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Astronomy journals list

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Astronomy journals. These journals are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details.

List of Astronomy journals

list of Astronomy journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNPublication Area
1Physics of the Earth and Planetary InteriorsElsevier319201Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
2Letters in High Energy PhysicsAndromeda Publishing And Academic Services LTD26322714Physics and Astronomy
3Quantum ReportsMDPI AG2624960XPhysics and Astronomy
4Modern Physics Letters AWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd02177323, 17936632Physics and Astronomy
5Radio Physics and Radio AstronomyInstitute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine24157007, 10279636Earth and Planetary Sciences; Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
6Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica CEditrice Compositori s.r.l.20374909, 18269885Physics and Astronomy
7Journal of Astronomical History and HeritageNational Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand14402807Arts and Humanities; Physics and Astronomy
8Journal for the History of AstronomySAGE Publications Inc.218286Arts and Humanities; Physics and Astronomy
9Reviews of Modern PhysicsAmerican Physical Society00346861, 15390756Physics and Astronomy
10Annual Review of Astronomy and AstrophysicsAnnual Reviews Inc.15454282, 00664146Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
11Living Reviews in RelativitySpringer International Publishing AG14338351, 23673613Physics and Astronomy
12Astronomy and Astrophysics ReviewSpringer Verlag09354956, 14320754Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
13Nature Reviews PhysicsSpringer Nature Switzerland AG25225820Physics and Astronomy
14Nature PhysicsNature Publishing Group17452473Physics and Astronomy
15Living Reviews in Solar PhysicsSpringer International Publishing AG16144961, 23673648Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
16Physical Review XAmerican Physical Society21603308Physics and Astronomy
17Annual Review of Earth and Planetary SciencesAnnual Reviews Inc.846597Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
18Physics ReportsElsevier3701573Physics and Astronomy
19Nature CommunicationsNature Publishing Group20411723Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Chemistry; Physics and Astronomy
20ACS NanoAmerican Chemical Society1936086X, 19360851Engineering; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
21Reports on Progress in PhysicsIOP Publishing Ltd.13616633, 00344885Medicine; Physics and Astronomy
22Annals of PDESpringer Science + Business Media21992576, 25245317Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
23PRX QuantumAmerican Physical Society26913399Computer Science; Engineering; Materials Science; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
24Applied Physics ReviewsAIP Publishing LLC19319401Physics and Astronomy
25Advanced ScienceWiley-VCH Verlag21983844Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Materials Science; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy
26Nature AstronomyNature Publishing Group23973366Physics and Astronomy
27Physical Review LettersAmerican Physical Society10797114, 00319007Physics and Astronomy
28IEEE Wireless Communications LettersIEEE Communications Society21622345, 21622337Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
29Astrophysical Journal, Supplement SeriesAmerican Astronomical Society15384365, 00670049Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
30New Astronomy ReviewsElsevier13876473Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
31Reviews in PhysicsElsevier BV24054283Physics and Astronomy
32Space Science ReviewsSpringer Netherlands15729672, 00386308Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
33Materials Today PhysicsElsevier Ltd.25425293Energy; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
34Astrophysical Journal LettersAmerican Astronomical Society20418213, 20418205Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
35QuantumVerein zur Forderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften2521327XPhysics and Astronomy
36Cell Reports Physical ScienceCell Press26663864Chemistry; Energy; Engineering; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
37Quantum Science and TechnologyInstitute of Physics Publishing20589565Engineering; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
38Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and EngineeringElsevier457825Computer Science; Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
39Publications of the Astronomical Society of the PacificInstitute of Physics Publishing00046280, 15383873Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
40Astronomical JournalAmerican Astronomical Society00046256, 15383881Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
41Astronomy and AstrophysicsEDP Sciences00046361, 14320746Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
42Progress of Theoretical and Experimental PhysicsOxford University Press20503911Physics and Astronomy
43Astrophysical JournalAmerican Astronomical Society0004637X, 15384357Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
44SciPost PhysicsSciPost Foundation25424653Physics and Astronomy
45Advances in Physics: XTaylor and Francis Ltd.23746149Physics and Astronomy
46Physics of Life ReviewsElsevier18731457, 15710645Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Computer Science; Physics and Astronomy
47Communications PhysicsSpringer Nature23993650Physics and Astronomy
48Physical Review ResearchAmerican Physical Society26431564Physics and Astronomy
49Selecta Mathematica, New SeriesBirkhauser Verlag Basel10221824Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
50Journal of Computational PhysicsAcademic Press Inc.10902716, 00219991Computer Science; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
51Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyOxford University Press13652966, 00358711Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
52Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: LettersOxford University Press17453925, 17453933Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
53Physical Review DAmerican Physical Society24700010, 24700029Physics and Astronomy
54Publications of the Astronomical Society of AustraliaCambridge University Press13233580, 14486083Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
55European Physical Journal CSpringer New York14346052, 14346044Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
56Physical Review AppliedAmerican Physical Society23317019Physics and Astronomy
57NonlinearityIOP Publishing Ltd.09517715, 13616544Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
58Physics of the Dark UniverseElsevier BV22126864Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
59Chaos, Solitons and FractalsElsevier Ltd.9600779Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
60Contemporary PhysicsTaylor and Francis Ltd.00107514, 13665812Physics and Astronomy
61Journal of Computational Physics: XElsevier Inc.25900552Computer Science; Physics and Astronomy
62Computer Physics CommunicationsElsevier104655Computer Science; Physics and Astronomy
63Classical and Quantum GravityIOP Publishing Ltd.13616382, 02649381Physics and Astronomy
64IcarusAcademic Press Inc.10902643, 00191035Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
65Chinese Physics CIOP Publishing Ltd.16741137Physics and Astronomy
66New Journal of PhysicsIOP Publishing Ltd.13672630Physics and Astronomy
67Fortschritte der PhysikWiley-VCH Verlag15213978, 00158208Physics and Astronomy
68Frontiers of PhysicsHigher Education Press20950462, 20950470Physics and Astronomy
69Journal of Chemical PhysicsAmerican Institute of Physics10897690, 00219606Chemistry; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy
70Applied Surface ScienceElsevier1694332Chemistry; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
71Astroparticle PhysicsElsevier9276505Physics and Astronomy
72Publication of the Astronomical Society of JapanOxford University Press2053051X, 00046264Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
73Science China: Physics, Mechanics and AstronomyScience Press (China)16747348Physics and Astronomy
74AstrodynamicsTsinghua University Press25220098Earth and Planetary Sciences; Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
75Physical Review MaterialsAmerican Physical Society24759953Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
76European Journal of Mechanics, A/SolidsElsevier BV9977538Engineering; Materials Science; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
77Journal of High Energy AstrophysicsElsevier BV22144048Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
78Communications in Computational PhysicsGlobal Science Press18152406, 19917120Physics and Astronomy
79Applied Physics LettersAmerican Institute of Physics10773118, 00036951Physics and Astronomy
80Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und PhysikBirkhauser Verlag Basel14209039, 00442275Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
81Physical Review Physics Education ResearchAmerican Physical Society24699896Physics and Astronomy; Social Sciences
82Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological SciencesJapan Academy13492896, 03862208Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Medicine; Multidisciplinary; Physics and Astronomy
83Physical Review Accelerators and BeamsAmerican Physical Society24699888Physics and Astronomy
84International Journal of Multiphase FlowElsevier BV3019322Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
85Communications in Number Theory and PhysicsInternational Press of Boston, Inc.19314523, 19314531Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
86Experimental AstronomySpringer Netherlands15729508, 09226435Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
87Planetary Science JournalIOP Publishing Ltd.26323338Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
88Annals of PhysicsAcademic Press Inc.00034916, 1096035XPhysics and Astronomy
89Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B - Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern PhysicsElsevier Ltd.13552198, 18792502Arts and Humanities; Physics and Astronomy
90Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle PhysicsIOP Publishing Ltd.14757516Physics and Astronomy
91European Polymer JournalElsevier Ltd.143057Chemistry; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
92Combustion and FlameElsevier Inc.102180Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Energy; Physics and Astronomy
93Fire Safety JournalElsevier Ltd.3797112Chemistry; Engineering; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
94Physica MedicaAssociazione Italiana di Fisica Medica11201797, 1724191XBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy
95npj MicrogravityNature Publishing Group23738065Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Materials Science; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy
96Surfaces and InterfacesElsevier BV24680230Chemistry; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
97Multiscale Modeling and SimulationSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications15403459, 15403467Chemistry; Computer Science; Environmental Science; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
98Continuum Mechanics and ThermodynamicsSpringer New York09351175, 14320959Engineering; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy
99La Rivista del Nuovo CimentoSocieta Italiana di Fisica0393697XPhysics and Astronomy
100Journal of TurbulenceTaylor and Francis Ltd.14685248Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
101Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsRoyal Society of Chemistry14639084, 14639076Chemistry; Physics and Astronomy
102ChaosAmerican Institute of Physics10541500, 10897682Mathematics; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy
103Chinese Physics LettersIOP Publishing Ltd.17413540, 0256307XPhysics and Astronomy
104Solar PhysicsSpringer Netherlands00380938, 1573093XEarth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
105Astronomy and ComputingElsevier BV22131337Computer Science; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
106GalaxiesMDPI AG20754434Physics and Astronomy
107General Relativity and GravitationSpringer New York00017701, 15729532Physics and Astronomy
108UniverseMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)22181997Physics and Astronomy
109Acta AstronomicaCopernicus Foundation for Polish Astronomy15237Earth and Planetary Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
110Frontiers in Astronomy and Space SciencesFrontiers Media S.A.2296987XPhysics and Astronomy
111Computational Materials ScienceElsevier9270256Chemistry; Computer Science; Engineering; Materials Science; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
112Experiments in FluidsSpringer Verlag14321114, 07234864Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
113FAU Studies Mathematics and PhysicsFAU University Press21967482Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
114Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering SciencesRoyal Society Publishing13645021, 14712946Engineering; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
115Romanian Reports in PhysicsPublishing House of the Romanian Academy12211451, 18418759Physics and Astronomy

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