Philosophy journals list

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Philosophy journals. These journals are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details.

List of Philosophy journals

list of Philosophy journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNPublication Area
1Philosophy and Phenomenological ResearchWiley-Blackwell00318205, 19331592Arts and Humanities
2British Journal for the Philosophy of ScienceUniversity of Chicago Press14643537, 00070882Arts and Humanities
3Philosophy and TechnologySpringer Netherlands22105433, 22105441Arts and Humanities
4Philosophy of ScienceCambridge University Press1539767X, 00318248Arts and Humanities
5Journal of SociolinguisticsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd13606441, 14679841Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
6Biology and PhilosophySpringer Netherlands15728404, 01693867Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Arts and Humanities
7PhronesisBrill Academic Publishers00318868, 15685284Arts and Humanities
8European Journal for Philosophy of ScienceSpringer Netherlands18794920, 18794912Arts and Humanities
9Apeironde Gruyter21567093, 00036390Arts and Humanities
10Journal for General Philosophy of ScienceSpringer Netherlands09254560, 15728587Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
11European Journal of Analytic PhilosophyUniversity of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences18490514, 18458475Arts and Humanities
12NanoEthicsSpringer Netherlands18714765, 18714757Arts and Humanities; Business, Management and Accounting; Materials Science; Social Sciences
13Moral Philosophy and PoliticsWalter de Gruyter GmbH21945616, 21945624Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
14Epistemology and Philosophy of ScienceRAS Institute of Philosophy1811833X, 23117133Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
15Constructivist FoundationsVrije Universiteit Brussel1782348XArts and Humanities; Computer Science; Multidisciplinary; Neuroscience; Social Sciences
16Theoria (Spain)UPV/EHU Press4954548Arts and Humanities
17Voprosy FilosofiiIzdatel'stvo Nauka428744Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
18PhilosophiesMDPI AG24099287Arts and Humanities
19Anales del Seminario de Historia de la FilosofiaFacultad De Filosofia, Universidad Complutense De Madrid19882564, 02112337Arts and Humanities
20Humana MenteHumana Mente19721293Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
21KronoScopeBrill Academic Publishers1567715X, 15685241Arts and Humanities; Physics and Astronomy; Social Sciences
22Filosofskii ZhurnalRussian Academy of Sciences20720726, 26584883Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
23Cuadernos de Ilustracion y RomanticismoServicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Cadiz11328304, 21730687Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
24Techne: Research in Philosophy and TechnologyPhilosophy Documentation Center1617249Arts and Humanities
25Filozofia NaukiWarsaw University12306894Arts and Humanities
26Filosofiya. Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly EkonomikiNational Research University, Higher School of Econoimics25878719Arts and Humanities
27PrincipiaUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina14144247, 18081711Arts and Humanities
28Arabic Sciences and PhilosophyCambridge University Press09574239, 14740524Arts and Humanities; Multidisciplinary
29RhizomataWalter de Gruyter GmbH21965110, 21965102Arts and Humanities
30Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the HumanitiesEditions Rodopi B.V.18757243, 03038157Arts and Humanities
31Noctua22841180Arts and Humanities
32RadixForumC1654322Arts and Humanities
33PrometeicaCONICET - Emiliano Aldegani18529488Arts and Humanities
34Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w NauceCopernicus Center Press24510602, 08678286Arts and Humanities
35Studia LeibnitianaFranz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH393185Arts and Humanities
36Studies in History and Philosophy of Science(Netherlands)Springer Science and Business Media B.V.22151958, 18717381Arts and Humanities
37Argumenta PhilosophicaHerder Editorial24624993, 24625906Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
38Orbis IdearumHistory of Ideas Research Centre, Jagiellonian University Krakow23533900Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
39Renaissance and ReformationCentre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies0034429XArts and Humanities
40ScienceAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science10959203, 00368075Arts and Humanities; Multidisciplinary
41Psychological BulletinAmerican Psychological Association00332909, 19391455Arts and Humanities; Psychology
42Journal of EconometricsElsevier BV3044076Arts and Humanities; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Mathematics
43Psychological MethodsAmerican Psychological Association1082989X, 19391463Arts and Humanities; Psychology
44Philosophical Review, TheDuke University Press318108Arts and Humanities
45Psychological ReviewAmerican Psychological Association19391471, 0033295XArts and Humanities; Psychology
46NousWiley-Blackwell14680068, 00294624Arts and Humanities
47Political PsychologyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0162895X, 14679221Arts and Humanities; Psychology; Social Sciences
48MindOxford University Press00264423, 14602113Arts and Humanities
49Public Opinion QuarterlyOxford University Press0033362X, 15375331Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
50Science EducationWiley-Liss Inc.00368326, 1098237XArts and Humanities; Social Sciences
51Social Science and MedicineElsevier Ltd.18735347, 02779536Arts and Humanities; Medicine; Social Sciences
52Business Ethics QuarterlyCambridge University Press1052150XArts and Humanities; Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance
53European Child and Adolescent PsychiatryD. Steinkopff-Verlag10188827, 1435165XArts and Humanities; Medicine; Psychology
54Annals of the New York Academy of SciencesWiley-Blackwell17496632, 00778923Arts and Humanities; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Neuroscience
55Journal of PhilosophyJournal of Philosophy, Inc.0022362X, 19398549Arts and Humanities
56Qualitative ResearchSAGE Publications Ltd14687941Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
57Natural Language SemanticsSpringer Netherlands0925854XArts and Humanities; Social Sciences
58Journal of Sex ResearchTaylor and Francis Ltd.00224499, 15598519Arts and Humanities; Psychology; Social Sciences
59Philosophical StudiesSpringer Netherlands318116Arts and Humanities
60Minds and MachinesSpringer Netherlands09246495, 15728641Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
61Australasian Journal of PhilosophyTaylor and Francis Ltd.14716828, 00048402Arts and Humanities
62Philosophers ImprintUniversity of Michigan Press1533628XArts and Humanities
63International Journal of Social RoboticsSpringer Verlag18754805, 18754791Arts and Humanities; Computer Science; Engineering; Psychology
64Mind and LanguageWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14680017, 02681064Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
65Science Technology and Human ValuesSAGE Publications Inc.01622439, 15528251Arts and Humanities; Computer Science; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Engineering; Social Sciences
66Journal of LinguisticsCambridge University Press14697742, 00222267Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
67International TheoryCambridge University Press17529727, 17529719Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
68Thinking and ReasoningTaylor and Francis Ltd.14640708, 13546783Arts and Humanities; Psychology
69Linguistics and PhilosophySpringer Netherlands1650157Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
70Journal of Applied Behavior AnalysisWiley-Blackwell19383703, 00218855Arts and Humanities; Psychology; Social Sciences
71Philosophy CompassWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17479991Arts and Humanities
72Journal of Philosophical LogicSpringer Netherlands00223611, 15730433Arts and Humanities
73New Ideas in PsychologyElsevier BV0732118XArts and Humanities; Psychology
74Cognition, Technology and WorkSpringer London14355558, 14355566Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
75Journal of Political PhilosophyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14679760, 09638016Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
76Asian Bioethics ReviewNational University of Singapore, Department of Biological Sciences, Centre for Biomedical Ethics17938759, 17939453Arts and Humanities; Medicine; Nursing; Social Sciences
77Irish Journal of Psychological MedicineCambridge University Press7909667Arts and Humanities; Medicine; Psychology
78Social Studies of ScienceSAGE Publications Ltd14603659, 03063127Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
79Philosophical QuarterlyOxford University Press00318094, 14679213Arts and Humanities
80EthicsUniversity of Chicago1539297X, 00141704Arts and Humanities
81Philosophy and Public AffairsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd10884963, 00483915Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
82Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B - Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern PhysicsElsevier Ltd.13552198, 18792502Arts and Humanities; Physics and Astronomy
83Journal of School HealthWiley-Blackwell00224391, 17461561Arts and Humanities; Medicine; Social Sciences
84Philosophia MathematicaOxford University Press318019Arts and Humanities; Mathematics
85Business Ethics, Environment and ResponsibilityJohn Wiley and Sons Inc.26946424, 26946416Arts and Humanities; Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Environmental Science
86Nous-Supplement: Philosophical PerspectivesWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17582245, 15208583Arts and Humanities
87Nous-Supplement: Philosophical IssuesWiley-VCH Verlag15336077, 17582237Arts and Humanities
88Phenomenology and the Cognitive SciencesSpringer Netherlands15687759Arts and Humanities; Neuroscience
89Analysis and MetaphysicsAddleton Academic Publishers15848574Arts and Humanities
90Journal of the American Philosophical AssociationCambridge University Press20534477, 20534485Arts and Humanities
91SyntheseSpringer Netherlands00397857, 15730964Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
92Educational Philosophy and TheoryTaylor and Francis Ltd.14695812, 00131857Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
93EpistemeCambridge University Press17423600Arts and Humanities
94Global BioethicsRoutledge11287462, 15917398Arts and Humanities; Medicine; Social Sciences
95Monist, TheOxford University Press269662Arts and Humanities
96Journal of Symbolic LogicCambridge University Press224812Arts and Humanities; Mathematics
97Environmental ValuesWhite Horse Press09632719, 17527015Arts and Humanities; Environmental Science
98Science and Technology StudiesThe Finnish Society for Science and Technology Studies22434690Arts and Humanities; Multidisciplinary
99Review of Philosophy and PsychologySpringer Verlag18785166, 18785158Arts and Humanities; Psychology
100Inquiry (United Kingdom)Taylor and Francis Ltd.15023923, 0020174XArts and Humanities; Medicine
101Philosophical PsychologyRoutledge09515089, 1465394XArts and Humanities; Psychology
102Journal of Medicine and PhilosophyOxford University Press03605310, 17445019Arts and Humanities; Medicine; Nursing
103Review of Contemporary PhilosophyAddleton Academic Publishers18415261Arts and Humanities
104AnalysisOxford University Press14678284, 00032638Arts and Humanities
105Archive for Mathematical LogicSpringer New York14320665, 09335846Arts and Humanities; Mathematics
106AI and SocietySpringer London09515666, 14355655Arts and Humanities; Computer Science
107Pacific Philosophical QuarterlyWiley-Blackwell02790750, 14680114Arts and Humanities
108Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in MedicineBioMed Central Ltd.17475341Arts and Humanities; Medicine; Nursing
109Democratic TheoryBerghahn Journals23328894, 23328908Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
110Studies in Philosophy and EducationSpringer Netherlands393746Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
111Review of Radical Political EconomicsSAGE Publications Inc.4866134Arts and Humanities; Economics, Econometrics and Finance
112Human Geography(United Kingdom)SAGE Publications Inc.19427786, 2633674XArts and Humanities; Social Sciences
113AJOB Empirical BioethicsTaylor and Francis Ltd.23294523, 23294515Arts and Humanities; Medicine; Social Sciences
114British Journal of AestheticsOxford University Press00070904, 14682842Arts and Humanities
115ErkenntnisSpringer Netherlands15728420, 01650106Arts and Humanities; Mathematics

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