Journal Searches

Machine Learning journals list

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Machine Learning journals. These journals are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details.

List of Machine Learning journals

list of Machine Learning journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNPublication Area
1Computers and EducationElsevier Ltd.3601315Computer Science; Social Sciences
2Internet and Higher EducationElsevier BV10967516Computer Science; Social Sciences
3Government Information QuarterlyElsevier Ltd.0740624XSocial Sciences
4British Journal of Educational TechnologyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd00071013, 14678535Social Sciences
5International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher EducationSpringer Netherlands23659440Computer Science; Social Sciences
6Distance EducationRoutledge14750198, 01587919Social Sciences
7Journal of Computer Assisted LearningWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd13652729, 02664909Computer Science; Social Sciences
8Education and Information TechnologiesKluwer Academic Publishers13602357Social Sciences
9Information Technology for DevelopmentTaylor and Francis Ltd.15540170, 02681102Computer Science; Social Sciences
10Learning Environments ResearchSpringer Netherlands15731855, 13871579Psychology; Social Sciences
11Interactive Technology and Smart EducationEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17415659, 17588510Computer Science; Social Sciences
12Interactive Learning EnvironmentsTaylor and Francis Ltd.10494820Computer Science; Social Sciences
13IEEE Transactions on Learning TechnologiesInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.19391382Computer Science; Engineering; Social Sciences
14International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in EducationSpringer US15604292, 15604306Computer Science; Social Sciences
15Australasian Journal of Educational TechnologyAustralasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education14495554Social Sciences
16Educational Technology and SocietyInternational Forum of Educational Technology, National Taiwan Normal University and Society11763647, 14364522Engineering; Social Sciences
17International Review of EducationSpringer Netherlands15730638, 00208566Social Sciences
18Communications in Information LiteracyCommunications in Information Literacy19335954Social Sciences
19International Review of Research in Open and Distance LearningAthabasca University14923831Social Sciences
20International Journal of Distance Education TechnologiesIGI Publishing15393100Computer Science; Social Sciences
21International Journal of Lifelong EducationRoutledge1464519X, 02601370Social Sciences
22Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance LearningRoutledge15332918, 1533290XSocial Sciences
23Open LearningTaylor and Francis Ltd.02680513, 14699958Social Sciences
24Knowledge Management and E-LearningUniversity of Hong Kong20737904Business, Management and Accounting; Social Sciences
25International Journal of Mobile Learning and OrganisationInderscience Publishers17467268, 1746725XComputer Science; Social Sciences
26New Review of Academic LibrarianshipTaylor and Francis Ltd.13614533, 17407834Social Sciences
27Transforming Government: People, Process and PolicyEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17506166Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Social Sciences
28Journal of Global Information ManagementIGI Publishing10627375, 15337995Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Social Sciences
29Journal of Information Technology Education:ResearchInforming Science Institute15393585, 15479714Computer Science; Social Sciences
30Reference Services ReviewEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.907324Social Sciences
31International Journal of Emerging Technologies in LearningInternational Association of Online Engineering18688799, 18630383Engineering; Social Sciences
32Electronic Journal of e-LearningAcademic Publishing Limited14794403Computer Science; Social Sciences
33Journal of Continuing Education in the Health ProfessionsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.08941912, 1554558XMedicine; Social Sciences
34Journal of Global Information Technology ManagementTaylor and Francis Ltd.1097198X, 23336846Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Social Sciences
35Nordic Journal of Digital LiteracyUniversitetsforlaget AS1891943X, 08096724Computer Science; Social Sciences
36Adult Education QuarterlySAGE Publications Ltd07417136, 15523047Social Sciences
37Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing CountriesJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.16814835Computer Science; Social Sciences
38Journal of Information Systems EducationData Processing Management Association's Special Interest Group for Education10553096Engineering; Social Sciences
39International Journal of Mobile and Blended LearningIGI Global Publishing19418655, 19418647Computer Science; Social Sciences
40Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in SocietyEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17588871, 1477996XArts and Humanities; Computer Science; Social Sciences
41International Journal of Interactive Mobile TechnologiesInternational Association of Online Engineering18657923Computer Science; Social Sciences
42International Information and Library ReviewTaylor and Francis Ltd.10959297, 10572317Social Sciences
43International Journal of Information and Communication Technology EducationIGI Publishing15501337, 15501876Computer Science; Social Sciences
44Australian Journal of Adult LearningAdult Learning Australia14431394Social Sciences
45International Journal of Technology Enhanced LearningInderscience Publishers17535263, 17535255Computer Science; Social Sciences
46Electronic GovernmentInderscience Enterprises Ltd.17407494, 17407508Computer Science; Social Sciences
47Journal of Information Literacy17505968Social Sciences
48Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del AprendizajeIEEE Education Society19328540Engineering; Social Sciences
49Journal of Educators OnlineMatthew Elbeck1547500XSocial Sciences
50Internet Reference Services QuarterlyRoutledge15404749, 10875301Social Sciences
51Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge SocietyItalian e-Learning Association18266223, 19718829Computer Science; Social Sciences
52International Journal of Game-Based LearningIGI Global Publishing21556857, 21556849Psychology; Social Sciences
53International Journal of Learning TechnologyInderscience Publishers17418119, 14778386Social Sciences
54College and Undergraduate LibrariesRoutledge10691316, 15452530Social Sciences
55Journal of Business and Finance LibrarianshipRoutledge15470644, 08963568Business, Management and Accounting; Social Sciences
56International Journal of Electronic Government ResearchIGI Publishing15483894, 15483886Computer Science; Social Sciences
57International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching TechnologiesIGI Publishing15481107, 15481093Computer Science; Social Sciences
58Journal of Library MetadataTaylor and Francis Ltd.19375034, 19386389Social Sciences
59Revista Espanola de Linguistica AplicadaJohn Benjamins Publishing Company22546774, 02132028Social Sciences
60Australian Educational ComputingAustralian Council for Computers in Education8169020Computer Science; Social Sciences
61International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning EnvironmentsIGI Global Publishing19478526, 19478518Computer Science; Social Sciences
62International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long LearningInderscience Enterprises Ltd.15604624, 17415055Engineering; Social Sciences
63International Journal of Services, Technology and ManagementInderscience Enterprises Ltd.14606720, 1741525XBusiness, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Engineering; Social Sciences
64International Journal of Electronic FinanceInderscience Publishers17460077, 17460069Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences
65International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and OntologiesInderscience Enterprises Ltd1744263X, 17442621Computer Science; Social Sciences
66Human ITHoegskolan i Boraas14021501Computer Science; Social Sciences
67EncyclopaideiaBononia University Press18258670, 1590492XSocial Sciences
68Ubiquitous LearningCommon Ground Research Networks18359795Computer Science; Social Sciences
69International Journal of Technologies in LearningCommon Ground Research Networks23272686, 23270144Computer Science; Social Sciences

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