Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus/ SCI. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that doesn't ask authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. This web document aims to provide you with free (Un-paid) Epidemiology research journals.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | E-ISSN | Review Process | Language |
1 | Infection Epidemiology and Medicine | University of Tarbiat Modares | 2322-2298 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
2 | Revista Argentina de Salud Pública | Ministerio de Salud | 1852-8724 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
3 | Infection, Epidemiology and Microbiology | University of Tarbiat Modares | 2588-4107 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
4 | Journal of Preventive Epidemiology | Society of Diabetic Nephropathy Prevention | Anonymous peer review | English | |
5 | Jurnal Vektor Penyakit | Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan | 1978-3647 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
6 | VacciMonitor | Finlay Ediciones | 1025-028X | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
7 | Microbes, Infection and Chemotherapy | Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
8 | Сибирский онкологический журнал | Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk National Research Medical Center | 1814-4861 | Peer review | Russian |
9 | Makara Journal of Health Research | Universitas Indonesia | 2356-3664 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
10 | Turkish Journal of Public Health | Turkish Society of Public Health Specialists | 1304-1096 | Peer review | English, Turkish |
11 | Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi | Mersin University | Double anonymous peer review | Turkish | |
12 | Journal of Enam Medical College | Enam Medical College, Dhaka | 2227-6688 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
13 | Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and Antimicrobials | Galenos Yayinevi | Double anonymous peer review | Turkish | |
14 | مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی جیرفت | Jiroft University of Medical Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | Persian | |
15 | JPH RECODE (Journal of Public Health Research and Community Health Development) | Banyuwangi: Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat PSDKU Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi | 2580-0140 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
16 | Iranian Journal of Health, Safety and Environment | Iranian Journal of Health, Safety and Environment | 2345-3206 | Peer review | English |
17 | Il Giornale di AMD | Idelson Gnocchi | 2036-363X | Peer review | Italian, English |
18 | Клиническая микробиология и антимикробная химиотерапия | Interregional Association for Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | 1684-4386 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian |
19 | Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada | Agence de la santé publique du Canada | Double anonymous peer review | English, French | |
20 | International Journal of Dermatology and Venerology | Wolters Kluwer Health | 2096-5540 | Anonymous peer review | English |
21 | Public Health Perspective Journal | Universitas Negeri Semarang | 2528-5998 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian |
22 | São Paulo Medical Journal | Associação Paulista de Medicina | 1516-3180 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
23 | Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada | Public Health Agency of Canada | Double anonymous peer review | English, French | |
24 | Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery | Korean Orthopaedic Association | 2005-291X | Peer review | English |
25 | Unnes Journal of Public Health | Universitas Negeri Semarang | 2252-6781 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
26 | Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | 2383-4196 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
27 | Anales de Pediatría | Elsevier | 1695-4033 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
28 | Anales de Pediatría (English Edition) | Elsevier | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
29 | The Indonesian Journal of Public Health | Universitas Airlangga | 1829-7005 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English |
30 | Journal of Primary Health Care | CSIRO Publishing | 1172-6164 | Anonymous peer review | English |
31 | Norsk Epidemiologi | Norsk Forening for Epidemiologi | 0803-2491 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Norwegian |
32 | Revista Madrileña de Salud Pública | Dirección General de Salud Pública. Consejería de Sanidad. Comunidad de Madrid | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
33 | Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare | SAGE Publishing | 2010-1058 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
34 | مجله اپیدمیولوژی ایران | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | 1735-7489 | Double anonymous peer review | Persian |
35 | EMJ Microbiology & Infectious Diseases | European Medical Journal | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
36 | Hygeia : Revista Brasileira de Geografia Médica e da Saúde | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia | Anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish | |
37 | Global Biosecurity | University of New South Wales | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
38 | Debates em Psiquiatria | Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria (ABP) | 2236-918X | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, English |
39 | Journal of Rheumatic Diseases | Korean College of Rheumatology | 2093-940X | Double anonymous peer review | English |
40 | Journal of Menopausal Medicine | Korean Society of Menopause | 2288-6478 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
41 | Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology | Farname | 1735-8612 | Peer review, Double anonymous peer review | English, Persian |
42 | Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | 0974-3405 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
43 | Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии | Central Research Institute for Epidemiology | 0372-9311 | Double anonymous peer review | Russian |
44 | Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine | The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
45 | Проблемы особо опасных инфекций | Federal Government Health Institution, Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe” | 0370-1069 | Anonymous peer review | Russian |
46 | Journal of Analytical Research in Clinical Medicine | Tabriz University of Medical Sciences | Anonymous peer review | English | |
47 | International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences | Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia | 2359-4802 | Peer review | English, Portuguese |
48 | Revista de Salud Pública | Universidad Nacional de Córdoba | 1853-1180 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
49 | Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde | Ministério da Saúde do Brasil | 1679-4974 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese |
50 | Journal of the College of Community Physicians | College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka | 1391-3174 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
51 | Andes Pediatrica | Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría | 2452-6045 | Anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
52 | Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases | National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases | 0204-9155 | Anonymous peer review | English |
53 | Diversity | Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar | 2774-9649 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
54 | Journal of Zoonotic Diseases | University of Tabriz | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
55 | Revista de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecção | Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul | Peer review | Portuguese | |
56 | Epidemiology and Health System Journal | Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
57 | Журнал инфектологии | Journal Infectology | 2072-6732 | Anonymous peer review | Russian |
58 | Zoonoses | Compuscript Ltd | 2737-7466 | Anonymous peer review | English |
59 | Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology | Mashhad University of Medical Sciences | 2322-2611 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
60 | Биопрепараты: Профилактика, диагностика, лечение | Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Federal State Budgetary Institution «Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products» | 2221-996X | Double anonymous peer review | Russian |
61 | Interdisciplinary Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health | Universidad Libre | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish | |
62 | International Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | 2468-8827 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
63 | Payesh | Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research | 1680-7626 | Peer review | Persian |
64 | Acta Odontológica Colombiana | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish | |
65 | Revista Chilena de Salud Pública | Universidad de Chile | 0717-3652 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
66 | MGM Journal of Medical Sciences | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | 2347-7946 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
67 | Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry | Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists | 2012-6883 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
68 | Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Andalas | Andalas University, Faculty of Public Health | 1978-3833 | Double anonymous peer review | Indonesian, English |
69 | Revista de la Alad. Asociación Latinoamericana de Diabetes | Permanyer | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English | |
70 | Slovenska pediatrija | The Society for Children with Metabolic Disorders | 1318-4423 | Anonymous peer review | Slovenian |
71 | Jorjani Biomedicine Journal | Golestan University of Medical Sciences | Peer review | English | |
72 | Revista de Salud Pública del Paraguay | Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) | 2224-6193 | Peer review | Spanish |
73 | Hamdan Medical Journal | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | 2227-2437 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
74 | The Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | 1319-3767 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
75 | Infectious Diseases & Immunity | Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams Wilkins | 2096-9511 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
76 | Ahi Evran Medical Journal | Kirsehir Ahi Evran University | Double anonymous peer review | English, Turkish | |
77 | Journal of Medical Bacteriology | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | 2251-8649 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
78 | Journal of Cancer and Allied Specialties | Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
79 | Canada Communicable Disease Report | Public Health Agency of Canada | 1719-3109 | Double anonymous peer review | English, French |
80 | Journal of Oral Health and Oral Epidemiology | Kerman University of Medical Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
81 | Revista Venezolana de Salud Pública | Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado | 2343-5526 | Peer review | Spanish |
82 | Salud Pública de México | Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública | 0036-3634 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
83 | Galicia Clínica | Sociedade Galega de Medicina Interna | 0304-4866 | Anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, English |
84 | Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome | Korean Society for the Study of Obesity | 2508-6235 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
85 | The University of Louisville Journal of Respiratory Infections | University of Louisville | Anonymous peer review | English | |
86 | Revista de Educación e Investigación en Emergencias | Permanyer | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English | |
87 | Caspian Journal of Health Research | Guilan University of Medical Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
88 | Aktualʹnaâ Infektologiâ | Zaslavsky O.Yu. | 2312-413X | Double anonymous peer review | Ukrainian, English |
89 | Saudi Dental Journal | Elsevier | 1013-9052 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
90 | Asian Journal of Urology | Elsevier | 2214-3882 | Anonymous peer review | English |
91 | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | 2221-1691 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
92 | Revista de Salud Ambiental | Sociedad Española de Salud Ambiental | 1577-9572 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, Portuguese, English |
93 | Leprosy Review | LEPRA (The British Leprosy Relief Association) | 0305-7518 | Anonymous peer review | English |
94 | Al-Sihah: The Public Health Science Journal | Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar | 2086-2040 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Indonesian |
95 | Duazary | Universidad del Magdalena | 1794-5992 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish |
96 | Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association | SpringerOpen | 0013-2446 | Anonymous peer review | English |
97 | Bollettino Epidemiologico Nazionale | Istituto Superiore di Sanità | 0393-5647 | Double anonymous peer review | Italian |
98 | Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México | Permanyer | 0539-6115 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
99 | Historical Life Course Studies | International Instititute of Social History | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
100 | Microbiology Australia | CSIRO Publishing | 1324-4272 | Anonymous peer review | English |
101 | Eurosurveillance | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
102 | Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología | Editorial Ciencias Médicas | 0253-1151 | Peer review | Spanish |
103 | Revista de Saúde Pública do Paraná | Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Paraná | 2595-4474 | Double anonymous peer review | Portuguese |
104 | Acta Gastroenterológica Latinoamericana | Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología | 0300-9033 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Spanish |
105 | Translational Research in Veterinary Science | Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
106 | Western Pacific Surveillance and Response | World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific | 2094-7321 | Anonymous peer review | English |
107 | GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie | German Medical Science GMS Publishing House | Peer review | German, English | |
108 | Anales Médicos | Publicaciones Permanyer | 0185-3252 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
109 | Health Science Monitor | Urmia University of Medical Sciences | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
110 | Microbiology Independent Research Journal | Doctrine | Anonymous peer review | Russian, English | |
111 | Perspectives In Medical Research | Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences | 2348-1447 | Double anonymous peer review | English |
112 | Българска кардиология | Pensoft Publishers | 1310-7488 | Anonymous peer review | Bulgarian, English |
113 | Novelty in Clinical Medicine | Sadra Danesh Negar | Double anonymous peer review | English | |
114 | Salud Colectiva | Instituto de Salud Colectiva, Universidad Nacional de Lanús | 1669-2381 | Double anonymous peer review | Spanish, English |
115 | Journal of Health Monitoring | Robert Koch Institute | Editorial review, Double anonymous peer review | English, German | |
116 | Acta Toxicológica Argentina | Asociación Toxicológica Argentina | 0327-9286 | Double anonymous peer review | English, Portuguese, Spanish |
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