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Business , Management and Accounting Q1 Journals

75 Business , Management and Accounting Q1 Journals founded

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Business , Management and Accounting Q1 journals. These listed Q1 journals in Business , Management and Accounting are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details. We are providing the latest Business , Management and Accounting Q1 journals list.

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Business , Management and Accounting Q1 journals list

S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNQuartile
1European Accounting ReviewRoutledge09638180, 14684497Q1
2Journal of International Business StudiesPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.00472506, 14786990Q1
3Academy of Management JournalAcademy of Management14273Q1
4R and D ManagementWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14679310, 00336807Q1
5Global Journal of Flexible Systems ManagementGlobal Institute of Flexible Systems Management9722696Q1
6BRQ Business Research QuarterlyElsevier BV23409444, 23409436Q1
7TQM JournalEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17542731Q1
8Managerial Auditing JournalEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.2686902Q1
9Decision SciencesWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd00117315, 15405915Q1
10European Journal of Industrial RelationsSAGE Publications Ltd14617129, 09596801Q1
11Economic and Industrial DemocracySAGE Publications Ltd0143831X, 14617099Q1
12Journal of Business EthicsSpringer Netherlands15730697, 01674544Q1
13Journal of Common Market StudiesWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14685965, 00219886Q1
14Journal of Industrial and Business EconomicsSpringer International Publishing AG03912078, 19724977Q1
15European Business ReviewEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.0955534XQ1
16Journal of Business and PsychologyKluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc.1573353X, 08893268Q1
17International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and ResearchEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.13552554Q1
18Multinational Business ReviewEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.1525383XQ1
19Journal of Business and Technical CommunicationSAGE Publications Inc.15524574, 10506519Q1
20Business Process Management JournalEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.14637154Q1
21Business History ReviewCambridge University Press00076805, 2044768XQ1
22Business HistoryTaylor and Francis Ltd.17437938, 00076791Q1
23Journal of Industrial EconomicsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14676451, 00221821Q1
24Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy JournalEmarald Group Publishing Ltd20408021, 2040803XQ1
25Journal of Futures MarketsWiley-Liss Inc.10969934, 02707314Q1
26Public Money and ManagementTaylor and Francis Ltd.14679302, 09540962Q1
27Review of Accounting StudiesSpringer New York15737136, 13806653Q1
28Journal of Business Finance and AccountingWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0306686X, 14685957Q1
29Journal of International Financial Management and AccountingWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd09541314, 1467646XQ1
30Accounting History ReviewRoutledge21552851, 2155286XQ1
31Journal of Economics and Management StrategyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd15309134, 10586407Q1
32Academy of Management ReviewAcademy of Management3637425Q1
33Journal of Service ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17575818Q1
34British Journal of ManagementWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd10453172, 14678551Q1
35Journal of Management InquirySAGE Publications Inc.15526542, 10564926Q1
36OrganizationSAGE Publications Ltd13505084, 14617323Q1
37Journal of Small Business ManagementTaylor and Francis Ltd.00472778, 1540627XQ1
38British Journal of Industrial RelationsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14678543, 00071080Q1
39Corporate Governance: An International ReviewEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.09648410, 14678683Q1
40International Journal of Selection and AssessmentWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14682389, 0965075XQ1
41Knowledge Management Research and PracticeTaylor and Francis Ltd.14778238, 14778246Q1
42International Journal of Production EconomicsElsevier9255273Q1
43Social Enterprise JournalEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17508533, 17508614Q1
44Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and PracticeElsevier Ltd.9658564Q1
45Clean Technologies and Environmental PolicySpringer Verlag1618954XQ1
46Journal of Global OptimizationSpringer Netherlands09255001, 15732916Q1
47Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.10963367, 19451814Q1
48Journal of Business LogisticsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.21581592, 07353766Q1
49Supply Chain ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.13598546Q1
50Management DecisionEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.251747Q1
51Management Review QuarterlySpringer Verlag21981639, 21981620Q1
52Industry and InnovationRoutledge13662716, 14698390Q1
53Leadership and Organization Development JournalEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.1437739Q1
54OR SpectrumSpringer Verlag01716468, 14366304Q1
55Journal of Management DevelopmentEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.2621711Q1
56International Journal of Productivity and Performance ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17410401Q1
57Journal of Small Business and Enterprise DevelopmentEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.14626004Q1
58Sport Management ReviewTaylor and Francis Ltd.14413523Q1
59Journal of Leadership and Organizational StudiesSAGE Publications Inc.19397089, 15480518Q1
60Research in Transportation Business and ManagementElsevier BV22105395Q1
61Strategy ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences23332077, 23332050Q1
62International Journal of Human Resource ManagementRoutledge09585192, 14664399Q1
63International Journal of Logistics Research and ApplicationsTaylor and Francis Ltd.13675567, 1469848XQ1
64International Transactions in Operational ResearchBlackwell Publishing09696016, 14753995Q1
65European Journal of Management and Business EconomicsEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.24448451, 24448494Q1
66Quality Technology and Quantitative ManagementTaylor and Francis Ltd.16843703Q1
67Journal of Information SystemsAmerican Accounting Association08887985, 15587959Q1
68Journal of Conflict ResolutionSAGE Publications Inc.220027Q1
69Feminist EconomicsRoutledge14664372, 13545701Q1
70Journal of Management AnalyticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.23270039, 23270012Q1
71Engineering, Construction and Architectural ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.1365232X, 09699988Q1
72Transnational CorporationsUNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development10149562Q1
73Humanities and Social Sciences CommunicationsSpringer Nature26629992Q1
74McKinsey QuarterlyMcKinsey and Co. Inc.475394Q1
75ABAC JournalAssumption University8580855Q1