Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus/ SCI. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that doesn't ask authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. This web document aims to provide you with free (Un-paid) Environmental Science research journals.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | E-ISSN | Review Process | Language |
1 | Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan | Universitas Airlangga | 1829-7285 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
2 | Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues | CV. Literasi Indonesia | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
3 | RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety | Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) | 2313-2310 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Russian |
4 | Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente | Universidade Federal do Paraná | 1518-952X | Editorial review, Double anonymous peer review | English, French, Portuguese, Spanish |
5 | Cub@: Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo | Agencia de Medio Ambiente | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish | |
6 | محیط زیست و توسعه فرابخشی | Research Center for Environment and Sustainable Development (RCESD) | Double anonymous peer review | Persian | |
7 | Applied Environmental Research | Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University | 2287-0741 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
8 | Gestión y Ambiente | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 0124-177X | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
9 | Jurnal Ekologi, Masyarakat dan Sains | ECOTAS | Anonymous peer review | Indonesian | |
10 | Revista Monografias Ambientais | Federal University of Santa Maria | Anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese | |
11 | Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego | 1733-1218 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Polish |
12 | Monteverdia | University of Camaguey | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
13 | Journal of Environmental and Science Education | Universitas Negeri Semarang | 2797-0175 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
14 | Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science | Sultan Qaboos University | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
15 | Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics | Inter-Research | 1611-8014 | Anonymous peer review | English |
16 | Социально-экологические технологии | Moscow Pedagogical State University, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education | 2500-2961 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian |
17 | Electronic Green Journal | eScholarship Publishing, University of California | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
18 | Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais | Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental | 1808-4524 | Anonymous peer review | English |
19 | Environmental Science: Advances | The Royal Society of Chemistry | Anonymous peer review, Double anonymous peer review | English | |
20 | Present Environment and Sustainable Development | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, Iasi, Romania | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
21 | Tropical Life Sciences Research | Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia | 1985-3718 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
22 | Plants and Environment | Plant and Environmental Research Institute (PERI) | Anonymous peer review | English | |
23 | Artefactos | Universidad de Salamanca | Anonymous peer review | English, French, Spanish | |
24 | Cultures of Science | SAGE Publishing | 2096-6083 | Anonymous peer review | English |
25 | Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan | Diponegoro University | 1829-8907 | Anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
26 | Iranian Journal of Health, Safety and Environment | Iranian Journal of Health, Safety and Environment | 2345-3206 | Peer review | English |
27 | Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History | Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society | Anonymous peer review | English | |
28 | Journal of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture | Rzeszow University of Technology | 2300-5130 | Double anonymous peer review | Polish |
29 | Environmental Health Engineering and Management | Kerman University of Medical Sciences | 2423-3765 | Peer review | English |
30 | Jurnal Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan | Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology | 2356-3389 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English |
31 | Avicenna Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Hamadan University of Medical Sciences | Anonymous peer review | English | |
32 | Environmental Health Perspectives | The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) | 0091-6765 | Peer review | English |
33 | Sustinere: Journal of Environment and Sustainability | Centre for Science and Technology, IAIN Surakarta | 2549-1245 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
34 | Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental | Generalitat de Catalunya; Universitat Rovira i Virgili | Double anonymous peer review | Catalan, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish | |
35 | Geology, Geophysics & Environment | AGH University of Science and Technology Press | 2299-8004 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
36 | سلامت و محیط | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | 2008-2029 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
37 | Environmental Problems | Lviv Polytechnic National University | 2414-5955 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
38 | Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences | Associação Brasileira de Estudos do Quaternário (ABEQUA) | Peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
39 | Revista de Derecho Ambiental | Universidad de Chile | 0718-0101 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
40 | Acta Ambiental Catarinense | Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English, Spanish | |
41 | Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна: Серія Екологія | V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University | 1992-4259 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Russian, Ukrainian |
42 | Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo | Universidad de Talca | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, English | |
43 | Journal of Political Ecology | University of Arizona Libraries | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, French, English | |
44 | Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | 2096-9589 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
45 | Journal of Bioresources and Environmental Sciences | Universitas Diponegoro | 2829-8314 | Anonymous peer review | English |
46 | Environmental Monitoring and Contaminants Research | Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry | Anonymous peer review | English | |
47 | Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology | UNIMAS Publisher | 2229-9769 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
48 | Georeview | Editura Univeristatii "Stefan cel Mare" din Suceava | 2343-7391 | Anonymous peer review | English |
49 | Psicumex | Universidad de Sonora | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
50 | Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series E: Food Technology | Sciendo | Peer review | English | |
51 | PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development | Jimma University | 2707-1308 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
52 | Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum | Lodz University Press | 0860-7435 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Polish |
53 | Investigações em Ensino de Ciências | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
54 | Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciência da Informação | Universidade de Brasília | Peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
55 | Culturas Cientificas | Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Departamento de Filosofía | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish | |
56 | Vitruvian Cogitationes | Universidade Estadual de Maringá | Anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English, Spanish | |
57 | Tecnoscienza | University of Bologna – Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
58 | Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science | Centro Universitário de Anápolis | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
59 | Amazônia | Universidade Federal do Pará | 1980-5128 | Peer review | Portuguese, Spanish |
60 | Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health | Seyit Ahmet Kıray | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
61 | Eurasian Journal of Environmental Research | Eurasian Journal of Environmental Research | Anonymous peer review | English | |
62 | Pirineos: Revista de Ecología de Montaña | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0373-2568 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, French, English |
63 | Malaysian Journal of Animal Science | Malaysian Society of Animal Production | 1394-3227 | Peer review | English |
64 | Journal Science, Technology & Environment | Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR) | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese | |
65 | Journal CleanWAS | Zibeline International | 2521-0912 | Anonymous peer review | English |
66 | Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Center for Policy, Research and Development Studies | 2423-1398 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
67 | Mining Science | Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology | 2300-9586 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
68 | Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering | Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology | 2525-2461 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
69 | Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu | University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade | 1450-7552 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
70 | Agrociencia Uruguay | Universidad de la República, Facultad de Agronomía | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
71 | علوم و فناوری رنگ | Institute for Color Science and Technology | 1735-8779 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
72 | ACS Central Science | American Chemical Society | Anonymous peer review | English | |
73 | San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science | eScholarship Publishing, University of California | Anonymous peer review | English | |
74 | Journal of Sustainable Technologies and Materials | University of Zenica | 2744-2640 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
75 | Revista Ciencia y Construcción | Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English | |
76 | Analele Universităţii din Oradea: Seria Geografie | Editura Universitatii din Oradea | 1221-1273 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
77 | Quaestiones Geographicae | Sciendo | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
78 | Ecosistemas | Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre | 1132-6344 | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
79 | Український антарктичний журнал | State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center | 1727-7485 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Ukrainian |
80 | Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales | Universidad de Valencia | 0214-4379 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
81 | Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section B: Chemical Engineering | Turkish Chemical Society | Anonymous peer review | English | |
82 | Journal of Mountain Area Research | Karakoram International University Gilgit, Pakistan | 2518-8496 | Anonymous peer review, Double anonymous peer review | English |
83 | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | Karolinum Press | 1805-0174 | Peer review | English |
84 | Earth Sciences Pakistan | Zibeline International | 2521-2893 | Anonymous peer review | English |
85 | Rekayasa | Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat | 0216-9495 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
86 | Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Geografie | Editura Universitaria Craiova | 1224-4112 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
87 | Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry | University of Pannonia | Peer review | English | |
88 | Annals of the University of Bucharest: Geography Series | University of Bucharest | 1013-4115 | Double anonymous peer review | Romanian, French, English |
89 | Studies of Architecture, Urbanism and Environmental Science | Hakim Sabzevari University | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
90 | Мінеральні ресурси України | Ukrainian Geological Company (UGC) | 1682-721X | Anonymous peer review | Russian, Ukrainian, English |
91 | Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering | Perm National Research Polytechnic University | 2224-9923 | Anonymous peer review | English, Russian |
92 | Modelling in Civil Environmental Engineering | Sciendo | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
93 | Sri Lankan Journal of Biology | Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka | 2513-2245 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
94 | CITAS | Universidad Santo Tomás | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
95 | Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica | Lodz University Press | 1427-9711 | Double anonymous peer review | Polish, English |
96 | Ruhuna Journal of Science | University of Ruhuna | 1800-279X | Double anonymous peer review | English |
97 | Banko Janakari | Forest Research and Training Centre | 1016-0582 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
98 | Geo-Image Journal | Universitas Negeri Semarang | 2252-6285 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
99 | Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences | Salahaddin University-Erbil | 2218-0230 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
100 | Инновационная техника и технология | Penza State Technological University | 2410-0242 | Open peer review | English, Russian |
101 | Ecología Austral | Asociación Argentina de Ecología | 0327-5477 | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
102 | Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry | Estfalia | 2668-5418 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
103 | European Journal of Ecology | University of Kansas Libraries | Peer review | English | |
104 | The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science | Galati University Press | 2668-4748 | Anonymous peer review | English |
105 | Revista Facultad de Ingeniería | Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia | 0121-1129 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
106 | Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska | Lublin University of Technology | 2083-0157 | Double anonymous peer review | Polish, English |
107 | Revista Analisando em Ciência da Informação | Universidade Estadual da Paraíba | Peer review | Portuguese | |
108 | Colloquium Agrariae | University of Western Sao Paulo, UNOESTE | Peer review | Portuguese | |
109 | İnsan&İnsan Bilim Kültür Sanat ve Düşünce Dergisi | Okur Yazar Derneği | Double anonymous peer review | Turkish | |
110 | img journal | University of Bologna | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
111 | Páginas a&b | CITCEM | 0873-5670 | Anonymous peer review | English, French, Portuguese, Spanish |
112 | Transinformação | Pontificia Universidade Católica de Campinas | 0103-3786 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, English |
113 | Aristo | Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo | 2338-5162 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
114 | Asian Fisheries Science | Asian Fisheries Society | 0116-6514 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
115 | Acta Agronómica | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 0120-2812 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
116 | Informatio | Universidad de la República | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
117 | Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Ciência da Informação | 1413-9936 | Anonymous peer review | Portuguese |
118 | Acta Veterinaria Eurasia | AVES | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
119 | Teorie vědy | Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy | 1210-0250 | Double anonymous peer review | Czech, English, German, Slovak |
120 | วารสารวิทยาการสารสนเทศและเทคโนโลยีประยุกต์ | Faculty of Informatics | 2630-094X | Double anonymous peer review | Thai, English |
121 | Balisages | Enssib | Double anonymous peer review | English, French | |
122 | Studia Historiae Scientiarum | Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences | 2451-3202 | Double anonymous peer review | Polish, English |
123 | HiN - Alexander von Humboldt im Netz. Internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien | Universität Potsdam | 2568-3543 | Peer review | English, French, German, Spanish |
124 | School of Information Student Research Journal | SJSU Scholarworks | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
125 | Informação & Tecnologia | Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
126 | İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi | Istanbul University | 0250-2836 | Double anonymous peer review | Turkish, English |
127 | Science Heritage Journal | Zibeline International | 2521-0858 | Anonymous peer review | English |
128 | PSEJ (Pancasakti Science Education Journal) | Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, FKIP Universitas Panca Sakti (UPS) Tegal | 2528-6714 | Anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
129 | Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science | The Korean Society for Clinical Laboratory Science | 1738-3544 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Korean |
130 | Journal of Literature and Science | University of Westminster | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
131 | Webology | Webology Center | Peer review | English | |
132 | Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
133 | Tropical Agricultural Research | Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya | 1016-1422 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
134 | Pulse | Central European University, Budapest | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
135 | Advances in Archaeomaterials | KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
136 | Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | 1415-2150 | Double anonymous peer review | French, Portuguese, Spanish |
137 | Mètode Science Studies Journal: Annual Review | Universitat de València | 2174-3487 | Double anonymous peer review | Catalan, English, Spanish |
138 | Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología | Universidad de Antioquía | 0120-0976 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
139 | Em Questão | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | 1807-8893 | Double anonymous peer review, Open peer review | Portuguese, English, Spanish |
140 | Stadium | University of Debrecen, Institute of Sport Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | English, Hungarian | |
141 | Em Construção | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian | |
142 | Polytechnic | Erbil Polytechnic University | 2313-5727 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
143 | Philosophia Scientiæ | Éditions Kimé | 1281-2463 | Double blind peer review | French, English, German |
144 | Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Beni-Suef University, Faculty of Agriculture | 2535-1796 | Peer review, Double anonymous peer review | Arabic |
145 | Ratarstvo i Povrtarstvo | Institute of field and vegetable crops, Novi Sad | 1821-3944 | Double anonymous peer review | Serbian, English |
146 | JCom América Latina | Sissa Medialab | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese | |
147 | Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research | Compuscript Ltd | Anonymous peer review | English | |
148 | Revista Estudo & Debate | Editora Univates | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
149 | EQA | University of Bologna | 2039-9898 | Peer review | English |
150 | Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego | Essentia Editora | 1981-6197 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
151 | Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional | Fundacentro | 0303-7657 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese |
152 | Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental | Centro Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Ambiental | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, English | |
153 | Selekcija i Semenarstvo | Serbian Association of Plant Breedings and Seed Producers | 0354-5881 | Double anonymous peer review | Serbian, English |
154 | Geotecnia | Universidade de Coimbra | 0379-9522 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese |
155 | Безопасность техногенных и природных систем | Don State Technical University | Double anonymous peer review | Russian | |
156 | Polarforschung | Copernicus Publications | 0032-2490 | Peer review | English, German |
157 | Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment | Politeknik Negeri Jakarta | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
158 | Uporedno pomorsko pravo | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti | 0353-5487 | Double anonymous peer review | Croatian, English |
159 | Turkish Journal of Public Health | Turkish Society of Public Health Specialists | 1304-1096 | Peer review | English, Turkish |
160 | Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering | Bursa Uludag University | 2148-4147 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Turkish |
161 | Zaštita prirode | Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Belgrade | 0514-5899 | Double anonymous peer review | Serbian, English |
162 | Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental | UNAD | 2145-6097 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
163 | Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences | Pamukkale University | 1300-7009 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Turkish |
164 | Людина і довкілля: Проблеми неоекології | V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University | 1992-4224 | Double anonymous peer review | Ukrainian |
165 | Toloo-e-behdasht | Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences | 1728-5127 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
166 | Revista Agrogeoambiental | Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais | 1984-428X | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese |
167 | Avances | Centro de Información y Gestión Tecnológica | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
168 | Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan | Diponegoro University | 2338-1604 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English |
169 | Environmental & Socio-economic Studies | Sciendo | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
170 | GOT - Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território | CEGOT | Double anonymous peer review | English, French, Portuguese, Spanish | |
171 | Geography, Environment, Sustainability | Lomonosov Moscow State University | 2071-9388 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
172 | Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development | Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences | 2476-6267 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
173 | Maine Policy Review | Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center | 1064-2587 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
174 | JPH RECODE (Journal of Public Health Research and Community Health Development) | Banyuwangi: Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat PSDKU Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi | 2580-0140 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
175 | Administrative and Environmental Law Review | Faculty of Law Universitas Lampung | 2723-2484 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
176 | Jurnal Info Kesehatan | POLTEKKES KEMENKES KUPANG | 0216-504X | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
177 | Jurnal Riset Kesehatan | UPPM, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang | 2252-5068 | Anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
178 | Caminhos de Geografia | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia | Anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
179 | InterEspaço | Universidade Federal do Maranhão | Anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
180 | Envigogika | Karolinum Press | Double anonymous peer review | Czech, English, Slovak | |
181 | Journal of Applied Surfaces and Interfaces | Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Khouribga | Peer review | English | |
182 | Eesti Majanduspoliitilised Väitlused | Mattimar OÜ and Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH | 1736-5597 | Anonymous peer review | English, Estonian, German |
183 | International Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Graduate Program, Andalas University | 2477-0116 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
184 | Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 0121-215X | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
185 | International Journal of Biomedicine and Public Health | Negah Institute for Scientific Communication | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
186 | Revista Sociedade, Contabilidade e Gestão | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
187 | Environmental and Experimental Biology | University of Latvia | 1691-8088 | Anonymous peer review | English |
188 | Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos | Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese | |
189 | South Sustainability | Universidad Científica del Sur | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, English | |
190 | Walisongo Journal of Chemistry | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang | 2549-385X | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English |
191 | Journal of Environmental and Tourism Analyses | Editura Universitara | 2286-2838 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
192 | Revista de Geociências do Nordeste | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | Anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
193 | The School of Public Policy Publications | University of Calgary | 2560-8312 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
194 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) | Prince of Songkla University | 0125-3395 | Anonymous peer review | English |
195 | Unnes Journal of Public Health | Universitas Negeri Semarang | 2252-6781 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
196 | Cuaderno Urbano | Universidad Nacional del Nordeste | 1666-6186 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
197 | Ambiência | Editora Unicentro | 1808-0251 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese |
198 | The Journal of Scientific Practice and Integrity | Hamilton Publishing, Inc. | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
199 | Novos Cadernos NAEA | Universidade Federal do Pará | 1516-6481 | Peer review | Portuguese |
200 | Geosaberes | Universidade Federal do Ceará | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
201 | Životné prostredie | Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences | 0044-4863 | Peer review | Slovak |
202 | Veredas do Direito | Editora Dom Helder | 1806-3845 | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese |
203 | Revista Bio Ciencias | Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish | |
204 | Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná (Tecpar) | 1516-8913 | Peer review | English |
205 | Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management | Sciendo | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
206 | Revista de Gestão de Água da América Latina | Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos – ABRHidro | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, English, Spanish | |
207 | Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Kỹ thuật và Công nghệ | HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE | 2734-9322 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
208 | Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment | University of Sri Jayewardenepura | 2235-9370 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
209 | Reciklaža i Održivi Razvoj | University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor | 1820-7480 | Anonymous peer review | English, Serbian |
210 | Sustentabilidade em Debate | Universidade de Brasília | 2177-7675 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish, French |
211 | Conhecimento Online | Universidade Feevale | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
212 | Revista Madrileña de Salud Pública | Dirección General de Salud Pública. Consejería de Sanidad. Comunidad de Madrid | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
213 | Muhandisī-i Bihdāsht-i Muḥīṭ | Alborz University of Medical Sciences | 2383-3211 | Anonymous peer review | Persian |
214 | بهداشت و ایمنی کار | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | 2251-807X | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
215 | Groningen Journal of International Law | University of Groningen Press | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
216 | Prawne Problemy Górnictwa i Ochrony Środowiska | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | Double anonymous peer review | Polish, English | |
217 | حسابداری ارزشی و رفتاری | Kharazmi University | 2476-7166 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
218 | Revista Ambiente Contábil | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
219 | Ecozon@ | European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and the Environment; Universidad de Alcalá de Henares | Double anonymous peer review | English, French, German, Italian, Spanish | |
220 | Aswan University Journal of Environmental Studies | Unit of Environmental Studies and Development, Aswan University | 2735-4229 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
221 | EU agrarian Law | Sciendo | Anonymous peer review | English | |
222 | Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development | Sciendo | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
223 | Zbornik Radova Građevinskog Fakulteta | Faculty of civil engineering, Subotica | 0352-6852 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Serbian |
224 | Sustainable Environment Research | BMC | Anonymous peer review | English | |
225 | Revista de Contabilidad: Spanish Accounting Review | Universidad de Murcia | 1138-4891 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
226 | Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Administratio Locorum | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie | 1644-0749 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
227 | Building & Management | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
228 | Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) | 0103-1538 | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese, Spanish |
229 | Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável | Grupo Verde de Agroecologia e Abelhas (GVAA) | Peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
230 | Formação | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) | 1517-543X | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese |
231 | Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP | Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej | 0239-5223 | Double anonymous peer review | Ukrainian, Polish, English |
232 | Revista Eletrônica da Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros, Seção Três Lagoas | Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros Seção Três Lagoas | Editorial review, Peer review, Double anonymous peer review | French, Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
233 | Pesticidi i Fitomedicina | Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection | 1820-3949 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Serbian |
234 | Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Naturae | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego | 2543-8832 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
235 | Geomatics and Environmental Engineering | AGH University of Science and Technology Press | 1898-1135 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
236 | Ambiente & Educação | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande | 1413-8638 | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese |
237 | Environmental Smoke | Environmental Smoke Institute | Peer review, Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, English | |
238 | Akuntansi dan Teknologi Informasi | Universitas Surabaya FEB, Jurusan Akuntansi | 1412-5994 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English |
239 | Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment | Sciendo | 1899-0142 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
240 | Environmental Sciences Proceedings | MDPI AG | Anonymous peer review | English | |
241 | Public Health and Toxicology | European Publishing | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
242 | Cuadernos del CURIHAM | Universidad Nacional de Rosario | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, English, Portuguese | |
243 | Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities | Cappadocia University | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
244 | مجله علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کردستان | Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences | 1560-652X | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
245 | International Journal of Epidemiologic Research | Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
246 | GeoPatterns | University of Bucharest | Anonymous peer review | English | |
247 | Latin American Economic Review | Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas | Anonymous peer review | English | |
248 | Jurnal Riptek | Bappeda Kota Semarang | 1978-8320 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
249 | Revista do Instituto Florestal | Instituto Florestal | 0103-2674 | Peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, English |
250 | Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry) | Universitas Udayana | 1907-9850 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
251 | Natural Resources and Sustainable Development | Editura Universităţii din Oradea | 2066-6276 | Anonymous peer review | English |
252 | Revista de Ciências Agrárias | Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA) | Anonymous peer review | Portuguese | |
253 | Journal of Advances in Environmental Health Research | Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences | Peer review | English | |
254 | Scientific Papers Series : Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development | University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest | 2284-7995 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
255 | Taṣvīr-i salāmat | Tabriz University of Medical Sciences | 2008-9058 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
256 | Journal of Environmental Geography | University of Szeged | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
257 | Holodilʹnaâ Tehnika i Tehnologiâ | Odesa National University of Technology | 0453-8307 | Double anonymous peer review | Ukrainian, English |
258 | Diversity | Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar | 2774-9649 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
259 | Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Applied Sciences | Springer | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
260 | مهندسی عمران شریف | Sharif University of Technology | 2676-4768 | Anonymous peer review | Persian |
261 | Journal of Remote Sensing | American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | Anonymous peer review | English | |
262 | Environment and Society | Berghahn Books | 2150-6779 | Anonymous peer review | English |
263 | Lampung Journal of International Law | Faculty of Law, Universitas Lampung | 2656-6532 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
264 | Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego | Warsaw University of Life Sciences Press | 2081-6960 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Polish |
265 | Pizhūhish dar Bihdāsht-i Muḥīṭ. | Mashhad University of Medical Sciences | Peer review | Persian | |
266 | Semiárida | Universidad Nacional de La Pampa | 2362-4337 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
267 | Revista Científica Anfibios | Escuela de Formación de Infanteria de Marina (EFIM) | 2665-1513 | Anonymous peer review | Spanish |
268 | Journal of Health and Pollution | Pure Earth | Anonymous peer review | English | |
269 | SASI | Universitas Pattimura, Fakultas Hukum | 1693-0061 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
270 | Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment | Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) | 2423-5547 | Anonymous peer review | English |
271 | Journal of Chemistry Letters | Iranian Chemical Science and Technologies Association | 2821-0123 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
272 | Biotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology | SEAMEO, BIOTROP | 0215-6334 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
273 | Teknika | Universitas Semarang | 1410-4202 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
274 | Mimbar Hukum | Universitas Gadjah Mada | 0852-100X | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
275 | Meio Ambiente (Brasil) | Reativar Ambiental | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, English | |
276 | Advances in Environmental Technology | Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) | 2476-6674 | Peer review | English |
277 | Magna Scientia UCEVA | Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca | 2805-6884 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
278 | Annals of Forest Research | ‘Marin Drăcea’ National Research-Development Institute in Forestry | 1844-8135 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
279 | Anthropocenes | University of Westminster Press | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
280 | Environmental Disease | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
281 | Environmental Humanities | Duke University Press | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
282 | Historia Agraria | Universidad de Murcia | 1139-1472 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
283 | Relations | LED Edizioni Universitarie | 2283-3196 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
284 | International Journal of Occupational and Environment Safety | Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
285 | FIGEMPA | Universidad Central del Ecuador | 1390-7042 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
286 | Regions & Cohesion | Berghahn Books | 2152-906X | Double anonymous peer review | French, Spanish, English |
287 | Law, Environment and Development Journal | School of Oriental and African Studies | Peer review | French, English | |
288 | Southern African Journal of Environmental Education | Environmental Association of Southern Africa | 0256-7504 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
289 | MGM Journal of Medical Sciences | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | 2347-7946 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
290 | Rekayasa Hijau: Jurnal Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan | Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung | 2550-1070 | Anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
291 | International Review of Environmental History | ANU Press | 2205-3204 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
292 | Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju | Sciendo | Anonymous peer review | English, Croatian | |
293 | Revista Iberoamericana de Bioeconomía y Cambio Climàtico | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua, Leon | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish | |
294 | Lagoonscapes | Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
295 | International Journal of Coal Science & Technology | SpringerOpen | 2095-8293 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
296 | Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías | Universidad Simón Bolivar | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
297 | Regional Sustainability | KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
298 | Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering | Budapest University of Technology | 0324-5853 | Anonymous peer review | English |
299 | Thalassia Salentina | Università del Salento | 0563-3745 | Peer review | English, Italian |
300 | AUT Journal of Civil Engineering | Amirkabir university of Technology | 2588-2899 | Anonymous peer review | English |
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