Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus/ SCI. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that doesn't ask authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. This web document aims to provide you with free (Un-paid) Earth and Planetary Sciences research journals.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | E-ISSN | Review Process | Language |
1 | Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti : Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali | Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti | 0365-0359 | Peer review | English, Italian |
2 | CT&F Ciencia, Tecnología & Futuro | Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo (ICP) - ECOPETROL S.A. | 0122-5383 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
3 | Revista Investigaciones y Aplicaciones Nucleares | Servicio Geológico Colombiano | 2590-7468 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
4 | Российская Арктика | LLC Center for Information and Legal Support for the Development of the Arctic | Anonymous peer review | English, Russian | |
5 | Environmental Smoke | Environmental Smoke Institute | Peer review, Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, English | |
6 | Seismica | McGill University | Peer review, Anonymous peer review, Double anonymous peer review | English | |
7 | Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering | Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology | 2525-2461 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
8 | Acta Montanistica Slovaca | Technical University of Kosice | 1335-1788 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Slovak |
9 | Synthèse | Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba | 1111-4924 | Peer review | English, French |
10 | La Granja: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida | Universidad Politécnica Salesiana | 1390-3799 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
11 | Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências | Academia Brasileira de Ciências | 0001-3765 | Peer review | English |
12 | Journal of Remote Sensing | American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | Anonymous peer review | English | |
13 | Revista de Teledetección | Universitat Politécnica de Valencia | 1133-0953 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
14 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) | Prince of Songkla University | 0125-3395 | Anonymous peer review | English |
15 | Open Research Europe | F1000 Research Ltd | Post-publication peer review, Open peer review | English | |
16 | Социально-экологические технологии | Moscow Pedagogical State University, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education | 2500-2961 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian |
17 | Journal of Mountain Area Research | Karakoram International University Gilgit, Pakistan | 2518-8496 | Anonymous peer review, Double anonymous peer review | English |
18 | Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science | College of Natural and Computational Sciences | 2073-073X | Peer review | English |
19 | Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences | TMKarpinski Publisher, Tomasz M. Karpiński | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
20 | Revista Brasileira de Meio Ambiente | Reativar Ambiental | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
21 | Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi | Ankara University | 1303-5851 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Turkish |
22 | FIGEMPA | Universidad Central del Ecuador | 1390-7042 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
23 | Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research | American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | Anonymous peer review | English | |
24 | Boletín Geográfico | Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Comahue | 0326-1735 | Anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
25 | Izvestiâ Uralʹskogo Gosudarstvennogo Gornogo Universiteta | Ural State Mining University | 2307-2091 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian, German, English |
26 | Boletín de Ciencias de la Tierra | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 0120-3630 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
27 | Učënye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriâ Estestvennye Nauki | Kazan Federal University | 2542-064X | Anonymous peer review | English, Russian |
28 | Materials Research | Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais (ABM); Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica (ABC); Associação Brasileira de Polímeros (ABPol) | 1516-1439 | Peer review | English |
29 | Učenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta: Seriâ Estestvennye Nauki | Kazan Federal University | 1815-6169 | Anonymous peer review | Russian |
30 | Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física | Sociedade Brasileira de Física | 1806-1117 | Peer review | Portuguese |
31 | Актуальные проблемы нефти и газа | Russian Academy of Sciences, Oil and Gas Research Institute | Double anonymous peer review | Russian, English | |
32 | Geosul | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | 0103-3964 | Peer review | Portuguese |
33 | Journal of Environmental Geography | University of Szeged | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
34 | Мінеральні ресурси України | Ukrainian Geological Company (UGC) | 1682-721X | Anonymous peer review | Russian, Ukrainian, English |
35 | Indonesian Journal of Physics | Institut Teknologi Bandung | 2301-8151 | Peer review | English |
36 | Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society | Bulgarian Geographical Society | 2738-8107 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
37 | Mimbar Pendidikan: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan | UPI Press | Anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian, Malay (macrolanguage) | |
38 | Geološki Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva | Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade | 0350-0608 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
39 | Estudios Geologicos | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0367-0449 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, French, English |
40 | Earth Sciences Research Journal | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 1794-6190 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
41 | Vestnik MGTU | Murmansk State Technical University | 1560-9278 | Anonymous peer review | Russian |
42 | Geologos | Sciendo | Peer review | English | |
43 | Геодинамика и тектонофизика | Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of the Earth's crust | Anonymous peer review | English, Russian | |
44 | Ensaios de Geografia | Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
45 | Annals of Geophysics | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) | 1593-5213 | Peer review | English |
46 | William Morris Davis | Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú | Double anonymous peer review | French, Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
47 | Boletín INFOMIN | Centro de Investigaciones para la Industria Minero Metalúrgica (CIPIMM) | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
48 | Revista Brasileira de Geomática | Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
49 | Geological Behavior | Zibeline International | 2521-0890 | Anonymous peer review | English |
50 | Publicaciones en Ciencias y Tecnología | Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish | |
51 | Terra Digitalis | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English | |
52 | Geofísica Internacional | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geofísica | 0016-7169 | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
53 | Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil | Serviço Geológico do Brasil (CPRM) | Anonymous peer review | English | |
54 | Mongolian Geoscientist | Mongolian University of Science and Technology | 2220-0622 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
55 | Bulletin of Regional Natural History | SHARE Press | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
56 | Modern Geográfia | Publikon | Double anonymous peer review | Hungarian, English | |
57 | Volcanica | Volcanica | Peer review, Anonymous peer review | English | |
58 | Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 1026-8774 | Anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
59 | Cadernos de Geografia | Coimbra University Press | 0871-1623 | Anonymous peer review | Portuguese |
60 | Earth Sciences Pakistan | Zibeline International | 2521-2893 | Anonymous peer review | English |
61 | Revista Geografar | Universidade Federal do Paraná | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, Spanish | |
62 | Tecnociencia | Universidad de Panamá | 1609-8102 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
63 | Hungarian Geographical Bulletin | Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences | 2064-5031 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
64 | Journal of Earth Energy Engineering | Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Press | 2301-8097 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
65 | Derbyana | Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais - SIMA | Anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English | |
66 | International Journal of Geo-Engineering | SpringerOpen | 2092-9196 | Peer review | English |
67 | Terrae Didatica | Universidade Estadual de Campinas | Peer review | Portuguese | |
68 | E3S Web of Conferences | EDP Sciences | Anonymous peer review | English, French | |
69 | Przegląd Geofizyczny | Polish Society of Geophysics | 0033-2135 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Polish |
70 | GeoScience Engineering | VSB-Technical University of Ostrava | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
71 | Indonesian Journal of Earth Sciences | MO.RI Publishing | 2798-1134 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English |
72 | Revista Brasileira de Cartografia | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia | 0560-4613 | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English |
73 | Comptes Rendus. Géoscience | Académie des sciences | 1631-0713 | Anonymous peer review | French, English |
74 | Geologica Acta | Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Geociències Barcelona (Geo3BCN), Institut de Diagnosi Ambiental i Estudis de l'Aigua (IDAEA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) | 1695-6133 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
75 | Andean Geology | Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN) | 0718-7092 | Peer review | English, Spanish |
76 | Environmental Monitoring and Contaminants Research | Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry | Anonymous peer review | English | |
77 | Известия Сибирского отделения секции наук о Земле Российской академии естественных наук: Геология, разведка и разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых | Irkutsk National Research Technical University | 2541-9455 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian |
78 | The Sedimentary Record | Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) | Anonymous peer review | English | |
79 | Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Center for Policy, Research and Development Studies | 2423-1398 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
80 | Geodesy and Geodynamics | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | 1674-9847 | Anonymous peer review | English |
81 | Revista de Geomorfologie | Romanian Association of Geomorphologists | 1453-5068 | Anonymous peer review | English, French |
82 | علوم و فناوری رنگ | Institute for Color Science and Technology | 1735-8779 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
83 | Revista de la Universidad del Zulia | Universidad del Zulia | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish | |
84 | RADS Journal of Biological Research & Applied Science | Jinnah University for Women | 2305-8722 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
85 | Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales | Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales | 0370-3908 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
86 | Health Promotion & Physical Activity | University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow, Poland | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
87 | Војно дело | Ministry of Defence of Serbia - Military Publishing House, Belgrade | 0042-8426 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Serbian |
88 | East African Journal of Sciences | Haramaya University Ethiopia | 1992-0407 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
89 | Informes Científicos y Técnicos (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral) | Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
90 | ESPOCH Congresses | Knowledge E | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
91 | Revista Tecnológica | Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral | 0257-1749 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
92 | Filosofia e História da Biologia | University of São Paulo (USP) / Brazilian Association of Philosophy and History of Biology (ABFHiB) | 1983-053X | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Portuguese |
93 | Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia | Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University | 2586-8195 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
94 | Marine Science and Technology Bulletin | Adem Yavuz Sönmez | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
95 | غالب | Ghalib University | 2788-4155 | Anonymous peer review | English, Pushto, Persian |
96 | Agrociencia Uruguay | Universidad de la República, Facultad de Agronomía | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
97 | Revista Investigaciones y Estudios de la UNA | Universidad Nacional de Asunción | 2070-0415 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
98 | Pirineos: Revista de Ecología de Montaña | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0373-2568 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, French, English |
99 | Entorno Geografico | Universidad del Valle | 1692-0074 | Anonymous peer review | Spanish |
100 | Космические аппараты и технологии | Association «Technology Platform «National Information Satellite System» | 2618-7957 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian |
101 | Mining Science | Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology | 2300-9586 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
102 | Geomatika | Badan Informasi Geospasial | 0854-2759 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
103 | Georeview | Editura Univeristatii "Stefan cel Mare" din Suceava | 2343-7391 | Anonymous peer review | English |
104 | Geologica Belgica | University of Liege | 1374-8505 | Peer review | French, English, Dutch |
105 | Geography Notebooks | LED Edizioni Universitarie | 2611-7193 | Double anonymous peer review | English, French, Italian, Spanish |
106 | Naučno-Tehničeskij Vestnik Brânskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta | Academician I.G. Petrovskii Bryansk State University | Anonymous peer review | English, German, Russian | |
107 | Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy | Earth Science Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia | Peer review | English | |
108 | Геоконтекст | Neogeography Group | Double anonymous peer review | English, Russian | |
109 | Oceanologia | Elsevier | 0078-3234 | Open peer review | English |
110 | Гидросфера: Опасные процессы и явления | Scientific and Industrial Research Association Gidrotehproekt | 2686-7877 | Anonymous peer review | Russian |
111 | GEOmedia | mediaGEO soc. coop. | 1128-8132 | Anonymous peer review | English, Italian |
112 | Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica | Lodz University Press | 1427-9711 | Double anonymous peer review | Polish, English |
113 | Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement | Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux | 1370-6233 | Double anonymous peer review | English, French |
114 | RUDN Journal of Engineering Research | Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) | 2312-8143 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian, English |
115 | Литосфера | A.N. Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry | 1681-9004 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian, English |
116 | Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège | Société Géographique de Liège | 0770-7576 | Double anonymous peer review | French, English |
117 | Надежность и качество сложных систем | Penza State University Publishing House | 2307-4205 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian, English |
118 | European Papers | European Papers ( | Double anonymous peer review | English, French, Italian, Spanish | |
119 | Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health | Mashhad University of Medical Sciences | Peer review | English | |
120 | Amorti | Yayasan Azhar Amanaa Yogyakarta | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian | |
121 | Journal of Management Science and Engineering | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | 2096-2320 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
122 | Naučno-tehničeskij Vestnik Informacionnyh Tehnologij, Mehaniki i Optiki | Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University) | 2226-1494 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Russian |
123 | Apuntes de Bioética | Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Instituto de Bioética | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese | |
124 | تحقیقات تولیدات دامی | University of Guilan | 2252-0872 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
125 | Egyptian Journal of Petroleum | Elsevier | 1110-0621 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
126 | Revista Cuestiones Económicas | Banco Central del Ecuador | 2477-9059 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
127 | Margalla Papers | National Defence University, Islamabad | 1999-2297 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
128 | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Penerbit Universiti, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka | 1985-3157 | Anonymous peer review | English |
129 | Human-Centric Intelligent Systems | Springer Nature | Anonymous peer review | English | |
130 | RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics | Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) | 2313-2299 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian, English |
131 | Jurnal Sains Teknologi Transportasi Maritim | LPPM AKMI SUAKA BAHARI CIREBON | 2684-9135 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
132 | Mikarimin | Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes-Extensión Santo Domingo | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
133 | Rehman Journal of Health Sciences | Rehman Medical Institute | 2664-4630 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
134 | Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science | Dartmouth College | 2167-7883 | Peer review | English |
135 | Revista Latinoamericana de Difusión Científica | Fundación Difusión Científica y la Academia de Historia del Estado Zulia | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish | |
136 | Liaquat Medical Research Journal | Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences | 2664-5734 | Editorial review, Double anonymous peer review | English |
137 | Journal of New Results in Science | Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University | Peer review | English | |
138 | Exploratory Animal and Medical Research | West Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association | 2277-470X | Double anonymous peer review | English |
139 | Revista Jovens Pesquisadores | Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul | Peer review | Portuguese | |
140 | University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Research Journal | University of Saskatchewan | Anonymous peer review | English | |
141 | Magna Scientia UCEVA | Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca | 2805-6884 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
142 | Revista Eletrônica Científica da UERGS | Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS) | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
143 | Векторы благополучия: экономика и социум | National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University | Double anonymous peer review | Russian, English | |
144 | Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind | York University | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
145 | Aporia | University of Ottawa | Peer review | English, French | |
146 | Semiárida | Universidad Nacional de La Pampa | 2362-4337 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
147 | Maritime Technical Journal | Sciendo | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
148 | Іноземні мови | Kyiv National Linguistic University | 1817-8510 | Double anonymous peer review | English, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian |
149 | Petroleum Exploration and Development | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | 2096-4803 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Chinese |
150 | Lokman Hekim Health Sciences | kare publishing | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
151 | Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции | N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources | 2227-8834 | Anonymous peer review | English, Russian |
152 | Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica | Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra | 1335-258X | Anonymous peer review | English |
153 | Dissertare: Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales | Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
154 | RUDN Journal of Philosophy | Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) | 2313-2302 | Double anonymous peer review | English, French, German, Russian |
155 | Ta'dib | Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar | 1410-8208 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English, Arabic |
156 | Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras | Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica | 1659-455X | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
157 | Intuisi | Universitas Negeri Semarang | 2086-0803 | Anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
158 | Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling | UIN Walisongo Semarang, Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi | 2746-1513 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
159 | Journal of Social and Policy Issues | Pencerah Publishing | 2829-8632 | Anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
160 | Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz | Anonymous peer review | English | |
161 | Griseldaonline | University of Bologna | Double anonymous peer review | English, Italian | |
162 | The School of Public Policy Publications | University of Calgary | 2560-8312 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
163 | BioEksakta | Universitas Jenderal Soedirman | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian | |
164 | Asian Journal of Technology Management | Institut Teknologi Bandung | 1978-6956 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
165 | Jurnal Fuaduna | IAIN Bukittinggi | 2614-8137 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English |
166 | Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training | Linköping University Electronic Press | Double anonymous peer review | Swedish, Norwegian, English, Danish | |
167 | Laimburg Journal | Laimburg Research Centre | Editorial review | Italian, German, English | |
168 | Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene | Editura Universitatii din Oradea | 2067-1253 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
169 | Word and Text | Editura Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti | 2069-9271 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
170 | Physical Sciences and Technology | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | 2409-6121 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
171 | OS. Opificio della Storia | SHARE Press | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, French, English, Italian | |
172 | Digital Transformation and Society | Emerald Publishing | 2755-0761 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
173 | Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales | Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador | 1390-0102 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
174 | Open Information Science | De Gruyter | Anonymous peer review | English | |
175 | Applied Computing and Informatics | Emerald Publishing | 2634-1964 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
176 | Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies | CSEI; ASEM | 1857-436X | Double anonymous peer review | English |
177 | Culture and Local Governance | University of Ottawa | Double anonymous peer review | French, English | |
178 | LínguaTec | Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
179 | Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
180 | مدلسازی و مدیریت آب و خاک | University of Mohaghegh Ardabili | Double anonymous peer review | Persian | |
181 | علوم رایانش و فناوری اطلاعات | Computer Society of Iran | Peer review, Anonymous peer review | Persian | |
182 | Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences | Elsevier | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
183 | Journal of Sport and Health Science | Elsevier | 2095-2546 | Anonymous peer review | English |
184 | bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online | bwpat Förder-Club e.V. | Double anonymous peer review | German | |
185 | ENP Engineering Science Journal | Ecole Nationale Polytechnique | 2716-912X | Anonymous peer review | English |
186 | Computational Sciences and Engineering | University of Guilan | Anonymous peer review | English | |
187 | Bulgarian Journal of International Economics and Politics | UNWE Publishing Complex | 2815-2751 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
188 | Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching | Franco Angeli | Double anonymous peer review | English, Italian | |
189 | Journal of Ethics in Higher Education | Globethics Publications | 2813-4370 | Editorial review, Peer review | German, Spanish, French, English |
190 | PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research | Atatürk University | Double anonymous peer review | Turkish, English | |
191 | Tecnoscienza | University of Bologna – Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
192 | Studia Polensia | Juraj Dobrila University of Pula | 1848-4905 | Peer review | Croatian, English, Italian |
193 | Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания | LLC (EOOD) “SCIENTIFIC CHRONOGRAPH" | 2603-4859 | Double anonymous peer review | Bulgarian, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani |
194 | Балканско научно обозрение | LLC (EOOD) “SCIENTIFIC CHRONOGRAPH" | 2603-4867 | Double anonymous peer review | Bulgarian, Ukrainian, English, Russian, Azerbaijani |
195 | Scientia Agraria Paranaensis | Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná | 1677-4310 | Peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
196 | Kom: Časopis za Religijske Nauke | Center for Religious Sciences Kom, Belgrade | 2334-6396 | Anonymous peer review | English, Serbian |
197 | Gestão e Desenvolvimento | Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Instituto de Gestão e das Organizações da Saúde | 0872-556X | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, Spanish |
198 | South African Journal of Science | Academy of Science of South Africa | 0038-2353 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
199 | Revista de Psicologia da IMED | Faculdade Meridional (IMED) | Anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese | |
200 | Journal of Current Oncology and Medical Sciences | Zabansaraye Parsian Novin Mehr Institute | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
201 | Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy | Publishing House of the Romanian Academy | 1224-1407 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
202 | Open Research Africa | F1000 Research Ltd | Post-publication peer review, Open peer review | English | |
203 | Analecta | University of Szeged | Anonymous peer review | English | |
204 | Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences | UiTM Press | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
205 | مجلة المختار للعلوم | Omar Al-Mukhtar University | 2617-2178 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
206 | Cooper Rowan Medical Journal | Rowan Digital Works | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
207 | Khronos | CHC - Centro Interunidades de História da Ciência da Universidade de São Paulo | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English | |
208 | Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi | Galenos Yayincilik | Double anonymous peer review | English, Turkish | |
209 | Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences | El Oued University | 1112-9867 | Double anonymous peer review | French, English |
210 | Revista Salud Bosque | Universidad El Bosque | 2248-5759 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
211 | Revista Ciencias Biomédicas | Universidad de Cartagena | 2215-7840 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
212 | Baqai Journal of Health Sciences | Baqai University Press | 2312-4423 | Peer review | English |
213 | Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences | Sultan Qaboos University | 2410-1060 | Anonymous peer review | English |
214 | IMCC Journal of Science | Iligan Medical Center College | 2783-0357 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
215 | Tropicultura | Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux | 0771-3312 | Double anonymous peer review | French, English |
216 | Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering | Tishk International University | 2414-5629 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
217 | Revue Nature et Technologie | University "Hassiba Benbouali" de Chlef | 1112-9778 | Double anonymous peer review | French, English |
218 | Journal of Gandaki Medical College | Gandaki Medical College Teaching Hospital & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. | 2070-4240 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
219 | Health and Biosciences | Editora UFES | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
220 | St-Open | University of Split | Editorial review, Anonymous peer review | English | |
221 | Journal of Shalamar Medical & Dental College | Shalamar Medical & Dental College, Lahore, Pakistan | 2789-3669 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
222 | La Calera | Universidad Nacional Agraria | 1998-7846 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
223 | Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología | Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos | 0327-5566 | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, Spanish |
224 | Agrarian | Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados | Peer review | Portuguese | |
225 | Audiology: Communication Research | Academia Brasileira de Audiologia | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese | |
226 | Disease and Diagnosis | Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
227 | Journal of Medical Science | Poznan University of Medical Sciences | 2353-9798 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
228 | Environmental Sciences Proceedings | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | English | |
229 | Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej | Military University of Technology, Warsaw | 1234-5865 | Anonymous peer review | English, Polish |
230 | Derim | Bati Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute | 1300-3496 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Turkish |
231 | Revista Comunicando | Associação Portuguesa de Ciência da Comunicação | 2184-0636 | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English, Spanish |
232 | İslam Tetkikleri Dergisi | Istanbul University Press | Double anonymous peer review | Turkish, English, Arabic | |
233 | Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association | University of Alberta | Double anonymous peer review | English, French | |
234 | Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Didática das Ciências e Matemática | IFSP Itapetininga | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
235 | Revista Científica CMDLT | Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English | |
236 | Media, Culture and Public Relations | Croatian Communication Association | 1333-6371 | Double anonymous peer review | German, English, Croatian |
237 | Juxta: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga | Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga | 1907-3623 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
238 | Autoctonía | Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins | Anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
239 | Journal of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences | Karnali Academy of Health Sciences | 2616-0064 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
240 | Acta Universitatis Lodziensis: Folia Philosophica | Lodz University Press | 0208-6107 | Double anonymous peer review | English, German, Polish |
241 | Ikastorratza.e-Revista de Didáctica | José Domingo Villarroel | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Basque | |
242 | Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade) | University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade | 1450-8109 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Serbian |
243 | International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences | Penerbit Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka | 2600-7495 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
244 | Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi | Ege University Press | 1018-8851 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Turkish |
245 | Digital Journal of Clinical Medicine | JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research | Anonymous peer review | English | |
246 | EXCLI Journal : Experimental and Clinical Sciences | IfADo - Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors, Dortmund | Peer review | English | |
247 | Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente | Universidade Federal do Paraná | 1518-952X | Editorial review, Double anonymous peer review | English, French, Portuguese, Spanish |
248 | East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies | University of Alberta, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
249 | Connectist Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences | Istanbul University Press | Double anonymous peer review | Turkish, English | |
250 | Medisan | Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas | Peer review | Spanish | |
251 | Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering | UNIMAS Publisher | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
252 | Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania | Military University of Technology, Warsaw | 1896-9380 | Double anonymous peer review | Polish, English |
253 | Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas | Universidad Autónoma de Baja California | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English | |
254 | فصلنامه علوم و فناوری فضایی | Aerospace Research Institute | 2008-4560 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
255 | İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi | Atatürk University | Double anonymous peer review | Arabic, English, Turkish | |
256 | Journal of Computer Sciences Institute | Lublin University of Technology | Anonymous peer review | English, Polish | |
257 | Nexo | Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería | 1818-6742 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
258 | Telfor Journal | Telecommunications Society, Academic Mind | 1821-3251 | Anonymous peer review | English |
259 | Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah | Universitas Brawijaya | 2338-168X | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
260 | Scientia Marina | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0214-8358 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
261 | Journal of Student Affairs in Africa | Journal of Student Affairs in Africa | 2311-1771 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
262 | Al ' Adalah | Jember: LP2M IAIN Jember | 1410-7406 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English, Arabic |
263 | Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В.Н. Каразіна: Серія Біологія | V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University | 2075-5457 | Peer review | Russian, Ukrainian |
264 | Измерение, мониторинг, управление, контроль | Penza State University Publishing House | 2307-5538 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Russian |
265 | International Journal of Informatics, Information System and Computer Engineering | Universitas Komputer Indonesia | 2810-0670 | Anonymous peer review | English |
266 | Endocrinology and Metabolism | Korean Endocrine Society | 2093-596X | Anonymous peer review | Korean, English |
267 | Jurnal Theologia | Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang | 0853-3857 | Peer review | Indonesian |
268 | Стратегии бизнеса | Real Economy Publishing House | Double anonymous peer review | Russian | |
269 | Eesti Majanduspoliitilised Väitlused | Mattimar OÜ and Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH | 1736-5597 | Anonymous peer review | English, Estonian, German |
270 | Computer Science | AGH University of Science and Technology Press | 1508-2806 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
271 | Revista Ion | Universidad Industrial de Santander | 0120-100X | Anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
272 | Revista da Tulha | Universidade de São Paulo | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, English | |
273 | RISTI | AISTI | 1646-9895 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
274 | Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management | Zibeline International Publishing | 2222-7059 | Anonymous peer review | English |
275 | Forskning i Pædagogers Profession og Uddannelse | Pædagoguddannelsens Ledernetværk | 2794-2929 | Open peer review | Danish, Swedish, Norwegian |
276 | Muhandisī-i Bihdāsht-i Muḥīṭ | Alborz University of Medical Sciences | 2383-3211 | Anonymous peer review | Persian |
277 | Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Общественные науки | Penza State University Publishing House | 2072-3016 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian, English |
278 | Cybernetics and Information Technologies | Sciendo | Anonymous peer review | English | |
279 | Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of Semi conductor physics. | 1560-8034 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
280 | Acta Agriculturae Slovenica | University of Ljubljana Press (Založba Univerze v Ljubljani) | 1581-9175 | Anonymous peer review | English, Slovenian |
281 | Historica | University of Ostrava | 1803-7550 | Double anonymous peer review | Czech, Slovak, English |
282 | Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego | The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin | 2081-8882 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Polish |
283 | Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture | SHIN Dong Ryeol | 1598-267X | Double anonymous peer review | English |
284 | Journal of Multidisciplinary Care | Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
285 | Grain & Oil Science and Technology | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | 2096-4501 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
286 | ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing | ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu | 0976-9099 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
287 | Scientific Papers Series : Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development | University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest | 2284-7995 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
288 | Equilibrium | Universitas Sebelas Maret | 1412-9124 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
289 | International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training | European Research Network Vocational Education and Training (VETNET) | 2197-8638 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
290 | Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies | MediaXXI/ Formalpress | 2184-0466 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
291 | Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции | Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics, The Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders | 2500-0462 | Anonymous peer review | English, Russian |
292 | Annales Henri Lebesgue | École Normale Supérieure de Rennes | Anonymous peer review | English, French | |
293 | Тваринництво Степу України | Черчель Владислав Юрійович | 2786-6750 | Double anonymous peer review | Ukrainian, English |
294 | MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara | Penerbit UKM | 1511-8398 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Malay (macrolanguage) |
295 | Revista Lumen Gentium | Sello Editorial Unicatólica | 2539-0678 | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English, Spanish |
296 | Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings | Institute for Color Science and Technology | 2008-2134 | Anonymous peer review | English |
297 | Journal of Ethics and Legal Technologies | Padova University Press | Double anonymous peer review | English, Italian, Spanish | |
298 | Archeion | The State Archives Head Office, Poland | 0066-6041 | Double anonymous peer review | Polish, English, French, German, Russian |
299 | Quaestiones Geographicae | Sciendo | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
300 | Economy and Sociology | National Institute for Economic Research | 2587-4187 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
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