Decision Sciences Q1 Journals

75 Decision Sciences Q1 Journals founded

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Decision Sciences Q1 journals. These listed Q1 journals in Decision Sciences are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details. We are providing the latest Decision Sciences Q1 journals list.

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Decision Sciences Q1 journals list

S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNQuartile
1Journal of Enterprise Information ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17410398Q1
2Group Decision and NegotiationSpringer Netherlands09262644, 15729907Q1
3Lancet Digital Health, TheElsevier Ltd.25897500Q1
4Organizational Research MethodsSAGE Publications Inc.15527425, 10944281Q1
5Communications in Transportation ResearchTsinghua University Press27724247Q1
6Structural Equation ModelingPsychology Press Ltd15328007, 10705511Q1
7International Journal of Management ReviewsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14608545, 14682370Q1
8International Journal of Operations and Production ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17586593, 01443577Q1
9Journal of Environmental InformaticsInternational Society for Environmental Information Sciences17262135, 16848799Q1
10Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering26200104, 25606018Q1
11Management LearningSAGE Publications Ltd14617307, 13505076Q1
12Ecological IndicatorsElsevier1470160XQ1
13Journal of Management Science and EngineeringKeAi Communications Co.20962320, 25895532Q1
14PatternsCell Press26663899Q1
15Journal of Sport ManagementHuman Kinetics Publishers Inc.1543270X, 08884773Q1
16Annals of Operations ResearchSpringer Netherlands02545330, 15729338Q1
17Judgment and Decision MakingSociety for Judgment and Decision Making19302975Q1
18Research in Transportation Business and ManagementElsevier BV22105395Q1
19Journal of Behavioral Decision MakingJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd08943257, 10990771Q1
20TQM JournalEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17542731Q1
21Journal of Futures StudiesTamkang University10276084Q1
22Social Science Computer ReviewSAGE Publications Inc.15528286, 08944393Q1
23Geography CompassWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17498198Q1
24ScientometricsAkademiai Kiado15882861, 01389130Q1
25DisastersWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd03613666, 14677717Q1
26Arctic ScienceCanadian Science Publishing23687460Q1
27Polar GeographyTaylor and Francis Ltd.19390513, 1088937XQ1
28Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial AnalysisSpringer Nature Switzerland AG25098829Q1
29ISPRS International Journal of Geo-InformationMDPI AG22209964Q1
30KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic InformationSpringer International Publishing AG25244957, 25244965Q1
31Modeling Earth Systems and EnvironmentSpringer International Publishing AG23636203, 23636211Q1
32One EcosystemPensoft Publishers23678194Q1
33Global Journal of Environmental Science and ManagementGJESM Publication23833866, 23833572Q1
34Review of Economics and StatisticsMIT Press Journals00346535, 15309142Q1
35Nature Climate ChangeNature Publishing Group17586798, 1758678XQ1
36Molecular Systems BiologyWiley-Blackwell17444292Q1
37Journal of Business and Economic StatisticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.07350015, 15372707Q1
38Nature GeoscienceNature Publishing Group17520908, 17520894Q1
39Annual Review of Earth and Planetary SciencesAnnual Reviews Inc.846597Q1
40Studies in MycologyWesterdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute1660616Q1
41International Journal of Information ManagementElsevier Ltd.2684012Q1
42Biological ReviewsWiley-Blackwell1469185X, 14647931Q1
43RadiocarbonCambridge University Press338222Q1
44Earth System Science DataCopernicus Publications18663516, 18663508Q1
45Remote Sensing of EnvironmentElsevier Inc.344257Q1
46PLoS BiologyPublic Library of Science15449173, 15457885Q1
47Earth-Science ReviewsElsevier128252Q1
48Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth SystemsWiley-Blackwell19422466Q1
49BiometrikaOxford University Press14643510, 00063444Q1
50Human RelationsSAGE Publications Ltd00187267, 1741282XQ1
51ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingElsevier9242716Q1
52Information Systems ResearchINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences15265536, 10477047Q1
53Business and SocietySAGE Publications Ltd00076503, 15524205Q1
54Current BiologyCell Press18790445, 09609822Q1
55Sociological ScienceSociety for Sociological Science23306696Q1
56One EarthCell Press25903330, 25903322Q1
57IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing MagazineIEEE Geosciene and Remote Sensing Society21686831Q1
58Earth's FutureJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.23284277Q1
59Journal of Applied EconometricsJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10991255, 08837252Q1
60Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und StatistikWalter de Gruyter GmbH214027Q1
61European Journal of Information SystemsTaylor and Francis Ltd.0960085X, 14769344Q1
62International Journal of Information Management Data InsightsElsevier BV26670968Q1
63Communications Earth and EnvironmentSpringer Nature26624435Q1
64Postdigital Science and EducationSpringer International Publishing AG2524485X, 25244868Q1
65BioScienceOxford University Press15253244, 00063568Q1
66Environmental Innovation and Societal TransitionsElsevier BV22104224Q1
67Earth and Planetary Science LettersElsevier BV0012821XQ1
68Scientific dataNature Publishing Group20524463Q1
69IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote SensingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.15580644, 01962892Q1
70Big Data and SocietySAGE Publications Ltd20539517Q1
71Journal of Marriage and FamilyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17413737, 00222445Q1
72BMC BiologyBioMed Central Ltd.17417007Q1
73Government Information QuarterlyElsevier Ltd.0740624XQ1
74Earth System DynamicsCopernicus Gesellschaft mbH21904979, 21904987Q1
75American Journal of ScienceYale University29599Q1

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