Psychology Q1 Journals

75 Psychology Q1 Journals founded

This web page aims to provide a latest list of Psychology Q1 journals. These listed Q1 journals in Psychology are approved by UGC CARE, Scopus. Many of these journals are also SCI indexed. Click on the journal title to know more details. We are providing the latest Psychology Q1 journals list.

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Psychology Q1 journals list

S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNQuartile
1MindfulnessSpringer Verlag18688535, 18688527Q1
2Integrative Psychological and Behavioral ScienceSpringer New York19324502, 19363567Q1
3Cultural-Historical PsychologyMoscow State University of Psychology and Education22248935, 18165435Q1
4Behavior Research MethodsSpringer Nature15543528, 1554351XQ1
5Political PsychologyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0162895X, 14679221Q1
6Educational and Psychological MeasurementSAGE Publications Inc.00131644, 15523888Q1
7Behaviour Research and TherapyElsevier Ltd.00057967, 1873622XQ1
8Cognition and InstructionRoutledge1532690X, 07370008Q1
9Cognitive PsychologyAcademic Press Inc.10955623, 00100285Q1
10Clinical NeuropsychologistTaylor and Francis Ltd.13854046, 17444144Q1
11Body ImageElsevier BV17401445, 18736807Q1
12Psychosocial InterventionColegio Oficial de Psicologos de Madrid11320559, 21734712Q1
13PsychophysiologyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd15405958, 00485772, 14698986Q1
14CortexMasson SpA19738102, 00109452Q1
15Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition22113681Q1
16Journal of Child LanguageCambridge University Press03050009, 14697602Q1
17Cognitive NeuropsychologyTaylor and Francis Ltd.14640627, 02643294Q1
18Quarterly Journal of Experimental PsychologySAGE Publications Inc.17470218, 17470226Q1
19Journal of Educational MeasurementWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd220655Q1
20Neuropsychological RehabilitationTaylor and Francis Ltd.14640694, 09602011Q1
21Brain and CognitionAcademic Press Inc.10902147, 02782626Q1
22Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational BehaviorAnnual Reviews Inc.23270608Q1
23Nature Human BehaviourNature Publishing Group23973374Q1
24Trends in Cognitive SciencesElsevier Ltd.1879307X, 13646613Q1
25Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsS. Karger AG00333190, 14230348Q1
26Journal of Organizational BehaviorJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10991379, 08943796Q1
27Current Directions in Psychological ScienceSAGE Publications Inc.14678721, 09637214Q1
28Organizational Psychology ReviewSAGE Publications Inc.20413866, 20413874Q1
29Developmental ReviewMosby Inc.02732297, 10902406Q1
30Journal of Business and PsychologyKluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc.1573353X, 08893268Q1
31Clinical Child and Family Psychology ReviewKluwer Academic Publishers15732827, 10964037Q1
32Social Psychological and Personality ScienceSage Periodicals Press19485514, 19485506Q1
33Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social SciencesGerontological Society of America10795014, 17585368Q1
34Applied PsychologyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0269994X, 14640597Q1
35Social Issues and Policy ReviewWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17512409, 17512395Q1
36Emotion ReviewSAGE Publications Ltd17540747, 17540739Q1
37Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and PolicyAmerican Psychological Association1942969X, 19429681Q1
38Journal of Memory and LanguageAcademic Press Inc.10960821, 0749596XQ1
39Journal of Environmental PsychologyAcademic Press Inc.02724944, 15229610Q1
40Journal of Abnormal PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association1939843X, 0021843XQ1
41Journal of Youth and AdolescenceSpringer New York15736601, 00472891Q1
42Journal of Experimental Psychology: GeneralAmerican Psychological Association00963445, 19392222Q1
43Open MindMIT Press Journals24702986Q1
44Applied Developmental SciencePsychology Press Ltd1532480X, 10888691Q1
45Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent PsychologyRoutledge15374424, 15374416Q1
46Psychonomic Bulletin and ReviewSpringer New York10699384, 15315320Q1
47CognitionElsevier18737838, 00100277Q1
48Journal of Criminal JusticeElsevier BV472352Q1
49AssessmentSAGE Publications Inc.10731911, 15523489Q1
50Media PsychologyRoutledge1532785X, 15213269Q1
51Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social NetworkingMary Ann Liebert Inc.21522715, 21522723Q1
52Psychology of Women QuarterlySAGE Publications Ltd14716402, 03616843Q1
53Family ProcessWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd15455300, 00147370Q1
54Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the ArtsAmerican Psychological Association1931390X, 19313896Q1
55Journal of Counseling PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association220167Q1
56Learning and Individual DifferencesElsevier BV18733425, 10416080Q1
57Journal of Research in PersonalityAcademic Press Inc.00926566, 10957251Q1
58Anxiety, Stress and CopingBrunner - Routledge (US)10615806, 14772205Q1
59International Journal of Stress ManagementAmerican Psychological Association10725245, 15733424Q1
60Sex RolesSpringer New York03600025, 15732762Q1
61Journal of Managerial PsychologyEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.2683946Q1
62Journal of AdolescenceJohn Wiley and Sons Inc.10959254, 01401971Q1
63Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and PracticeWiley-Blackwell20448341, 14760835Q1
64International Journal of Behavioral DevelopmentSAGE Publications Ltd01650254, 14640651Q1
65Journal of Research in ReadingWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14679817, 01410423Q1
66Educational PsychologyRoutledge14695820, 01443410Q1
67Stress and HealthJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.15323005, 15322998Q1
68Cognitive Therapy and ResearchSpringer New York01475916, 15732819Q1
69Small Group ResearchSAGE Publications Inc.15528278, 10464964Q1
70Thinking and ReasoningTaylor and Francis Ltd.14640708, 13546783Q1
71American Journal of OrthopsychiatryAmerican Orthopsychiatric Association Inc.19390025, 00029432Q1
72Psychosomatic MedicineLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.00333174, 15347796Q1
73Aggressive BehaviorWiley-Liss Inc.10982337, 0096140XQ1
74Journal of Social and Personal RelationshipsSAGE Publications Ltd2654075Q1
75Journal of Experimental Child PsychologyAcademic Press Inc.00220965, 10960457Q1

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