List of top Science journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Science journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top 110 Science journals

Top Science Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1Astronomy and Astrophysics ReviewSpringer Verlag09354956, 143207549.937
2Advanced MaterialsWiley-Blackwell09359648, 152140959.538
3Advances in ComputersAcademic Press Inc.6524589.308
4Advanced Energy MaterialsWiley-VCH Verlag16146832, 161468409.044
5Electrochemical Energy ReviewsSpringer Science and Business Media B.V.252081368.905
6Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of DiseaseAnnual Reviews Inc.15534006, 155340148.628
7Progress in Materials ScienceElsevier Ltd.18732208, 007964258.515
8Annual Review of Political ScienceAnnual Reviews Inc.10942939, 154515778.346
9Advances in Optics and PhotonicsOptica Publishing Group194382068.332
10Annual Review of Plant BiologyAnnual Reviews Inc.15452123, 154350088.131
11American Political Science ReviewCambridge University Press15375943, 000305547.734
12Psychological BulletinAmerican Psychological Association00332909, 193914557.635
13American Sociological ReviewAmerican Sociological Association00031224, 193982717.412
14Living Reviews in Solar PhysicsSpringer International Publishing AG16144961, 236736487.235
15Manufacturing and Service Operations ManagementINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences15265498, 152346147.126
16Nature Climate ChangeNature Publishing Group17586798, 1758678X6.849
17Materials Science and Engineering: R: ReportsElsevier BV0927796X6.842
18Nature Biomedical EngineeringNature Publishing Group2157846X6.625
19Nature SustainabilityNature Publishing Group239896296.568
20IEEE Wireless CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.153612846.556
21Science RoboticsAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science247094766.479
22Materials TodayElsevier136970216.194
23Nature Reviews Earth and EnvironmentSpringer Nature Switzerland AG2662138X6.193
24InfoMatJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd256731656.153
25Annual Review of Earth and Planetary SciencesAnnual Reviews Inc.8465976.083
26Fungal DiversitySpringer Netherlands15602745, 187891295.784
27IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.1089778X5.767
28Journal of EconometricsElsevier BV30440765.744
29IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.153612765.662
30Annual Review of EntomologyAnnual Reviews Inc.00664170, 154544875.655
31Advanced Functional MaterialsWiley-VCH Verlag1616301X5.565
32Proceedings of the IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.15582256, 001892195.564
33IEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity21682275, 216822675.365
34Management ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences00251909, 152655015.322
35Cement and Concrete ResearchElsevier Ltd.888465.294
36IEEE Communications MagazineInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.16368045.285
37Molecular PlantCell Press16742052, 175298675.209
38Nature PlantsPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.2055026X5.205
39Studies in MycologyWesterdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute16606165.202
40Energy Storage MaterialsElsevier BV240582975.179
41IEEE Transactions on Smart GridInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.194930535.118
42Nano EnergyElsevier BV221128555.03
43Journal of Service ResearchSAGE Publications Inc.10946705, 155273794.981
44American Journal of Political ScienceWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd00925853, 154059074.963
45MatterCell Press25902393, 259023854.896
46Applied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalElsevier18733883, 092633734.887
47Political AnalysisCambridge University Press10471987, 147649894.815
48International OrganizationCambridge University Press15315088, 002081834.798
49Accounts of Materials ResearchAmerican Chemical Society264367284.788
50Annual Review of Environment and ResourcesAnnual Reviews Inc.15452050, 154359384.784
51British Journal of Sports MedicineBMJ Publishing Group03063674, 147304804.764
52ACS NanoAmerican Chemical Society1936086X, 193608514.728
53AI OpenKeAi Communications Co.266665104.726
54Carbon EnergyJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.263793684.571
55ACM Computing SurveysAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)03600300, 155773414.457
56PRX QuantumAmerican Physical Society269133994.415
57Mathematical Programming ComputationSpringer Verlag18672949, 186729574.377
58Energy and Environmental MaterialsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.25750348, 257503564.338
59IEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.00189286, 155825234.334
60Leadership QuarterlyElsevier Inc.104898434.331
61Psychological MethodsAmerican Psychological Association1082989X, 193914634.247
62Strategy ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences23332077, 233320504.232
63Annual Review of SociologyAnnual Reviews Inc.03600572, 154521154.196
64Advanced ScienceWiley-VCH Verlag219838444.086
65Global Change BiologyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd13652486, 135410134.069
66Remote Sensing of EnvironmentElsevier Inc.3442574.057
67Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and HealthTaylor and Francis Ltd.21596778, 2159676X4.045
68Current Climate Change ReportsSpringer International Publishing AG219860614.042
69IEEE Transactions on Industrial InformaticsIEEE Computer Society155132034.002
70MycosphereZhongkai University20777019, 207770003.918
71British Journal of Political ScienceCambridge University Press00071234, 146921123.893
72Materials HorizonsRoyal Society of Chemistry20516347, 205163553.88
73Nano TodayElsevier174801323.868
74Journal of Organizational BehaviorJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10991379, 089437963.804
75Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association2235143.799
76MIS Quarterly: Management Information SystemsManagement Information Systems Research Center02767783, 216297303.793
77Comparative Political StudiesSAGE Publications Inc.15523829, 001041403.766
78IEEE Internet of Things JournalInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.232746623.747
79GigaScienceOxford University Press2047217X3.697
80Annual Review of Animal BiosciencesAnnual Reviews Inc.21658110, 216581023.696
81IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: SystemsIEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity21682216, 216822323.688
82Computers and EducationElsevier Ltd.36013153.682
83Journal of Operations ManagementJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.27269633.679
84Plant CellOxford University Press1532298X, 104046513.646
85Research PolicyElsevier4873333.634
86Small MethodsJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd236696083.629
87Lancet Healthy Longevity, TheElsevier Ltd.266675683.619
88European Journal of Political ResearchWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd03044130, 147567653.59
89Lancet Planetary Health, TheElsevier BV254251963.586
90Operations ResearchINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences0030364X, 152654633.579
91EcoMatJohn Wiley and Sons Inc.256731733.557
92npj Digital MedicineNature Publishing Group239863523.552
93Nano LettersAmerican Chemical Society15306992, 153069843.54
94Nature FoodSpringer Nature266213553.525
95Political BehaviorSpringer New York01909320, 157366873.456
96IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsIEEE Computational Intelligence Society2162237X, 216223883.447
97Annual Review of Materials ResearchAnnual Reviews Inc.15317331, 154541183.443
98ACS Materials LettersAmerican Chemical Society263949793.421
99SmallWiley-VCH Verlag16136829, 161368103.395
100Annual Review of PhytopathologyAnnual Reviews Inc.00664286, 154521073.379
101Cement and Concrete CompositesElsevier Ltd.95894653.339
102Water ResearchElsevier Ltd.00431354, 187924483.338
103Journal of Public Administration Research and TheoryOxford University Press14779803, 105318583.337
104Internet and Higher EducationElsevier BV109675163.327
105Public Administration ReviewWiley-Blackwell00333352, 154062103.311
106ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingElsevier92427163.308
107npj Quantum InformationNature Partner Journals205663873.305
108Sports MedicineSpringer International Publishing AG01121642, 117920353.292
109Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer ScienceNow Publishers Inc15513068, 1551305X3.286
110Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of FungiNational Herbarium Nederland3158503.273

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