of Chemistry205896890.962
154Journal of the Electrochemical SocietyElectrochemical Society, Inc.00134651, 194571110.954
155Journal of Power Sources AdvancesElsevier BV266624850.949
156Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy JournalEmarald Group Publishing Ltd20408021, 2040803X0.943
157Nuclear Physics BElsevier55032130.938
158MRS Energy and SustainabilityCambridge University Press23292237, 232922290.921
159GeothermicsElsevier Ltd.37565050.912
160Energy & FuelsAmerican Chemical Society08870624, 152050290.905
161International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green TechnologySpringer Science + Business Media21980810, 228862060.905
162Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal SocietyChina Coal Society25399930.896
163Nanotechnology ReviewsWalter de Gruyter GmbH21919097, 219190890.879
164Combustion and FlameElsevier Inc.1021800.878
165Experimental and Computational Multiphase FlowTsinghua University Press26618877, 266188690.871
166Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-ResourcesSpringer International Publishing AG23638427, 236384190.867
167IET Renewable Power GenerationJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.17521416, 175214240.867
168Energy TechnologyWiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA21944296, 219442880.866
169ChemNanoMatWiley-VCH Verlag2199692X0.865
170Sustainable Environment ResearchChinese Institute of Environmental Engineering (CIEnvE)246820390.865
171South African Journal of Chemical EngineeringElsevier BV102691850.862
172Experimental Thermal and Fluid ScienceElsevier Inc.89417770.861
173Annals of Nuclear EnergyElsevier Ltd.03064549, 187321000.859
174Journal of High Energy PhysicsSpringer Verlag102984790.859
175Nuclear Engineering and DesignElsevier BV2954930.853
176SPE Reservoir Evaluation and EngineeringSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)19300212, 109464700.851
177Bioresource Technology ReportsElsevier Ltd.2589014X0.847
178Solid State Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceElsevier09262040, 152733260.846
179Probabilistic Engineering MechanicsElsevier Ltd.02668920, 187842750.845
180Energy EfficiencySpringer Netherlands1570646X, 157064780.843
181Journal of EngineeringInstitution of Engineering and Technology205133050.831
182International Journal of Energy ResearchJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd1099114X, 0363907X0.807
183Power System TechnologyPower System Technology Press100036730.804
184Journal of Fusion EnergySpringer New York15729591, 016403130.8
185IET Energy Systems IntegrationJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd251684010.799
186Smart and Sustainable Built EnvironmentEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.20466102, 204660990.791
187Journal of Magnetic ResonanceAcademic Press Inc.109078070.782
188Materials for Renewable and Sustainable EnergySpringer International Publishing AG21941459, 219414670.777
189Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and PolicyTaylor and Francis Ltd.155672490.775
190Energy GeoscienceKeAi Communications Co.266675920.773
191Bioresources and BioprocessingSpringerOpen219743650.766
192BatteriesMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)231301050.763
193Regional SustainabilityElsevier BV2666660X0.755
194Nuclear Science and Techniques/HewuliSpringer Singapore100180420.749
195Biofuels, Bioproducts and BiorefiningJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd1932104X, 193210310.744
196Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process IntensificationElsevier25527010.744
197Economics of Energy and Environmental PolicyInternational Association for Energy Economics21605890, 216058820.744
198Advances in Production Engineering And ManagementProduction Engineering Institute (PEI), University of Maribor18556531, 185462500.724
199Cleaner and Responsible ConsumptionElsevier BV266678430.719
200Electricity JournalElsevier Inc.104061900.719

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