75 History Q1 Journals founded
This web page aims to provide a latest list of History Q1 journals. These listed Q1 journals in History are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details. We are providing the latest History Q1 journals list.
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | Quartile |
1 | Public Opinion Quarterly | Oxford University Press | 0033362X, 15375331 | Q1 |
2 | British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | University of Chicago Press | 14643537, 00070882 | Q1 |
3 | Social Studies of Science | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14603659, 03063127 | Q1 |
4 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B - Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics | Elsevier Ltd. | 13552198, 18792502 | Q1 |
5 | Philosophy of Science | Cambridge University Press | 1539767X, 00318248 | Q1 |
6 | Phronesis | Brill Academic Publishers | 00318868, 15685284 | Q1 |
7 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A | Elsevier Ltd. | 00393681, 18792510 | Q1 |
8 | Journal of Management History | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 17587751, 17511348 | Q1 |
9 | Metascience | Springer Nature | 14679981, 08150796 | Q1 |
10 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C :Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences | Elsevier Ltd. | 13698486 | Q1 |
11 | History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences | Springer International Publishing AG | 03919714, 17426316 | Q1 |
12 | Journal of American History | Oxford University Press | 00218723, 19452314 | Q1 |
13 | History Workshop Journal | Oxford University Press | 14774569, 13633554 | Q1 |
14 | Studia Historiae Scientiarum | Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,Commission on the History of Science | 24513202, 2543702X | Q1 |
15 | History of the Human Sciences | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1461720X, 09526951 | Q1 |
16 | Bulletin of Ugric Studies | Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development | 25879766, 22204156 | Q1 |
17 | British Journal for the History of Science | Cambridge University Press | 1474001X, 00070874 | Q1 |
18 | History and Philosophy of Logic | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14645149, 01445340 | Q1 |
19 | History of Science and Technology | State University of Infrastructure and Technologies | 24157422, 24157430 | Q1 |
20 | Journal of Mekong Societies | Khon Kaen University | 26976056, 16866541 | Q1 |
21 | Intellectual History Review | Routledge | 17496977, 17496985 | Q1 |
22 | Historia (Chile) | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | 732435 | Q1 |
23 | Substantia | Firenze University Press | 25323997 | Q1 |
24 | Istoriya | Ltd Integration: Education and Science"" | 20798784 | Q1 |
25 | Cuadernos de Ilustracion y Romanticismo | Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Cadiz | 11328304, 21730687 | Q1 |
26 | Erudition and the Republic of Letters | Brill Academic Publishers | 24055050, 24055069 | Q1 |
27 | Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 10959203, 00368075 | Q1 |
28 | Psychological Bulletin | American Psychological Association | 00332909, 19391455 | Q1 |
29 | Journal of Econometrics | Elsevier BV | 3044076 | Q1 |
30 | Psychological Methods | American Psychological Association | 1082989X, 19391463 | Q1 |
31 | Explorations in Economic History | Academic Press Inc. | 144983 | Q1 |
32 | Psychological Review | American Psychological Association | 19391471, 0033295X | Q1 |
33 | Journal of Economic History | Cambridge University Press | 14716372, 00220507 | Q1 |
34 | Social Forces | Oxford University Press | 15347605, 00377732 | Q1 |
35 | Science Education | Wiley-Liss Inc. | 00368326, 1098237X | Q1 |
36 | Social Science and Medicine | Elsevier Ltd. | 18735347, 02779536 | Q1 |
37 | Economy and Society | Routledge | 03085147, 14695766 | Q1 |
38 | Theory and Society | Springer Netherlands | 15737853, 03042421 | Q1 |
39 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 17496632, 00778923 | Q1 |
40 | Philosophy and Phenomenological Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 00318205, 19331592 | Q1 |
41 | Qualitative Research | SAGE Publications Ltd | 14687941 | Q1 |
42 | Economic History Review | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 00130117, 14680289 | Q1 |
43 | Men and Masculinities | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1097184X | Q1 |
44 | Cliometrica | Springer Verlag | 18632513, 18632505 | Q1 |
45 | Political Geography | Elsevier BV | 9626298 | Q1 |
46 | European Review of Economic History | Oxford University Press | 13614916, 14740044 | Q1 |
47 | Philosophy and Technology | Springer Netherlands | 22105433, 22105441 | Q1 |
48 | American Antiquity | Cambridge University Press | 00027316, 23255064 | Q1 |
49 | Journal of Sex Research | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 00224499, 15598519 | Q1 |
50 | Journal of Archaeological Science | Academic Press Inc. | 03054403, 10959238 | Q1 |
51 | Historical Methods | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 19401906, 01615440 | Q1 |
52 | Past and Present | Oxford University Press | 00312746, 1477464X | Q1 |
53 | New Ideas in Psychology | Elsevier BV | 0732118X | Q1 |
54 | Dementia | SAGE Publications Ltd | 17412684, 14713012 | Q1 |
55 | Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine | Cambridge University Press | 7909667 | Q1 |
56 | Philosophy and Public Affairs | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 10884963, 00483915 | Q1 |
57 | Journal of Anthropological Archaeology | Academic Press Inc. | 02784165, 10902686 | Q1 |
58 | Oeconomia Copernicana | Instytut Badan Gospodarczych/Institute of Economic Research (Poland) | 23531827, 20831277 | Q1 |
59 | Population Studies | United Nations Publications | 00324728, 14774747 | Q1 |
60 | Journal of Sociolinguistics | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 13606441, 14679841 | Q1 |
61 | Capital and Class | SAGE Publications Inc. | 3098168 | Q1 |
62 | Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology | Routledge | 15561828, 15564894 | Q1 |
63 | Journal of Heritage Tourism | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1743873X, 17476631 | Q1 |
64 | Political Theory | SAGE Publications Inc. | 00905917, 15527476 | Q1 |
65 | Educational Philosophy and Theory | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14695812, 00131857 | Q1 |
66 | Episteme | Cambridge University Press | 17423600 | Q1 |
67 | Journal of Management Development | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 2621711 | Q1 |
68 | Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports | Elsevier BV | 2352409X | Q1 |
69 | Tel Aviv | Maney Publishing | 03344355, 20404786 | Q1 |
70 | Science and Technology Studies | The Finnish Society for Science and Technology Studies | 22434690 | Q1 |
71 | Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies | STAIN Kudus | 24769304, 23551895 | Q1 |
72 | Journal of Cultural Heritage | Elsevier Masson s.r.l. | 12962074 | Q1 |
73 | Scandinavian Economic History Review | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 03585522, 17502837 | Q1 |
74 | International Journal of Heritage Studies | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 14703610, 13527258 | Q1 |
75 | Biology and Philosophy | Springer Netherlands | 15728404, 01693867 | Q1 |