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Scopus indexed Journals in Machine Learning

Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. This web page aims to provide the latest Machine Learning Scopus indexed journals.

A total of 120 Machine Learning Scopus journals are listed below. Click on the journal title to get more details and to send your manuscript.

List of Scopus indexed journals in Machine Learning

1. Computers and Education

Computers And Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Elsevier Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 3601315.

Journal Rank: 431
SJR: 3.682
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 215

2. Internet and Higher Education

Internet And Higher Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Elsevier BV. The ISSN of this journal is 10967516.

Journal Rank: 514
SJR: 3.327
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 109

3. Government Information Quarterly

Government Information Quarterly is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Elsevier Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 0740624X.

Journal Rank: 1025
SJR: 2.321
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 123

4. British Journal of Educational Technology

British Journal Of Educational Technology is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd. The ISSN of this journal is 00071013, 14678535.

Journal Rank: 1178
SJR: 2.116
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 110

5. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

International Journal Of Educational Technology In Higher Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Springer Netherlands. The ISSN of this journal is 23659440.

Journal Rank: 1264
SJR: 2.051
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 49

6. Distance Education

Distance Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Routledge. The ISSN of this journal is 14750198, 01587919.

Journal Rank: 1463
SJR: 1.878
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 63

7. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Journal Of Computer Assisted Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd. The ISSN of this journal is 13652729, 02664909.

Journal Rank: 1855
SJR: 1.629
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 105

8. Education and Information Technologies

Education And Information Technologies is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. The ISSN of this journal is 13602357.

Journal Rank: 2890
SJR: 1.249
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 61

9. Information Technology for Development

Information Technology For Development is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 15540170, 02681102.

Journal Rank: 3092
SJR: 1.196
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 46

10. Learning Environments Research

Learning Environments Research is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Psychology; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Springer Netherlands. The ISSN of this journal is 15731855, 13871579.

Journal Rank: 3139
SJR: 1.187
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 42

11. Interactive Technology and Smart Education

Interactive Technology And Smart Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 17415659, 17588510.

Journal Rank: 3152
SJR: 1.184
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 27

12. Interactive Learning Environments

Interactive Learning Environments is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 10494820.

Journal Rank: 3220
SJR: 1.17
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 57

13. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

IEEE Transactions On Learning Technologies is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Engineering; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. The ISSN of this journal is 19391382.

Journal Rank: 3369
SJR: 1.14
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 58

14. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education

International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence In Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Springer US. The ISSN of this journal is 15604292, 15604306.

Journal Rank: 3537
SJR: 1.11
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 56

15. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

Australasian Journal Of Educational Technology is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. The ISSN of this journal is 14495554.

Journal Rank: 3573
SJR: 1.104
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 61

16. Educational Technology and Society

Educational Technology And Society is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Engineering; Social Sciences. This journal is published by International Forum of Educational Technology, National Taiwan Normal University and Society. The ISSN of this journal is 11763647, 14364522.

Journal Rank: 3901
SJR: 1.049
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 103

17. International Review of Education

International Review Of Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Springer Netherlands. The ISSN of this journal is 15730638, 00208566.

Journal Rank: 5367
SJR: 0.859
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 43

18. Communications in Information Literacy

Communications In Information Literacy is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Communications in Information Literacy. The ISSN of this journal is 19335954.

Journal Rank: 5889
SJR: 0.807
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 19

19. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Athabasca University. The ISSN of this journal is 14923831.

Journal Rank: 6118
SJR: 0.787
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 83

20. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies

International Journal Of Distance Education Technologies is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IGI Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is 15393100.

Journal Rank: 6667
SJR: 0.737
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 22

21. International Journal of Lifelong Education

International Journal Of Lifelong Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Routledge. The ISSN of this journal is 1464519X, 02601370.

Journal Rank: 6677
SJR: 0.736
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 52

22. Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning

Journal Of Library And Information Services In Distance Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Routledge. The ISSN of this journal is 15332918, 1533290X.

Journal Rank: 6869
SJR: 0.72
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 15

23. Open Learning

Open Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 02680513, 14699958.

Journal Rank: 7299
SJR: 0.686
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 37

24. Knowledge Management and E-Learning

Knowledge Management And E-Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Business, Management and Accounting; Social Sciences. This journal is published by University of Hong Kong. The ISSN of this journal is 20737904.

Journal Rank: 7341
SJR: 0.683
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 26

25. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation

International Journal Of Mobile Learning And Organisation is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Inderscience Publishers. The ISSN of this journal is 17467268, 1746725X.

Journal Rank: 7863
SJR: 0.647
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 27

26. New Review of Academic Librarianship

New Review Of Academic Librarianship is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 13614533, 17407834.

Journal Rank: 8717
SJR: 0.592
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 23

27. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy

Transforming Government: People, Process And Policy is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 17506166.

Journal Rank: 8825
SJR: 0.585
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 43

28. Journal of Global Information Management

Journal Of Global Information Management is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IGI Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is 10627375, 15337995.

Journal Rank: 8841
SJR: 0.584
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 44

29. Journal of Information Technology Education:Research

Journal Of Information Technology Education:Research is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Informing Science Institute. The ISSN of this journal is 15393585, 15479714.

Journal Rank: 9247
SJR: 0.56
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 27

30. Reference Services Review

Reference Services Review is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 907324.

Journal Rank: 9465
SJR: 0.547
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 41

31. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning

International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Engineering; Social Sciences. This journal is published by International Association of Online Engineering. The ISSN of this journal is 18688799, 18630383.

Journal Rank: 9684
SJR: 0.536
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 39

32. Electronic Journal of e-Learning

Electronic Journal Of E-Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Academic Publishing Limited. The ISSN of this journal is 14794403.

Journal Rank: 9913
SJR: 0.524
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 33

33. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions

Journal Of Continuing Education In The Health Professions is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Medicine; Social Sciences. This journal is published by John Wiley & Sons Inc.. The ISSN of this journal is 08941912, 1554558X.

Journal Rank: 9931
SJR: 0.523
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 62

34. Journal of Global Information Technology Management

Journal Of Global Information Technology Management is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 1097198X, 23336846.

Journal Rank: 10317
SJR: 0.501
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 36

35. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy

Nordic Journal Of Digital Literacy is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Universitetsforlaget AS. The ISSN of this journal is 1891943X, 08096724.

Journal Rank: 10432
SJR: 0.494
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 19

36. Adult Education Quarterly

Adult Education Quarterly is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by SAGE Publications Ltd. The ISSN of this journal is 07417136, 15523047.

Journal Rank: 10690
SJR: 0.48
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 53

37. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries

Electronic Journal Of Information Systems In Developing Countries is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by John Wiley & Sons Inc.. The ISSN of this journal is 16814835.

Journal Rank: 11216
SJR: 0.455
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 25

38. Journal of Information Systems Education

Journal Of Information Systems Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Engineering; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Data Processing Management Association's Special Interest Group for Education. The ISSN of this journal is 10553096.

Journal Rank: 11454
SJR: 0.445
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 24

39. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning

International Journal Of Mobile And Blended Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IGI Global Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is 19418655, 19418647.

Journal Rank: 11473
SJR: 0.444
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 20

40. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society

Journal Of Information, Communication And Ethics In Society is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Arts and Humanities; Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 17588871, 1477996X.

Journal Rank: 11567
SJR: 0.44
Quartile: Q1
H-Index: 24

41. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies

International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by International Association of Online Engineering. The ISSN of this journal is 18657923.

Journal Rank: 12261
SJR: 0.409
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 29

42. International Information and Library Review

International Information And Library Review is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 10959297, 10572317.

Journal Rank: 12453
SJR: 0.401
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 29

43. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education

International Journal Of Information And Communication Technology Education is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IGI Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is 15501337, 15501876.

Journal Rank: 13049
SJR: 0.376
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 19

44. Australian Journal of Adult Learning

Australian Journal Of Adult Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Adult Learning Australia. The ISSN of this journal is 14431394.

Journal Rank: 13204
SJR: 0.369
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 19

45. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning

International Journal Of Technology Enhanced Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Inderscience Publishers. The ISSN of this journal is 17535263, 17535255.

Journal Rank: 13520
SJR: 0.357
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 25

46. Electronic Government

Electronic Government is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 17407494, 17407508.

Journal Rank: 13659
SJR: 0.351
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 37

47. Journal of Information Literacy

Journal Of Information Literacy is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by . The ISSN of this journal is 17505968.

Journal Rank: 13993
SJR: 0.339
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 14

48. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje

Revista Iberoamericana De Tecnologias Del Aprendizaje is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Engineering; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IEEE Education Society. The ISSN of this journal is 19328540.

Journal Rank: 14157
SJR: 0.333
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 20

49. Journal of Educators Online

Journal Of Educators Online is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Matthew Elbeck. The ISSN of this journal is 1547500X.

Journal Rank: 14226
SJR: 0.33
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 21

50. Internet Reference Services Quarterly

Internet Reference Services Quarterly is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Routledge. The ISSN of this journal is 15404749, 10875301.

Journal Rank: 15033
SJR: 0.303
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 21

51. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society

Journal Of E-Learning And Knowledge Society is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Italian e-Learning Association. The ISSN of this journal is 18266223, 19718829.

Journal Rank: 15066
SJR: 0.302
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 20

52. International Journal of Game-Based Learning

International Journal Of Game-Based Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Psychology; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IGI Global Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is 21556857, 21556849.

Journal Rank: 15322
SJR: 0.294
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 22

53. International Journal of Learning Technology

International Journal Of Learning Technology is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Inderscience Publishers. The ISSN of this journal is 17418119, 14778386.

Journal Rank: 15729
SJR: 0.282
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 11

54. College and Undergraduate Libraries

College And Undergraduate Libraries is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Routledge. The ISSN of this journal is 10691316, 15452530.

Journal Rank: 15953
SJR: 0.276
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 22

55. Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship

Journal Of Business And Finance Librarianship is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Business, Management and Accounting; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Routledge. The ISSN of this journal is 15470644, 08963568.

Journal Rank: 15964
SJR: 0.276
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 19

56. International Journal of Electronic Government Research

International Journal Of Electronic Government Research is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IGI Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is 15483894, 15483886.

Journal Rank: 16089
SJR: 0.272
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 33

57. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies

International Journal Of Web-Based Learning And Teaching Technologies is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IGI Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is 15481107, 15481093.

Journal Rank: 16321
SJR: 0.265
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 15

58. Journal of Library Metadata

Journal Of Library Metadata is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 19375034, 19386389.

Journal Rank: 17429
SJR: 0.236
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 17

59. Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada

Revista Espanola De Linguistica Aplicada is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by John Benjamins Publishing Company. The ISSN of this journal is 22546774, 02132028.

Journal Rank: 17575
SJR: 0.233
Quartile: Q2
H-Index: 10

60. Australian Educational Computing

Australian Educational Computing is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Australian Council for Computers in Education. The ISSN of this journal is 8169020.

Journal Rank: 18483
SJR: 0.214
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 16

61. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments

International Journal Of Virtual And Personal Learning Environments is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by IGI Global Publishing. The ISSN of this journal is 19478526, 19478518.

Journal Rank: 18889
SJR: 0.206
Quartile: Q4
H-Index: 11

62. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning

International Journal Of Continuing Engineering Education And Life-Long Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Engineering; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 15604624, 17415055.

Journal Rank: 19074
SJR: 0.202
Quartile: Q3
H-Index: 24

63. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management

International Journal Of Services, Technology And Management is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Engineering; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. The ISSN of this journal is 14606720, 1741525X.

Journal Rank: 21802
SJR: 0.152
Quartile: Q4
H-Index: 26

64. International Journal of Electronic Finance

International Journal Of Electronic Finance is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Inderscience Publishers. The ISSN of this journal is 17460077, 17460069.

Journal Rank: 21925
SJR: 0.15
Quartile: Q4
H-Index: 20

65. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies

International Journal Of Metadata, Semantics And Ontologies is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. The ISSN of this journal is 1744263X, 17442621.

Journal Rank: 22767
SJR: 0.138
Quartile: Q4
H-Index: 21

66. Human IT

Human IT is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Hoegskolan i Boraas. The ISSN of this journal is 14021501.

Journal Rank: 23046
SJR: 0.134
Quartile: Q4
H-Index: 10

67. Encyclopaideia

Encyclopaideia is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Social Sciences. This journal is published by Bononia University Press. The ISSN of this journal is 18258670, 1590492X.

Journal Rank: 23803
SJR: 0.125
Quartile: Q4
H-Index: 6

68. Ubiquitous Learning

Ubiquitous Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Common Ground Research Networks. The ISSN of this journal is 18359795.

Journal Rank: 24812
SJR: 0.115
Quartile: Q4
H-Index: 10

69. International Journal of Technologies in Learning

International Journal Of Technologies In Learning is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Computer Science; Social Sciences. This journal is published by Common Ground Research Networks. The ISSN of this journal is 23272686, 23270144.

Journal Rank: 24860
SJR: 0.114
Quartile: Q4
H-Index: 5

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