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Computer Science journals list

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Computer Science journals. These journals are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details.

List of Computer Science journals

list of Computer Science journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNPublication Area
1SN Computer ScienceSpringer2662995X, 26618907Computer Science
2Computer ScienceAGH University of Science and Technology23007036, 15082806Computer Science; Mathematics
3Frontiers in Computer ScienceFrontiers Media S.A.26249898Computer Science
4Visualization in EngineeringSpringerOpen22137459Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics
5International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgerySpringer Verlag18616410, 18616429Computer Science; Engineering; Medicine
6Virtual Reality and Intelligent HardwareKeAi Communications Co.20965796, 26661209Computer Science
7Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and ArtSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH25244442, 2096496XArts and Humanities; Computer Science; Medicine
8Journal of Image and Graphics(United Kingdom)University of Portsmouth23013699Computer Science
9Parallel ComputingElsevier1678191Computer Science; Mathematics
10International Journal of Software InnovationIGI Global Publishing21667179, 21667160Computer Science
11Journal of Gaming and Virtual WorldsIntellect Ltd.1757191X, 17571928Computer Science
12International Journal of Image and GraphicsWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd02194678, 17936756Computer Science
13Journal of Forensic Document ExaminationAssociation of Forensic Document Examiners08950849, 26400677Arts and Humanities; Computer Science; Neuroscience
14Computers and GraphicsElsevier Ltd.978493Computer Science; Engineering
15International Journal of Computing and Digital SystemsUniversity of Bahrain2210142XBusiness, Management and Accounting; Computer Science
16Journal of Image and GraphicsEditorial and Publishing Board of JIG10068961Computer Science
17Journal of CybersecurityOxford University Press20572093Computer Science; Engineering; Psychology; Social Sciences
18Journal of Graph Algorithms and ApplicationsBrown University15261719Computer Science; Mathematics
19CLEI Eletronic Journal (CLEIej)7175000Computer Science; Mathematics
20Nature Computational ScienceSpringer Nature26628457Computer Science
21Developments in the Built EnvironmentElsevier Ltd.26661659Computer Science; Engineering; Materials Science
22IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in ComputingIEEE Computer Society21686750Computer Science
23Intelligent Systems with ApplicationsElsevier BV26673053Computer Science
24Technology, Knowledge and LearningSpringer Science + Business Media22111662, 22111670Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics; Social Sciences
25Pervasive and Mobile ComputingElsevier15741192Computer Science; Mathematics
26Journal of Reliable Intelligent EnvironmentsSpringer International Publishing AG21994668, 21994676Computer Science; Energy
27IET Quantum CommunicationJohn Wiley and Sons Inc.26328925Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics
28Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable ApplicationsInnovative Information Science & Technology Research Group (ISYOU)20935382, 20935374Computer Science
29Journal of Internet Services and Information SecurityInnovative Information Science and Technology Research Group21822077, 21822069Computer Science; Engineering
30Journal of Information and TelecommunicationTaylor and Francis Ltd.24751847, 24751839Computer Science; Engineering
31Concurrency Computation Practice and ExperienceJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd15320626, 15320634Computer Science; Mathematics
32Journal of Computer Science and Technology(Argentina)Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata16666046, 16666038Computer Science
33International Journal of Cloud ComputingInderscience Enterprises Ltd.20439997, 20439989Computer Science
34AI OpenKeAi Communications Co.26666510Computer Science
35Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure EngineeringWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14678667, 10939687Computer Science; Engineering
36IEEE Robotics and Automation LettersInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.23773766Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics
37Journal of CheminformaticsChemistry Central17582946Chemistry; Computer Science; Social Sciences
38Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationSpringer Verlag16151488, 1615147XComputer Science; Engineering; Mathematics
39IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine SystemsIEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society21682291Computer Science; Engineering; Social Sciences
40Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions Of the ASMEThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)10500472Computer Science; Engineering
41CAD Computer Aided DesignElsevier Ltd.104485Computer Science; Engineering
42IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Digest of Technical PapersInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.10923152Computer Science
43Journal of Computing and Information Science in EngineeringThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)15309827Computer Science; Engineering
44Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive TechniquesAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)25776193Computer Science
45International Journal of DesignNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology1994036X, 19913761Arts and Humanities; Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Engineering
46International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial IntelligenceUniversidad Internacional de la Rioja19891660Computer Science; Mathematics
47Dynamic Games and ApplicationsSpringer Science + Business Media21530785, 21530793Computer Science; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Mathematics
48CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and InteractionSpringer Verlag25245228, 2524521XComputer Science
49Journal on Computing and Cultural HeritageAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)15564711, 15564673Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
50International Journal of Cloud Applications and ComputingIGI Global Publishing21561826, 21561834Computer Science
51Multimodal Technologies and InteractionMDPI AG24144088Computer Science; Neuroscience
52International Journal of Architectural ComputingSAGE Publications Inc.14780771Computer Science; Engineering
53International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided EngineeringJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.1099047X, 10964290Computer Science; Engineering
54ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic SystemsAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)10844309, 15577309Computer Science; Engineering
55International Journal of Computers and ApplicationsTaylor and Francis Ltd.1206212XComputer Science
56Information Technologies and International DevelopmentUSC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism15447529, 15447537Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Social Sciences
57Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences InternationalPleiades Publishing10642307, 15556530Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics
58Graphics and Visual ComputingElsevier Ltd.26666294Computer Science
59ArtnodesFundacio per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya16955951Arts and Humanities; Computer Science; Social Sciences
60South African Computer Journal10157999, 23137835Computer Science; Social Sciences
61Journal of Information Systems and TelecommunicationIranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research23221437, 23452773Computer Science
62Chinese Journal on Internet of ThingsBeijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd.20963750Computer Science
63Moving Image Review and Art JournalIntellect Ltd.20456301, 20456298Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
64Machine Intelligence ResearchChinese Academy of Sciences2153182X, 21531838Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics
65Nature Machine IntelligenceSpringer Nature Switzerland AG25225839Computer Science
66Medical Image AnalysisElsevier13618415, 13618423Computer Science; Health Professions; Medicine
67IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems25692925Computer Science
68IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsIEEE Computer Society10772626Computer Science
69Computational Visual MediaTsinghua University Press20960662, 20960433Computer Science
70Computerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsElsevier Ltd.18790771, 08956111Computer Science; Health Professions; Medicine
71CAAI Transactions on Intelligence TechnologyJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.24686557, 24682322Computer Science
72Virtual RealitySpringer London13594338Computer Science
73Computer Graphics ForumWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd01677055, 14678659Computer Science
74Journal of Computational Design and EngineeringOxford University Press22885048, 22884300Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics
75Visual InformaticsElsevier BV25432656, 2468502XComputer Science
76International Journal of Computer Games TechnologyHindawi Publishing Corporation16877047, 16877055Computer Science
77Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings-Computer Science
78Journal of ImagingMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)2313433XComputer Science; Engineering; Medicine
79Visual ComputerSpringer Verlag14322315, 01782789Computer Science
80Spatial Cognition and ComputationTaylor and Francis Ltd.13875868Computer Science; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Mathematics; Psychology
81Cyber-Physical SystemsTaylor and Francis Ltd.23335785Computer Science; Engineering
82International Journal of Serious GamesSerious Games Society23848766Computer Science; Mathematics; Social Sciences
83Radioelectronic and Computer SystemsNational Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation Institute26632012, 18144225Computer Science; Engineering
84Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of ComputersScience Press2544164Computer Science
85Pattern Recognition and Image AnalysisPleiades Publishing15556212, 10546618Computer Science
86International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd2181940Computer Science
87Digital CreativityTaylor and Francis Ltd.17443806, 14626268Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
88ACM International Conference Proceeding SeriesAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)-Computer Science
89International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering ExplorationAccent Social and Welfare Society23945443, 23947454Computer Science; Engineering
90Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer EngineeringShanghai Jisuanji Xuehui/Shanghai Computer Society10003428Computer Science
91Body, Space and TechnologyOpen Library of Humanities14709120Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
92Virtual CreativityIntellect Ltd.23979712Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
93International Journal of Asia Digital Art and DesignAsia Digital Art and Design Association21897441, 17388074Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
94Machine Graphics and VisionInstitute of Information Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW2720250X, 12300535Computer Science
95International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal ProcessingModern Education and Computer Science Press20749074, 20749082Computer Science
96RAIRO - Operations ResearchEDP Sciences12903868, 03990559Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Mathematics
97ACM Computing SurveysAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)03600300, 15577341Computer Science; Mathematics
98Computer Science ReviewElsevier Ireland Ltd15740137Computer Science; Mathematics
99Information SciencesElsevier Inc.200255Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Engineering; Mathematics
100Internet of Things (Netherlands)Elsevier BV25426605Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Engineering
101Artificial Intelligence in AgricultureKeAi Communications Co.25897217Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Computer Science; Engineering
102Inverse ProblemsIOP Publishing Ltd.2665611Computer Science; Mathematics
103International Journal of Systems ScienceTaylor and Francis Ltd.00207721, 14645319Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics
104IEEE Transactions on Quantum EngineeringInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.26891808Computer Science; Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
105Designs, Codes, and CryptographySpringer Netherlands09251022, 15737586Computer Science; Mathematics
106Data Science JournalUbiquity Press16831470Computer Science
107ComputabilityIOS Press BV22113576, 22113568Computer Science; Mathematics
108AlgorithmicaSpringer New York14320541, 01784617Computer Science; Mathematics
109Computing (Vienna/New York)Springer-Verlag Wien14365057, 0010485XComputer Science; Mathematics
110Integrated Computer-Aided EngineeringIOS Press BV10692509, 18758835Computer Science; Mathematics
111Frontiers of Computer ScienceHigher Education Press20952228, 20952236Computer Science; Mathematics
112Mathematics and Computers in SimulationElsevier3784754Computer Science; Mathematics
113Journal of Computational ScienceElsevier18777503Computer Science; Mathematics
114Genetic Programming and Evolvable MachinesSpringer New York13892576, 15737632Computer Science; Mathematics
115Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceMaison de l'informatique et des mathematiques discretes14627264, 13658050Computer Science; Mathematics

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