Paid Signal Processing Journals

Signal Processing paid research Journals: Publish your research with APC in the paid publishing research journals of Signal Processing. An APC journal is a scientific journal that requires authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. This web document aims to provide you with paid Signal Processing research journals.

List of paid research Journals in Signal Processing

60 paid Signal Processing Journals founded

S. No.Journal TitlePublisherE-ISSNReview ProcessAPC Charges
1IET Signal ProcessingHindawi-IET1751-9675Anonymous peer review2375 USD
2Frontiers in Signal ProcessingFrontiers Media S.A.Anonymous peer review2125 USD
3APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information ProcessingNow PublishersAnonymous peer review1000 USD
4Journal of International Council on Electrical EngineeringTaylor & Francis GroupDouble anonymous peer review1000 USD
5IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and SystemsIEEEAnonymous peer review1950 USD
6Journal of ICT Research and ApplicationsITB Journal Publisher2337-5787Anonymous peer review150 USD
7Journal of Information Systems and TelecommunicationACECR2322-1437Double anonymous peer review100 USD; 3000000 IRR
8Journal of Electronic Science and TechnologyKeAi Communications Co., Ltd.1674-862XPeer review, Double anonymous peer review1000 USD
9International Journal of Intelligent NetworksKeAi Communications Co., Ltd.Anonymous peer review800 USD
10IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and PropagationIEEEAnonymous peer review1950 USD
11RadioengineeringSpolecnost pro radioelektronicke inzenyrstvi1210-2512Peer review400 EUR
12Journal of King Saud University: Computer and Information SciencesElsevier1319-1578Double anonymous peer review1350 USD
13Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space SciencesElsevier1110-9823Double anonymous peer review900 USD
14Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringHindawi Limited2090-0147Anonymous peer review925 USD
15EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and NetworkingSpringerOpen1687-1472Anonymous peer review1355 EUR; 1665 USD; 1140 GBP
16EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal ProcessingSpringerOpen1687-6172Anonymous peer review1355 EUR; 1665 USD; 1140 GBP
17SignalsMDPI AGAnonymous peer review1000 CHF
18NetworkMDPI AGAnonymous peer review1000 CHF
19Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi InformasiUniversitas Gadjah Mada2301-4156Double anonymous peer review1500000 IDR; 200 USD
20Electronics LettersWiley0013-5194Anonymous peer review2540 USD; 1980 GBP; 2310 EUR
21IET OptoelectronicsWiley1751-8768Anonymous peer review2390 USD; 1850 GBP; 2170 EUR
22Healthcare Technology LettersWileyAnonymous peer review2270 USD; 1750 GBP; 2060 EUR
23IEEE Open Journal of Signal ProcessingIEEEAnonymous peer review1950 USD
24AutomationMDPI AGAnonymous peer review1000 CHF
25Leida xuebaoChina Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (CSPM)2095-283XAnonymous peer review9900 CNY
26JASA Express LettersAIP Publishing LLCAnonymous peer review1200 USD
27Jurnal Rekayasa ElektrikaUniversitas Syiah Kuala1412-4785Double anonymous peer review1500000 IDR
28Системи обробки інформаціїIvan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University1681-7710Double anonymous peer review750 UAH
29Journal of MMIJThe Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan1881-6118Anonymous peer review150000 JPY
30EURASIP Journal on Image and Video ProcessingSpringerOpen1687-5176Anonymous peer review1355 EUR; 1665 USD; 1140 GBP
31Lontar KomputerUdayana University, Institute for Research and Community Services2088-1541Double anonymous peer review1500000 IDR
32OncoMDPI AGAnonymous peer review1000 CHF
33PlateletsTaylor & Francis Group0953-7104Anonymous peer review2990 USD; 2392 GBP; 2875 EUR; 4165 AUD
34Plant Signaling & BehaviorTaylor & Francis Group1559-2316Anonymous peer review2110 EUR; 1756 GBP; 2195 USD
35ChipsMDPI AGAnonymous peer review1000 CHF
36Cell Structure and FunctionJapan Society for Cell Biology0386-7196Anonymous peer review100000 JPY
37Elektronika ir ElektrotechnikaKaunas University of Technology1392-1215Peer review70 EUR
38Cell DiscoveryNature Publishing GroupAnonymous peer review2790 EUR; 3390 USD; 2490 GBP
39VibrationMDPI AGAnonymous peer review1400 CHF
40IET CommunicationsWiley1751-8628Anonymous peer review2420 USD; 1870 GBP; 2200 EUR
41JEPIN (Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika)Universitas Tanjungpura2460-0741Double anonymous peer review1000000 IDR
42Food ResearchRynnye Lyan ResourcesPeer review100 USD
43Machine Learning with ApplicationsElsevierAnonymous peer review2200 USD
44Алматы технологиялық университетінің хабаршысыAlmaty Technological University2304-568XDouble anonymous peer review6500 KZT
45Cleaner Chemical EngineeringElsevierAnonymous peer review1200 USD
46e-PolymersDe GruyterAnonymous peer review1000 EUR
47Atmospheric Measurement TechniquesCopernicus Publications1867-1381Open peer review1470 EUR
48Protek: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik ElektroKhairun University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering2354-8924Anonymous peer review500000 IDR
49Neurobiology of LanguageThe MIT PressDouble anonymous peer review1150 USD
50物联网学报China InfoCom Media Group2096-3750Double anonymous peer review4000 CNY
51Iraqi Journal of Information & Communication TechnologyCollege of Information Engineering2222-758XDouble anonymous peer review100000 IQD
52Cailiao gongchengJournal of Materials Engineering1001-4381Anonymous peer review4000 CNY
53Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Innovations in ITAnhalt University of Applied SciencesDouble anonymous peer review70 EUR
54Journal of Asian Ceramic SocietiesTaylor & Francis GroupAnonymous peer review1250 GBP; 1590 USD; 1450 EUR; 2170 AUD
55Discover Artificial IntelligenceSpringerAnonymous peer review1040 EUR; 1340 USD; 890 GBP
56Brazilian Journal of Food TechnologyInstituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos (ITAL)Anonymous peer review850 BRL
57CT Lilun yu yingyong yanjiuEditorial Office of Computerized Tomography Theory and Application1004-4140Anonymous peer review6400 CNY
58Milk Science InternationalHochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fakultaet 20026-3788Double anonymous peer review300 EUR
59CyTA - Journal of FoodTaylor & Francis Group1947-6337Anonymous peer review2110 EUR; 2195 USD; 1756 GBP
60Heat Treatment and Surface EngineeringTaylor & Francis GroupAnonymous peer review1160 AUD; 775 EUR; 850 USD; 670 GBP

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