List of Open Access Journals in microbiology

This web page aims to provide a list of microbiology open access journals. Open Access is a standard term that simply means that the journal articles under open access will be available free to read, and download.

Open access microbiology journals list

1. Iranian Journal of Microbiology

Iranian Journal Of Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, environmental microbiology, applied microbiology. This journal is published by Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The ISSN of this journal is 2008-3289.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

2. Environmental Microbiome

Environmental Microbiome is a research journal that publishes research related to environmental microbiology, applied microbiology, bioremediation, built environment microbiome, microbiome, extreme environment microbiology. This journal is published by BMC. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 13 weeks
APC: Yes

3. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology

Journal Of Pure And Applied Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, biotechnology, applied microbiology, food microbiology. This journal is published by Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. The ISSN of this journal is 0973-7510.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks
APC: Yes

4. Journal of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Journal Of Medical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, medical microbiology, communicable diseases, diseases, medicine. This journal is published by Pasteur Institute of Iran. The ISSN of this journal is 2345-5349.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

5. Microbiology Indonesia

Microbiology Indonesia is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, biotechnology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, environmental microbiology. This journal is published by Indonesian Society for Microbiology. The ISSN of this journal is 1978-3477.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 16 weeks
APC: Yes

6. AMB Express

AMB Express is a research journal that publishes research related to white biotechnology, red biotechnology, applied microbiology, industrial microbiology. This journal is published by SpringerOpen. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 13 weeks
APC: Yes

7. International Journal of Medical Microbiology

International Journal Of Medical Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to cellular microbiology, molecular epidemiology, genomics, medical microbiology. This journal is published by Elsevier. The ISSN of this journal is 1438-4221.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 35 weeks
APC: Yes

8. Postępy Mikrobiologii

Postępy Mikrobiologii is a research journal that publishes research related to bacterial physiology, microbial genetics, environmental microbiology, applied microbiology, virology, bacteria. This journal is published by Sciendo. The ISSN of this journal is 0079-4252.

Language: English, Polish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks
APC: Yes

9. Kasmera

Kasmera is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, food microbiology, tropical diseases, bacteriology, parasitology, infectious diseases. This journal is published by Universidad del Zulia,Facultad de Medicina,Departamento de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales. The ISSN of this journal is 0075-5222.

Language: English, Spanish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 10 weeks

10. AIMS Microbiology

AIMS Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to agricultural microbiology, biotechnology, environmental microbiology, mycology, microbial genomics, immunology. This journal is published by AIMS Press. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks
APC: Yes

11. Frontiers in Microbiomes

Frontiers In Microbiomes is a research journal that publishes research related to microbial genetics, microbial ecology, microbiology, clinical microbiology, dietetics and nutrigenomics. This journal is published by Frontiers Media S.A.. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 15 weeks
APC: Yes

12. Open Biology

Open Biology is a research journal that publishes research related to cell biology, developmental biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology. This journal is published by The Royal Society. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 14 weeks
APC: Yes

13. Microbes, Infection and Chemotherapy

Microbes, Infection And Chemotherapy is a research journal that publishes research related to infectious diseases, microbiology, antimicrobial antibiotic, public health, immunology, epidemiology. This journal is published by Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks

14. Infectio

Infectio is a research journal that publishes research related to infectious diseases, microbiology, pharmacology. This journal is published by Asociación Colombiana de Infectología. The ISSN of this journal is 0123-9392.

Language: English, Spanish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 39 weeks
APC: Yes

15. Journal of Biomedical Science

Journal Of Biomedical Science is a research journal that publishes research related to biochemistry, neurosciences, molecular biology, immunology, genetics, microbiology. This journal is published by BMC. The ISSN of this journal is 1021-7770.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 14 weeks

16. Flora Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi

Flora Infeksiyon Hastalıkları Ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi is a research journal that publishes research related to infection, microbiology. This journal is published by Bilimsel Tip Yayinevi. The ISSN of this journal is 1300-932X.

Language: English, Turkish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 2 weeks

17. Biotecnología en el Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial

Biotecnología En El Sector Agropecuario Y Agroindustrial is a research journal that publishes research related to biotechnology, agriculture, forestry, microbiology, engineering, food. This journal is published by Universidad del Cauca. The ISSN of this journal is 1692-3561.

Language: Spanish
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 9 weeks

18. Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and Antimicrobials

Mediterranean Journal Of Infection, Microbes And Antimicrobials is a research journal that publishes research related to infectious diseases, clinical microbiology, vaccinology, epidemiology. This journal is published by Galenos Yayinevi. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: Turkish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

19. Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В.Н. Каразіна: Серія Біологія

Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В.Н. Каразіна: Серія Біологія is a research journal that publishes research related to biochemistry and genetics, zoology and botany, animal and plant physiology, mycology, microbiology, soil science. This journal is published by V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The ISSN of this journal is 2075-5457.

Language: Russian, Ukrainian
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

20. Access Microbiology

Access Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, virology, replication studies, negative results. This journal is published by Microbiology Society. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

21. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences

Iranian Journal Of Basic Medical Sciences is a research journal that publishes research related to medical sciences, anatomical sciences, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, microbiology. This journal is published by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. The ISSN of this journal is 2008-3866.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks
APC: Yes

22. Mìkrobìologìâ ì Bìotehnologìâ

Mìkrobìologìâ ì Bìotehnologìâ is a research journal that publishes research related to immunology, virology, microbiology, biotechnology. This journal is published by Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University. The ISSN of this journal is 2076-0558.

Language: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

23. Virus Reviews & Research

Virus Reviews & Research is a research journal that publishes research related to virus, virology, viral diseases, virus infection, microbiology, vaccinology. This journal is published by Sociedade Brasileira de Virologia. The ISSN of this journal is 1519-2563.

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

24. Biovalentia: Biological Research Journal

Biovalentia: Biological Research Journal is a research journal that publishes research related to biology, ecology, biosystematics, microbiology, genetics. This journal is published by Sriwijaya University. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

25. Biopropal Industri

Biopropal Industri is a research journal that publishes research related to biochemistry, environment, industry, microbiology, chemistry. This journal is published by Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Pontianak. The ISSN of this journal is 2089-0877.

Language: Indonesian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks

26. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases

Sri Lankan Journal Of Infectious Diseases is a research journal that publishes research related to infectious diseases, microbiology. This journal is published by Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology. The ISSN of this journal is 2012-8169.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 16 weeks

27. Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas

Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas is a research journal that publishes research related to ecology, biotechnology, biology, microbiology, biosystematics. This journal is published by Jurusan Biologi Universitas Andalas. The ISSN of this journal is 2303-2162.

Language: Indonesian
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

28. Acta Scientiarum: Biological Sciences

Acta Scientiarum: Biological Sciences is a research journal that publishes research related to botany, limnology, microbiology. This journal is published by Universidade Estadual de Maringá. The ISSN of this journal is 1679-9283.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 38 weeks

29. Biotecnología Aplicada

Biotecnología Aplicada is a research journal that publishes research related to biotechnology, biomedicine, biosciences, microbiology, molecular genetics, immunology. This journal is published by Elfos Scientiae. The ISSN of this journal is 0864-4551.

Language: English, Spanish
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 10 weeks

30. Jurnal Biota

Jurnal Biota is a research journal that publishes research related to biology, ecology, microbiology, physiology and taxonomy, biotechnology, education. This journal is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang. The ISSN of this journal is 2528-262X.

Language: Indonesian
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks

31. FEMS Microbes

FEMS Microbes is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, microbes, bacteria, archaea, virology, single-celled protists. This journal is published by Oxford University Press. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Open peer review
Processing Time: 15 weeks
APC: Yes

32. Annals of Clinical Microbiology

Annals Of Clinical Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, infecting microorganisms. This journal is published by Korean Society of Clinical Microbiology. The ISSN of this journal is 2288-0585.

Language: English, Korean
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks
APC: Yes

33. Tropical Life Sciences Research

Tropical Life Sciences Research is a research journal that publishes research related to biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, animal science, plant science, environmental science. This journal is published by Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. The ISSN of this journal is 1985-3718.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 20 weeks

34. Current Research in Microbial Sciences

Current Research In Microbial Sciences is a research journal that publishes research related to genetics, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, environmental microbiology. This journal is published by Elsevier. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks
APC: Yes

35. EMJ Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

EMJ Microbiology & Infectious Diseases is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, infectious diseases, parasitology, virus infection, epidemiology. This journal is published by European Medical Journal. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 22 weeks

36. Jurnal Agro

Jurnal Agro is a research journal that publishes research related to soil microbiology, sustainable agriculture, environmental preservation. This journal is published by Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English, Indonesian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks
APC: Yes

37. Air, Soil and Water Research

Air, Soil And Water Research is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, pollution. This journal is published by SAGE Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks
APC: Yes

38. Frontiers in Bioscience-Elite

Frontiers In Bioscience-Elite is a research journal that publishes research related to biotechnology, applied microbiology, biomedical, environmental science, biological. This journal is published by IMR Press. The ISSN of this journal is 1945-0494.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

39. Microbiology Spectrum

Microbiology Spectrum is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, antimicrobial resistance, virology, bacteriology, infectious diseases. This journal is published by American Society for Microbiology. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review, Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 14 weeks
APC: Yes

40. NOVA

NOVA is a research journal that publishes research related to biomedical sciences, medical research, microbiology, life sciences. This journal is published by Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca. The ISSN of this journal is 1794-2470.

Language: English, Spanish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 16 weeks

41. Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society

Journal Of The Selva Andina Research Society is a research journal that publishes research related to public health, microbiology, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology. This journal is published by Selva Andina Research Society. The ISSN of this journal is 2072-9294.

Language: Spanish
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 20 weeks

42. New Biotechnology

New Biotechnology is a research journal that publishes research related to biotechnology, applied microbiology, biomedical research methods. This journal is published by Elsevier. The ISSN of this journal is 1871-6784.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 20 weeks
APC: Yes

43. Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology

Iranian Journal Of Medical Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to medical microbiology, virology, parasitology, epidemiology, bacteriology. This journal is published by Farname. The ISSN of this journal is 1735-8612.

Language: English, Persian
Review Process: Peer review, Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

44. Al-Hayat

Al-Hayat is a research journal that publishes research related to zoology, botany, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology, molecular biology. This journal is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang. The ISSN of this journal is 2654-3702.

Language: Indonesian, English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks

45. Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии

Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии is a research journal that publishes research related to immunology, immunobiology, parasitology, microbiology, virology, epidemiology. This journal is published by Central Research Institute for Epidemiology. The ISSN of this journal is 0372-9311.

Language: Russian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

46. Aquaculture Journal

Aquaculture Journal is a research journal that publishes research related to feeding and nutrition, physiology and metabolism, genetics and genomics, pathology and health, immunology, microbiology. This journal is published by MDPI AG. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks
APC: Yes

47. mBio

MBio is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology. This journal is published by American Society for Microbiology. The ISSN of this journal is 2161-2129.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

48. Vìsnik: Kiïvsʹkij Nacìonalʹnij Unìversitet Imenì Tarasa Ševčenka. Bìologìâ

Vìsnik: Kiïvsʹkij Nacìonalʹnij Unìversitet Imenì Tarasa Ševčenka. Bìologìâ is a research journal that publishes research related to biology, microbiology, ecology, zoology, cytology, genetics. This journal is published by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The ISSN of this journal is 1728-2748.

Language: English, Ukrainian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks
APC: Yes

49. Проблемы особо опасных инфекций

Проблемы особо опасных инфекций is a research journal that publishes research related to epidemiology, microbiology, dangerous infectious diseases, biological safety. This journal is published by Federal Government Health Institution, Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe”. The ISSN of this journal is 0370-1069.

Language: Russian
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

50. Bioscience Reports

Bioscience Reports is a research journal that publishes research related to cell, genes, proteins, microbiology metabolism, disease. This journal is published by Portland Press, Biochemical Society. The ISSN of this journal is 0144-8463.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 14 weeks
APC: Yes

51. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz

Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz is a research journal that publishes research related to virology, bacteriology, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology. This journal is published by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ). The ISSN of this journal is 0074-0276.

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review, Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 10 weeks

52. Zemljište i biljka

Zemljište I Biljka is a research journal that publishes research related to soil protection and management, plant nutritiion, pedology, soil microbiology, agrochemistry, amelioration. This journal is published by Serbian Soil Science Society, Belgrade. The ISSN of this journal is 0514-6658.

Language: English, Serbo-Croatian
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

53. Microbial Genomics

Microbial Genomics is a research journal that publishes research related to microbe, genomics, microbiology, microbial, genome, epidemiology. This journal is published by Microbiology Society. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

54. Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress

Indonesian Food And Nutrition Progress is a research journal that publishes research related to food biotechnology, food microbiology, food process engineering, food analysis, food safety, nutrition. This journal is published by Indonesian Association of Food Technologists. The ISSN of this journal is 0854-6177.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

55. Microbiologia Medica

Microbiologia Medica is a research journal that publishes research related to clinical microbiology, nosocomial infections, mycology, virology, parasitology. This journal is published by PAGEPress Publications. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: Italian, English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 10 weeks

56. Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Problems Of Infectious And Parasitic Diseases is a research journal that publishes research related to infectious diseases, microbiology, parasitic diseases, immunology, epidemiology, public health. This journal is published by National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. The ISSN of this journal is 0204-9155.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 20 weeks

57. Milk Science International

Milk Science International is a research journal that publishes research related to dairy processing and technology, milk and dairy products in human nutrition, milk marketing and economics, milk production, dairy chemistry and physics, dairy microbiology. This journal is published by Hochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fakultaet 2. The ISSN of this journal is 0026-3788.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks
APC: Yes

58. Advanced Gut & Microbiome Research

Advanced Gut & Microbiome Research is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiome, microbiota, microbiology, gastroenterology, precision nutrition. This journal is published by Hindawi - Hangzhou Aimeida BioTech. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 11 weeks

59. CyTA - Journal of Food

CyTA - Journal Of Food is a research journal that publishes research related to nutrition, food engineering, food processing, food microbiology, food biotechnology. This journal is published by Taylor & Francis Group. The ISSN of this journal is 1947-6337.

Language: English, Spanish
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 13 weeks
APC: Yes

60. All Life

All Life is a research journal that publishes research related to agriculture, biotechnology, genetics, microbiology, biology, life sciences. This journal is published by Taylor & Francis Group. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

61. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry

Journal Of Enzyme Inhibition And Medicinal Chemistry is a research journal that publishes research related to enzymology, cell biology, chemical biology, microbiology, physiology, pharmacology. This journal is published by Taylor & Francis Group. The ISSN of this journal is 1475-6366.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 26 weeks
APC: Yes

62. Microbes and Infectious Diseases

Microbes And Infectious Diseases is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, infectious diseases, infection control, virology, mycology, parasitology. This journal is published by Zagazig University, Faculty of Medicine. The ISSN of this journal is 2682-4132.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks
APC: Yes

63. Journal of Oral Microbiology

Journal Of Oral Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to oral infections, aetiologic agents, oral health, infectious diseases, microbiology. This journal is published by Taylor & Francis Group. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

64. Biology

Biology is a research journal that publishes research related to biology, ecology, bioinformatics, microbiology, physiology, genetics. This journal is published by MDPI AG. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks
APC: Yes

65. Revista Española de Quimioterapia

Revista Española De Quimioterapia is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, infectious diseases, bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology. This journal is published by Sociedad Española de Quimioterapia. The ISSN of this journal is 0214-3429.

Language: English, Spanish
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

66. Teknologi Pangan: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Ilmiah Teknologi Pertanian

Teknologi Pangan: Media Informasi Dan Komunikasi Ilmiah Teknologi Pertanian is a research journal that publishes research related to food microbiology, food nutrition, food safety, food preservation. This journal is published by Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan. The ISSN of this journal is 2087-9679.

Language: Indonesian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 4 weeks
APC: Yes

67. Food ScienTech Journal

Food ScienTech Journal is a research journal that publishes research related to food science, food technology, food management, food security, food chemistry, food microbiology. This journal is published by Department of Food Technology. The ISSN of this journal is 2685-4279.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

68. Журнал инфектологии

Журнал инфектологии is a research journal that publishes research related to infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology, parasitology, mycology, molecular biology. This journal is published by Journal Infectology. The ISSN of this journal is 2072-6732.

Language: Russian
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

69. Engineering Microbiology

Engineering Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to engineering microbiology, synthetic biology, biotechnology, microbial cell factories, microbiome, microbial engineering. This journal is published by Elsevier. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 9 weeks
APC: Yes

70. Muthanna Medical Journal

Muthanna Medical Journal is a research journal that publishes research related to medicine, surgery, oncology, cell biology, immunology and cytokine, microbiology. This journal is published by Al Muthanna University. The ISSN of this journal is 2226-146X.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 15 weeks

71. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy

Indonesian Journal Of Pharmacy is a research journal that publishes research related to biotechnology, pharmaceutical microbiology, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry. This journal is published by Universitas Gadjah Mada. The ISSN of this journal is 2338-9427.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 9 weeks
APC: Yes

72. Infection & Chemotherapy

Infection & Chemotherapy is a research journal that publishes research related to infectious diseases, communicable diseases, drug therapy, public health medical, microbiology. This journal is published by Jin Publishing & Printing Co.. The ISSN of this journal is 2093-2340.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 22 weeks
APC: Yes

73. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education

Journal Of Microbiology & Biology Education is a research journal that publishes research related to biology education, pedagogy, microbiology education. This journal is published by American Society for Microbiology. The ISSN of this journal is 1935-7877.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 22 weeks
APC: Yes

74. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases

Journal Of Global Infectious Diseases is a research journal that publishes research related to infectious diseases, public health, microbiology, bacteriology, virology, mycology. This journal is published by Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications. The ISSN of this journal is 0974-777X.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 29 weeks
APC: Yes

75. Archives of Pharmaceutical Sciences Ain Shams University

Archives Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Ain Shams University is a research journal that publishes research related to biopharmaceuticals, herbal medicine, microbiology, analytical chemistry, clinical pharmacy. This journal is published by Ain Shams University. The ISSN of this journal is 2356-8380.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

76. Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri

Jurnal Pangan Dan Agroindustri is a research journal that publishes research related to food chemistry, food technology, food biotechnology, agroindustry, food microbiology, food sensory. This journal is published by Universitas Brawijaya, Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Agricultural Technology Faculty. The ISSN of this journal is 2354-7936.

Language: Indonesian, English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

77. Parasitology

Parasitology is a research journal that publishes research related to parasitology, microbiology, epidemiology, parasites. This journal is published by Cambridge University Press. The ISSN of this journal is 0031-1820.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

78. Advances in Food Science, Sustainable Agriculture, and Agroindustrial Engineering

Advances In Food Science, Sustainable Agriculture, And Agroindustrial Engineering is a research journal that publishes research related to food science, agricultural engineering, agroindustrial engineering, food engineering, food microbiology, biotechnology. This journal is published by Universitas Brawijaya, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 16 weeks

79. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Veterinary Medicine Sciences

Al-Qadisiyah Journal Of Veterinary Medicine Sciences is a research journal that publishes research related to pathology, parasitology, therapeutics, microbiology, veterinary sciences. This journal is published by College of Veterinary Medicine. The ISSN of this journal is 1818-5746.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks
APC: Yes

80. Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist

Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist is a research journal that publishes research related to parasitology, microbiology, chemistry, clinical pathology, hematology, immunology. This journal is published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. The ISSN of this journal is 2597-3681.

Language: Indonesian
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks

81. Ciencia & Salud

Ciencia & Salud is a research journal that publishes research related to health, microbiology, physiotherapy, medicine, pharmacy, nutrition. This journal is published by University of Medical Sciences of Central America. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English, Spanish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 3 weeks

82. Clinical Pathology

Clinical Pathology is a research journal that publishes research related to clinical pathology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, translational research, infection control, medical microbiology. This journal is published by SAGE Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 4 weeks
APC: Yes

83. Infectious Microbes & Diseases

Infectious Microbes & Diseases is a research journal that publishes research related to vaccines, microbiology, infectious diseases, immunology, proteomics. This journal is published by Wolters Kluwer Health. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 11 weeks
APC: Yes

84. Medical Laboratory Journal

Medical Laboratory Journal is a research journal that publishes research related to medical laboratory, clinical pathology, parasitology, hematology, microbiology, virology. This journal is published by Golestan University of Medical Sciences. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 4 weeks

85. Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi

Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi is a research journal that publishes research related to botany, zoology, microbiology, genetics, biotechnology, biological sciences. This journal is published by Muhammadiyah University Press. The ISSN of this journal is 2460-1365.

Language: Indonesian
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks
APC: Yes

86. The Bioscientist

The Bioscientist is a research journal that publishes research related to biochemistry, microbiology, zoology, botany, parasitology. This journal is published by Faculty of Biosciences. The ISSN of this journal is 2630-7103.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks
APC: Yes

87. Advances in Human Biology

Advances In Human Biology is a research journal that publishes research related to biochemistry, genetics, anatomy, microbiology, pathology, physiology. This journal is published by Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications. The ISSN of this journal is 2321-8568.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 11 weeks

88. The Lancet Microbe

The Lancet Microbe is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, mycology, virology, parasitology, infections, outbreaks. This journal is published by Elsevier. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks
APC: Yes

89. Revista Argentina de Microbiología

Revista Argentina De Microbiología is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, antimicrobials, parasitology, infectious agents, epidemiology. This journal is published by Elsevier España. The ISSN of this journal is 0325-7541.

Language: Spanish, English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks
APC: Yes

90. International Journal of Oral Science

International Journal Of Oral Science is a research journal that publishes research related to oral surgery and medicine, dentistry, oral microbiology, oral and maxillofacial oncology, cariology, dental material. This journal is published by Nature Publishing Group. The ISSN of this journal is 1674-2818.

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 20 weeks
APC: Yes

91. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences

Journal Of Pharmacy And Bioallied Sciences is a research journal that publishes research related to pharmaceutical sciences, medicinal chemistry, biotechnology and bioallied sciences, analytical chemistry, microbiology, pharmacognosy. This journal is published by Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications. The ISSN of this journal is 0976-4879.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 34 weeks
APC: Yes

92. Borneo Journal of Pharmacy

Borneo Journal Of Pharmacy is a research journal that publishes research related to pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical, pharmacochemistry, microbiology. This journal is published by Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English, Indonesian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

93. Biotik: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Teknologi dan Kependidikan

Biotik: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Teknologi Dan Kependidikan is a research journal that publishes research related to biology education, environment, biotechnology, microbiology, cell biology, biochemistry. This journal is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry. The ISSN of this journal is 2337-9812.

Language: English, Indonesian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

94. Journal of Laboratory Medicine

Journal Of Laboratory Medicine is a research journal that publishes research related to laboratory medicine, clinical laboratory, laboratory diagnostics, pathogenic aspects, infectiology and microbiology, hematology and hemostaseology. This journal is published by De Gruyter. The ISSN of this journal is 2567-9430.

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 10 weeks
APC: Yes

95. Biofilm

Biofilm is a research journal that publishes research related to biomaterials, microbiology, biofilms, multicellular communities, microbial cells, bioengineering. This journal is published by Elsevier. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 10 weeks
APC: Yes

96. Current Issues in Molecular Biology

Current Issues In Molecular Biology is a research journal that publishes research related to molecular biology, molecular plant sciences, molecular microbiology, molecular genetics and genomics, molecular reproductive biology, molecular physiology. This journal is published by MDPI AG. The ISSN of this journal is 1467-3037.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks
APC: Yes

97. Polish Journal of Microbiology

Polish Journal Of Microbiology is a research journal that publishes research related to bacterial physiology, molecular biology, virology, bacteriology, biotechnology, microbiology. This journal is published by Sciendo. The ISSN of this journal is 1733-1331.

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 40 weeks
APC: Yes

98. مجله پژوهش‌های علوم و صنایع غذایی ایران

مجله پژوهش‌های علوم و صنایع غذایی ایران is a research journal that publishes research related to food technology, food microbiology, food engineering, food science, food chemistry, food safety. This journal is published by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. The ISSN of this journal is 1735-4161.

Language: English, Persian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 32 weeks
APC: Yes

99. Italian Journal of Food Science

Italian Journal Of Food Science is a research journal that publishes research related to food, beverage, microbiology, packaging. This journal is published by Chiriotti Editori. The ISSN of this journal is 1120-1770.

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

100. یافته‌های نوین در علوم زیستی

یافته‌های نوین در علوم زیستی is a research journal that publishes research related to botany, zoology, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, genetics. This journal is published by Kharazmi University. The ISSN of this journal is 2423-6330.

Language: English, Persian
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

101. Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences

Gomal Journal Of Medical Sciences is a research journal that publishes research related to medical sciences, clinical sciences, medical education, pharmacy, microbiology. This journal is published by Gomal Medical College, D.I.Khan, Pakistan. The ISSN of this journal is 1819-7973.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 40 weeks
APC: Yes

102. Revista CENIC. Ciencias Biológicas

Revista CENIC. Ciencias Biológicas is a research journal that publishes research related to pharmacology, toxicology, inmunology, microbiology, environmental sciences. This journal is published by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas. The ISSN of this journal is 0253-5688.

Language: English, Spanish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks

103. microLife

MicroLife is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, biotechnology, ecology, physiology, epidemiology. This journal is published by Oxford University Press. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review, Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 10 weeks
APC: Yes

104. ICIDCA Sobre los Derivados de la Caña de Azúcar

ICIDCA Sobre Los Derivados De La Caña De Azúcar is a research journal that publishes research related to chemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, agriculture, environment, sugar cane. This journal is published by Icidca. The ISSN of this journal is 1727-0286.

Language: Spanish, English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 6 weeks

105. Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research

Journal Of Bioscience And Applied Research is a research journal that publishes research related to applied sciences, biochemistry, biology, microbiology, bioscience. This journal is published by Society of Pathological Biochemistry and Hematology. The ISSN of this journal is 2356-9174.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks
APC: Yes

106. Jurnal Biodjati

Jurnal Biodjati is a research journal that publishes research related to biology, microbiology, biodiversity, biosystematics, biochemistry, ecology. This journal is published by UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. The ISSN of this journal is 2548-1606.

Language: English, Indonesian
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 4 weeks
APC: Yes

107. Journal of Pathology of Nepal

Journal Of Pathology Of Nepal is a research journal that publishes research related to laboratory medicine, biochemistry, microbiology, clinical pathology, serology, histopathology. This journal is published by Association of Clinical Pathologists of Nepal. The ISSN of this journal is 2091-0797.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

108. Stress Biology

Stress Biology is a research journal that publishes research related to plant science, animal physiology, microbiology, stress biology, abiotic or biotic stress. This journal is published by Springer. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

109. Revista Biomédica

Revista Biomédica is a research journal that publishes research related to zoonoses, neurophysiology, parasitology, neurobiology, microbiology. This journal is published by Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. The ISSN of this journal is 0188-493X.

Language: Spanish
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 4 weeks

110. Iranian Biomedical Journal

Iranian Biomedical Journal is a research journal that publishes research related to cancer biology, medical biotechnology, molecular microbiology, enzymology. This journal is published by Pasteur Institute of Iran. The ISSN of this journal is 1028-852X.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 8 weeks

111. Jurnal Teknologi Pangan

Jurnal Teknologi Pangan is a research journal that publishes research related to food processing, microbiology. This journal is published by Department of Food Technology. The ISSN of this journal is 1978-4163.

Language: Indonesian
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 20 weeks

112. Annals : Food Science and Technology

Annals : Food Science And Technology is a research journal that publishes research related to food engineering, food microbiology, biotechnology, agricultural sciences, environmental protection. This journal is published by Valahia University Press. The ISSN of this journal is 2065-2828.

Language: English
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 15 weeks

113. Revista Venezolana de Salud Pública

Revista Venezolana De Salud Pública is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology and parasitology, epidemiology, social medicine, public health, health promotion, administration and management in health. This journal is published by Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. The ISSN of this journal is 2343-5526.

Language: Spanish
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 16 weeks

114. Журнал Сибирского федерального университета: Серия Биология

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета: Серия Биология is a research journal that publishes research related to physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, microbiology, ecology, soil science. This journal is published by Siberian Federal University. The ISSN of this journal is 1997-1389.

Language: English, Russian
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 24 weeks

115. Revue Malienne d’Infectiologie et de Microbiologie

Revue Malienne D’Infectiologie Et De Microbiologie is a research journal that publishes research related to infectiology, microbiology, public health, clinicals aspects, diagnostic, treatment. This journal is published by SOMAPIT. The ISSN of this journal is 1987-0876.

Language: French
Review Process: Peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

116. mSphere

MSphere is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology. This journal is published by American Society for Microbiology. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 11 weeks
APC: Yes

117. Bioscientific Review

Bioscientific Review is a research journal that publishes research related to molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, botany, zoology. This journal is published by University of Management and Technology. The ISSN of this journal is 2663-4198.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks

118. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine

National Journal Of Laboratory Medicine is a research journal that publishes research related to biochemistry, microbiology. This journal is published by JCDR Research and Publications Pvt. Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 2277-8551.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 12 weeks
APC: Yes

119. International Journal of Applied Biology

International Journal Of Applied Biology is a research journal that publishes research related to microbiology, biotechnology, environmental sciences, medicine, bioremediation, bioenergy. This journal is published by Hasanuddin University. The ISSN of this journal is 2580-2410.

Language: English
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 2 weeks

120. Clinical Infection in Practice

Clinical Infection In Practice is a research journal that publishes research related to clinical infection, virology, microbiology, public health, infectious diseases, tropical diseases. This journal is published by Elsevier. The ISSN of this journal is .

Language: English
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Processing Time: 22 weeks
APC: Yes

Top Research Journals