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Pharmacology Q1 Journals

75 Pharmacology Q1 Journals founded

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Pharmacology Q1 journals. These listed Q1 journals in Pharmacology are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details. We are providing the latest Pharmacology Q1 journals list.

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Pharmacology Q1 journals list

S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNQuartile
1Drug Resistance UpdatesChurchill Livingstone13687646, 15322084Q1
2npj VaccinesNature Publishing Group20590105Q1
3Pharmacology and TherapeuticsElsevier Inc.1879016X, 01637258Q1
4Acta Pharmacologica SinicaNature Publishing Group16714083, 17457254Q1
5VaccinesMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)2076393XQ1
6BioDrugsAdis International Ltd11738804, 1179190XQ1
7Clinical Pharmacology and TherapeuticsWiley-Blackwell15326535, 00099236Q1
8Drug and Alcohol DependenceElsevier Ireland Ltd3768716Q1
9ACS Pharmacology and Translational ScienceAmerican Chemical Society25759108Q1
10NeurotherapeuticsSpringer New York19337213Q1
11European NeuropsychopharmacologyElsevier0924977X, 18737862Q1
12Antimicrobial Agents and ChemotherapyAmerican Society for Microbiology10986596, 00664804Q1
13International Journal of NeuropsychopharmacologyOxford University Press14611457, 14695111Q1
14Journal of Antimicrobial ChemotherapyOxford University Press03057453, 14602091Q1
15CNS Neuroscience and TherapeuticsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17555949, 17555930Q1
16Expert Opinion on Investigational DrugsTaylor and Francis Ltd.13543784, 17447658Q1
17Medicine in Drug DiscoveryElsevier BV25900986Q1
18Clinical PharmacokineticsAdis International Ltd11791926, 03125963Q1
19Current NeuropharmacologyBentham Science Publishers B.V.18756190, 1570159XQ1
20Journal of PsychopharmacologySAGE Publications Ltd14617285, 02698811Q1
21Drug SafetyAdis International Ltd01145916, 11791942Q1
22Frontiers in PharmacologyFrontiers Media S.A.16639812Q1
23Advanced TherapeuticsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd23663987Q1
24International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug ResistanceElsevier BV22113207Q1
25Drug Metabolism ReviewsInforma Healthcare10979883, 03602532Q1
26EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and ChemistrySpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH2365421XQ1
27Investigational New DrugsKluwer Academic Publishers01676997, 15730646Q1
28British Journal of Clinical PharmacologyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd13652125, 03065251Q1
29InflammopharmacologyBirkhauser Verlag Basel09254692, 15685608Q1
30Cardiovascular Drugs and TherapyKluwer Academic Publishers15737241, 09203206Q1
31Clinical TherapeuticsElsevier Inc.1879114X, 01492918Q1
32Expert Opinion on Emerging DrugsTaylor and Francis Ltd.14728214, 17447623Q1
33Expert Review of Clinical PharmacologyTaylor and Francis Ltd.17512433, 17512441Q1
34Cancer Chemotherapy and PharmacologySpringer Verlag14320843, 03445704Q1
35Cannabis and Cannabinoid ResearchMary Ann Liebert Inc.23788763Q1
36AntibioticsMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)20796382Q1
37Journal of Cardiovascular Development and DiseaseMDPI AG23083425Q1
38Medical Cannabis and CannabinoidsS. Karger AG25043889Q1
39ChemMedChemJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd18607187, 18607179Q1
40Drug Target InsightsAboutScience Srl11773928Q1
41Therapeutics and Clinical Risk ManagementDove Medical Press Ltd.11766336Q1
42Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical SciencesHindawi Limited26334682, 26334690Q1
43International Journal of Clinical PharmacySpringer Netherlands22107711, 22107703Q1
44Reading TeacherWiley-Blackwell340561Q1
45Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhAAmerican Pharmacists Association15443191, 15443450Q1
46Nature Reviews Drug DiscoveryNature Publishing Group14741784, 14741776Q1
47Pharmacological ReviewsAmerican Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics15210081, 00316997Q1
48Annual Review of Pharmacology and ToxicologyAnnual Reviews Inc.15454304, 03621642Q1
49Molecular TherapyCell Press15250024, 15250016Q1
50Journal for ImmunoTherapy of CancerBMJ Publishing Group20511426Q1
51Trends in Pharmacological SciencesElsevier Ltd.18733735, 01656147Q1
52Alimentary Pharmacology and TherapeuticsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd02692813, 13652036Q1
53American Journal of TransplantationWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd16006135, 16006143Q1
54Medicinal Research ReviewsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.01986325, 10981128Q1
55Cell Chemical BiologyElsevier Inc.24519448, 24519456Q1
56Journal of Biomedical ScienceBioMed Central Ltd.10217770, 14230127Q1
57Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica BElsevier BV22113843, 22113835Q1
58PainLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.18726623, 03043959Q1
59NeuropsychopharmacologyNature Publishing Group0893133X, 1470634XQ1
60TheranosticsIvyspring International Publisher18387640Q1
61Cellular and Molecular Life SciencesBirkhauser Verlag Basel1420682X, 14209071Q1
62npj Breast CancerNature Publishing Group23744677Q1
63DrugsAdis International Ltd00126667, 11791950Q1
64British Journal of PharmacologyWiley-Blackwell14765381, 00071188Q1
65Pharmacological ResearchAcademic Press Inc.10436618, 10961186Q1
66Therapeutic Advances in Neurological DisordersSAGE Publications Ltd17562864, 17562856Q1
67RheumatologyOxford University Press14620324, 14620332Q1
68Antiviral ResearchElsevier01663542, 18729096Q1
69European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular PharmacotherapyOxford University Press20556837, 20556845Q1
70Expert Opinion on Therapeutic TargetsTaylor and Francis Ltd.14728222, 17447631Q1
71Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological PsychiatryElsevier Inc.18784216, 02785846Q1
72Journal of Addiction MedicineLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.19320620, 19353227Q1
73CNS DrugsAdis International Ltd11791934, 11727047Q1
74Cochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd14651858Q1
75Targeted OncologySpringer Paris1776260X, 17762596Q1