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Automotive Engineering Q1 Journals

75 Automotive Engineering Q1 Journals founded

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Automotive Engineering Q1 journals. These listed Q1 journals in Automotive Engineering are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details. We are providing the latest Automotive Engineering Q1 journals list.

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Automotive Engineering Q1 journals list

S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNQuartile
1International Journal of Impact EngineeringElsevier Ltd.0734743XQ1
2Engineering Failure AnalysisElsevier BV13506307Q1
3Transportation EngineeringElsevier Ltd.2666691XQ1
4International Journal of Engine ResearchSAGE Publications Ltd14680874, 20413149Q1
5IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.00189545, 19399359Q1
6eTransportationElsevier BV25901168Q1
7IEEE Transactions on Transportation ElectrificationInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.23327782Q1
8Unmanned SystemsWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd23013850, 23013869Q1
9International Journal of Sustainable TransportationTaylor and Francis Ltd.15568334, 15568318Q1
10Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and OperationsTaylor and Francis Ltd.15472450, 15472442Q1
11Journal of Intelligent and Connected VehiclesEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.23999802Q1
12Transportation Research Part C: Emerging TechnologiesElsevier Ltd.0968090XQ1
13IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.15580016, 15249050Q1
14Vehicular CommunicationsElsevier Inc.22142096Q1
15Transportation Research Interdisciplinary PerspectivesElsevier Ltd.25901982Q1
16Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and BehaviourElsevier Ltd.13698478Q1
17Vehicle System DynamicsTaylor and Francis Ltd.00423114, 17445159Q1
18European Accounting ReviewRoutledge09638180, 14684497Q1
19IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems MagazineInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.19411197, 19391390Q1
20European Transport Research ReviewSpringer Verlag18668887, 18670717Q1
21International Journal of Transportation Science and TechnologyElsevier BV20460430, 20460449Q1
22IEEE Vehicular Technology MagazineInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.15566072Q1
23IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular TechnologyInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.26441330Q1
24IEEE Transactions on Intelligent VehiclesInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.23798858Q1
25Ecosystems and PeopleTaylor and Francis Ltd.26395908, 26395916Q1
26International Journal of Rail TransportationTaylor and Francis Ltd.23248386, 23248378Q1
27Automotive InnovationSpringer Science + Business Media20964250, 25228765Q1
28International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear ControlJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10498923, 10991239Q1
29Nonlinear DynamicsSpringer Netherlands0924090X, 1573269XQ1
30Structure and Infrastructure EngineeringTaylor and Francis Ltd.17448980, 15732479Q1
31Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal SocietyChina Coal Society2539993Q1
32Probabilistic Engineering MechanicsElsevier Ltd.02668920, 18784275Q1
33Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingAcademic Press Inc.08883270, 10961216Q1
34EnergyElsevier Ltd.18736785, 03605442Q1
35EngineeringElsevier Ltd.20958099Q1
36International Journal of Mechanical SciencesElsevier Ltd.207403Q1
37Indonesian Journal of Science and TechnologyUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesia25278045, 25281410Q1
38International Journal of Computer Integrated ManufacturingTaylor and Francis Ltd.0951192X, 13623052Q1
39Minerals EngineeringElsevier Ltd.8926875Q1
40Molecular Systems Design and EngineeringRoyal Society of Chemistry20589689Q1
41Journal of Mining and Strata Control EngineeringEditorial Office of Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering20967187Q1
42Experimental Thermal and Fluid ScienceElsevier Inc.8941777Q1
43Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsSpringer Netherlands15730409, 09210296Q1
44Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)Salehan Institute of Higher Education26766957, 24763055Q1
45Journal of King Saud University, Engineering SciencesKing Saud University10183639Q1
46Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and TechnologyChina University of Mining and Technology10001964Q1
47International Journal of Structural Stability and DynamicsWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd2194554Q1
48Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process IndustriesElsevier BV9504230Q1
49Biofuel Research JournalGreen Wave Publishing of Canada22928782Q1
50Additive ManufacturingElsevier BV22148604Q1
51Shiyou Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and DevelopmentScience Press10000747Q1
52China Petroleum ExplorationPetroleum Industry Press16727703Q1
53International Journal of Mining Science and TechnologyElsevier20952686Q1
54Geotextiles and GeomembranesElsevier BV2661144Q1
55Rock Mechanics and Rock EngineeringSpringer-Verlag Wien7232632Q1
56IEEE Transactions on Industry ApplicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.00939994, 19399367Q1
57Earthquake Engineering and Structural DynamicsJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10969845, 00988847Q1
58Chinese Journal of Electrical EngineeringInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.20961529Q1
59Energy and BuildingsElsevier BV3787788Q1
60Canadian Geotechnical JournalNational Research Council of Canada12086010, 00083674Q1
61Advances in Geo-Energy Research22079963, 2208598XQ1
62ACS Applied Energy MaterialsAmerican Chemical Society25740962Q1
63Applied Thermal EngineeringElsevier Ltd.13594311Q1
64IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocietyInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.26441284Q1
65Systems and Control LettersElsevier1676911Q1
66Tianranqi Gongye/Natural Gas IndustryNatural Gas Industry Journal Agency10000976Q1
67Petroleum Exploration and DevelopmentElsevier18763804Q1
68IEEE Journal of Oceanic EngineeringInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.15581691, 03649059Q1
69Geosynthetics InternationalICE Publishing10726349, 17517613Q1
70IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing LettersInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.1545598XQ1
71Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental EngineeringElsevier Ltd.26660164Q1
72Soil Dynamics and Earthquake EngineeringElsevier BV2677261Q1
73Journal of Guidance, Control, and DynamicsAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA)15333884, 07315090Q1
74Extreme Mechanics LettersElsevier Ltd.23524316Q1
75Bulletin of Earthquake EngineeringSpringer Netherlands1570761XQ1